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Teen blasts NWA's "Fuck tha Police" during slain officers funeral

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He played a song. If blasting protest music near cops is all it takes I guess I'm a freedom fighter?

A song titled "Fuck tha Police" during a funeral for an officer that was murdered without cause including lyrics such as
"I'm a sniper with a hell of a scope Taking out a cop or two, they can't cope with me,The motherfucking villain that's mad
With potential, to get bad as fuck
So I'ma turn it around
Put in my clip, yo, and this is the sound
{​*BOOM, BOOM*}​
Yeah, something like that
But it all depends on the size of the gat
Taking out a police would make my day
But a nigga like Ren don't give a fuck to say".

I'll defend his right to do this on a legal basis but let's not pretend that it's just a song and there's absolutely no context for the outrage.


Well according to at least one poster in here he should have been killed for that.

The guy who said that is a beacon of good. It's anyone who wouldn't murder someone and laugh while they "burn in hell" who are inhuman.

Also, the NYPost isn't going to put much effort into checking if the kid's story was true. It wouldn't fit their chosen narrative. Hint:look at the OP.


The officers came by the apartment to tell him to turn that shit off. I'm conflicted about whether I agree with their right to do that. Everything about this situation is awful but I don't blame the officers for going up there one damn bit.

That's all that is said about the eviction and I certainly believe the landlord over the kid that lied about having family that was killed.

NY Post said:
About 20 officers went up to the apartment to try to halt the music, with one cop speaking to the teen in Spanish about his own time growing up as a Latino in the city, law-enforcement sources said.
The teen told The Post that he eventually apologized to the cops — but only because the building super threatened to toss his family out of their home if he didn't.
”I apologized because it was between the house and apologizing," he said.

What you quoted about the land lord saying "they have to get out of there"; one, does not contradict the kid's statement of what happened; and two, does not contradict the kid's statement hat the landlord threatened to evict the tenants because what the landlord was quoted as saying is vague as fuck.

Sure the land lord may have told "them they have to get out of here", but who are "them"?


The officers came by the apartment to tell him to turn that shit off. I'm conflicted about whether I agree with their right to do that. Everything about this situation is awful but I don't blame the officers for going up there one damn bit.

That's all that is said about the eviction and I certainly believe the landlord over the kid that lied about having family that was killed.
How do you even know he lied about having family murdered? Just because the news didn't immediately find proof? Garbage


The police torment, intimidate, and murder black people and other minorities with impunity. Sorry if I'm not prepared to condemn this kid for his act of defiance against our oppressors.


Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.



Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.
Ayyyy, you really need to put the /s bro. Fuck, I'm out.

Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.


ain't you the dude who tried to pretend Carl Benjamin isn't just a dude who gets paid to harass women?

Don't think we need to hear your thoughts on how to mend the black community



Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

I guess this thread is going there, huh? Wow.


Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

RinsFury never blamed all of black people's issues on police in this thread.

So not sure why you thought it well to trot out intraracial homicide statistics.


Well according to at least one poster in here he should have been killed for that.

And burned in hell too.

Q: How is this different from the Westboro Baptist Church funeral protests?

That for once the police stood to the protestor?


Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.




Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

Good Lord.

Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

And like clockwork we've reached the "what about black on black crime?" portion of the discussion.

The police are a part of the power structure that is 100% responsible for the socio economic, cultural and institutionalized racism that has created the racial and social structure as we know it now (and 100% directly contributes to those black on black crime statistics you cite) and as long as the police maintain and defend their position in that power structure and continue to operate like a fraternity that operates above the law they deserve to be criticized as a whole. Fuck the police.



Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

Your link also shows that the vast majority of white people are killed by other white people. Don't see anyone going "the white community needs mending". All those stats say is the United States is still heavily segregated so crime committers will almost always trend to commit crimes against those of their own race due to proximity.

And multiple police have been on record saying they intentionally do not or underpolice white areas because they get more pushback than when they're heavy handed against black communities.

Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

???, you serious with this!?!?!? like you're going to throw the black on black crime shit on us!?

imma stop right here before I get banned...


And like clockwork we've reached the "what about black on black crime" of the discussion.

Which is a shame because no one answered me on "what about black funerals?"

Edit: I'm also interested in the cultural issues they think we need to fix about ourselves. I guess it's the parts that weren't stolen.


This thread is disgusting on so many levels.

The police are clearly using this tragedy to play racial politics.

But even then-


I'm shocked at how so many people are actually applauding this. Have some empathy, god damn. Imagine being related to the woman who was killed, and then seeing some idiot roll up with a song that's basically celebrating her death? Shit like that is traumatic. How fucking removed do you have to be from a basic sense of humanity and decency to not see that?

"But what about the cops-"

Ya, the NYPD is shit. Still. We're discussing a specific incident that happened in the context of this thread, and what that kid did was disgusting.

And I would say that about anyone's funeral. A pedophile, an ISIS fighter, literally fucking anyone. If a family is grieving, even for a bad person, it's awful to just roll up and play celebratory music or do anything to further their grief at a funeral. This woman wasn't as bad as any of those examples, so it should be more obvious to all of you that this was wrong. Just let them have their sendoff.

Criticize the NYPD all you want, what they're doing with this officer's death is awful. But don't pretend it's OK to crash a funeral and troll the victim's family no matter who they are. That's awful, horrendous behaviour and the fact that so many of you are endorsing it is disturbing.


Gold Member

Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

I haven't seen a single post saying cops are responsible for "most" black deaths, just that they ARE responsible for a disproportionate number of them and usually end up receiving zero accountability for it.

As for the bulk of your post, I feel like I might have filled up most of a bingo card here:
Black-on-black crime square, check.
#NotAllCops square, check.
Pull yourself (and, by extension, the community) up by the bootstraps square, check.
It's the music/movies/culture square, check.

As for "institutionalized racism", um, who do you think are the people tasked with protecting and enforcing the laws of said institutions?
Criticize the NYPD all you want, what they're doing with this officer's death is awful. But don't pretend it's OK to crash a funeral and troll the victim's family no matter who they are. That's awful, horrendous behaviour and the fact that so many of you are endorsing honestly left me disturbed.

Kid didn't crash the funeral to be accurate though.


Criticize the NYPD all you want, what they're doing with this officer's death is awful. But don't pretend it's OK to crash a funeral and troll the victim's family no matter who they are. That's awful, horrendous behaviour and the fact that so many of you are endorsing it is disturbing.



I'm shocked at how so many people are actually applauding this. Have some empathy, god damn.

I have lots of it, just happens that i have 0 for opressors and their enforcers, for those that kill with impunity those that happens to be of the wrong color of skin.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

84% of white homicides are committed by white people.
Also, I see you.


This thread is disgusting on so many levels.

The police are clearly using this tragedy to play racial politics.

But even then-


I'm shocked at how so many people are actually applauding this. Have some empathy, god damn. Imagine being related to the woman who was killed, and then seeing some idiot roll up with a song that's basically celebrating her death? Shit like that is traumatic. How fucking removed do you have to be from a basic sense of humanity and decency to not see that?

"But what about the cops-"

Ya, the NYPD is shit. Still. We're discussing a specific incident that happened in the context of this thread, and what that kid did was disgusting.

And I would say that about anyone's funeral. A pedophile, an ISIS fighter, literally fucking anyone. If a family is grieving, even for a bad person, it's awful to just roll up and play celebratory music or do anything to further their grief at a funeral. This woman wasn't as bad as any of those examples, so it should be more obvious to all of you that this was wrong. Just let them have their sendoff.

Criticize the NYPD all you want, what they're doing with this officer's death is awful. But don't pretend it's OK to crash a funeral and troll the victim's family no matter who they are. That's awful, horrendous behaviour and the fact that so many of you are endorsing it is disturbing.

The kid didn't roll up anywhere



Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.
This thread is disgusting on so many levels.

The police are clearly using this tragedy to play racial politics.

But even then-


I'm shocked at how so many people are actually applauding this. Have some empathy, god damn. Imagine being related to the woman who was killed, and then seeing some idiot roll up with a song that's basically celebrating her death? Shit like that is traumatic. How fucking removed do you have to be from a basic sense of humanity and decency to not see that?

"But what about the cops-"

Ya, the NYPD is shit. Still. We're discussing a specific incident that happened in the context of this thread, and what that kid did was disgusting.

And I would say that about anyone's funeral. A pedophile, an ISIS fighter, literally fucking anyone. If a family is grieving, even for a bad person, it's awful to just roll up and play celebratory music or do anything to further their grief at a funeral. This woman wasn't as bad as any of those examples, so it should be more obvious to all of you that this was wrong. Just let them have their sendoff.

Criticize the NYPD all you want, what they're doing with this officer's death is awful. But don't pretend it's OK to crash a funeral and troll the victim's family no matter who they are. That's awful, horrendous behaviour and the fact that so many of you are endorsing it is disturbing.

I have empathy for the people who are so disenfranchised and so ignored that their only recourse is to blast a fucking song during a funeral to make their point and make themselves heard. Maybe the kid should have silently protested and gotten on one knee oh wait Colin Kaepernick tried that and still caught hell for it.


This thread is disgusting on so many levels.

The police are clearly using this tragedy to play racial politics.

But even then-


I'm shocked at how so many people are actually applauding this. Have some empathy, god damn. Imagine being related to the woman who was killed, and then seeing some idiot roll up with a song that's basically celebrating her death? Shit like that is traumatic. How fucking removed do you have to be from a basic sense of humanity and decency to not see that?

"But what about the cops-"

Ya, the NYPD is shit. Still. We're discussing a specific incident that happened in the context of this thread, and what that kid did was disgusting.

And I would say that about anyone's funeral. A pedophile, an ISIS fighter, literally fucking anyone. If a family is grieving, even for a bad person, it's awful to just roll up and play celebratory music or do anything to further their grief at a funeral. This woman wasn't as bad as any of those examples, so it should be more obvious to all of you that this was wrong. Just let them have their sendoff.

Criticize the NYPD all you want, what they're doing with this officer's death is awful. But don't pretend it's OK to crash a funeral and troll the victim's family no matter who they are. That's awful, horrendous behaviour and the fact that so many of you are endorsing honestly left me disturbed.

It was made into a political event (aka public event) and a 16 year old played a political song. Yes it was a song protesting the government police, but, that should be expected AT A POLITICAL EVENT. Political protest should ALWAYS be expected at a political event in the USA.



Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

Well you certainly helped a lot by blaming 93% on a specific race


"Yeah the nypd did the same thing, but let me tell you, this kid was out of line!"

The kid was so out of line he was threatened online by a poster claiming there wouldn't be any pieces left of his body had it been the funeral of someone he knew about.

But we need to show humanity.


"Yeah the nypd did the same thing, but let me tell you, this kid was out of line!"

If he really wants to protest he should go elsewhere.

Somewhere nobody can see him and won't inconvenience people.

Or burn in hell, either way works, I suppose.




Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

Nice one dude.

and I must say the teenager is an asshole but I fucking hate cops so I'm on his side on this one.


NYPD have hurt too many innocent people for me to have sympathy for them as an organization. What happened to the officer is tragic but this wasn't about her.


I have lots of it, just happens that i have 0 for opressors and their enforcers, for those that kill with impunity those that happens to be of the wrong color of skin.

I understand your rage. I actually got banned on this site for a while because of what I said I wanted to happen to a cop that killed an unarmed black man. But this "all cops are evil and if they die we should celebrate their deaths in front of their families at their funerals" stance is a little extreme. Like, if we've gotten to this point for police officers, that they should all die, then everything is beyond fucked.

All I want is for them to face real consequences when they kill black people and destroy our lives so that they will stop, I don't want them to literally all die and I sure as fuck won't cheer if they get killed off by actual criminals.
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