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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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S. L. said:
My take on very basic stuff to make a kit look presentable:
- Flat clear coat, canned, the idea is to spray it over the bare plastic too get away the toy look. Get hobby paint, hardwarestore canned paint is way to thick and agressive.
- Exacto Knife.
- A mechanical pencil would be good to trace the panel lines, gives the kit more depth. A very thin gray! marker will work too
- wet-sanding paper sheets around 400-1000 girth to sand away the nubs

this stuff above will cost you maybe 15~20usd and will make your kit look twice as good as out of box with minimal effort and cost

When you mention flat clear coat, do you go and spray the pieces while they're still on the trees or do you wait until the model is completed and assembled before spraying the clear coat?

S. L.

Hero said:
When you mention flat clear coat, do you go and spray the pieces while they're still on the trees or do you wait until the model is completed and assembled before spraying the clear coat?
when it is assembled. you want to apply the decals and panel-lining first.
you might want to break it into some basic parts like feets, torso, legs, etc and maybe mask off some clear parts that you don't want flat, like the eyes.

edit: some basic tips with cans
shake them well and warm them up first. like on the heating or in warm water.
this will result in a finer mist giving you a smoother finish. spray at around 30cm distance and just apply a thin! coat in one swiping motion. let it dry for like 5 min and see if it was enough, else repeat. if you spray too much it will just create overly thick paint and possibly ugly paint drops


S. L. said:
yeah but the gundams have lots of flat areas which are pretty hard to paint evenly. but if you say you have experience give it a shot.
With airbrush the thing is you need a compressor too. There is this sorta famous Güde Profi Airbrush set (the blue one)
which is a pretty good beginner set. (used around ~70€, new around 120€)

for colors with airbrush i recommend either Tamiya (can also used for handpainting, hobby store) or Vallejo Air (hobby store or "fantasy" shops) acrylics - they aren't toxic and easy to cleanup.
Airbrush is pretty easy to get into, so no worries there.

Ok thanks.
I watched the first ep of Unicorn a few days ago and holy crap that was awesome. It reminded me why I loved Gundam so much when I growing up. I know it's till early to judge, but it has the potential to trump Gundam 08th MS Team, my favorite Gundam series.

I've heard that the 2nd Ep is going to be released in Autumn of this year, but as long as it's quality, I'll be content with waiting. : )
S. L. said:
when it is assembled. you want to apply the decals and panel-lining first.
you might want to break it into some basic parts like feets, torso, legs, etc and maybe mask off some clear parts that you don't want flat, like the eyes.

edit: some basic tips with cans
shake them well and warm them up first. like on the heating or in warm water.
this will result in a finer mist giving you a smoother finish. spray at around 30cm distance and just apply a thin! coat in one swiping motion. let it dry for like 5 min and see if it was enough, else repeat. if you spray too much it will just create overly thick paint and possibly ugly paint drops
Baller. You've learned a crapload since you started, and I'm slowly getting there.

Hey, I was thinking about doing your technique on the Sinanju black parts, but I would like to know two things:

- You said to use oven cleaner (?) for cleaning up paint and not melting the plastic? What brand do you use?

- What kind of paint is the "email" on your blog?

I'm considering buying the Banshee conversion kit for the Unicorn - looks like a ton of fun. You gonna give the Unicorn a go eventually?

Also, for the runner painting techniques, I started off doing the painting while on the runner like Danny Choo recommended on his blog, but I found the nubs to be troublesome, and when painting over after you've sanded, it just looks terrible 50-60% of the time and you have to re-do it. I recommend cutting it out, assembling basic parts and masking areas you think need it, but it takes more time for SURE. So both have their payoffs, but I like the time involved - thats the fun of it.

S. L.

Major Williams said:
Baller. You've learned a crapload since you started, and I'm slowly getting there.

Hey, I was thinking about doing your technique on the Sinanju black parts, but I would like to know two things:

- You said to use oven cleaner (?) for cleaning up paint and not melting the plastic? What brand do you use?

- What kind of paint is the "email" on your blog?

I'm considering buying the Banshee conversion kit for the Unicorn - looks like a ton of fun. You gonna give the Unicorn a go eventually?
dunno, these sprays that produce white foam will do fine. just get the cheapest.
put the parts in box or plasticbag, spray in the stuff and close/seal. let it sit for half a day and wipe/wash off the paint.

email are a type of color. (read it up on wikipedia) they use a different type of thinner that doesn't attack acrylics or lacquer which allows you to wipe them off with the tinner (or lighter fluid) without wiping off any other color (also google up "washing" in relation to model kits, it a common technique)

i think the only difference between the Unicorn and the Banshee is the different "horn"...
and no i won't build a unicorn. I am a Zeon man!



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
major_killjoy said:
I watched the first ep of Unicorn a few days ago and holy crap that was awesome. It reminded me why I loved Gundam so much when I growing up. I know it's till early to judge, but it has the potential to trump Gundam 08th MS Team, my favorite Gundam series.

I've heard that the 2nd Ep is going to be released in Autumn of this year, but as long as it's quality, I'll be content with waiting. : )

In autumn?! How fucking long is it going to take to finish Unicorn?!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
donkey show said:
It's gonna be like 08th MS Team where it took like more than 3 years! =p

There's only six episodes! It might be quicker just to bone up on my Japanese and read the novel. :p

S. L.

Major Williams said:
I'm considering buying the Banshee conversion kit for the Unicorn - looks like a ton of fun.
you should try going for the FA Unicorn, that one is pretty crazy :lol :lol
The Banshee is just a different horn.


donkey show said:
You might as well! :lol

And I got my Mega Bloks Zaku II S today!


:D :D :D[/QUOTE]
mini Char is awesome


Neo Member
Great modelling tips in this thread. Just ordered a MG EX-S (my favorite design, wish they made a PG) ... never thought to use a mechanical pencil instead of a marker, seems less stressful, I'll try it! (along with the flat clear coat) Any other advice welcome!
_dementia said:
mega blok zaku ii is amazing
i had no idea something like that existed
are their any other suits?
There's the RX-78 Gundam and a normal Zaku II in that size. There are smaller ones though that have more articulation, but less detail.

BattleMonkey said:
Well 08 MS Team had some production troubles that also delayed it's releases.

Well, there is that as well considering the director died like halfway through production, but if we look at Macross Zero's release timeline which was only like 5 episodes, it nearly took 3 years to complete. If we assume it's going to be around 6 months for each episode for Unicorn to drop, then 3 years isn't really that far off.
Got a chance to watch the first episode of Unicorn last night.

The Kshatriya is BAMF!

Makes me want the 1:100 resin kit, but I dont know if I would do the $200+ kit justice if I bought it. I am considering the HGUC kit instead - its massive, but would still require a lot of detail work (more contour lines, custom painting) to make it look decent and 'pop'. Still thinking.... What would you guys recommend? Links:

1:100 Resin Kshatriya by Neograde


HGUC 1:144 Kshatriya

Decisions decisions...
Checked my order status for Gundam Unicorn at Amazon:
"We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot be canceled or changed."

Should be here tomorrow!!
distantmantra said:
Checked my order status for Gundam Unicorn at Amazon:
"We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot be canceled or changed."

Should be here tomorrow!!
Awesome! You gonna paint it in anyway?

I think I'm either gonna do the banshee conversion, or paint the underskeleton a darker clear red.
distantmantra said:
Checked my order status for Gundam Unicorn at Amazon:
"We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot be canceled or changed."

Should be here tomorrow!!
Mine said it already shipped last night. :3


Mine shipped today, though since it's coming from Japan it won't arrive until about this time next week. Assuming you guys are referring to the OVA, not a kit >.>
Yep, the Blu-ray OVA, not a model.

donkey show said:
There's the RX-78 Gundam and a normal Zaku II in that size. There are smaller ones though that have more articulation, but less detail.

I'm planning on getting the Mega Block Zeta Gundam on vacation in Tokyo next month.
distantmantra said:
I'm planning on getting the Mega Block Zeta Gundam on vacation in Tokyo next month.
Nice one! I'd totally ask if you could find the RX-78 one for me if possible since it's damn near impossible to find in the states. Getting you the money would not be a problem at all.
So what are your guys' predictions on 2010's new MG kits?

They have already said they are going to come out with at least 2-3 more Unicorn variants last I heard, and there are already 3 versions out there (As of this week): Ver.Ka, Titaniun finish, and HD-Color (with updated knee). I'm hoping to see an official Banshee variant this year.

There will probably be another big version 2.0 release, and I'm thinking it will probably be a Zaku (easy to do permutations with), and I'm not too excited about that, but whatev.

To coincide with the 00 movie's release, they'll probably release something new there for that movie in relation to the protagonist in the Fall.

Around Christmas time (and continuation of the Unicorn series), I hope to see Kshatriya get the full MG treatment. It deserves it frankly, and I hope to see more unique mech designs out of that series.

S. L.

Eh, I doubt there will be a MG Kshatirya. Its too large and they skipped out on other large MS like The O too.
Expecting more AU, especially after they broke MG AU tradition with the 00 GN-X and for unicorn maybe a Geara Zulu and Jegan variants.
I got my Unicorn 01 BD from Amazon today and holy FUCK that was awesome. No excessively emo bullshit and if some does come around you know the slap will follow.

Fuck yeah.


polyh3dron said:
I got my Unicorn 01 BD from Amazon today and holy FUCK that was awesome. No excessively emo bullshit and if some does come around you know the slap will follow.

Fuck yeah.

I get mine delivered today. Can't fraking wait!
DustoMan said:
I get mine delivered today. Can't fraking wait!
I've been watching it on loop for the longest time on my MacBook, but I cannot wait to get it on BD goodness today!

I also got confirmation from HLJ that only one of my two SD Unicorn has shipped! :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
What does the blu ray OVA have? The entire series or just like, the first couple episodes?

Oh, 59 minutes. It must only be the first episode.
My copy was delivered to my house this morning... but I'm at work for three more hours.

thetrin said:
What does the blu ray OVA have? The entire series or just like, the first couple episodes?

Oh, 59 minutes. It must only be the first episode.

Just the first episode (of six). Second episode is out sometime in the Fall.

S. L.

distantmantra said:

Just got done watching the first episode. I'm speechless. :D[/QUOTE]
what (if any) kind of extras are on the bluray?
S. L. said:
what (if any) kind of extras are on the bluray?

All of the extras are BD-Live enabled downloads. A bunch of Gundam UC promo videos, and the most evil episode 2 preview ever... just a picture of Full Frontal grinning with the words "Autumn 2010" below...

If you choose the Japanese language option when the disc boots up, you also can watch the Gundam 00 movie trailer, the new Votoms OVA trailer, Vepseria First Strike trailer, and some Mai Hime blu-ray trailers.

S. L.

distantmantra said:
All of the extras are BD-Live enabled downloads. A bunch of Gundam UC promo videos, and the most evil episode 2 preview ever... just a picture of Full Frontal grinning with the words "Autumn 2010" below...

If you choose the Japanese language option when the disc boots up, you also can watch the Gundam 00 movie trailer, the new Votoms OVA trailer, Vepseria First Strike trailer, and some Mai Hime blu-ray trailers.

pretty unexciting :|
So because I don't have a super-cool blog like some people here *cough* SL *cough*, I figured I'd post my progress on the Sinanju here.

It's been ~3.5 weeks of work and I'm finished with the first part!

To note: Made chrome exhaust ports with red on the inside, hand painted the gold with a #000 brush. All parts are painted.

Still to do:

- put decals on (waiting for Water Decals from Hong Kong for 3+weeks)
- Top coat
- Weapons



Got and watched my copy of the Unicorn Blu-ray. I dunno, I think gaf over hyped me a bit. It was very good, Banagher Links is probably the best UC protagonist already, and the animation in 1080p was stunning. But with everyone talking up the last 5 minutes to such an insane degree, I guess I was expecting a lot more than that cock tease. Fuck you Bandai, that's something you do when the turn around for the next episode is seven days, not six months or more you dicks.

And they had better plan on including some f'ing extras on one of these discs.
Linkzg said:
That's really impressive
Thanks man! It's literally taken me a year of on-and-off work to get the controls to a level of satisfaction and user ease since working on the GOTY edition.

I also miss games like Metal Warriors and Assault Suits Valken/Leynos, so I wanted to somehow recapture that style of gameplay.
Fellow gunpla maniac here. Anyone getting the Formania Nu Gundam bust? Man, if there was ever a Gundam model that could make a guy moist..... too bad it's only the torso.

Is there even a resin kit out there that looks as good?

Major Williams said:
Around Christmas time (and continuation of the Unicorn series), I hope to see Kshatriya get the full MG treatment. It deserves it frankly, and I hope to see more unique mech designs out of that series.

Wouldn't it be too big hence too expensive to produce? It IS very cool, though.


Goddamn it guys, now you're making me want to get back into this. :lol I only bought a few models before (lame really small scales ones) and didn't paint/detail any. I think I might start up again with some model painting experience though (used to do Warhammer 40k)...I just need to wait until my wallet is empty, then I'll come back here for advice. :lol
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