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Welcome @Majornelson to NeoGAF

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Welcome. For what its worth, I think you pretty much are the only 'face' of Xbox worth noticing. You make the Xbox-division seem somewhat human and thats very much needed after J Allard left. So keep it up.


Dat bluray and cell development price.

The ps3 was ridiculously expensive when it first came out, only made for people with two jobs!

And why is the cost of xboxone so high and ps4 lower than that of the ps3?. Its horribly overpriced in the uk no two ways about it.


Welcome. I don't really know in what capacity you are here, but I hope you'll be able to participate in more than just Xbox related threads. That doesn't necessarily mean Sony threads, either.


Welcome. I don't really know in what capacity you are here, but I hope you'll be able to participate in more than just Xbox related threads. That doesn't necessarily mean Sony threads, either.

Major Nelson in Sony threads would be awesome! But I don't see it happening.


I'm really impressed by Microsoft's willingness to interact with NeoGAF like this. Major and Albert are good people.
With the right approved leaks directly to this board with useful informative information. He could very easily sway neogaf more towards the Xbone.

I think we'd all be more inclined to support xbox if you treated us with respect. Sony have done that from the get go, hence we love them here. No power of cloud, number of transistors secret sauce pr bullshit.

We want transparency, honesty, humility and high quality 1080p videos of everything.
The next CBOAT thread is going to be awkward as fuck.

Can't wait.

Albert is the director of the product planning division for MS and he's been posting here for a while, even during the whole yield and downclock thread. I don't think it's going to get any more awkward with the Major now here.
Welcome Major! Are your posts only for Tier 1 countries?



A couple questions, is it MS policy to question one's contribution to society when trolled by random forum posters?
Will you be avoiding Angry Joe in the same way you avoided answering questions about your draconian DRM through the Adam Orth scandal and before your huge MS reveal?
Seriously how well do you take being trolled and having your words and actions held against you? Michael Pachter will love you for taking heat of him.

Has Angry Joe commented on this thread yet?


Major Nelson in Sony threads would be awesome! But I don't see it happening.

I mean more along the lines of OT's, General nostalgia threads and not things that are 100 percent related to Microsoft. I doubt he's step foot in any Sony threads, I know I wouldn't in his position. I don't really step foot in Sony threads either, actually.

Hey major Nelson, if you can somehow get 1vs100 to come back I'll buy an Xbox One :)

Oh, and this. Well, maybe.


what happened?

A number of accounts who registered here in a very convenient time were...handled by Bish for blatant astroturfing. Bish mentioned how they didn't even try to use a less suspicious email address and combined with the content of their posts it was easy to nail them.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Company mandate for PR peeps to really put in the work and connect with gamers in their natural habitats? Feels like it.

Oh well, will be interesting! Get Yosp onto Gaf and Reggie and it can be a down and dirty free for all.


I'm really impressed by Microsoft's willingness to interact with NeoGAF like this. Major and Albert are good people.

I love that the devs that post here like normal posters get no credit, but pr shills being pr shill are "good people"
I really hope that we don't just end up with PR Bullshit from these Albert and Major on here as its bad enough hearing them post in every other forum at the moment trying to do damage control.

Next time try promoting your product without slagging of the competition as your starting to look like a bunch of arses. Also helps if you stop telling fibs to your consumers as we are not dumb shits with no inteligence.
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