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Zero Escape 3 announced, Summer 2016. PR: 3DS and Vita

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So uchikoshi revealed some more stuff about the game. Spoiling for those who want to go in without knowing anything
the test site is called dcom( that's why the crash keys Twitter said that) and the people are forced to play in games more miserable than the nonary games
The last part sounds great.
Source: http://i.imgur.com/6CurQiW.jpg
I'm leaving the link there for those who don't want to know anything. It's from uchikoshis Facebook.


I think that
ZTD will make you choose between your loved ones and the whole world. Remember "the needs of many outweigh the needs of the few"
random thought (VLR SPOILER)
what if the filters on the suits worn by the characters at the end of VLR had a red filter?

If they can reconcile Dio, Quark's and Tenmyouji's testimonies with that, is it possible that Rhizome-9 actually is NOT on the moon?
random thought (VLR SPOILER)
what if the filters on the suits worn by the characters at the end of VLR had a red filter?

If they can reconcile Dio, Quark's and Tenmyouji's testimonies with that, is it possible that Rhizome-9 actually is NOT on the moon?
eh. If they did have a red filter, the ground around them would also have been red and that wasn't shown to have happened. The couple of times we saw the outside, it looked normally everywhere else.http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net...aa/Rhi9.png/revision/latest?cb=20150226141150


If they can reconcile Dio, Quark's and Tenmyouji's testimonies with that, is it possible that Rhizome-9 actually is NOT on the moon?

Radical-6 slows down mental processing by a rate of 6 or something, and the Moon's gravity is 1/6 of the Earth's. Combined the two, and nobody perceives the difference. This also explains why Sigma doesn't feel as weak as his old body should, as it is "assisted" by the decreased gravity, making him feel as strong as his young self. This is also why Phi "flew" so high at the beginning of the game and also how she did a flying kick into Dio from behind towards the end. I believe Uchikoshi may have confirmed the part about Sigma's strength in the Q&A?
Radical-6 slows down mental processing by a rate of 6 or something, and the Moon's gravity is 1/6 of the Earth's. Combined the two, and nobody perceives the difference. This also explains why Sigma doesn't feel as weak as his old body should, as it is "assisted" by the decreased gravity, making him feel as strong as his young self. This is also why Phi "flew" so high at the beginning of the game and also how she did a flying kick into Dio from behind towards the end. I believe Uchikoshi may have confirmed the part about Sigma's strength in the Q&A?

I kinda dig the
Participant 2 =Junpei
It seems improbable, but it's not far-fetched.
My only issue is
not in the design itself, but in that nonchalant and innocent pose, which really doesn't suit Junpei at all.

The again, I understand why they showed us pictures in B&W only. Without knowing the hair or clothes color, there's not much we can do, but theorizing like crazy.

I SERIOUSLY hope one of the participants will be

Also, we got one (new) picture on the 22nd and one on the 29th.
Can we expect more on the 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February, and 4th and 11th March?
Then maybe a good trailer by mid March. Let's hope!
I kinda dig the
Participant 2 =Junpei
It seems improbable, but it's not far-fetched.
My only issue is
not in the design itself, but in that nonchalant and innocent pose, which really doesn't suit Junpei at all.

The again, I understand why they showed us pictures in B&W only. Without knowing the hair or clothes color, there's not much we can do, but theorizing like crazy.

I SERIOUSLY hope one of the participants will be

Also, we got one (new) picture on the 22nd and one on the 29th.
Can we expect more on the 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February, and 4th and 11th March?
Then maybe a good trailer by mid March. Let's hope!

Seeing as we're likely to get a trailer "before the snow melts", I'm going with 12th-19th February for the trailer reveal.
I do hope they've got a nice mix of returning and new characters in this game. There's a lot of characters from 999 that would be nice to see in this one.
I do hope they've got a nice mix of returning and new characters in this game. There's a lot of characters from 999 that would be nice to see in this one.

I agree, I would love to see Santa and Snake again. I was really hoping they would be in VLR back when they first announced it, but VLR got Alice and Clover instead.
And Junpei too of course.


I think that we will get all the participants character portraits before the trailer. One a week and then a trailer makes the most sense to me and is pretty close to "before the snow melts
I do hope they've got a nice mix of returning and new characters in this game. There's a lot of characters from 999 that would be nice to see in this one.

Snake <3

I tweeted Uchikoshi about him after VLR came out, and he said he liked Snake and if enough people asked, he could potientially come back. :D


I cant wait for my copy. I preordered the watch version, gonna sit it right next to the nick nacks I never touch like my pipboy
I cant wait for my copy. I preordered the watch version, gonna sit it right next to the nick nacks I never touch like my pipboy

I had the watch edition preordered on my family's amazon account and someone cancelled the order. Alas, I have now missed out on all 3 watches. :(

Snake <3

I tweeted Uchikoshi about him after VLR came out, and he said he liked Snake and if enough people asked, he could potentially come back. :D
Well, let's hope enough people have tweeted him between then and now! :D


Quick question for you Zero Escape fans in light of wanting to be ready for part 3: my wife never ended up playing VLR due to the save game troubles on 3DS (and our lack of a Vita). Did they ever solve those? I remember reading somehwere that the digital version was more up to date than the cartridge version but I could be wrong on that. I also don't remember exactly how easy it was to avoid said problems alltogether and if that is a valid route to take. We'd be using the PAL version by the way, if that makes any difference.


Quick question for you Zero Escape fans in light of wanting to be ready for part 3: my wife never ended up playing VLR due to the save game troubles on 3DS (and our lack of a Vita). Did they ever solve those? I remember reading somehwere that the digital version was more up to date than the cartridge version but I could be wrong on that. I also don't remember exactly how easy it was to avoid said problems alltogether and if that is a valid route to take. We'd be using the PAL version by the way, if that makes any difference.

The bug's still a thing in the PAL version (ed: and generally in all 3DS versions, I believe). If you stick to saving during the non-puzzle sections, you're fine. There are two puzzle sections that are known to potentially cause the bug (PEC Room and Crew Quarters) so definitely don't save in those rooms.

Two Words

Radical-6 slows down mental processing by a rate of 6 or something, and the Moon's gravity is 1/6 of the Earth's. Combined the two, and nobody perceives the difference. This also explains why Sigma doesn't feel as weak as his old body should, as it is "assisted" by the decreased gravity, making him feel as strong as his young self. This is also why Phi "flew" so high at the beginning of the game and also how she did a flying kick into Dio from behind towards the end. I believe Uchikoshi may have confirmed the part about Sigma's strength in the Q&A?
It's at the rate of the square root of 6. It's called Radical 6 because that means the square root of 6.
Quick question for you Zero Escape fans in light of wanting to be ready for part 3: my wife never ended up playing VLR due to the save game troubles on 3DS (and our lack of a Vita). Did they ever solve those? I remember reading somehwere that the digital version was more up to date than the cartridge version but I could be wrong on that. I also don't remember exactly how easy it was to avoid said problems alltogether and if that is a valid route to take. We'd be using the PAL version by the way, if that makes any difference.

I think they just removed the ability to save in any area that would cause the problem. The occasional freezing is probably still in there :/


I will betray that character immediately.
As suspicious-looking as he is, I should hope that ZTD has a much better central gimmick to its Nonary Game that doesn't make me hate nearly the entire cast the way that the Ally/Betray system of VLR's Ambidex Game helped to do. I'm also hoping for something far more interesting than the Chromatic Doors gimmick for rooms and puzzles.

Either way, he looks absolutely nothing like
, and I say this as someone who figured out that VLR's
Ambidex Game participant Tenmyouji
was very shortly after starting that game.
I finally started playing VLR recently, the art in that game was really off putting. They went full over the top anime. I'm really digging the more realistic look in the character art they have shown so far.
As someone who still misses the lack of Nishimura for the art, I also admit that I didn't like the character designs in VLR as much as in 999, the latter of which were definitely more restrained by anime standards. I don't care for the idea of going for realism in Zero Escape, never mind this late in the series, but I will wait until designs for the rest of the cast of ZTD to show up (and what the game actually looks like, whenever they finally feel like actually getting around to that) before making any final conclusions, as this new character is the only one whose design I don't like so far.

Personally, I thought the bigger problem with VLR was (major story SPOILERS)
the plot going over-the-top anime, in a full-blown Metal Gear Solid kind of way in terms of complexity and stakes, going from the more personal story of 999 to everything revolving around saving the world, and I didn't care much for it


random thought (VLR SPOILER)
what if the filters on the suits worn by the characters at the end of VLR had a red filter?

If they can reconcile Dio, Quark's and Tenmyouji's testimonies with that, is it possible that Rhizome-9 actually is NOT on the moon?

I wouldn't like that personally.
I remember it taking place on the moon being a key part of my experience, because in the order I did things, I did the Dio ending first (the one you get out of the base) and thought "holy shit we're on the moon". Shortly after, someone said "nope, not the moon", and then very late game in my play order I found out it was actually the moon all along and I felt vindicated.


Dumb question: Summer is comprised of which months in the US?
June-July-August typically. They could stretch the meaning of "Summer" and push it for a late May or early September release though. My guess is a July release based on nothing but feeling.
Quick question for you Zero Escape fans in light of wanting to be ready for part 3: my wife never ended up playing VLR due to the save game troubles on 3DS (and our lack of a Vita). Did they ever solve those? I remember reading somehwere that the digital version was more up to date than the cartridge version but I could be wrong on that. I also don't remember exactly how easy it was to avoid said problems alltogether and if that is a valid route to take. We'd be using the PAL version by the way, if that makes any difference.

It's still there, but I played on 3DS and no issue.

Just don't save while in a puzzle section and there's nothing to worry about. If you need to take a break, just close the system.


June-July-August typically. They could stretch the meaning of "Summer" and push it for a late May or early September release though. My guess is a July release based on nothing but feeling.


Officially, June 20th through September 21st. Practically speaking I'd count all of June. Some parts of the country might stretch it to late May.

That's great, thanks guys!


Getting real strong pscho vibes. D:


The bug's still a thing in the PAL version (ed: and generally in all 3DS versions, I believe). If you stick to saving during the non-puzzle sections, you're fine. There are two puzzle sections that are known to potentially cause the bug (PEC Room and Crew Quarters) so definitely don't save in those rooms.

I think they just removed the ability to save in any area that would cause the problem. The occasional freezing is probably still in there :/

It's still there, but I played on 3DS and no issue.

Just don't save while in a puzzle section and there's nothing to worry about. If you need to take a break, just close the system.

Alternatively, just mindwarp out of the puzzle room and save.

Cheers guys, I'll pass this on to my better half so she can finally jump back into this great series again.


I played VLR so long ago I'm afraid I don't remember everything, and I don't really want to play it again. Is there a good, spoiler heavy recap of the events somewhere?


I played VLR so long ago I'm afraid I don't remember everything, and I don't really want to play it again. Is there a good, spoiler heavy recap of the events somewhere?

You can look it up at the zero escape wiki. Not a specific recap, but spread over several articles.


But he doesnt look that unsettling to me.

That in itself... is unsettling :eek:

But then again [VLR Spoiler]
Sometimes I thought Luna, a kind and gentle character, would be Zero and she was just so nice and gentle, no motives
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