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Zero Escape 3 announced, Summer 2016. PR: 3DS and Vita

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Aksys reveals concept art of nine ZE3 characters, which the fandom quickly identifies as Sigma, Schrödinger's Junpei, Diana, Diana, Diana, Diana, Diana, Diana, and Diana


Rather positive that Participant 6 is Diana.
Clearly, I wasn't so sure about 6 being Diana. The hair and the sweater over the button-down shirt for Participant 7, however, fit with the original promo art. Still no necklace, though.

...The new artist really likes knit sweaters, it seems. Like her better than the Participant 2 reveal, anyway.
I think there's an iOS version if you have an Apple device. It omits the puzzle rooms and plays out just as a visual novel however.
It also cuts out a significant amount of dialogue, events, and interactions, not to mention omits something key to the experience and the narrative by being told with only one screen. Seriously, DO NOT play the iOS version. It doesn't even qualify as a port with how poorly it was handled. If getting a 3DS to play the original on is not an option, then YouTubing the DS version is a much better solution than bothering with the iOS one at all.
If that's Diana on the cover, maybe she's finally the
secret psychopath
trope, to contrast
the double-twist that Luna was genuinely a nice person you could generally trust

Having visually normal characters might be a nice change, but I still miss Nishimura.


I'm personally in favor of the art style right now. It's certainly different from Nishimura, but not to a huge degree nor in an unappealing way. If these images are even close to how the characters will be represented in-game then I'm looking forward to it.
The characters will probably all look a little different once when we see the actual in game models vs the concept art.

But so far besides 7's weird eyes the character design is streets ahead of the first two games and especially VLR which was all over the place.


Probably worth noting that it's reasonable to expect more down-to-earth designs in general for these characters. After all,
they're all involved in a Mars mission simulation
, so most of them probably have scientific backgrounds and are "on the job", so to speak.

Of course, by saying this I've probably guaranteed the next character will be Lotus' belly-dancing understudy by night.
Probably worth noting that it's reasonable to expect more down-to-earth designs in general for these characters. After all,
they're all involved in a Mars mission simulation
, so most of them probably have scientific backgrounds and are "on the job", so to speak.

Of course, by saying this I've probably guaranteed the next character will be Lotus' belly-dancing understudy by night.

I mean, Alice was
"on the job" as a government agent
and wears a necklace draped over her boobs instead of a shirt so I think they're just going for a different tone altogether here.
The more I think about the missing necklace the more I think it's some kind of key in the game, both figuratively and literally.

I'm really excited for the game. I don't think I can stress this fact enough.
It seems like the necklace probably isn't there on purpose? Like, if it was there we'd all be like "Yep, that's Diana.", but since it's not (but it pretty clearly is the same character), there's likely a story-significant reason behind it.


Grrr, why are the two women so similar? >_<

Ah well, before I haven't seen the full body, colored artwork or how they look in-game I won't judge the design decisions.


I'm not feeling the character designs so far. In the two previous games the characters stood out on design alone. I'm not getting that vibe here.
I think the character designs reflect the desperation and grim atmosphere that'll be present in Dcom. Thus, I'm in love with the style and the realistic designs.
Grrr, why are the two women so similar? >_<

Ah well, before I haven't seen the full body, colored artwork or how they look in-game I won't judge the design decisions.

Similar how?

Current female characters in animes tend to look relatively same-ish. These two female characters look totally different from each other. Different hair style, different face contours, different eyes, different everything.
Or do you think they look similar because they both wear a sweater? All sweaters look the same to you? You racist against sweaters, brah?

and I get hyped from your enthusiasm c: Keep at it.

If you ever want to get hyped for Zero Escape, just read Tricky Shadow's posts.


If that's Diana on the cover, maybe she's finally the
secret psychopath
trope, to contrast
the double-twist that Luna was genuinely a nice person you could generally trust

Having visually normal characters might be a nice change, but I still miss Nishimura.

Sigma fell for Diana but she turns out to be a psychopath, so thats why he creates Luna to be a genuinely nice, warm person. Looks like Diana, none of her imperfections
Grrr, why are the two women so similar? >_<

Ah well, before I haven't seen the full body, colored artwork or how they look in-game I won't judge the design decisions.

They don't look similar, like at all to me. Perhaps them both being shown in black and white is throwing you off? >_>

and I get hyped from your enthusiasm c: Keep at it.

If you ever want to get hyped for Zero Escape, just read Tricky Shadow's posts.


Sigma fell for Diana but she turns out to be a psychopath, so thats why he creates Luna to be a genuinely nice, warm person. Looks like Diana, none of her imperfections

Oooooh, YES! I like this theory, I like it a lot! I think it could go either way, but I'm leaning more towards
Diana just being innocent and really sweet resulting in her and Sigma bonding and forming a close connection. Thus Luna was born!

I love how Diana doesn't have a perfect looking face while Luna looks slightly more pretty by the way.


My thoughts:
I'd like Diana to be sweet and a good person too, but if thats the case, whats she doing torturing Sigma in that weird Saw chair with the gun? Maybe its part of a tragic decision she makes
My thoughts:
I'd like Diana to be sweet and a good person too, but if thats the case, whats she doing torturing Sigma in that weird Saw chair with the gun? Maybe its part of a tragic decision she makes

We don't know if Diana is doing that of her own accord or is being forced to somehow.

Also loving the "removing Diana's imperfections" part.


My thoughts:
I'd like Diana to be sweet and a good person too, but if thats the case, whats she doing torturing Sigma in that weird Saw chair with the gun? Maybe its part of a tragic decision she makes

Either because she's not that good of a person or because Radical6. We know she meets up with Siggy some time later on the moon regardless.
If the new participant is indeed Diana, then I have to believe the first female revealed was phi. I just realised how excited I am for this game when character portraits are enough to get me anticipating the release. I've noticed that either they going for a more serious character design or they're saving the wacky designs for later.
We don't know if Diana is doing that of her own accord or is being forced to somehow.

Also loving the "removing Diana's imperfections" part.

I have pretty much no doubt she's being forced to put a gun to Sigma's head. I think Zero Time Dilemma is going to be quite dark and filled with tons of panic, extreme pressure and plain ole dread - similar to Saw. I can see the participants having to play various deadly, torturous 'games' to advance.
I'm pretty sure I remember in VLR it was mentioned that the test site has various deadly traps.
It's going to be very bloody. I can feel it.
Sigma fell for Diana but she turns out to be a psychopath, so thats why he creates Luna to be a genuinely nice, warm person. Looks like Diana, none of her imperfections

This is a theory I can legitimately get behind.
Sounds very plausible.

If the new participant is indeed Diana, then I have to believe the first female revealed was phi. I just realised how excited I am for this game when character portraits are enough to get me anticipating the release. I've noticed that either they going for a more serious character design or they're saving the wacky designs for later.

The other female participant being Phi is something I said from the very beginning.
It's either Phi or a completely new character that just happens to resemble Phi a little bit.
I have pretty much no doubt she's being forced to put a gun to Sigma's head. I think Zero Time Dilemma is going to be quite dark and filled with tons of panic, extreme pressure and plain ole dread - similar to Saw. I can see the participants having to play various deadly, torturous 'games' to advance.
I'm pretty sure I remember in VLR it was mentioned that the test site has various deadly traps.
It's going to be very bloody. I can feel it.
VLR spoilers
Pretty sure one of those traps is confirmed to be the reason for Sigma's lost arms and eye


On a different note. I wonder if Zero Time Dillema means that the player will have to make tough decisions in split second, unlike VLR where it's one sec. to choose ally or betray and we have all of the time in the world.
I can see it being problematic from gameplay prespective. There would have to be some default choice in case you take to long to choose. Maybe: something happens to you or the other participant. If you fail to choose it will happen to both of you (or to both of you but to a lesser degree). Then there would be three-way split it the timeline. If there is time jumping, maybe it should be made so you cannot jump anytime. This way we will have to live with our decisions for a bit.
On a different note. I wonder if Zero Time Dillema means that the player will have to make tough decisions in split second, unlike VLR where it's one sec. to choose ally or betray and we have all of the time in the world.
I can see it being problematic from gameplay prespective. There would have to be some default choice in case you take to long to choose. Maybe: something happens to you or the other participant. If you fail to choose it will happen to both of you (or to both of you but to a lesser degree). Then there would be three-way split it the timeline. If there is time jumping, maybe it should be made so you cannot jump anytime. This way we will have to live with our decisions for a bit.

I think it is important that they hide the structure of the timeline this time around. You make good points, I'd enjoy that approach.


If the other female player is
Phi, then maybe the Phi we see in VLR is a much older (?) Phi (or from a distant timeline) or something weird happened to make her hair turn white?! I'm just so used to how Phi looks in VLR its hard to grasp - just WHO IS PHI?!?


I don't like the art style so far but it's not affecting my excitement in the slightest. Been going over the wiki a little bit as it's just amazing how many details you can forget about the first two games due to the sheer density of content and twists in them.


If the other female player is
Phi, then maybe the Phi we see in VLR is a much older (?) Phi (or from a distant timeline) or something weird happened to make her hair turn white?! I'm just so used to how Phi looks in VLR its hard to grasp - just WHO IS PHI?!?

Chill, only 4 character has been revealed so far


It's not like DSes are expensive these days :)

999 does some interesting things with the dual-screen setup, and if you're playing ZE you're presumably a fan of the puzzles, so I'd recommend getting the DS version over the iOS version.

Also I really like the DS sprites rather than the iOS art, but that's just opinion.

Yeah I'm not getting a DS just for one game.

I'll look into the iphone port.


Sigma fell for Diana but she turns out to be a psychopath, so thats why he creates Luna to be a genuinely nice, warm person. Looks like Diana, none of her imperfections
Hm, as a contrast to
Junpei's decision to pursue Akane in spite of acknowledging the terrible things that she had done, then ultimately abandoning any hope of ever getting back the person he loved after finally accepting just how far gone she was following his reunion with her in their senior years
? I suppose that's possible.


Sigma fell for Diana but she turns out to be a psychopath, so thats why he creates Luna to be a genuinely nice, warm person. Looks like Diana, none of her imperfections

Uchikoshi said,
Diana and Sigma build Luna together on the moon
If the other female player is
Phi, then maybe the Phi we see in VLR is a much older (?) Phi (or from a distant timeline) or something weird happened to make her hair turn white?! I'm just so used to how Phi looks in VLR its hard to grasp - just WHO IS PHI?!?

technically, between VLR Phi and ZE3 Phi there's a difference of roughly 4 months. It's entirely possible that she has long hair, or even another color. So I understand why people might think that she's n.6. Still, in VLR she has memories up until 25th December, so it's strange that she doesn't notice the hypotetical changed hair length .
Sigma fell for Diana but she turns out to be a psychopath, so thats why he creates Luna to be a genuinely nice, warm person. Looks like Diana, none of her imperfections

I don't think Diana will be a psychopath in the true ending of ZTD, can't speak about other possible endings though (I think it will be something similar to
psychotic ending if there is a Diana psychotic ending). Akane did tell Sigma that a woman's life was in danger, and that he lost both his arms and right eye for her. We know from the promo image released that Diana has Sigma in some sort of trap. We also know that
Diana survived
and helped Sigma
create Luna
, who is modeled after her. Given how nice
is (not saying Diana will be as nice), and the fact that
is modeled after her I'd say Sigma has some sort of romantic attraction to Diana, or that there are no negative feelings held towards one another, to say the least.

This is just my theory for Diana's role in the trap Sigma is in based on prior information revealed in VLR and what I'm assuming from the promo art.

I think that maybe the trap was set up like this: The trap is meant for two people in order to use/activate it. I think it was initially set up for Diana, but Sigma offered himself in place because he realized he would have to be torturing a woman, or because he has some sort of attraction to her on top of him not wanting to torture a woman (I'm placing them as a potential couple due to Uchikoshi saying Sigma and Phi would not be a romantic couple because of things he could not say due to them being spoilers on top of the whole Luna thing). In order to get out of the situation/room they're in Diana has to pull the trigger on the gun which causes the whole trap to set off, taking off Sigma's arms and right eye, possibly injuring his legs and neck area too, given the way that looks and is set up.

That is just my speculation though. Spoiler tagged just in case.
Oh god, the shipping wars have already begun and we don't even have the game yet.

Let me get in on this. $500 on one lover killing another one in this game.


Yeah I'm not getting a DS just for one game.

I'll look into the iphone port.

No. Stop. You don't understand.

There's a ton of other great DS (and 3DS if you decide to go that route) games if you need convincing. Ghost Trick, The World Ends With You, and many more.

The iPhone port really gimps the game and it won't have near the effect on you the DS version would. I know this sounds extremely console fanboy-ish, but everyone in here that has played it will agree with me.
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