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Zero Escape 3 announced, Summer 2016. PR: 3DS and Vita

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But then again [VLR Spoiler]
Sometimes I thought Luna, a kind and gentle character, would be Zero and she was just so nice and gentle, no motives

That would have been disappointing, since they had already played that card in 999.

But it's true, everything about n.2 screams psycho, from the perfect 70s haircut to the neat and tidy shirt that will inexplicably be splattered with blood halfway through the game.
But we don't know. Before VLR came out, I remember people theorizing that Tenmyouji would have been the new 9th man, and look at the awesomeness of my avatar!

And now I want the mandatory big amnesiac guy to be revealed next!

Psychopath + Shotgun.



Unconfirmed Member
New photo posted on Twitter, posting from phone so I can't hotlink. No idea who she could be.
Well, there goes the "one every Friday" theory. The posts are ramping up in speed. Maybe a trailer soon...?

As for the picture, I got instant Akane vibes, but it can't be her for a variety of reasons.
Including two very obvious ones.

Is this Diana? Someone new?
See, now THIS matches Diana (at least design-wise) from the concept art and the bracelet photos. Only thing is, I don't see the blue bird necklace.


Yeah that certainly looks Diana but what the heck is wrong with her eyes. Her right eye is almost drawn outside her head, it's ridiculous.
The more I look at that picture, the more sure I am that it's Diana.

The Luna similarities are strong.

With that in mind... I think people need to reexamine participant 6.

Still think 6 is Phi. Post dog-swap, of course.

EDIT: Oh right, the eyes. Egh... Well, people said Luna's eyes were hard to look at, so maybe this person will be the same.

EDIT 2: 2 -> 6. I mean, 2 being a girl would be a twist, but...


I'm curious if the hue noise added to these images is purely a visual effect. Seems like it could be used for steganography purposes, since the base image is grayscale...
Shite, I thought my 1-per-week theory was bulletproof...
Ok, while I was a good defender of the Participant 6 = Diana theory, now I reckon that with n.7 they are messing with us. She really looks like the girl in the promo art, minus the pendant.
Can they be sisters somehow and they exchange the pendant at some point? Now I'm doubting that n.6 has a pendant, it really can be the shirt... Gah, the theories!!!
Good job Aksys, you piqued my interest...

Those eyes tho...


VLR spoilers

Wasn't it Sigma who gave Luna the blue bird necklace? I think I recall her saying that he gave it to her so she wouldn't be sad. I wonder if ZTD will parallel this with however Diana acquires the necklace partway through the game. That would explain why, assuming participant 7 is her, she does not have it in the picture but does by the time she seems to be torturing Sigma.

Edit: what if participant 6 and 7 are both diana
For all the flak her eyes get, I think she has sort of a motherly aura around her.

I'd venture Lotus but alas, those knockers


I wouldn't use the bluebird necklace as any indicator for whether a character is/isn't Diana since she could just as easily have it in her pocket/with another character.
This is definitely the woman from the first gritty photo. Her eyes are sad and slanted which is strikingly like Luna, and that along with her seemingly shy demeanor and symmetric hairstyle makes me think this time we're really seeing Diana.
Im really not digging this new artstyle. It looks so dull. Maybe it gets better when we have some colour in these artworks. 999 and VLR already had inconsistencies with the new 3D models, but the direction was still similar with its strange, colourful casts of characters. I really hope they dont depart to far from the first two games.


Yeah eyes look weird like Luna's(although Luna's weren't this horrible), but then who is participant 6(my favourite character design so far)?


So if your a vita owner is there no way to play 999? Seems like an odd omission.
It's not like DSes are expensive these days :)

999 does some interesting things with the dual-screen setup, and if you're playing ZE you're presumably a fan of the puzzles, so I'd recommend getting the DS version over the iOS version.

Also I really like the DS sprites rather than the iOS art, but that's just opinion.
Im really not digging this new artstyle. It looks so dull. Maybe it gets better when we have some colour in these artworks. 999 and VLR already had inconsistencies with the new 3D models, but the direction was still similar with its strange, colourful casts of characters. I really hope they dont depart to far from the first two games.

It is a bit more dull (I don't mind), however:

1. We need to see full body shots/slightly more interesting poses of them all.

2. We need to see the characters in colour.

3. We need to see what they actually look like in-game.
It is a bit more dull (I don't mind), however:

1. We need to see full body shots/slightly more interesting poses of them all.

2. We need to see the characters in colour.

3. We need to see what they actually look like in-game.

I think 3 is the most important element here. I like the art style for the most part, I just want to see what in game will look like. Considering they're doing fully animated cutscenes (iirc I seen that they were, anyway) I hope that trailer releases soon. I would really like to see the characters in action, and color.
At first she looked odd, however her look has grown on me. She looks....unique. She looks vulnerable/fragile and like someone I want to protect.

To be honest, I think the black and white is what makes her eyes look a little off. I think that once we see a pic that's in color and not grainy she'll look fine.

I agree that at first glance they've done a good job of capturing the sort of innocence and sweetness that Luna had.
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