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Bethesda has an embargo on announcing the FO4 review embargo, are you kidding me

I get the embargo on the story. What worries me about this stuff is Bethesda often puts out hot messes....great stories...great games...but hot messes of crashes. Just hope this isn't hiding that.

This game is built on the same tech as those broken games, so I don't see them making the same mistakes again.


Any game is easy to criticize when you break down the game into parts. And yes, Bethesda games seem to be more criticized than others. I'm not a victim nor do I feel victimized nor do I think that this game is not deserving of criticism. Doesn't mean I can't think it sucks to read about it all the time. Sorry if you disagree.

Well designed games will be able to withstand that criticism and stand up on their base mechanics.
Being a huge fan of one of the most mainstream gaming publishers? From a game that is sure to get 9/10 as far as the eyes can see from mainstream reviewers?

Feeling victimized?
Bethesda games are easy to criticize when you break down the game into parts. This is a forum of hardcore gaming enthusiasts, expect criticism.

You'd think hardcore gaming enthusiasts could understand some basic marketing tactics too without feeling like they're being personally insulted.


For you.
Does it having a embargo even matter at all? Everybody knows this is going to get 9/10 and 10/10, no matter how bad or broken it is.

This game is built on the same tech as those broken games, so I don't see them making the same mistakes again.

I don't see why you would trust them, since every new game of theirs use always the same engine and is always broken at launch.


Well designed games will be able to withstand that criticism and stand up on their base mechanics.

I don't know, I mean in the end it's subjective anyway isn't it? You say the game has serious flaws or is shallow, I say the game is fine and I love the series. Reviewers tend to agree. It's not a conspiracy, it's just people liking different things. You might play the game and think "the story is shit, the graphics are shit and I can't like this" and I might play and think "man I don't care about that exploring the wasteland is so much fun". While I don't think Bethesda games are perfect, what games are?


I'm with Bethesda on this one.
It's their game, they spent years and million dollars to make it, they're giving the copies in advance for free, they'll be judged and the metacritic they'll get will influence their sales.
Honestly it's fair that they decide the rules on disclosing infos before launch. Reviews are still coming the day before launch and if people feel insecure, don't buy at day one.
And btw...hasn't Kotaku just violated their NDA? :D


i don't see the issue, don't we all not preorder and wait until reviews are out before making a purchasing decision because preorders are ruining the industry?


don't ask me for codes
Really much ado about nothing tbh. Marketing loves to control hype flow - that's what they get paid to do.

I'd be more concerned about games where no review copies are sent, or have an embargo until after release.


These are emotional arguments, rather than objective.

Bethesda launched a completely broken Skyrim on PS3 which was never fixed as well as consistent left over Gamebryo issues on their PC launches.

Soooo.... I shouldn't Day One on the PC because it was broken on the PS3? Not a very objective stance. And Yeah, I didn't have any gamebreaking issues with the launches of Skyrim, Fallout 3, or Oblivion.
Soooo.... I shouldn't Day One on the PC because it was broken on the PS3? Not a very objective stance. And Yeah, I didn't have any gamebreaking issues with the launches of Skyrim, Fallout 3, or Oblivion.

If suggest checking reviews and impressions the day before(for your platform), but it's ultimately up to you and what you're comfortable with.


King of Gaslighting
As a consumer I want to see what exactly I'm getting, even on launch day.

And you will. Nearly a day before you actually make a purchase assuming you do not go to a Midnight launch. The review embargo is up at 8AM Eastern time. How that is not enough time to make an informed decision on your purchase. . .well I just do not know.

Some of you are behaving as if the embargo release minutes before you actually go to pay for your game. We've known about the review embargo, yet now because there is an embargo on editorial plans for websites it's a bad thing? Absolutely NOTHING has changed in terms of allowing consumers to make an informed decision.


Gold Member
Well designed games will be able to withstand that criticism and stand up on their base mechanics.

A 7 year development cycle by a team that has numerous GOYT under their belt, excellent production value, one of the most well known IPs to even PC gamers, and an established fan base. I don't think I'll need a review.

If this was a top down shooter or something then maybe. I guess with some games, and it should even be brought up, is that a review can often be the Negative feedback you receive.

You could come at it like you're use to buying a game just because, you are new to gaming, or you had known about this forever.

I'm not gonna hit the cancel button just because someone drops a 6 or a 7. I don't think this is that big of a deal. I highly doubt it's gonna be unplayable, at least for console owners.

Arkham Knight on the other hand had some serious performance issues, but I had zero problems with it on console.


King of Gaslighting
Not if you live in Australia! Unless I'm mistaken the embargo ends at 12am on the 10th here.

Then they are the only ones who have any real reason to complain about the REVIEW embargo.

. . .which still makes me curious about those complaining about the editorial emargo.
I don't know, I mean in the end it's subjective anyway isn't it? You say the game has serious flaws or is shallow, I say the game is fine and I love the series. Reviewers tend to agree. It's not a conspiracy, it's just people liking different things. You might play the game and think "the story is shit, the graphics are shit and I can't like this" and I might play and think "man I don't care about that exploring the wasteland is so much fun". While I don't think Bethesda games are perfect, what games are?

That is fine for you, but games do not exist in a vacuum. When something like FO3 is considered the big game of the season, it gets high scores, high sales and a lot of people enjoying it.

Why is that bad? Because the game is still well short of what it could be, and becomes a benchmark for other games to inspire to.

You might be happy exploring an empty wasteland, but I can bet you'd be even happier exploring a wasteland with great locations, a good story, interactivity and actual gameplay.

Embargos help to preserve these sales so Bethesda's AAA gaming stays at the same level of mediocrity. It would be nice if FO4 is taken to task, or even better if it doesn't need to be.

But here we are with embargos for embargos. We can see where this is going.
I'm struggling to see how this effects the end consumer in any way. Is it because.....no, I can't come up with anything. Why the rage? I could maybe see some game reviewers being a little upset that they can't say when their review is going up, but really, who cares? I have no use for a review before a game is out anyway, nor can I think of any situation in which I would need to know when a review is going to be up before the game is out.


I'm struggling to see how this effects the end consumer in any way. Is it because.....no, I can't come up with anything. Why the rage? I could maybe see some game reviewers being a little upset that they can't say when their review is going up, but really, who cares? I have no use for a review before a game is out anyway, nor can I think of any situation in which I would need to know when a review is going to be up before the game is out.
I don't really understand the rage, either. I just think it's hilarious. Video game publishers so love to be in control of everything!


Everyone who said they aren't buying it now -- You know you're still going to buy it, or else you weren't buying it anyway. Come on now.


We need that another developer jumps to the post fallout universe and develops a game that competes with Fallout series , CDPR developed a great open world game that surpass Skyrim or recent Elder Scrolls games (talking about Witcher 3)

Without competitors Bethesda will keep walking on their comfort zone for every Fallout game delivered , specially on consoles.

Hope someday someone does it.


That is fine for you, but games do not exist in a vacuum. When something like FO3 is considered the big game of the season, it gets high scores, high sales and a lot of people enjoying it.

Why is that bad? Because the game is still well short of what it could be, and becomes a benchmark for other games to inspire to.

You might be happy exploring an empty wasteland, but I can bet you'd be even happier exploring a wasteland with great locations, a good story, interactivity and actual gameplay.

Embargos help to preserve these sales so Bethesda's AAA gaming stays at the same level of mediocrity. It would be nice if FO4 is taken to task, or even better if it doesn't need to be.

But here we are with embargos for embargos. We can see where this is going.

Not really. I enjoy the games for what they are. I never liked this, they could be better argument. Better how and for who? At what cost? If better graphics meant a smaller game I would not be as happy with the game I will be getting. I mean I get it, you want the game to be something else.

Can't you accept though that there are millions of people that are perfectly happy accepting the games just the way they are? I don't want your game. I want Fallout 4. I usually only play open world RPGs. I don't go in to shooter threads and complain about how there needs to be more rpg elements and a better story because I accept those games for what they are too.


I don't really understand the rage, either. I just think it's hilarious. Video game publishers so love to be in control of everything!

And it is hilarious. And probably a little annoying for reviewers as well. But yeah, not anything to rage over but really, it's people that are currently unhappy continuing to find reasons to be unhappy.
Heh. Found this thread after buying it off GMG.

Yo dawg I herd you like embargos so we put an embargo on your embargo so you can embargo while you embargo.

Haha, hilarious
Not really. I enjoy the games for what they are. I never liked this, they could be better argument. Better how and for who? At what cost? If better graphics meant a smaller game I would not be as happy with the game I will be getting. I mean I get it, you want the game to be something else.

Can't you accept though that there are millions of people that are perfectly happy accepting the games just the way they are? I don't want your game. I want Fallout 4. I usually only play open world RPGs. I don't go in to shooter threads and complain about how there needs to be more rpg elements and a better story because I accept those games for what they are too.

Have you played FO3 and NV? I call bullshit on your argument because they are quite different and I bet you prefer one of them.

Add up the reasons why and then tell me again how you are "perfectly happy" with what you get. You'll want the extra stuff too because it makes a better game.


Have you played FO3 and NV? I call bullshit on your argument because they are quite different and I bet you prefer one of them.

Add up the reasons why and then tell me again how you are "perfectly happy" with what you get. You'll want the extra stuff too because it makes a better game.

I might prefer New Vegas just a little. I think that's mostly just because the metro system in Fallout 3 was too confusing for me plus I like the DLC in NV better. I have played both games about the same amount of time. I'll be honest with you, to me, they are pretty much the same game. I'll never understand somebody that tells me they liked one but not the other, it makes no sense to me.

I am perfectly happy with what FO3 was and what NV was and would not change either and I'm sure I will feel the same about 4. Now that's not to say that I wouldn't want more out of Fallout 4, sure. Every game that exists can use improvements in some way. But I'll take Fallout 4 for what it is and I'll let myself enjoy it despite it not being the most perfect game that I ever imagined in my dreams. I know that in order to make the game better in the ways that people like you prefer, I would not be getting the game for the way I prefer it.

I am perfectly fine with people criticizing the game but the idea that the game is flawed is not something I can agree with being that this game is exactly my kind of game based on what Fallout is and what I have seen so far.


The problem with this is the deals for preordering and for instance I can get it for $50 from Amazon right now for preordering. The problem is Skyrim PS3 keeps popping in my head and the way they are controlling the reviews and stamping out the leaked vids is a bit off-putting and not giving me confidence to give them another chance. It won't effect their sales, I realize that but they have to be banking on blind trust from the leading PS4 console owners who they really screwed over last gen. It's really in my best interest to wait a year for the GOTY edition with all the DLC IF its not a buggy mess.


Junior Member
Bethesda's legal team needs to be taught about recurrence and geometric series. Here you go .

Embargo for reviews is date x call this embargo 0

Embargo for revealing embargo 0 is 1/2 day before embargo 0's time. Call this embargo 1

All subsequent embargos are defined recursively as embargo for revealing embargo n-1 is 1/2^n days before embargo n-1 and defined as embargo n.

Definition is valid for all whole numbers n>= 0 and signing party agrees agrees time is not quantized by plank's time and is a continuous measure.

Okay now slot in whatever x you want Bethesda ea etc .... And pay me legal fees for my brilliant idea.

Fucking noob lawyers.

Edit substitute whatever convergent series suits you etc.


Banstick Emeritus
It's really in my best interest to wait a year for the GOTY edition with all the DLC IF its not a buggy mess.

I was one of those who was ready to buy Skyrim on PS3 at launch, and then had to cancel my preorder to due to extenuating circumstances. Then the problems started rolling in by the truckload. I said to hell with it and waited another 2 years before finally picking it up on PC with DLC at a significantly reduced price. Better believe I'll be waiting at least 6 months before buying Fallout 4.

As far as the embargo inside the embargo goes - it's silly, and between Kotaku and this forum it's been blown to hell and back, but I understand why Bethesda would do it from a marketing perspective. Call of Duty is going to suck up all the oxygen over the next week, and the only way to try and make a dent in that is with a focused PR effort. If the review sites choose to play ball and act as an extension of PR in this regard, that's on them, not Bethesda.
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