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[Destructoid] Leaked photo of NX controller?

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Ok? ...and?
Why are people still using the demo as evidence when the Reddit guy explicitly said it was from UE4 the day he leaked the photo?

I'm just saying, things are getting more interesting.

The cropping of the frame used from the UE4 tech demo is odd (cropped instead of expanded FOV). That's worth bringing up, as is however you feel about the perspective.

What's more interesting? The thread has gotten less interesting as time as gone on.
Well, just saying lol. Wii u had one pretty good holiday season.
Including launch year, I guess it's sold something like that each year? I don't have the numbers but about 3m a year sounds right.
Point I was trying to make was Wii U hasn't experienced a dramatic sales downturn worldwide, only 3DS has. Wii U is just chugging slowly along as always.


Junior Member
Including launch year, I guess it's sold something like that each year? I don't have the numbers but about 3m a year sounds right.

Right, and I'm sure nintendo hoped it would do at least 3 million each holiday and another 2-4+ million outside the holidays. Then we'd be looking at 30 million plus wii u sales right now. I think if they would have had a $199 version of it with a pro controller only by its second holiday season or shortly after to compete with ps4 and xbox, that might have been possible. Still baffling to me that sku never happened.

But yeah it's only 12 million or so right now iirc. Will be lucky to hit 15 million lifetime.


Junior Member
Off topic but I wonder if the Wii U shortage in Japan is just a financial thing so they can have a huge restock when the new financial year starts?

Well the shortage is only like 5,000 Units off their weekly average, so I don't think so. I just don't think they really give much of a fuck about the wii u at this point.

It they did they would have figured out a way to make it significantly cheaper a long time ago to boost its sales versus ps4. The value proposition is insanely poor and has been for a long time.


Off topic but I wonder if the Wii U shortage in Japan is just a financial thing so they can have a huge restock when the new financial year starts?

No, and that's ridiculous to think that.
I think I need to explain this, a little bit better.

The Wii U shortages, as far as I can tell, are (or better said, were) caused by an internal production problem in Mitsumi Electronics Co. This company was one of the manufacturers of the Wii controller and some parts of Wi-Fi PCB for DS, in the Wii/DS era, and now is dedicated to manufacture some parts for the Wii U hardware.

Their factories are located (at least, those focused on manufacturing Wii U) in China. The Wii U stock problems started somewhere around the beginning of the festivity of the Chinese New Year on February 8th (new moon), and they stopped the production. This festival ended on February 22nd (full moon), that's why Rakuten and other blogs expected that Wii U shortages would have ended by around that time (late February to early March), since there are not factories in Japan and there are some difficulties to send the production from China to Japan.

What is the problem, now, that there is no reason for shortages? Well, doing some research, I found that Mitsumi Co. became a subsidiary of Minebea (another electronic company) and announced an official integration with this company.


In early February, they had to revise their expectations to explicitly declare a six billion yen deficit on their anual report.

http://shikiho.jp/tk/stock/info/6767 (with some graphics)
Well the shortage is only like 5,000 Units off their weekly average, so I don't think so. I just don't think they really give much of a fuck about the wii u at this point.

It they did they would have figured out a way to make it significantly cheaper a long time ago to boost its sales versus ps4.
Mr K. was saying he wanted more sw to boost Wii U like last year's games did. Just thinking the wii u stocks started getting low around the financial briefing, so might just be aiming to hit their target and no further.


The Birthday Skeleton
Reading back through this thread, I can see why Nintendo might be pissed by these sorta leaks, even if they're fake. I now understand Rösti's posts fully.

Everyone not liking the look of it has seemingly settled on two things:

1) Shape is pointless, uncomfortable, bad ergonomics. Thumbs will block the screen!

2) Touch screens suck! How will it work if my hand is resting on the screen? Need real buttons! Grrrrr

So even if Nintendo have thought of all those things and have thought of ingenious ways to mitigate them (eg: good ergonomics on the back, handgrips, new tech to get around accidental touch input as mentioned in patent, haptics etc, etc), this negative buzz will likely surround NX if it turns out to be even *remotely* like the leaked picture. Minds will be made up, before Nintendo even have the chance to explain their design solutions.

It's gonna be an uphill battle to communicate this product to consumers either way, and it just got a whole lot harder now we have all these under-informed, unchallenged opinions floating around.

It's a risk Nintedo took when they decided that they will announce a new hardware more than one year before the official reveal. In this day and age it's almost impossible to have no leaks at all. No matter how many or how tough NDAs you invent. You want to control the message, you need to actively have a message going on. Prolonged silence is creating both the thirst for information and the motivation for leaks (real of fake, it doesn't even matter from a point forward).

It's practically a repeat of the Wii U pre-launch year until now. I still hope that at some point something will dramatically change.


Junior Member
Mr K. was saying he wanted more sw to boost Wii U like last year's games did. Just thinking the wii u stocks started getting low around the financial briefing, so might just be aiming to hit their target and no further.

I think yeah software is good, but they could be selling a lot more of them if it was $199 msrp with a pro controller only. $150 even better if there would still be solid margin. Probably too little too late. And if it hasn't happened by now it seems extremely unlikely it ever well.
the ballooning costs of mega games is completely tied to the health of the hardware market. it's what led to so many closures and mergers, and fewer games being made in this generation. it leads to less variety and decreases risk. every game that comes out needs to be received really well or at least sell a lot. the result is developers catering to an increasingly smaller base of consumers - those with inelastic demand (thank you opiate). this is a problem when the rest of the industry changes around you, making it harder to adapt to a changing marketplace. japan's been a pretty good indicator of where the video game market goes, and even though consoles aren't a thing, the idea of catering to that one reliable fanbase has changed the output of games so that the moe crowd has a bigger interest in even previously successful titles. i don't think it's a coincidence that kancolle sold like it did or that fire emblem has waifu petting. the output on the ps4 and xb1 is the western equivalent.

indies don't need mobile platforms for success. the games i mentioned are popular on steam and pc. i'm not sure no man's sky would be a retail release without sony's help, and the witness is a good example of one game happening by itself that way. i just am not seeing this general interest in retail from indies, nor do i think people are buying dedicated hardware for indie games. more likely, people are buying dedicated hardware for bigger games and stumble across indie games they might have heard about.

the thing about steam is that it offers western gamers what mobile offers japanese gamers. it's a convenient way to access cheaper and accessible games. it's largely community based and there are sales that offer visibility on lesser-known titles all the time. just conceptually, steam is so different in that it lists all of these games side by side. i can find gone home and metal gear solid v in the same marketplace because that's what steam is. i can't go into retailers and find those two games on the shelf in the ps4 section. dedicated hardware isn't geared towards a breadth of games to buy on a whim. your point also ignores that pc business has radically changed. not only are games with lower requirements acceptable enough that they can become successes (five nights at freddy's, amnesia, or what have you), but you no longer have to physically buy them either. i can play bastion or hotline miami on my 2008 macbook pro and i never had to leave my home and they work fine. steam broke down a lot of barriers that had made pc gaming niche for a long time.

your last point for handheld games: first-party developers and third-party developers definitely do not view handheld dedicated gaming devices and mobile in the same way. the fact that audiences are moving from one thing to another is a threat to the dedicated gaming space and not proof that the hardware is the same. we don't section off what hardware is due to audiences.

Again, I'm just not seeing the same thing you are, or not drawing the same conclusions. I'd say we're in the middle of a gamiong rennaisance, not a contraction in output, I see Steam as influencing a rise in the discoverability of software of all tiers from extremely basic titles through Indies and AAA indies like Unravel, Grow Home, and Journey finding the same Audience digitally on PC as Steam discovered and leveraged, I see big publishers like Square Enix, EA and the like suddenly greenlighting a whole host of upcoming games and niche titles, and the lull in their production currently because they missread the market as you have and had written consoles off this gen, only to find the PS4 proving that accertation entirely wrong.

Sure, there is lower AAA output from big studios, and the increased risks involved have lead to some shitty releases, dumbed down mass appeal wank, and multiple studios either forced to work on one title or shut down to save cash, but I also see the Life Is Strange's, the Souls games, the Until Dawns, Alien Isolations, the FFVII Remake's, the Rocket Leagues, the Nier sequels and the Witnesses, all the weird, wonderful, often sensibly budgeted niche titles that are well above the average cheap and cheerful typical Indie game while avoiding the traps of overblown AAA budgets and overwhelming work loads, all thriving in a market you seem to think is on the way out and in need of a drastic shake up.

And not just from Steam. Steam is amazing, it's cheap and open and incredibly inportant to the games industry at large, especially on PC, but i's not without its flaws, too much shite makes it's way to the surface, too many quality titles get lost forever, and the audience that might buy a title on consoles isn't necassarily even there on PC. It's not some great universal platform that suits everyones tastes, or even the majority of enthusiast game players lives. The reasons consoles existed in the first place, why they took so much of the overall market away from PC for so long, still exist, Steam, doesn't make those reasons go away, nor does Mobile, but companies ignoring those reasons, or trying to alter them into what they want the reasons to be as Microsoft and Nintendo both tried and failed to do, leads to the situation we have now with the only cobnsole manufacterer that found any success being the one that learnt that lesson last gen and didn't repeat the same mistake this one.

Or at least, they haven't yet.

I just flat out disagree with you on mobile/handhelds. Plenty of traditional game publishers have moved established franchises over to mobile, often in radically altered ways, so the support for handhelds dropping as mobile exploded is no coincedance in my eyes, nor are those changing handheld fortunes in anyway relatable to the completely different dedicated hardware of the home console market, because handhelds and consoles have never shared exactly the same libraries, audience tastes and experiences. The Vita's utter failure is because Sony never learnt that lesson, and hadn't realised that market had already been lost to mobile anymore than Nintendo did, though the Big N at least always knew to treat home and handheld games differently. Thats why the 3DS has limped on, though I'm certain the NX handheld will see a further shrinkage of audience until we find exactly what remains of the audience for dedicated handhelds.

What it comes down to though, is this: I look at the Console market, adn I see tens of millions of PS4 sales, demand that's up there with the single most popular systems of all time, from the creator of two platforms that were big enough previously to sustain a thriving console market singlehandedly, next to them I see two companies that simply fucked up, and are probably only going to continue to fuck up, failing.

I see a growing digital presense on cosoles more than making up for the death of retail that extends far beyond gaming, and I see companies adapting to that changing market, I see a resurgence in the mid tier and experimental games and I see more games appealing to more people than ever in every section of the market.

In short, I see a bright future for gaming as a whole, on PC, Console and mobile, ahead of us.

Also, I don't buy into Japan being a model to base any other region's predictions on. It's economically, socially and culturally unique, an example of no one's future but their own. Don't get me wrong, the market over there is fascinating, but the worldwide industry stopped followin their lead years ago.


It's a risk Nintedo took when they decided that they will announce a new hardware more than one year before the official reveal. In this day and age it's almost impossible to have no leaks at all. No matter how many or how tough NDAs you invent. You want to control the message, you need to actively have a message going on. Prolonged silence is creating both the thirst for information and the motivation for leaks (real of fake, it doesn't even matter from a point forward).

It's practically a repeat of the Wii U pre-launch year until now. I still hope that at some point something will dramatically change.

Yeah I agree fully. Silence for this long is just a bad idea.


lol, this is literally GAF --> Internet --> GAF

The bigger news here is that Shikamaru Ninja got banned?!

That's unfortunate, he has a lot of knowledge of Nintendo's workings. I wonder if its temporary or self-imposed.

It's a risk Nintedo took when they decided that they will announce a new hardware more than one year before the official reveal. In this day and age it's almost impossible to have no leaks at all. No matter how many or how tough NDAs you invent. You want to control the message, you need to actively have a message going on. Prolonged silence is creating both the thirst for information and the motivation for leaks (real of fake, it doesn't even matter from a point forward).

It's practically a repeat of the Wii U pre-launch year until now. I still hope that at some point something will dramatically change.

This is completely unlike the WiiU.

The WiiU was revealed in a confusing manner a year ahead of its "launch year". The NX is just rumors on top of rumors, and with nothing concrete they simply fade. The WiiU was, out of the gate, a mess in messaging that then went silent for another year. The NX was revealed out of necessity not stupidity (ala WiiU).


LTTP, but can someone give any reason what such a full screen controller can bring to the table? Trying to think of something and i cant really think of anything useful. If you're holding it as a normal controller, you will cover some of the screen, and your focus point will be in the middle of the screen anyway.
LTTP, but can someone give any reason what such a full screen controller can bring to the table? Trying to think of something and i cant really think of anything useful. If you're holding it as a normal controller, you will cover some of the screen, and your focus point will be in the middle of the screen anyway.

Nothing. It just screams gimmick. And an expensive one at that. It does nothing more than what a Wii U gamepad could do with a capacitive screen.
LTTP, but can someone give any reason what such a full screen controller can bring to the table? Trying to think of something and i cant really think of anything useful. If you're holding it as a normal controller, you will cover some of the screen, and your focus point will be in the middle of the screen anyway.

It's eyecatching because it's different, and you get slightly more screen on your periferal vision.

So it could be useful for marketting purposes and I guess immersion, though that's never been an issue with the smaller screens on handhelds and phones in the past, so that's debatable.


The Birthday Skeleton
That's unfortunate, he has a lot of knowledge of Nintendo's workings. I wonder if its temporary or self-imposed.

This is completely unlike the WiiU.

The WiiU was revealed in a confusing manner a year ahead of its "launch year". The NX is just rumors on top of rumors, and with nothing concrete they simply fade. The WiiU was, out of the gate, a mess in messaging that then went silent for another year. The NX was revealed out of necessity not stupidity (ala WiiU).

I don't know, NX 2016 runs pretty much like Wii U 2012 until now. Rumours fade away, but some ideas stick. Especially the negative ones. But as I said, I hope for a positive spin sooner or later..


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
From GBA Connectivity, Dreamcast, to the Wii U. This idea of having a secondary screen separately has never worked. Therefore I hope none of this is true.

I expect Nintendo to innovate with the controller and who knows what else, but I don't want that screen on the controller, no matter how cool it looks. It just doesn't work. Even with haptic feedback, I don't ever want to look down to the controller, that's the good thing about a home console, you get to use the big screen and that's it. Don't fuck up Nintendo.

If this photo is legit I personally probably won't buy the NX AND, I thoroughly expect it to bomb.


Nothing. It just screams gimmick. And an expensive one at that. It does nothing more than what a Wii U gamepad could do with a capacitive screen.
It's eyecatching because it's different, and you get slightly more screen on your periferal vision.

So it could be useful for marketting purposes and I guess immersion, though that's never been an issue with the smaller screens on handhelds and phones in the past, so that's debatable.
Yeah, i can see the immersion factor unless the fingers covers too much of the screen to break the effect. Curious to hear what Nintendo's idea was behind such a design (if its real).


Again, I'm just not seeing the same thing you are, or not drawing the same conclusions. I'd say we're in the middle of a gamiong rennaisance, not a contraction in output, I see Steam as influencing a rise in the discoverability of software of all tiers from extremely basic titles through Indies and AAA indies like Unravel, Grow Home, and Journey finding the same Audience digitally on PC as Steam discovered and leveraged, I see big publishers like Square Enix, EA and the like suddenly greenlighting a whole host of upcoming games and niche titles, and the lull in their production currently because they missread the market as you have and had written consoles off this gen, only to find the PS4 proving that accertation entirely wrong.

Sure, there is lower AAA output from big studios, and the increased risks involved have lead to some shitty releases, dumbed down mass appeal wank, and multiple studios either forced to work on one title or shut down to save cash, but I also see the Life Is Strange's, the Souls games, the Until Dawns, Alien Isolations, the FFVII Remake's, the Rocket Leagues, the Nier sequels and the Witnesses, all the weird, wonderful, often sensibly budgeted niche titles that are well above the average cheap and cheerful typical Indie game while avoiding the traps of overblown AAA budgets and overwhelming work loads, all thriving in a market you seem to think is on the way out and in need of a drastic shake up.

And not just from Steam. Steam is amazing, it's cheap and open and incredibly inportant to the games industry at large, especially on PC, but i's not without its flaws, too much shite makes it's way to the surface, too many quality titles get lost forever, and the audience that might buy a title on consoles isn't necassarily even there on PC. It's not some great universal platform that suits everyones tastes, or even the majority of enthusiast game players lives. The reasons consoles existed in the first place, why they took so much of the overall market away from PC for so long, still exist, Steam, doesn't make those reasons go away, nor does Mobile, but companies ignoring those reasons, or trying to alter them into what they want the reasons to be as Microsoft and Nintendo both tried and failed to do, leads to the situation we have now with the only cobnsole manufacterer that found any success being the one that learnt that lesson last gen and didn't repeat the same mistake this one.

Or at least, they haven't yet.

I just flat out disagree with you on mobile/handhelds. Plenty of traditional game publishers have moved established franchises over to mobile, often in radically altered ways, so the support for handhelds dropping as mobile exploded is no coincedance in my eyes, nor are those changing handheld fortunes in anyway relatable to the completely different dedicated hardware of the home console market, because handhelds and consoles have never shared exactly the same libraries, audience tastes and experiences. The Vita's utter failure is because Sony never learnt that lesson, and hadn't realised that market had already been lost to mobile anymore than Nintendo did, though the Big N at least always knew to treat home and handheld games differently. Thats why the 3DS has limped on, though I'm certain the NX handheld will see a further shrinkage of audience until we find exactly what remains of the audience for dedicated handhelds.

What it comes down to though, is this: I look at the Console market, adn I see tens of millions of PS4 sales, demand that's up there with the single most popular systems of all time, from the creator of two platforms that were big enough previously to sustain a thriving console market singlehandedly, next to them I see two companies that simply fucked up, and are probably only going to continue to fuck up, failing.

I see a growing digital presense on cosoles more than making up for the death of retail that extends far beyond gaming, and I see companies adapting to that changing market, I see a resurgence in the mid tier and experimental games and I see more games appealing to more people than ever in every section of the market.

In short, I see a bright future for gaming as a whole, on PC, Console and mobile, ahead of us.

Also, I don't buy into Japan being a model to base any other region's predictions on. It's economically, socially and culturally unique, an example of no one's future but their own. Don't get me wrong, the market over there is fascinating, but the worldwide industry stopped followin their lead years ago.

i think there's a jumping to conclusions that whenever someone points out the real decline in consoles that that person means the industry as a whole is fading away. this is not true, nor is it my personal belief. i think the industry is thriving and growing, but the model that dedicated hardware followed is outdated and decaying. developers and publishers are scared of it, buying up indies, and following the lead of mobile hardware makers. sony wasn't looking at microsoft and nintendo and following their lead - they were looking at smartphones and pcs.

while there's variety in the list you posted, it's not the norm. it would be about as productive as listing the m-rated games for the wii u in claiming that there's a good variety of games for people who don't like platformers and party games. and i'm not sure if people are buying ps4s to play rocket league when there's close to three million owners of rocket league on steam.

regarding your point about steam, well of course it has a lot of shit. that's how you know it's the new place for ideas. it's where everyone's going to to take advantage of the platform, to establish themselves or reach out to an existing fanbase. it's what happens when you have a successful platform. that's why the psx, ps2, wii, gba, ds, and mobile have so much shit on them. it's a sign that it's actually a healthy platform. if it was unhealthy, there'd be many more calculated risks, which is what you're seeing more and more of on consoles. part of the deal of being the leading platform is that you get shit games. the other part is that you create the environment for breakout games that become influential in and of themselves, and steam has proven it again and again for the last several years.

i cannot understand your point on handhelds. big franchises moved over to handhelds? big franchises moved from console to handhelds too. mario, monster hunter, zelda... even dragon quest xi is getting a console and a handheld game. in japan, there's a lot more ps vita and ps4 crossover than ps vita and mobile crossover (there's more 3ds/mobile crossover since those two are more popular and the ps platforms are generally more niche). through the transitive properties of handhelds and mobile, does that then make the ps4 a mobile-like platform as well? i don't understand how you can arrive at this conclusion.

my point about japan wasn't that america was ready for moe (although that fanbase has become alarmingly louder since the decline began), but that it's a sign of the behavior you'll see once hardware begins to decline. and it's true. it's why activision banked hard on destiny versus tony hawk (which means they would have put any effort behind thps5 instead of zero) or guitar hero. that more mainstream audience is finding what they want on other platforms.


Are you saying that the console would literally ship with the handheld or just a terminal version of it?
It sounds expensive if it was the full thing.

literally the handheld. although maybe that version is $399 and there's a console-lite version (just the console and a controller) for $299.99.


The handheld market is now Nintendo's alone. If they put out a good product with plentiful software at the right launch price, it will perform over the 3DS in sales.

3DS has and had many issues that certain people in the "mobile or nothing" group like to pretend are non issues, insignificant, or don't matter no matter what because mobile and handheld cant coexist etc.

You could go on and on about the shortcomings of 3DS and people will disregard everything as if even the perfect handheld product could not even carve out a highly profitable market for itself.

Its on Nintendo to get it done. People fucking love handheld tech, as shown by its incredible successful from Game Boy to iPhone. If they fail its on them for putting out bad products. They have the IP and the money to put out a product that is desirable.
literally the handheld. although maybe that version is $399 and there's a console-lite version (just the console and a controller) for $299.99.
I'm thinking that too if this type of tech is on the console's controller. A dumb terminal controller, like the Wii U Gamepad, with such a screen could be so expensive that it would be much more valuable for it to be a stand-alone portable device.
Yeah, i can see the immersion factor unless the fingers covers too much of the screen to break the effect. Curious to hear what Nintendo's idea was behind such a design (if its real).

The patent claims the curved top makes it easier to hold, and the following:
In this embodiment, as mentioned above, the display panel *14* is provided so as to occupy almost a whole of the front surface of the first portion *12*"a "that is an elliptical form or approximately elliptical form when viewing from the front, and the game screen *100* is displayed on a whole of a display surface (display area). For example, the elliptical form or approximately elliptical form of the display panel *14* is the same or approximately the same as a form that visual filed ranges of both eyes are composed with each other. Therefore, in a case where the player holds the information processing apparatus *10* with a predetermined distance (30 cm, for example) from the own eye, for example, the effective visual field including a discriminable visual filed agrees or approximately agrees with a center portion of the game screen *100*, and a stable field of fixation covers an entire range of the game screen *100*(whole of the display area of the display panel *14*).
In addition, the discriminable visual filed means a high-density information processing range (less than about 5 degrees in the center) that is excellent in visual performance such as eyesight. Furthermore, the effective visual field means a range that an eye-gaze can be moved in an instant and information acceptance is possible in high efficiency (level: ±15 degrees, upper: 8 degrees, lower: 12 degrees). Then, the stable field of fixation means a range that information acceptance is possible by movement of an eyeball and a head reasonably (level: ±30 degrees-45 degrees, upper: 20 degrees-30 degrees, lower: 25 degrees-30 degrees).
Since the game screen *100* is displayed within a range that is thus covered by not only the effective visual field but the stable field of fixation, it is possible to display an image such as the player character *102* to be noted within the effective visual field, and an image around the image to be noted outside the effective visual field. Therefore, it is possible to enhance a feeling of immersion into the virtual space (game).
Therefore, in this embodiment, an operation stick (*18*"a", *18*"b") is not provided in a center area in the front surface of the first portion *12*"a "such as the discriminable visual filed and the effective visual field, and the operation stick is provided in each of the right and left end portions of the first portion *12*"a "so as to avoid the image to be noted becomes difficult to be seen. That is, the operation stick (*18*"a", *18*"b") is provided in a position that does not become an obstacle of the image to be noted.
In addition, in this embodiment, it is thinkable that since the own thumb overlaps on the image (game screen *100*) of the virtual space to be seen, a higher feeling of immersion can be obtained by the player.


I'm thinking that too if this type of tech is on the console's controller. A dumb terminal controller, like the Wii U Gamepad, with such a screen could be so expensive that it would be much more valuable for it to be a stand-alone portable device.

I just realized that a good windows tablet, with decent specs and a great screen costs less than a Wii U gamepad. I don't understand how it costs 100$, even the 2ds is cheaper :/
The patent is mostly about a decentralized cloud-based service.
You could buy a Supplemental Computing Device, plug it into your own NX, which would allow for more calculations.

Also, this SCD could be connected to every other SCD around your area (think peer-to-peer) to make them do calculations for you, depending on latency (SCDs near your house, with low latency, would take on tasks that require a high refresh rate).

This, if done correctly, allows for the hardware inside the console to not be that great, and thus not be very expensive, while allowing really impressive graphics.
Think Onlive, but without the latency associated with it, because the "server" would be a web of other NX players all around you.

If this is indeed the route Nintendo is taking with the NX, it's absolute genius to me.

I'm not a big tech guy, but it seems like an absolutely terrible idea, and I'm assuming that it could work pretty much exactly as you described as well as not driving the price up noticeably. But what about the likelihood of not having another person around with an NX, or that person not consistently being around you? Then the benefit is useless, you have the underpowered version of the console. Also, from a developers perspective, how do you program a game that has to work on a low performing machine that may or may not get additional computing power? At best, the overall scope of the game is limited due to the low performance of the console being an anchor on design but visuals/effects may scale to be better if another NX is present - that sounds a whole let worse than just having a more powerful console that allows for games to have an increased scope and visual fidelity.

I mean sure, the idea of paying for a game handheld/console that is cheap but has great performance because a lot of people around you also have the device is fantastic, but that is a situation that is absolutely untenable and even under the best circumstances has a fundamental design restriction.

It's ridiculous, in short.
literally the handheld. although maybe that version is $399 and there's a console-lite version (just the console and a controller) for $299.99.

Maybe. But If the console is designed so that it worked with a screenless controller then I'd think they might as well make that the standard version. It's difficult to know, they would need cheap to manufacture controllers for multiplayer, but I guess they might be able to get these screens for cheap?
A possibility is, if it's cheap enough to put a screen in every controller, a controller could have simple logic for displaying inputs without streaming like the Wii U has for the tv remote function.

The type of screen tech these displays use would be useful for that as they are low power and don't need to be refreshed regularly, can be slowed down to 1fps or less.

I definitely think having the handheld be able to work as a standard controller is something they should aim for.


I really don't think that oval shape is necessarily uncomfortable, (especially if there are attachable grips). We need to see the back before we can guess what it might he like to hold.

For example, the sticks on the WiiU Gamepad are closer to the edge of device than what we see in this picture, and from to front it looks like it might be uncomfortable. But because of the shape of the back of the pad, its actually really comfy.
Reading back through this thread, I can see why Nintendo might be pissed by these sorta leaks, even if they're fake. I now understand Rösti's posts fully.

Everyone not liking the look of it has seemingly settled on two things:

1) Shape is pointless, uncomfortable, bad ergonomics. Thumbs will block the screen!

2) Touch screens suck! How will it work if my hand is resting on the screen? Need real buttons! Grrrrr

So even if Nintendo have thought of all those things and have thought of ingenious ways to mitigate them (eg: good ergonomics on the back, handgrips, new tech to get around accidental touch input as mentioned in patent, haptics etc, etc), this negative buzz will likely surround NX if it turns out to be even *remotely* like the leaked picture. Minds will be made up, before Nintendo even have the chance to explain their design solutions.

It's gonna be an uphill battle to communicate this product to consumers either way, and it just got a whole lot harder now we have all these under-informed, unchallenged opinions floating around.

Then I guess they better get to work on communicating that there's probably a new system on the way later this year? No sympathy from me for these supposedly indignant and bothered employees over this probable fake leak. Jose Otero nailed it in the January NVC when he said "If the NX is really releasing in 2016 then Nintendo needs to start talking about it NOW." At this point Nintendo and their people have nobody but themselves to blame if they're really as bothered by these leaks as you or others think (and especially higher ups like Kimishima who has kept the company almost bleakly radio silent nine months after Iwata passed which Trev insinuated was part of his leaker's personal motivation for leaking the NX launch window). If they really care then they need to prepare an official unveiling of whatever the NX is ASAP. They just need to show the system, the controller and a bit of footage, get it over with and at least try to get people hyped then go gangbusters in June with a huge game roster blowout at E3. People can joke about ninjas all they want, not even the "ninjas" can stop the real bomb from dropping in the near future unless they do an official reveal soon.
For example, the sticks on the WiiU Gamepad are closer to the edge of device than what we see in this picture, and from to front it looks like it might be uncomfortable. But because of the shape of the back of the pad, its actually really comfy.
Except that the buttons should be above the right stick, not below.


Then I guess they better get to work on communicating that there's probably a new system on the way later this year? No sympathy from me for these supposedly indignant and bothered employees over this probable fake leak. Jose Otero nailed it in the January NVC when he said "If the NX is really releasing in 2016 then Nintendo needs to start talking about it NOW." At this point Nintendo and their people have nobody but themselves to blame if they're really as bothered by these leaks as you or others think (and especially higher ups like Kimishima who has kept the company almost bleakly radio silent nine months after Iwata passed which Trev insinuated was part of his leaker's personal motivation for leaking the NX launch window). If they really care then they need to prepare an official unveiling of whatever the NX is ASAP. They just need to show the system, the controller and a bit of footage, get it over with and at least try to get people hyped then go gangbusters in June with a huge game roster blowout at E3. People can joke about ninjas all they want, not even the "ninjas" can stop the real bomb from dropping in the near future unless they do an official reveal soon.

If it's a good product, then people will buy it. It sounds like they've been engaged with third parties since E3 of last year. Kits were in the wild back in October. If they make their announcement at E3, what's the big deal? Is six months between announcement and release not enough time for consumers to get information? The people who seem really twisted up over this are journalists and people who take videogames far too seriously, who are important but will be the first to change their mind if the product is up to their standards.


If it's a good product, then people will buy it. It sounds like they've been engaged with third parties since E3 of last year. Kits were in the wild back in October. If they make their announcement at E3, what's the big deal? Is six months between announcement and release not enough time for consumers to get information? The people who seem really twisted up over this are journalists and people who take videogames far too seriously, who are important but will be the first to change their mind if the product is up to their standards.
Agreed. There's gotta be something good going on with the NX regardless how we feel about patents and fakes/mock ups to get the next installments of DQ outta Square Enix. Stuffs been going on for a good while behind closed doors, I'm thinking those parties Nintendo wanted to lock down will have something to show at E3... Im predicting I'll be in for a pleasant surprise actually and I'm naturally a pessimist! Anyways your sentiments sorta reflected how I felt on the issue.
Can't qoute this post directly as it's in the master thread of locking, but have to wonder about it with these ps4.5, xb2 rumours. Could the NX not be using AMD after all?!

Thraktor said:
As far as I see it, there are two possibilities given the above:

1. At least one NX form factor uses an AMD APU

2. Another company is planning to introduce a new console later this year that is both powerful enough to warrant a semi-custom APU and is expected to sell enough to justify the R&D costs involved (i.e. likely 10 million+ units).
Given that the second scenario involves a company developing a console in secret for a year and a half without anyone even getting the slightest hint of it, the logical assumption has to be that AMD is providing an APU for at least one of the NX form-factors.

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