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Rumor: Zelda coming to both Wii U + NX, choose between male/female link, VA for NPCs

Who would you like to be the female character option in Zelda U?

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Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
No she wouldn't, she would just be the hero, being the hero does not make you Link, it just makes you the hero.

The Hero ≠ Link

Really? What does the Link in Spirit Tracks have to do with Ocarina of Time Link? Other than the name, which you can change? He's not even a reincarnation at that point. how would ST Link be more Link than Linkle? They'd both be the world's current "the hero."


I love the smell of Mandatory Heterosexuality in the morning! (or afternoon, or evening. Whatever)

(and by love I mean hate)

(and this post right here is an excellent example of how so many people, male and female, are completely incapable of looking at things in non-gendered terms)

Oh, I forgot I had to apologice for being a White-hetero-Cis-man before posting. I'm sorry I have an opinión.
Instead of a female link id rather have just play as zelda and link becomes the prince.
Please no.
This guy did a good job turning me off of that idea


I think is going to be Zelda, and its going to be sad that such awesome thing will be met with dissapointment here because its not the exact thing some people wanted.

As long as you can collect items, explore the countryside and solve puzzles while fighting monsters I don't think anyone will give a shit if it's Zelda, Linkle or whatever.


IIRC in Pokemon ORAS when you're exploring the abandoned ship you can unlock a room with two girls doing... something with each other in the locked room that get flustered when you barge in. Are people afraid of a gay lady link going to call that 2lewd4them too?


I don't particularly care either way. Letting me as brown as I want would be a good step forward but adding a female toggle isn't insulting me as a person of colour. If the deliberately took the option away it'd be worth calling insulting.

I do find it annoying that adding white women is considered inclusive as if the only people who play Zelda games are white. If we're going to talk about being inclusive then what we really should be getting is a character creator. I always find it interesting that the folks that want a female option seem to think a character creator is a step too far.


No bald cap? Lies!
Please no.
This guy did a good job turning me off of that idea

Yeah this shit makes me nauseous. I want a Zelda game where Zelda is the hero and the princess. She shouldn't have to slum it down in order to be hero worthy. A princess can rock a sword and shield and save the day.
Yeah, voice acting would be something interesting to discuss.
Pretty disappointed by "everyone should talk...except Link". Seems like a lazy way to handle it.
Could help with the guide characters (midna, navi, etc) if they dont' stop Link to get a helpful tip. Also giving an option would turn that off would be good.

I see it as including Cia or Lana in Zelda U. They're HW characters made by Koei Tecmo and should stay there.

Giving Link a voice and something to say would be a far bigger change than changing his gender (assuming the story is super light/ has no romance at all).

It's not lazy, it's a deliberate design decision. One that I appreciate.
The gender toggle is fine.


I do find it annoying that adding white women is considered inclusive as if the only people who play Zelda games are white. If we're going to talk about being inclusive then what we really should be getting is a character creator. I always find it interesting that the folks that want a female option seem to think a character creator is a step too far.

It is inclusive as you're literally adding representation for more people. To call that insulting would require ridiculous mental gymnastics.

edit: is there anyone saying a full character creator would be bad, but gender choice only is ok?


I do find it annoying that adding white women is considered inclusive as if the only people who play Zelda games are white. If we're going to talk about being inclusive then what we really should be getting is a character creator. I always find it interesting that the folks that want a female option seem to think a character creator is a step too far.

I think if you have a character creation tool with a preset version that is basically Link as designed in promo material wouldn't be met with uproar that different with what female Link does.
I don't think I have seen people be against Character customisation while being for female Link.
Heck customization was one of the highlight of SS if you ask me.


Jumping into the end of this massive thread to say I'm a little surprised this thread is so massive.

What's the debate exactly? You like male Link, you can still play as male Link.

The rest of us will enjoy the novelty of female Link. :)


It is inclusive as you're literally adding representation for more people. To call that insulting would require ridiculous mental gymnastics.

It is insulting when it's possible to give even more people a decent shot. It's representation for only a segment of the population (that's not exactly hurting compared to MANY others).


Yeah this shit makes me nauseous. I want a Zelda game where Zelda is the hero and the princess. She shouldn't have to slum it down in order to be hero worthy. A princess can rock a sword and shield and save the day.

I'll only accept it if she doesn't wear a dress. Give me something similar to the Zelda Cartoon outfit.



It is insulting when it's possible to give even more people a decent shot. It's representation for only a segment of the population (that's not exactly hurting compared to MANY others).

But it doesn't hurt the people that aren't represented yet. Giving more people choice doesn't take away from anyone who has yet to be represented.


I doubt anyone expects that. but it's not like link and zelda always have these deep and interesting romantic relationships.
Beyond Skyward Sword actually drawing closer attention to that specific Link and Zelda having a clearly established relationship of some sort, all I can really think of is that Minish Cap and the Wind Waker games having them being friends.

The other games barely even touch on them developing a friendship, much less the idea of them being romantic partners.
Giving Link a voice and something to say would be a far bigger change than changing his gender (assuming the story is super light/ has no romance at all).

It's not lazy, it's a deliberate design decision. One that I appreciate.
The gender toggle is fine.
Link has a personality in SS, and a bit in TP too. Just because he has no dialogue boxes doesn't really negate that.
Making him speak a little when necessary would be good, I feel.
Giving everyone VA and having them talk to Link and him ignoring their responses like in MGSV would be pretty jarring, much more so than if there wasn't any VA


I still dislike Dragmire so much. That was something added by Nintendo of America, specifically in LttP and has not been used since.


So much discussion for a simple boy or girl choice. Come on.....

Yeah it's so stupid.

The games don't even feature the same people, different people with different names. At this point though I'd suspect there'd be people who would freak the fuck out if Ms. Pacman came out nowadays.


But it doesn't hurt the people that aren't represented yet. Giving more people choice doesn't take away from anyone who has yet to be represented.

It makes me wonder why they stopped at such a arbitrary place and then expect praise for being "inclusive".
I don't understand this debate... please tell me if I'm missing something.

The Hero of Time is a spirit and reincarnates. If Demise can reincarnate as a HUMAN or MONSTER, then the spirit of the Hero can reincarnate as a girl.

I don't see how the past incarnations of Link can be open to interpretation, those are boys and is stated as such within the game but we're not talking about those stories, we're talking about this upcoming one.

Also I firmly believe there will never be a "prince Link" because Link has never been associated with the Royal Family. That is the lineage of Zelda alone.


It makes me wonder why they stopped at such a arbitrary place and then expect praise for being "inclusive".
But it's not an arbitrary place. They'd be theoretically allowing you to choose between two specific designs rather than having the player design anything themselves. The choice between japanese boy/girl in Pokemon Crystal isn't insulting to minorities. If you wanted to have a leg to stand on you should have referenced FE Awakening/Fates where they both allow for near full customization of everything but skin tone. Worse still for Awakening since your family is all brown/south asian except for Robin themselves.


The idea of having the option of playing a female Link is rather interesting. Still going to play the OG Link. My boy. This piece is what all true warriors strive for. I mean c'mon. I just wonder what Ganon's up to.


But it's not an arbitrary place. They'd be theoretically allowing you to choose between two specific designs rather than having the player design anything themselves. The choice between japanese boy/girl in Pokemon Crystal isn't insulting to minorities. If you wanted to have a leg to stand on you should have referenced FE Awakening/Fates where they both allow for near full customization of everything but skin tone. Worse still for Awakening since your family is all brown/south asian except for Robin themselves.

These designs can't have a color option because...?


These designs can't have a color option because...?

Hey, look at the part where I said there couldn't be a colour option.

Oh wait, it's not there because I didn't.

What I did say is that adding just a gender option isn't insulting just because there aren't colour options too. Pokemon Crystal/RSE/FRLG isn't insulting because they gave you a preset male and female japanese kid option, Zelda wouldn't be insulting if it introduced a male/female preset pasty hylian option. FE can be argued as insulting for allowing full customization sans skin tone. Pokemon ORAS can be argued as insulting for taking skin tones away.
The fact that we're 77 pages deep into a thread about having the OPTION to play as a boy or a girl is the very same reason why this game needs to feature said choice.

I will never understand the people here that are against there being an option for a female Link. It's just an option, you'll get to play your reincarnated blank slate of an avatar that is Link male to your heart's content and will forget there was even an option past the very beginning of the game.


If there's going to be a female protagonist, I think I'd rather play as Zelda than have a female Link - and I definitely don't want Linkle. The series is known as Zelda, and I think it would be much more interesting to see what could be done with her character as an active protagonist than swapping the gender of Link.


Hey, look at the part where I said there couldn't be a colour option.

Oh wait I didn't.

What I did say is that adding just a gender option isn't insulting just because there aren't colour options too.

And I said it's a strange place to stop and I resent the implied idea that white men/women are inclusive as representation for everyone who plays Zelda.
The fact that we're 77 pages deep into a thread about having the OPTION to play as a boy or a girl is the very same reason why this game needs to feature said choice.

I will never understand the people here that are against there being an option for a female Link. It's just an option, you'll get to play your reincarnated blank slate of an avatar that is Link male to your heart's content and will forget there was even an option past the very beginning of the game.
When I seen the rumors I thought the big argument would be voice acting. I can't believe this is an argument. Some people I swear


And I said it's a strange place to stop and I resent the implied idea that white men/women are inclusive are representation for everyone who plays Zelda.

It isn't a strange place to stop though, not if they're introducing you to either two specific characters or two specific designs. Your logic for it being insulting doesn't hold up unless they actually let you customize the designs of your characters but choose to stop at skin tone.
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