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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


Neo Member
No, but it makes you harmfully ignorant at best. Supporting a racist man means you either are compliant with his views or don't give a shit, both equally bad, and before you retort saying "but what if you're not compliant with them" then why the fuck would you willingly support him?

Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

None of this is absolution for Palmer, there's no way to spin a high level employee being caught in this publicly. It's bad for the Oculus brand, I just hope it doesn't end up bad for VR if Oculus ends up being notably impacted.


The people here personally attacking those who still want to buy an occulus are the worst...im sorry, but its true. You guys obviously spend your whole day yelling at peiple wherever you go right? The world is filled with people dont believe or do what you want. Have some modicum of empathy and respect for your fellow man.

Look sure it would be great if all companies executive leadership wasnt made up of shitbags but thats not the world we live in.

If you want to be a conscientious consumer go head...i think thats admirable, but at least dont attack people for not following your lead.

No one has attacked anyone.

But if you really want it, Amuro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEy6hgdKtbw

I'm just joking around with the video btw.
I assumed Trump's border/immigrant policies were extreme forms of wanting to control illegal immigration and it's potential damage it might cause.

I don't agree with it, but I never assumed/interpreted it was white supremecy disguised as policy.

Like I said, I haven't followed everything that comes out of the pig's mouth, but I haven't seen him being flagrantly racist, such as being against legal immigration.

Sorry for asking in this thread I guess. Just seemed like a convenient place to gauge what people are thinking. I'll do my research outside of this thread.
He's against legal immigration of brown people


*rolls eyes*
I guess videogame hardware is more important to you than not supporting a racist idiot funding racism. *thumbs up* No one is attacking you, anyway. They're criticizing Palmer Luckey.

Guess what...as a son of hispanic immigrants and a brotherof a gay man....i wont be buying an occulous...yep im making a concencious decision not to support their product because of what their executive does

The point of my post was about not attacking people who will still buy an occulous...i guess my point has been made



A truly inspirational man.

That's disgusting.

Looks like I'm not getting an Oculus lol

Wonder how long it will be before there is some form of major backlash/apology from him.


Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

None of this is absolution for Palmer, there's no way to spin a high level employee being caught in this publicly. It's bad for the Oculus brand, I just hope it doesn't end up bad for VR if Oculus ends up being notably impacted.

okay, and what has hillary done? list everything, the good and the bad.


Except himself.

Do we know if he revealed himself in a one to one conversation or did DB just communicate with the Reddit user. The article uses both Palmer and reddit user interchangably. This isn't intended as FUD, it's a real question. At this point is it just a reddit user saying he's Palmer? Has the writer clarified this?
Guess what...as a son of hispanic immigrants and a brotherof a gay man....i wont be buying an occulous...yep im making a concencious decision not to support their product because of what their executive does

The point of my post was about not attacking people who will still buy an occulous...i guess my point has been made

People can still buy Oculus's all they want. What I do want, however, is for Facebook to fire Palmer.
Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

None of this is absolution for Palmer, there's no way to spin a high level employee being caught in this publicly. It's bad for the Oculus brand, I just hope it doesn't end up bad for VR if Oculus ends up being notably impacted.
Since when is being genuinely hated by everyone a positive?


The point of my post was about not attacking people who will still buy an occulous...i guess my point has been made

Can you quote the specific posts in this thread where people are being attacked for still deciding to purchase an Oculus, otherwise what's the point of the narrative you're trying to present
I assumed Trump's border/immigrant policies were extreme forms of wanting to control illegal immigration and it's potential damage it might cause.

I don't agree with it, but I never assumed/interpreted it was white supremecy disguised as policy.

Like I said, I haven't followed everything that comes out of the pig's mouth, but I haven't seen him being flagrantly racist, such as being against legal immigration.

It's the immigration policy coupled with the Muslim ban, a stop and frisk policy, birtherism, the fact that he refused to rent to black tenants, him refusing to disavow support from the KKK, retweeting false racist crime statistics from neo nazi accounts, creating campaign ads using images from neo nazi sources...

Noticing a pattern here?


He funds the creation of dank memes. I don't see anything wrong with this. Also, supporting trump doesn't equal white supremacy.
Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

None of this is absolution for Palmer, there's no way to spin a high level employee being caught in this publicly. It's bad for the Oculus brand, I just hope it doesn't end up bad for VR if Oculus ends up being notably impacted.
You don't shift the status quo by putting a circus clown in the white house.

Handy Fake

When someone says most Mexicans are rapists and murderers and seeks to keep an entire group of people out of the country based on their religious beliefs, you can no longer argue that he isn't racist or prejudicial. He's xenophobic, nationalistic, and uses fear as a club to get people's attention.

Do some research.

Pretty much the whole debacle in a nutshell.

The majority of the UK is looking across the pond with their collective head in their hands at the minute.

And this from a country who voted to leave Europe then put Boorish Johnson up as Foreign Secretary.


Guess what...as a son of hispanic immigrants and a brotherof a gay man....i wont be buying an occulous...yep im making a concencious decision not to support their product because of what their executive does

The point of my post was about not attacking people who will still buy an occulous...i guess my point has been made

No? Again, no one has attacked anyone. You went through this same song and dance two years ago when you tried to pull a "YEAH BUT MEN FACE DISCRIMINATION TOO" in a thread about how women face it on a daily basis, making accusations of things said in the thread that turned out to not be true.

You also still haven't pointed out the personal attacks on people wanting to buy an Oculus.

Also, you should've played the "black friend" card along with the hispanic parents and gay brother card. You could've had an ethnic flush. That's a hard poker hand to beat.
I assumed Trump's border/immigrant policies were extreme forms of wanting to control illegal immigration and it's potential damage it might cause.

I don't agree with it, but I never assumed/interpreted it was white supremecy disguised as policy.

Like I said, I haven't followed everything that comes out of the pig's mouth, but I haven't seen him being flagrantly racist, such as being against legal immigration.

Sorry for asking in this thread I guess. Just seemed like a convenient place to gauge what people are thinking. I'll do my research outside of this thread.

The reasoning for the wall, is because he thinks are mexican, which aren't white if you noticed it, are rapist.

If that's not racist I don't know what it is.


can you guys interpret what your idea of white suptemecists are? I'm genuinely confused. I thought it was white people believing they are of the superior race and therefore should control society.
If you aren't killing or at least physically hurt non-white people, you cannot be called white supermacist I assume?
I own a Rift, never felt shamed in anyway by the posters in this thread. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have bought it but I wouldn't hold it against anyone who did and I haven't seen anyone in this thread say anything different. The only thing I've seen people saying is they, themselves, would not support Oculus.


I assumed Trump's border/immigrant policies were extreme forms of wanting to control illegal immigration and it's potential damage it might cause.

I don't agree with it, but I never assumed/interpreted it was white supremecy disguised as policy.

Like I said, I haven't followed everything that comes out of the pig's mouth, but I haven't seen him being flagrantly racist, such as being against legal immigration.

Sorry for asking in this thread I guess. Just seemed like a convenient place to gauge what people are thinking. I'll do my research outside of this thread.

You don't have a clue, let me sum it up for you. He began his platform on the subject of deporting Mexicans, calling them criminals and racists. He then went on to say that all Muslims should be banned from entering the United States. He was endorsed by David Duke, a man with heavy ties to the KKK, and never rebuked his endorsement. He criticized a Judge during his Trump University lawsuit because he was Mexican, saying he was ill fit to be presiding over the case because of bias. He criticized the parents of a Muslim Soldier who died in Afghanistan, saying the mother probably wasn't allowed to speak, but she was just torn apart over her son's death. He lead a birther movement on President Obama, saying he was born in Kenya and shouldn't be President. The list goes on and on.

You definitely need to do some research before you post.
I assumed Trump's border/immigrant policies were extreme forms of wanting to control illegal immigration and it's potential damage it might cause.

I don't agree with it, but I never assumed/interpreted it was white supremecy disguised as policy.

Like I said, I haven't followed everything that comes out of the pig's mouth, but I haven't seen him being flagrantly racist, such as being against legal immigration.

Sorry for asking in this thread I guess. Just seemed like a convenient place to gauge what people are thinking. I'll do my research outside of this thread.
Just over the last few days :
- calling Muslim migrants a cancer from within, and suggesting "racial profiling" (his words) as a solution.
- his son tweeting that bowl of skittles pictures, which is literally nazi rhetoric. This is the exact kind of shit you'll find on that sub Luckey was a part of.
- saying drugs are at the heart of the Charlotte protests. Drugs is historically dog whistle to explain why black people got what they deserved.
- saying through Pence that people talk too much about racism in policing.

This is just this week and off the top of my head. He's like 100% unambiguous honestly.

You don't shift the status quo by putting a circus clown in the white house.
Technically it is a shift. Like putting a shit flinging ape in the White House would be one.
I'd take flying feces over Trump TBH.
Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

None of this is absolution for Palmer, there's no way to spin a high level employee being caught in this publicly. It's bad for the Oculus brand, I just hope it doesn't end up bad for VR if Oculus ends up being notably impacted.

I find it baffling that you and many others actually believe that the atrocities Trump is planning would somehow 'balance' out when compared to Hillary's faults. Faults that are very minor in comparison. Alright, she had a private email server. Fucking whatever dude. At least she isn't planning to fucking pull out of the goddamn Paris Agreement. Which is just one of the MANY extremely damaging things Trump is planning to do.


No? Again, no one has attacked anyone. You went through this same song and dance two years ago when you tried to pull a "YEAH BUT MEN FACE DISCRIMINATION TOO" in a thread about how women face it on a daily basis, making accusations of things said in the thread that turned out to not be true.

I admit i was wrong to bring that up in a thread foused on issues with abuse to women.

We apologize for that


I assumed Trump's border/immigrant policies were extreme forms of wanting to control illegal immigration and it's potential damage it might cause.

I don't agree with it, but I never assumed/interpreted it was white supremecy disguised as policy.

Like I said, I haven't followed everything that comes out of the pig's mouth, but I haven't seen him being flagrantly racist, such as being against legal immigration.

Sorry for asking in this thread I guess. Just seemed like a convenient place to gauge what people are thinking. I'll do my research outside of this thread.

You want something unequivocally, blatantly, racist that has come out of Trump's mouth in the last few months?


In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. Mr. Trump said the background of the judge, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants, was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border. “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Mr. Trump said.


Yes, he said that a judge cannot do his job because his parents were Mexican.


Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

If this "needed" shift from the status quo involves massive deportations of Hispanics, even more systematic racism of people of Muslim communities, more discrimination against women, utter disregard of people with disabilities, utter indifference to the LGBTQ community, glorification of the problems with police culture, and a solution to black community issues being more stop and frisks, I would vote for the other (more sane) candidate in a heart beat. And this isn't even a "well, presidents rarely make due with their campaign promises anyway," these are core pillars of his entire campaign, choice of cabinet, and foundation.
I own a Rift, never felt shamed in anyway by the posters in this thread. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have bought it but I wouldn't hold it against anyone who did and I haven't seen anyone in this thread say anything different. The only thing I've seen people saying is they, themselves, would not support Oculus.

^^ Yup. Exactly. Nothing to be ashamed about. Now Palmer, however, has much to be ashamed about. Except I'm sure he's very proud of funding what he views as an important quest to maintain the status quo for the straight white middle class male in America.
I own a Rift, never felt shamed in anyway by the posters in this thread. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have bought it but I wouldn't hold it against anyone who did and I haven't seen anyone in this thread say anything different. The only thing I've seen people saying is they, themselves, would not support Oculus.

Yeah, as a Rift owner I think there hasn't been any sort of issue.

I am debating not picking up Touch until he steps down. Hopefully that happens soon.


Neo Member
Since when is being genuinely hated by everyone a positive?

When there is effectively only two meaningful parties in what is supposedly a open republic with democratically elected representatives, it's a good thing. Not saying Trump would actually end up good, but when both parties hate you then it is at least a sign that his interest isn't to continue to line the pockets of the existing elite.


Because it's American politics. The other option is really really bad too! I personally support neither, but if gun held to my head and forced to choose, I'd probably choose Donald over Hillary. The harmfully ignorant shoe fits on both feet. It would appear her pile of dead bodies is much larger than Trumps. I'm more concerned with what a politician has done, over what they say, as history has shown they rarely make due with their campaign promises.

Plus, one actual positive for Trump is that both parties hate him. It indicates a shift from the status quo which is needed.

None of this is absolution for Palmer, there's no way to spin a high level employee being caught in this publicly. It's bad for the Oculus brand, I just hope it doesn't end up bad for VR if Oculus ends up being notably impacted.

You're blissfully ignorant.


He funds the creation of dank memes. I don't see anything wrong with this. Also, supporting trump doesn't equal white supremacy.

These aren't dank memes. Dank memes are fun and usually have funny jokes or used as funny reaction images. These are hate memes and are made for white supremacists and filled with anti-semitism. They turned a dank meme icon, pepe, into a white supremacist propaganda icon for their use.


People can still buy Oculus's all they want. What I do want, however, is for Facebook to fire Palmer.

I'm actually curious... could Facebook get rid of Palmer while still having control over Occulus? Because I'd be surprised if they were going to let two billion dollars spent acquiring the company go down the drain over this. Palmer's a shitbag, but his company could still be worth having.
When there is effectively only two meaningful parties in what is supposedly a open republic with democratically elected representatives, it's a good thing. Not saying Trump would actually end up good, but when both parties hate you then it is at least a sign that his interest isn't to continue to line the pockets of the existing elite.
He is the existing elite.


He funds the creation of dank memes. I don't see anything wrong with this. Also, supporting trump doesn't equal white supremacy.

Sorry, but yeah it basically does equal that.

Even those that knowingly support him for reasons like "I don't like everything he says, but he's not Clinton." Or for reasons like lower taxes, etc. You'd be knowingly supporting a man who spews white supremecist rhetoric on the regular.


Is Nimble America posting white racial crap or not?!?

From what I read, they are not and their goal is to shit post and make memes against Hillary.

It's hard to know for sure.

What we know is that they source from websites rife with white supremacy like /r/the_donald, 8chan, and /pol/. The moderators of /r/the_donald (a white supremacist subreddit) are deeply involved. Much of the shitposting and meme's that come out of these corners of the web are informed by white supremacist language.

So it's easy to make the logical leap that they are at least supporting white supremacy, if not spreading it directly.

Remember, you don't have to have a meme that says "I hate black people" to have a meme that is white supremacist.
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