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Female only gaming event cancelled following online harassment


And if you think that, you do not seem to think much of the harassment that women face in the industry.

What is the lower limit for harassment? What is the lowest form of harassment, to you, that constitutes harassment?

Sure, there is real harassment and its not funny or irrelevant.

To me the lowest form of harassment is when someone stares at me and does not stop, even though I told him/her to stop.

There was only once in my entire life where I have seen that a guy has been very stubborn and did not understand a no from a woman.

You know your argument is busted when you appeal to fictional beings in order to downplay harassment.

Yes and I wrote it exactly in the same post... you just decided to delete it.


Neogaf, you've got some serious issues if you think that women or minority only events are somehow "out of line". This is actually black and white. Let women and minorities have their own spaces, and fucking deal with it if you feel hurt over it.

Sure, there is real harassment and its not funny or irrelevant.

There was only once in my entire life where I have seen that a guy has been very stubborn and did not understand a no from a woman.

Anecdotal evidence is less than useless in this case. Get a new argument.

So... let them have their event. Let them realize how by leaving men out that they are missing a key aspect of the gaming community. Learning by first hand experience is always the best way to learn.

But gaming is dominated by males. This event would help foster more engagement of women in gaming by creating a place they can talk to others who are in their situation.

So... let them have their event. Let them realize how by leaving men out that they are missing a key aspect of the gaming community. Learning by first hand experience is always the best way to learn.

Like I said, if it bothers you that much. Have a all male gaming event then.

(this picture shows pretty much what I just mentioned)

As a spaniard let me check:

- Forocoches
- Valencia
- Golf car

Yeah, typical spanish human trash. As a spaniard I'm ashamed, but no wonder, we still have serious sexism issues in this country, that are yet to be resolved.


Junior Member
Thread making me head hurt.

Guys, a low post count and going unnecessarily hard on issues like these means it's a losers alt account. The kids been presented with examples over and over again. Ignore him


Neo Member
And exactly this kind of ignorance is the reason to the hatred. You give them oxygen to keep their fire.

You treated him and his statement with disrespect but expect respect from others. Situations like this make you look just like the ones you try to fight off.




Not gonna explain you where your fallacy is. Just giving you a hint. I also wont discuss or try to make you understand that what you wrote there is nothing more than an angry hypothesis with a close to zero percent chance that you hit a bullseye by guessing things as facts. Also very vague definition of harassment. I bet if we bend the term a little more we can believably argue that on every event on earth there will always be at least one man beeing harassed by a Jedi. If that gives you the feeling that I am making fun of your argument, well thats because I absolutely have the same feeling about your post.

Dude what? Even if it's just a dude telling a chick she's cute, or asking for her number, that's still harassment. No vague definition needed, it is. If a woman is just there to have a good time, she shouldn't have to deal with male advances. At a convention, I guarantee you at least one girl is being harassed. What the actual fuck about your jedi statement? Jedi aren't real. Men who view woman as objects or things to lust after are. I can see where your understanding of the situation is at. I thought you were here for a debate or to learn, but it's become apparent that you are just here to say that these women aren't ever being harassed, or I'm exaggerating.

Fact is, if you equate my post that women are harassed at every gaming convention to men being harassed by jedi, not only are you ignorant, you're a fucking asshole.
Edit: saw he's banned. He won't be missed.


There was only once in my entire life where I have seen that a guy has been very stubborn and did not understand a no from a woman.
Man I wish that was my reality and the reality of my friends. Experiencing that shit once would be much better than experiencing it so many times you've lost count. It's always a little mind boggling to me that men don't see it but I guess it usually occurs in spaces where everyone is out of ear shot, there aren't that many people around, or the people around are all participating in it anyways.

Edit: And yes I've been harassed at a convention. Multiple times.
And exactly this kind of ignorance is the reason to the hatred. You give them oxygen to keep their fire.

You treated him and his statement with disrespect but expect respect from others. Situations like this make you look just like the ones you try to fight off.

They can laugh all they want but I do think they understood my comments. When you limited the people you can share something with that you enjoy in the end you are only limiting yourself and the level of enjoyment you can share.

its all good.
hmm but why did they become asshats? No one is born as an asshat! In fact, I totally understand your position since its the same about racism. The internet is full of racist asshats but its because they live in their bubble, dont like other opinions and think what their bubble wants them to think. Problem with asshats is that you cant cure their disease by pushing them further into their asshat bubble and giving them reason and confirmation I guess.

Why they became shitty people may be an interesting topic of study but that aint really the problem of women having an event to solve. That aint even the problem of other men to delve into if they dont want. At the end of the day they dont get to have resources dedicated to why they're fucking douchebags over people who need them and are not harming anyone.

If dude is an asshole because some girl pushed him in mud when he was 4 all that would explain to me is that he needs to grow the fuck up. If it's due to lack of education and exposure we can provide those things and still blatantly shut down their shit. But asshats dont get an out to become bigger asshats because someone called them out. That's ridiculous.
And exactly this kind of ignorance is the reason to the hatred. You give them oxygen to keep their fire.

You treated him and his statement with disrespect but expect respect from others. Situations like this make you look just like the ones you try to fight off.

Nonsensical statements don't deserve respect. Is just a woman event discussing their role in the videogame world, why there's need to be men there? Is a private event, not excluding men forever from discussion or gaming.
And exactly this kind of ignorance is the reason to the hatred. You give them oxygen to keep their fire.

You treated him and his statement with disrespect but expect respect from others. Situations like this make you look just like the ones you try to fight off.
Okay here's the tea:

Stop equating people that want to have their own spaces to navigate themselves to people that have built their lives off of harassing and intimidating those very same people. That's a false equivalence and quite frankly, it's absolutely laughable and shows that you lack the nuance and information needed to discuss this subject at large.

Women are minorities. There is no place on this Earth that is similar to Themyscira, a dominant-matriarchal society in Wonder Woman's lore. Finding a place where women feel safe is perfectly acceptable because there aren't very many places where women aren't demonized in public spaces for being women.

Men, and as a man I am saying this, I have never felt victimized over my gender because there is no need for me to. I don't get stared down by creeps in public, I don't get honked at by complete strangers, I don't get accusations of me being a whore because I'm wearing a tank top in the summer heat, I am most likely paid more than a woman in my field, I am not assumed to be lesser because I am a man, and, for the purpose of this gaming-related topic, I don't have to fear of being called out for being a man while speaking in a multiplayer video game on microphone. Stop being obtuse and read about the inequities that women have to navigate daily and exercise some empathy.


Okay here's the tea:

Stop equating people that want to have their own spaces to navigate themselves to people that have built their lives off of harassing and intimidating those very same people. That's a false equivalence and quite frankly, it's absolutely laughable and shows that you lack the nuance and information needed to discuss this subject at large.

Women are minorities. There is no place on this Earth that is similar to Themyscira, a dominant-matriarchal society in Wonder Woman's lore. Finding a place where women feel safe is perfectly acceptable because there aren't very many places where women aren't demonized in public spaces for being women.

Men, and as a man I am saying this, I have never felt victimized over my gender because there is no need for me to. I don't get stared down by creeps in public, I don't get honked at by complete strangers, I don't get accusations of me being a whore because I'm wearing a tank top in the summer heat, I am most likely paid more than a woman in my field, I am not assumed to be lesser because I am a man, and, for the purpose of this gaming-related topic, I don't have to fear of being called out for being a man while speaking in a multiplayer video game on microphone. Stop being obtuse and read about the inequities that women have to navigate daily and exercise some empathy.

Honestly I should have known how this dude operates when his first response about men harassing women was "and women don't pinch a hot man ass? hmmm?"

I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because he actually seemed to be learning, but it should have been obvious.

Other shit lords take note, if you use "not all men" "what about" or "just asking questions" you aren't blowing our minds, and we see you, immediately.

It's like dudes with fedoras and cargo pants who have never heard of the meme. We already know, you're not being deep and you aren't talking down to us with your enlightenment. You're a fucking joke so big that people spend their free time looking at reddit memes about you.
Anytime someone uses the word segregation or asks how you would feel about a male only event assume they are a joke person. No one argues in good faith using those arguments.


Sure, there is real harassment and its not funny or irrelevant.

To me the lowest form of harassment is when someone stares at me and does not stop, even though I told him/her to stop.

There was only once in my entire life where I have seen that a guy has been very stubborn and did not understand a no from a woman.

Yes and I wrote it exactly in the same post... you just decided to delete it.

Stop acting like harassment of women is only as bad as you experience it. What is wrong with you

this is so incredibly vile and ignorant I... there are no words

Edit: oh thank the mods you were banned


Anytime someone uses the word segregation or asks how you would feel about a male only event assume they are a joke person. No one argues in good faith using those arguments.
What's worse is they aren't just trolling. They actually think they're right, and I guarantee you when that dude got banned he thought "these mods are just intolerant of my opinion". So gross.


A "women's only" event is not the same as a "men's only" event. Yes, they both exclude the opposite gender.

But intent is the important factor here. A women's only event is for the purpose of supporting women and to avoid harassment that is all too common.

A men's only event is likely to be held as an affront to women, to purposely exclude them to prove some misguided point. Frankly, men don't "need" a men's only event.

I'd question a men's only event to be in "good faith".


They can laugh all they want but I dont think they understood my comments. When you limited the people you can share something with that you enjoy in the end you are only limiting yourself and the level of enjoyment you can share.

its all good.

You're basically stating that a room full of women talking about videogames is somehow less legitimate than a room full of women + men talking about videogames, which is completely nonsensical and removed from reality. Women have important things to say too. Men can btfo and deal with it.
What's worse is they aren't just trolling. They actually think they're right, and I guarantee you when that dude got banned he thought "these mods are just intolerant of my opinion". So gross.

Oh for sure. I'm sure he thinks he was reasonable and was made a victim. And to he was mostly inflammatory even if he was just willfully obtuse. But like, it's bad faith argument to invoke imagines of segregation civil rights style with a female only gaming event. Its just being blatantly jerky to act like a male only gaming event is the same as a female only event. Then ignore the 8 million times people point out to you historical and current social context matters.

These people aren't here to engage in true learning so I have 0 issue when they are met with condescension.
Between this thread and the Anita one it's just a reminder that men are doing their hardest to make sure no one else enjoys their hobby :c

Glad that more and more people are standing up to the ignorance but oof a double punch today of men thinking they're owed all the attention and not letting their hobby grow.


It just makes me so sad that even here, where moderation is top notch and account approval is an actual process, people still come out the woodwork to spout their shitty uninformed views. The same people who are completely uneducated about the subject and just regurgitate talking points from youtube videos, while calling everyone else "sheeple" is fucking embarassing.

When I read comments sections on the rest of the internet, it makes me sick. Literally sick, like I feel like I need to throw up. It's like there is no hope in this world, no matter what people try to do with a philosophy of "just don't be a dick", there's a thousand to one ratio of people who say feminists are just "whores who need to stop complaining" or spam the n word on any gaming video with a black person in it.

Just the other day I was playing Overwatch 3v3 and somebody killed Sombra and said "yeah, that spic bitch was scared we were gonna deport her!"

It almost makes me want to not even associate myself with this hobby anymore.
You're basically stating that a room full of women talking about videogames is somehow less legitimate than a room full of women + men talking about videogames, which is completely nonsensical and removed from reality. Women have important things to say too. Men can btfo and deal with it.

I already stated what i meant. Selective reading much?

They can laugh all they want but I do think they understood my comments. When you limited the people you can share something with that you enjoy in the end you are only limiting yourself and the level of enjoyment you can share.

its all good.

Sounds like a joyous occasion to me if you're a woman

It could be or it could be not. Who knows, thats why I say let them have their event. I see no problems with it. Why is everyone selective reading today?
It just makes me so sad that even here, where moderation is top notch and account approval is an actual process, people still come out the woodwork to spout their shitty uninformed views. The same people who are completely uneducated about the subject and just regurgitate talking points from youtube videos, while calling everyone else "sheeple" is fucking embarassing.

When I read comments sections on the rest of the internet, it makes me sick. Literally sick, like I feel like I need to throw up. It's like there is no hope in this world, no matter what people try to do with a philosophy of "just don't be a dick", there's a thousand to one ratio of people who say feminists are just "whores who need to stop complaining" or spam the n word on any gaming video with a black person in it.

Just the other day I was playing Overwatch 3v3 and somebody killed Sombra and said "yeah, that spic bitch was scared we were gonna deport her!"

It almost makes me want to not even associate myself with this hobby anymore.

Gaf is about the most I associate with gaming. I dont use a mic in online games, I dont attend gaming related anything, I dont discuss I play games outside of the people I play them with. I like games but the community (outside of gaf, I love gaf) is not my thing.


It just makes me so sad that even here, where moderation is top notch and account approval is an actual process, people still come out the woodwork to spout their shitty uninformed views. The same people who are completely uneducated about the subject and just regurgitate talking points from youtube videos, while calling everyone else "sheeple" is fucking embarassing.

When I read comments sections on the rest of the internet, it makes me sick. Literally sick, like I feel like I need to throw up. It's like there is no hope in this world, no matter what people try to do with a philosophy of "just don't be a dick", there's a thousand to one ratio of people who say feminists are just "whores who need to stop complaining" or spam the n word on any gaming video with a black person in it.

Just the other day I was playing Overwatch 3v3 and somebody killed Sombra and said "yeah, that spic bitch was scared we were gonna deport her!"

It almost makes me want to not even associate myself with this hobby anymore.

Me too about the physically ill. By that banned guys second to last post I just.... I can't.

Someone who doesn't believe in things they can't experience themselves isnt someone that can be talked to or reasoned with. They won't learn.


I already stated what i meant. Selective reading much?

It could be or it could be not. Who knows, thats why I say let them have their event. I see no problems with it. Why is everyone selective reading today?

Women are not going to leave a women's-only -gaming- event thinking "that was lovely, but I think it would have been more fun if men had been around!"

Neogaf, you've got some serious issues if you think that women or minority only events are somehow "out of line". This is actually black and white. Let women and minorities have their own spaces, and fucking deal with it if you feel hurt over it.

Anecdotal evidence is less than useless in this case. Get a new argument.


Well said..
It just makes me so sad that even here, where moderation is top notch and account approval is an actual process, people still come out the woodwork to spout their shitty uninformed views. The same people who are completely uneducated about the subject and just regurgitate talking points from youtube videos, while calling everyone else "sheeple" is fucking embarassing.

When I read comments sections on the rest of the internet, it makes me sick. Literally sick, like I feel like I need to throw up. It's like there is no hope in this world, no matter what people try to do with a philosophy of "just don't be a dick", there's a thousand to one ratio of people who say feminists are just "whores who need to stop complaining" or spam the n word on any gaming video with a black person in it.

Just the other day I was playing Overwatch 3v3 and somebody killed Sombra and said "yeah, that spic bitch was scared we were gonna deport her!"

It almost makes me want to not even associate myself with this hobby anymore.

I know exactly how you feel...you have to wonder how much of a horrible person they must be when their racist mindset infects every aspect of their life. Like on psn, came across spadekillin4life... I was like wtf... First thing out his mouth.. Nword this nword that... Smh just read those yahoo comments about anything. The state of America/the world is just very sad and depressing


Gaf is about the most I associate with gaming. I dont use a mic in online games, I dont attend gaming related anything, I dont discuss I play games outside of the people I play them with. I like games but the community (outside of gaf, I love gaf) is not my thing.

I feel like this is where I have to go with it, and it sucks. I've always been super enthusiastic about games and the industry in general. From a young lad in the 90s with my first PSM subscription, I felt like I found something that was for me. I used to look forward every month to that magazine in the mail, I would take it to school every day for that whole month and draw pictures from the screenshots of my favorite characters, and read every day. That has evolved into the amazing reality of game info being a click away, and trailers and screenshots. Hell, I remember waiting 20 minutes for a real player video trailer of DMC3 to buffer and being so happy about the internet existing.

Video games are my main hobby besides music, I love the shit out of them. As a musician I've never had to distance myself from music because of a stigma that all musicians are gamergate right wing misogynist douche bags. Why can't games be like this? Why does everyone have to ruin it? If there was a female only music convention, nobody would bat a fucking eye and it would be heavily supported and sponsored, but videogames? no fucking chance, it's a bunch of people with no understanding of politics being brainwashed by other people who don't understand politics, ranting about how equality is just a political agenda. Man, maybe someday this shit will change.

Legit question though, what can we do? I like to think that by arguing on forums maybe I can at least change one person's mind every now and again, or make them reconsider how much of an asshole they are. But beyond that?


Women are not going to leave a women's-only -gaming- event thinking "that was lovely, but I think it would have been more fun if men had been around!"


And if they even did, they'd just go to any of the numerous conventions where men are going to anyway.


Legit question though, what can we do? I like to think that by arguing on forums maybe I can at least change one person's mind every now and again, or make them reconsider how much of an asshole they are. But beyond that?

I think the best thing we can do as decent human beings is to just take idiots to task in real life when we get the chance. Hopefully that pure societal pressure will change things in the long run.


Gold Member
What possible difference could it possibly make to any one's enjoyment of this hobby if women want to have a women's only event?

Legit question though, what can we do? I like to think that by arguing on forums maybe I can at least change one person's mind every now and again, or make them reconsider how much of an asshole they are. But beyond that?
Its the long game amigo. You aren't going to get a eureka moment. Some beating up...some "hey man, you do realize you are being an asshole" and hopefully...after awhile...their attitudes will change.


I feel like this is where I have to go with it, and it sucks. I've always been super enthusiastic about games and the industry in general. From a young lad in the 90s with my first PSM subscription, I felt like I found something that was for me. I used to look forward every month to that magazine in the mail, I would take it to school every day for that whole month and draw pictures from the screenshots of my favorite characters, and read every day. That has evolved into the amazing reality of game info being a click away, and trailers and screenshots. Hell, I remember waiting 20 minutes for a real player video trailer of DMC3 to buffer and being so happy about the internet existing.

Video games are my main hobby besides music, I love the shit out of them. As a musician I've never had to distance myself from music because of a stigma that all musicians are gamergate right wing misogynist douche bags. Why can't games be like this? Why does everyone have to ruin it? If there was a female only music convention, nobody would bat a fucking eye and it would be heavily supported and sponsored, but videogames? no fucking chance, it's a bunch of people with no understanding of politics being brainwashed by other people who don't understand politics, ranting about how equality is just a political agenda. Man, maybe someday this shit will change.

Legit question though, what can we do? I like to think that by arguing on forums maybe I can at least change one person's mind every now and again, or make them reconsider how much of an asshole they are. But beyond that?

I mean I think we can only do what we're doing, and have conversations with your friends or your siblings or boyfriend/girlfriend, coworkers, children, whatever when they say something concerning, or need support. Maybe eventually we will live in a world where hate isn't so abundant, but sadly I'm a pessimist and think that civilization will end before that happens.
I feel like this is where I have to go with it, and it sucks. I've always been super enthusiastic about games and the industry in general. From a young lad in the 90s with my first PSM subscription, I felt like I found something that was for me. I used to look forward every month to that magazine in the mail, I would take it to school every day for that whole month and draw pictures from the screenshots of my favorite characters, and read every day. That has evolved into the amazing reality of game info being a click away, and trailers and screenshots. Hell, I remember waiting 20 minutes for a real player video trailer of DMC3 to buffer and being so happy about the internet existing.

Video games are my main hobby besides music, I love the shit out of them. As a musician I've never had to distance myself from music because of a stigma that all musicians are gamergate right wing misogynist douche bags. Why can't games be like this? Why does everyone have to ruin it? If there was a female only music convention, nobody would bat a fucking eye and it would be heavily supported and sponsored, but videogames? no fucking chance, it's a bunch of people with no understanding of politics being brainwashed by other people who don't understand politics, ranting about how equality is just a political agenda. Man, maybe someday this shit will change.

Legit question though, what can we do? I like to think that by arguing on forums maybe I can at least change one person's mind every now and again, or make them reconsider how much of an asshole they are. But beyond that?

I dunno I just use what I learn to address people in real life if the person and the situation is right. Otherwise I dont worry about it too much. Its like, I'm black, I cant get into a debate with every single person dropping the n word. Just gotta shrug, enjoy your stuff and address if you can do it without ruining your day ya know?


I think the best thing we can do as decent human beings is to just take idiots to task in real life when we get the chance. Hopefully that pure societal pressure will change things in the long run.

Yeah that's how I feel. It's a sad realization, but I think that things won't change for the better in my life time, but as long as I can persevere and call out "shit lords" maybe in a couple generations this hobby won't be associated with dick back gate keepers who are too lazy to read anything that isn't spoonfed to them by other shit lord gate keepers reppin' "alpha-male" in some hostile attempt to call out non-assholes as hypocrites.

I don't call myself a gamer, that word is toxic as fuck and associates you with a subculture of gatekeeping hate and exclusiveness that they claim to be against.

Film lovers aren't called filmers. Book lovers aren't bookers. Music lovers aren't musicers. They're all just people.

As long as people cling to "gamer" they cling to the shitstorm of uninformed, self-entitled white male hatred that has been establishing itself a nice foundation of regression for the past 20+ years.
I'd love to know what you actually meant. And please clarify instead of telling me that you "already said it".

I was pretty clear on everything I said, you are the one taking things out of context and making assumptions. Ive been stating from the beginning that they should have their event. I see no problems with it.

Sharing is always great with people that share the same interest and the greater the amount better. This applies to all things outside of gaming. Humans are just social creatures and we thrive on it. You might not feel the need for men to be around to share something you enjoy but you cant speak for everyone.
Leaving this thread for a few hours and catching up really shows how strongly the endless cycle is followed:

1) Ignorant idiot(s) bypasses all previous discussion and lectures everyone on the dangers of non-mixed events, how everyone must be exaggerating harassment, and how single-gender events don't solve every problem from cancer to cold fusion, therefore they should not exist.
2) People patiently explain to him yet again that women never signed a contract forcing them to shouder the burden of societal reform 24/7 and should damn well gather as they want without the prior approval of the entire male population.
3) Shocked that his revolutionary ideas haven't prompted anyone to reevaluate their lives, his discourse soon devolves and slips into even more overtly misogynic (and often racist) overtones.
4) He gets predictably banned.
5) The next idiot in queue joins, start from 1)

But because I'm the bigger idiot, here I am, replying again.

Safe space and worrying of being harassed are things that shouldn't happen

Safe spaces shouldn't happen? I can't wait for the reasoning behind that.

and neither of them is fixed by excluding them (or men) while it also aggravates the problem.

Also the "repeated on every page" doesn't make it any more factual nor proves anybodys point aside from getting tiresome.

Thanks for the clarification. Everyone was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that if your argument is that women-only events don't solve sexism, it must be because you missed the repeated statements that it's not supposed to solve it. With that confusion cleared up, we can more accurately see we're dealing with the same ol' misogynic trolling.

I wonder how many people criticizing this event were aware of this one and similarly complained


The best (worst) part is the very first comment:
I'd like to point out that no one, more than likely, would raise a fuss if it was an all girls/women event. There's a lot of hypocrisy and double standard in the world of sexism.
The irony is so thick you need a chainsaw to cut it through it.

I think in the context of gaming and the Internet, and indeed nerd culture, it goes into a specific viewpoint that social identity itself is a problem because it is the catalyst for bigotry (not the people that engage in bigotry over something as benign as social identity, of course), which can at times feel similar to a lot of the bullying middle class teens have gone through (not to say teens cannot be victims of bigotry), and thus anonymity is the way to go because then everyone is a blank slate, free of the pre-existing assumptions associated with any identity, who succeeds or fails on their own merits as a contributor to the community. You see it in 4chan's whole worldview and structure, fandoms that pride themselves on "unity" and being a "big happy family" over "drama," and to a lesser extent within the wider Internet community and it's desire to keep as much anonymity as possible.

However, anonymity as an ultimate good is a terrible basis for a social worldview because everyone who uses a computer or engages in some other way with nerd culture is ultimately a human being already built with preconceived notions about others' identities and a general idea of the self and its given identities. So one's Internet history and habits are going to be an approximate reflection of their "real life" self- Google wouldn't be able to advertise to you otherwise- and thus the many parts of the Internet have take on aspects of the current dominant worldview- the one of straight white men's and the associated privilege of being able to actually believe in meritocratic ideals.

So then here comes a person who sees this, or has some interaction with a person where they're assumed to be something they're not, or they meet someone who's like them in some way. This person then declares themselves to be a woman, or a black man, or gay, or some other aberration from the "anonymous," default, colorblind bubble of the Internet. The very declaration of these identities is an inherent attack on Internet culture, because you're now subsequently introducing the societal baggage that has come with the history of these identities back into the "anonymous" bubble, the societal baggage that people who subscribe hard to anonymity tried to solve by just ignoring it and assuming you were a "blank slate" straight white male in the first place.

It's why people get pissed at "putting politics into games" through the use of social identity while not caring about the politics of WWII. It's why people tell minorities to make their own games instead of trying to inject their presence where it doesn't belong. It's why people keep trying to lambast Anita Sarkeesian as a no-good lying outsider while her harassers are minimally targeted with these same kind of offense tactics. Identity is a reminder of the real world, and nerds don't want to deal with the real world because they might be forced to confront some nasty things about their character, even when they're calling you a nigger in Overwatch.

tl:dr-- Listen to Foldy. He's already broken this shit down in an amazing way.

Excellent exposition again. The fact that this is most certanly accurate is extremely depressing, if not outright terrifying; how can anyone, let alone a vast group's, ideal of a perfect internet be a gray soup of nondescript, impersonal, homogeneous, barely-human robo-entities is nearly surreal. But I guess once one gets there, the slightest hint of color or shape is an affront to the eyes and a threat to the ego.

4) Still, they don't need their own event. They are dividing everyone.
How? They wouldn't go to the other event. They aren't going already. They are doing something for their own that nobody did for them.

Actually it's even better than that; women that already attend gaming events aren't going to stop doing so because a women-only event exists, so this "division" is even more fictitious to begin with. Hell, if anything, a women-only event may give those that have long since given up on regular events the motivation to attend them again, perhaps as a group. It's really win-win for everyone (that's not a fucking entitled self-centered asshole).

Excellent summation otherwise, so I fully expect most anti-women-event people to fully ignore it. :(
Film lovers aren't called filmers. Book lovers aren't bookers. Music lovers aren't musicers. They're all just people.

There's actually a word for all three: cinephiles, bibliophiles, and musicophiles. Would you also advice them to stop calling themselves that and simply call themselves "people"? That's very few steps removed from the gray anonymous soup of nondescription that Nepenthe was talking about earlier.

Frankly I'm tired of fighting on two fronts. Is it truly impossible to condemn misogyny without throwing all of gaming and everyone self-identifying as a gamer under the bus?
This is just disgusting.

Why the hell do these men care if females want to have their own event? God, some people are such shitheads.

I hope some of the big companies (especially console manufacturers) speak against this and set up their own female only events. Females in the industry (gamers or devs) deserve to be treated with more respect.

Damn, this pissed me off.

Two Words

I'm suggesting that your comment was totally pointless on a forum like this, where the notion of reverse racism is almost always a joke. White people are not oppressed, saying "that's racist!" when you feel generalized is very "Not ALL cops." imo.

When white males remain the dominant race group, you're gonna get joked on. Take it in jest, or wear the shoe. That's all.
Na), I think you can reasonably have a problem with generalizing white people. The problem is when all somebody is concerned with are the tiny pebbles being tossed at white people when it comes to race issues.


It doesn't matter to these people how many real life instances of harassment we present them with. If they don't experience it themselves or if they weren't there, it's not real. We're just harpy bitches who are making it up to play the victim and get attention.

Sadly this is the truth. A lot of people can't empathise with people who are different from them. It's not something I can completely comprehend, thinking that way, but it's what I've come to realise. If it doesn't affect them personally, it doesn't matter. What's even more perplexing is that they don't realise that they lack empathy for other human beings. They often have a complete lack of self awareness.


There's actually a word for all three: cinephiles, bibliophiles, and musicophiles. Would you also advice them to stop calling themselves that and simply call themselves "people"? That's very few steps removed from the gray anonymous soup of nondescription that Nepenthe was talking about earlier.

Frankly I'm tired of fighting on two fronts. Is it truly impossible to condemn misogyny without throwing all of gaming and everyone self-identifying as a gamer under the bus?

The difference is, nobody calls themselves cinephiles or bibliophiles, as I'm 28 years old and have never once heard someone refer to themselves that way. Gamer has been hijacked by the most toxic of our sub culture. I'm not throwing gaming under the bus, or people who are gamers, but I think people who aren't shit lord gamer gaters should divorce themselves from the word "gamer" and move on.
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