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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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People have backlogged games every generation. Once there's a steady supply of high-quality games out this generation that are only available on this-generation consoles, people who were holding out with start to convert, especially if there are bundles.

Don't disagree about people coming on-board later when software is better and more or less exclusive to newer hardware. However, I very much doubt that most people have real backlogs as that's pretty much exclusive to gaming enthusiasts, like people at GAF, who tend to out-buy the average gamer by ten times or more. We are the whales and there's no saving us.
I'm loving all this "PS4 haz no gamez" nonsense.

Sony always delivers exclusive content and new IP...every generation...like clockwork, and they have been wiping the floor with MS in that regard since 2009 or so. Just during the PS3 era they brought us new exclusive IP like Uncharted, Infamous, Last of Us, Resistance, LBP and Motorstorm along with continuing IP from the PS1 and PS2 eras like God of War, Killzone, Ratchet, Sly, Twisted Metal, Wipeout and Gran Turismo.

Sony, for whatever business reason, opted to continue to support the PS3 with great content in 2013 (Sly, GoW, GT, TLoU, Puppeteer, Beyond, Ratchet, etc.) rather than pushing it to their new console, and that has affected the quantity of retail content in the first few months of the PS4. You'd have to be a moron to hold that against them, because they'll show the same commitment on PS4 just like they did on PS2. Anybody else remember that God of War 2 on PS2 released after the PS3?

I agree completely.

I definitely didn't like how MS just completely abandoned the first Xbox after the 360, as if it didn't exist. Looks like they are already doing the same for the 360 :/


love on your sleeve
That 33% is going to quickly change their mind this fall when stuff like Batman is next-gen exclusive, or when all of their Destiny friends are playing on a PS4

Agreed, I wouldn't doubt that Arkham Knight has already sold a few next gen consoles. Last gen software sales will continue to plummet for everything not named Call of Duty/FIFA/Madden and that will put an end to a lot of this crossgen stuff.


Actually, i believe you are the one that moved the goal posts.

I believe last gen during the list wars, PS3 fanboys would discount any xbla games when listed by 360 fanboys.

1. I believe using the word fanboys deflects discussion.
2. I believe if you're going to argue the way you're going, you will have to establish that he's one of those people you're mentioning.
3. Either way, the argument is completely bogus and pointless.


Like, as a whole, and again this is coming from someone who has their favorites, but is all about the game regardless of platform, the Xbox experience is a lot more worth it to me than the Playstation one, specially as far as paid services are concerned. For me, PlayStation plus really is off-putting (not saying it's bad, it's just not my cup of tea),

The way I see it is that paying for online sucks, and I'm not much of an online player anyways. If I can only afford to pay for one box, might as well make it the Xbox because of free games (at least for the time being, which I feel is awesome) and the fact that now, I might be able to get some added value of some of those 360 games I've never played online before. Again, it's all a matter of personal preference.

1. It's not; but at the moment, the Microsoft one is the only one giving the free games. One of the things I find off-putting about PlayStation Plus is the "free" games. To me, and I've looked into it since it was announced, it's nothing more than a glorified rental service with some valuable savings offers. While said offers are nice, I just don't have enough money to spend on those offers to make the membership worthwhile. That, and playing the "rental" games without owning them feels weird to me, very offputting; I like to play for keeps. Again, I am not bashing the service in any way, it's just not my cup of tea.

Really? You object to paying for online and you don't like that you don't get to keep the games for PS+, and yet you go for the system that forces you to pay to use Netflix, HBO Go, internet, hell, even if you want to send a message or reply to a message on the xbox forums from your computer (yes, you need Gold to do that)?

And yet PS+ doesn't sit right to you? Honestly, Live Gold is downright offensive to me cause of what I just posted above. It's why they won't get a dime of my money for it even if they do offer anything good (I might have considered it for Games for Gold if it showed games I wanted to come out).

Yeah, those games on PS+ are only while you have PS+, but for the amount and quality of games you get, it's a good deal (it's not like they are giving you nothing really and only taking away things if you don't pay like Live Gold does. The games with gold was only recently in response to PS+ honestly so you can thank PS+ you even get that with Gold). And honestly, if I really like the game and want to own it (cause I agree, I like owning games I really like, I collect them), by the time my PS+ runs out, the game will be pretty cheap to find. And in the meantime, I can still play it instead of waiting for it to get that cheap. As well as be introduced to games I would not have tried if I had to buy them (Rayman Origins is one I found that way as well as Hotline Miami and Gravity Rush as well as Dragon's Dogma. And you can bet I'll be buying the last two when I can get them pretty cheap or if do not renew my PS+. And I honestly never would have tried them without PS+ cause the demo didn't impress me but the actual game showed the demo just wasn't a good example).

Hell, at this point with my budget I'm going to be relying on PS+ for my gaming and only buying the really cherished games outright (like Fallout will be a day one buy unless I simply don't have the money in the bank). It gets enough good games I don't really need to buy anything outside of it for my gaming needs so it saves me money that way.

So, yeah, you don't get to keep the games if you leave PS+ (on the other hand, you will always have access to them if you have PS+, even if you let your membership lapse for some time and you have access to all of them, not just a few you check out at a time so it's more like Netflix than a rental service). But for the price they ask (50 bux a year), it is a helluva good deal. A lot better than what what Live Gold gives you (or rather stops punishing you for not paying for it).


Already own one underpowered console for exclusives, the WiiU, don't need a 2nd underpowered console for more. PS4 and PC for this gen of consoles, might bite on Xbox One when I can get it for $250 or so with holiday discounts. And I owned all consoles last gen, including portables. Microsoft screwed up too much to keep me interested.


ps4 is my first next gen console and i gamed mostly on my x360. Only thing holding me back from xbone is the price, 299 and its a no brainer

and i also agree with the sentiment that "ps4 has no games". Its not nonsense, if it weren't true i'd own more than one game right now for it. Thank goodness for PC
Demonstrate that he did that or this is not relevant.

The original claim that people (including myself) responded to was that Xbone has more games than PS4 full stop.

This is not factually not true.

Your feelings on the line-up have no bearing on the factually incorrect claim that was made.

Oh i don't care, games are games. All games should be counted

And really looking at it, both sides are actually guilty and hypocrites(not talking about these users, just fanboy generalities)

Last gen ps3 fanboys said xbla exclusives didn't count, this gen xb1 fanboys discount them.

It's amazing how this gen's fanboys are exactly the same as last gen, simply reversed.

My fav is the "lazy dev" excuse that xb1 fanboys use about devs, just as ps3 fanboys did last gen when gamea weren't up to par with the 360s.



On Demand

Because some people can only afford one console and less than 5% of the games released for it as it is.

And it could be that none of the first party games from Sony or MS interest them. I never cared about MS's consoles for that reason. I prefer Sony's first party software.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
ps4 is my first next gen console and i gamed mostly on my x360. Only thing holding me back from xbone is the price, 299 and its a no brainer

and i also agree with the sentiment that "ps4 has no games". Its not nonsense, if it weren't true i'd own more than one game right now for it. Thank goodness for PC

You should have four free games already, but you must not like games...


They'll come back when the DX12 GPU is revealed at GDC.

There's no additional GPU on Xbox One, nor can Microsoft easily change the hardware inside the console without making current Xbox One games playable.

I really wish some of you would whine some more about how Microsoft "wronged" you with their initial unveiling of the Xbox One.

Please don't become someone like Louis Cyphre, please.
Can't say I'm too surprised at this point.
The Xbox One kinda feels like a mess currently.

Going from my PC to my Xbox One is a frustrating experience. That isn't how a console is supposed to feel =\


Not super high, but 35k gamerscore compared to 350 trophies, last gen you can see where my time was. I now own both next gen consoles and plan to make sony my lead platform. The performance differences are too much for me to not take notice. dS4 is a large improvement for me.

My xb1 controller is loose at the seems and dpad twangs, its really annoying. Dont even want to pick up the controller now. My DS4 controller is solid.

If MS continues to invest in first party/exclusive titles that are the shooter mass market genre then i will be purchasing very few xb1 games.
I really wish some of you would whine some more about how Microsoft "wronged" you with their initial unveiling of the Xbox One.

I think "wronged" is the wrong term.

I think "shit" is much better.

Their initial reveal was shit.

Their initial message was shit.

Their initial ideology was shit.

It's awesome how quickly things changed internally. Seems that Mattrick was one of, if not the root cause of the xbox one's problems. It's too bad they are stuck with the xb1.

I honestly really hope they drop the xbox one as fast as they did the og xbox.


ps4 is my first next gen console and i gamed mostly on my x360. Only thing holding me back from xbone is the price, 299 and its a no brainer

and i also agree with the sentiment that "ps4 has no games". Its not nonsense, if it weren't true i'd own more than one game right now for it. Thank goodness for PC

Well, you could have bought some of the multiplats for your PS4 instead of your PC since you're needing games for it. And as mentioned, where's your 4 free digital games at?
xbox one just costs too fucking much.

They decided to not sell the Xone at a loss. Almost every new console is sold at a loss, in fear of losing the consumer. Microsoft thought they won the last Gen. The "winner" of the last gen, usually fails to make the best next gen model. At Least in it's first run
When the Xbox One comes down in price, then dual ownership will be taken up more.

I see this possibly happening in the US only. And even then, PS4 will always be in the lead and the Xbox One will always be a secondary console that doesn't gain much traction internationally.

Another problem with the Xbox One's design is that the PS4 will able to compete on price better for the duration of the generation. It's a much more elegant design suited for gaming, while the Xbox One has a larger APU and unnecessary internal components required for Kinect.

I'll likely be one of those consumers, though. Microsoft will need to try and cost reduce as much as possible while building up a genuine library of home grown exclusives and not stuff that is simply paid off (they won't be able to afford those sorts of games anymore with how well the PS4 is performing).


I really wish some of you would whine some more about how Microsoft "wronged" you with their initial unveiling of the Xbox One.

its not about being wronged. its the message they sent with the initial DRM policies. many people, me included, didn't like the where MS was trying to take console gaming. Even though they reversed those policies, doesn't mean they will not try it again in the future. Their policies were a direct evolution of what they started with gold. Controlling as much content as possible through paywall and drm.


Of about 8 friends 2 have gone PS4 only, 3 both, and 3 Xbox only. We all decided to go PS4. Somehow people changed their minds. This is pretty much like last gen for me so far. The people who bought PS3's last gen stopped playing them.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I agree completely.

I definitely didn't like how MS just completely abandoned the first Xbox after the 360, as if it didn't exist. Looks like they are already doing the same for the 360 :/

MS actually abandoned the 360 a long time before the Xbone came out, considering their last major release was in 2012, and even that was really the last of a trickle of 'core' games that they'd released since 2010.

When you frame it like that, their Xbone launch lineup should really be setting off alarm bells, not increasing your confidence in their ability or willingness to support Xbone with first-party or exclusive content. Even after three years of doing virtually nothing with the 360, their exclusive lineup for the launch of their new console was arguably only marginally better than Sony, who've spent the last three years supporting the PS3. In fact they had to pay for platform exclusivity with TitanFall to fill an enormous gap in their lineup between launch and the fall of the following year.

If that isn't a worrying state of affairs, I don't know what is.


I really wish some of you would whine some more about how Microsoft "wronged" you with their initial unveiling of the Xbox One.
MS 'wronged' me by ignoring the 360 in the later stages of the Gen while the PS3 was getting some amazing stuff, and by taking value away from Xbox Live. It would take more than a price drop and killer app for me to buy an XBO right now. Not that I begrudge anyone their choice to buy one.


Went with PS4 instead of XBox One this gen; was a 360 owner. Seemed like the better deal overall. Microsoft did shit all to keep its current customers happy until the very end with little deals here and there. I don't like their style of removing features from Silver membership over the years to fluff up the value of their Gold membership, and neither do I like how they kept everything behind a paywall. You can call it business, but I still call it greed. PSN seemed like an awesome deal in contrast, and I just hope it doesn't turn into another Xbox Live bs.


Seems kind of early to extrapolate much from what 'dual console' owners are doing. I doubt many buy both systems at once. Which one is being bought first is somewhat interesting, though.


Kinect is not the issue. The issue is that they release underpowered hardware. A mistake that they will never recover from during this gen.
Judging by that article and the brand loyalty stats it seems price is a biggie too. If XBO was $400 they'd be selling a shit tonne more.

For me I'll be PS4 when I jump to next-gen (My Wii U doesn't count) unless Steam Machines are good, solid, well priced beasts.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

I don't have the time/interest to play every great game on even a single platform.

So I just pick the one or two that have the most exclusives that interest me. No fanboyism. I just go where the most games that interest me are each generation.


All I need is for Ultra Street Fighter IV and GTA V (Online) to be announced for PS4 and I can cancel my Live Gold subscription.


Went with PS4 instead of XBox One this gen; was a 360 owner. Seemed like the better deal overall. Microsoft did shit all to keep its current customers happy until the very end with little deals here and there. I don't like their style of removing features from Silver membership over the years to fluff up the value of their Gold membership, and neither do I like how they kept everything behind a paywall. You can call it business, but I still call it greed. PSN seemed like an awesome deal in contrast, and I just hope it doesn't turn into another Xbox Live bs.

It is business, just business with a very transparent agenda and disregard for customer satisfaction. Heh.


Well, I don't like anything that Microsoft is doing with xbone, so I'm passing on it. I already have a PS4 and built a PC way more powerful and I don't play console shooters. The Bone would just be a huge paperweight on my shelf. I really just don't think they deserve my money this gen and I'm communicating by not buying. Also, them buying a studio like Rare and turning it into a boring Kinect sports mill always bothered me.


MS actually abandoned the 360 a long time before the Xbone came out, considering their last major release was in 2012, and even that was really the last of a trickle of 'core' games that they'd released since 2010.

When you frame it like that, their Xbone launch lineup should really be setting off alarm bells, not increasing your confidence in their ability or willingness to support Xbone with first-party or exclusive content. Even after three years of doing virtually nothing with the 360, their exclusive lineup for the launch of their new console was arguably only marginally better than Sony, who've spent the last three years supporting the PS3. In fact they had to pay for platform exclusivity with TitanFall to fill an enormous gap in their lineup between launch and the fall of the following year.

If that isn't a worrying state of affairs, I don't know what is.

I agree. What's even worse for Microsoft is that they won't easily be able to afford exclusivity anymore after TitanFall, especially with PS4 outselling Xbox One.


Junior Member
I'm loving all this "PS4 haz no gamez" nonsense.

Sony always delivers exclusive content and new IP...every generation...like clockwork, and they have been wiping the floor with MS in that regard since 2009 or so. Just during the PS3 era they brought us new exclusive IP like Uncharted, Infamous, Last of Us, Resistance, LBP and Motorstorm along with continuing IP from the PS1 and PS2 eras like God of War, Killzone, Ratchet, Sly, Twisted Metal, Wipeout and Gran Turismo.

Sony, for whatever business reason, opted to continue to support the PS3 with great content in 2013 (Sly, GoW, GT, TLoU, Puppeteer, Beyond, Ratchet, etc.) rather than pushing it to their new console, and that has affected the quantity of retail content in the first few months of the PS4. You'd have to be a moron to hold that against them, because they'll show the same commitment on PS4 just like they did on PS2. Anybody else remember that God of War 2 on PS2 released after the PS3?
spotless post, nice


Went PS4 after being an Xbox 360 enthusiast, 156K Gamerscore. Microsoft's policy on MMO's and cross-platform is not what I'm looking for, playing Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn on the PS3 with PC players and I'm upgrading to PS4 version for FREE in about a month :)


GAF parliamentarian
I was late to the Xbox 360 (2008) but it was the only last generation console I owned. I kind of knew I'd be dumping the Xbox brand once I got a Vita and PlayStation Plus back in 2012. Felt nice to finally be getting something for my subscription money.

The PlayStation meeting cemented it.
If the Xbox One was as powerful as the PS4 and launched at the same price without Kinect then the mass exodus would not be happening.

I love that I keep seeing this comment reappear throughout the thread with comments from other users that sounds like a "Right on, brother!" congratulatory high-five.

So let's get this straight...

If Xbox One was as powerful as PS4
And Xbox One launched as the same price as PS4
And Xbox One didn't include a camera like the PS4

... then it would have done better?

So basically you just wish your Xbox One was a PS4? :p
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