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Rumor: Zelda coming to both Wii U + NX, choose between male/female link, VA for NPCs

Who would you like to be the female character option in Zelda U?

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If true, I hope Nintendo really knows what they're doing with the voice acting. This is something that equally has the chance to do really well or completely blow up in their faces.

We'll either get another Kid Icarus Uprising or another Metroid Other M from this.

Nintendo voice acting post-Other M has been on point.

Xenoblade and X, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, all done well.

It'd be awesome if this game was done by Side UK and had UK voice actors like Xenoblade did. That'd be such a good fit for Zelda.


Do you think they're going to put in the work to do that though? We're only just now getting NPCs with actual VA work, I doubt they're going to put much work into have separate dialogue based on gender.

Changing just a few characters would not be a ton of work, and this game is clearly breaking a lot of rules for Nintendo - it's the first time they've tried something approaching an open world, for instance. I don't think we can just assume they'll be making shortcuts with the gender toggle when we have no precedent for them doing so.

e: And as others have mentioned, the FE fates Avatars have different relationships depending on gender.
As someone still relatively new to GAF, I find it confusing and pretty annoying when posts like this are made with zero attempt at explaining who this person is or why people unfamiliar with them should take their word. Can we at least put in a one sentence blurb about who the person is? I'm am especially skeptical reading anything NX related after what happened a couple weeks ago...

she leaked Paper Mario Colour Trash


Do you think they're going to put in the work to do that though?

Well if they are not going to put that kind of work in, which I don't know why they wouldn't considering it doesn't require an huge effort, then they probably weren't going to do much with Link to begin with. The strength of Zelda writing, when it is good, comes from the characters surrounding Link anyway. Majoras Mask being the obvious highlight.

Xaero Gravity

A bit surprised but Aonuma does listen to fans. He did after WW. He did after TP and it was clear he did after SS. My guess is he took a hard look at what the west likes in its CRPGs.

Not sure how I feel. It'll depend on the quality of the art. But I would hope if there are choices it is not just sex...

One thing I'm not looking forward to is Link the waifu, which, well...it's going to suck going in to Zelda threads and having things like femlink is real Link because look at how awesome my waifu is...

Fuck, I'm not immune to finding the character cute and all but I really do not want that to be all over the Zelda fandom....

But, hopefully this is true for the people who wanted it for other reasons! I'm just not sure I myself like it.
That sounds horrifying. It's why I never go into Persona or Fire Emblem threads anymore.


Playable Zelda, Impa, Linkle (maybe rewritten though), new awesome female character: HELL YES

Female Link (which would also represent a push more towards Link being an avatar): Big fat Meh

People who want to play as Female Link rather than let fucking Zelda get her time to shine are terrible people


I can only imagine who they might try to get to voice the big main characters...especially curious to see who they get for Ganondorf (if he has a role in this game's story). I doubt they'd shell out the money for big Hollywood talent, but they could totally try to get the big time VG voice actors like Troy Baker etc.


Sounds too good to be true. Those three things are the biggest "What Ifs" for the next Zelda game so to have all three of them in one game sounds like too much to be believable.
I understand that Link is an avatar. So why does Nintendo feel the need to have a female version then? I do not think having Link be à male protagonist for the past 20+ years blocked women from identifying themselves as the héro of time. I juste feel it is unecessary and more like Nintendo trying to do a marketing stunt that will not serve the game at all.

1) it's not 1987 anymore
2) Zelda is actually less popular now than it was in 1987
3) more inclusive media is generally more popular media (ex. FF, WoW, Bethesda games, etc.)
4) Nintendo wants dat Skyrim cash
5) you want them to have dat Skyrim cash, too, otherwise Zelda's rising costs will make the series go away

That's not even remotely on the same level as LoZ popularity-wise. Link is one of their most iconic characters. Do you think they're going to let one of their most popular characters be in either a gay/lesbian relationship?

They're not going to make it a mandatory part of the story in this scenario.
Pretty good stuff. I don't mind it if it's optional. Link is a dude for me though and I'll definitely go with that one I'm sure.

If there's enough reason to buy NX this year, you know...launch games and Zelda looking a lot better than on Wii U, I'll buy the NX version.


I'm ok with female Link if she is well written.
I understand that Link is an avatar. So why does Nintendo feel the need to have a female version then? I do not think having Link be à male protagonist for the past 20+ years blocked women from identifying themselves as the héro of time. I juste feel it is unecessary and more like Nintendo trying to do a marketing stunt that will not serve the game at all.

Edit: French autocorrect is the worst :/

Representation is important. People want to see themselves reflected in the stories they experience. Male isn't a default, and if Link is supposed to be a player's "link" to the gameworld, than I see this as only an improvement.

And yes, nearly every time I've tried to introduce a woman to the series, she'd remark with a comment like: "Ugh, I can't pick a girl?"
Wouldn't there be IMDB listings if people were doing voice work on Zelda?

Voice actors sign NDAs and cannot talk about upcoming video games until either they are out in stores, or are given permission to reveal their role ahead of time.

Also IMDB is user-submitted.


lol link characterization.
Dude is a walking camera with a tunic
Haha, this.

Taking Zelda lore seriously is so cringeworthy. Story has always been an afterthought in Zelda games. Link is a silent hero and not the same "established" character in every game, anway. Now I'm sure some of you will start quoting proof of Link being referenced as a boy in the games' lore again... I don't care. It's just not the same as if Square Enix would suddenly decide to make Cloud female in FFVII Remake.

Female Link would be cool. Playable Zelda would be cool, too.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Why not go the whole hog and just make Link a create-a-character then? Because you know there'll be "why no black Link tho?" articles day and date.


the best thing about voice acting is potentially that link doesn't have to stand still and read a text box when speaking to a NPC

surely your annoying partner character can just yap at you and not stop you in your tracks


Gold Member
If they make Link just a gender swap, it will be a pretty underwhelming option for me. Would prefer two different story lines with Link and Zelda, but I know that's asking for way too much.


That's not even remotely on the same level as LoZ popularity-wise. Link is one of their most iconic characters. Do you think they're going to let one of their most popular characters be in either a gay/lesbian relationship?
They don't let Link be in straight relationships. Or relationships in general.


The reason I don't want female Link is that it seems like the laziest option. It would be so much cooler if the female character was either completely new, Linkle, or (hopefully) a grown up Aryll from Wind Waker.

It adds potential for you to see the other character in your starting home, a dungeon where you have to rescue the other one and tag-team through the rest of the dungeon, etc. It's far more interesting narrative wise if it's not female link, imo.
That's not even remotely on the same level as LoZ popularity-wise. Link is one of their most iconic characters. Do you think they're going to let one of their most popular characters be in either a gay/lesbian relationship?

When has Link ever been in a relationship?


Well if they are not going to put that kind of work in, which I don't know why they wouldn't considering it doesn't require an huge effort, then they probably weren't going to do much with Link to begin with. The strength of Zelda writing, when it is good, comes from the characters surrounding Link anyway. Majoras Mask being the obvious highlight.

Right, which is my issue. I want Link to be an actual character and if they're not going to do that then just let me have a character creator.


Oh. I never heard that term before in meaning that. I still don't get the problem. I guess I'm just lost lol
While I have no idea how Aonuma is gonna write the story or even if is rumor will pan out, I will say that there is a worry that it's just gonna be the same story for either gender with just the pronouns flipped.
I'm of the opinion that I would've liked to see a story tailored to a female link.


so if i can choose between both Versions or get both, that means Zelda U will release at or after NX release?
Sorry for being ignorant, but who is this Emily Rogers and why should we trust her? (Serious ?...I have no idea).

She's a (former?) journalist who apparently has contacts within NOA and just recently leaked the Paper Mario wii u game, and an international release for Mother 3 which was backed up by Eurogamer.

Other people are vouching for the rumours she's said here too.


I said I wouldn't care if link was a girl. I said I don't want a gender toggle. I want a character.

I certainly agree that I prefer to have Link with more "character", especially since Wind Waker managed to do this with flying colors despite him being a silent protagonist. That said if they play their cards right I don't think giving a gender option will necessarily reduce the character to a blank slate avatar. If it's a good character then changing the pronouns and models don't have to deter from it.
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