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Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects

This made my life. Im so happy. I never thought I would contribute anything to GAF, but now I can say I have. I want to thank everyone who made this happen. I wont forget this day anytime soon. Especially with it being 40. If my mom cared, she would be so proud.

lol how could I not pick it with this kinda response? That's awesome, glad it worked out so well! :p

I'll always pick a title if it gets a lot of love from the community and everybody loved your suggestion so it was an easy decision. I'm also partial to titles that give me ideas for the TLW gif and this title fit the bill for that as well.

edit: title props on top brb


I forgot to mention about our little PvP train last night...

I tried my very best to get top of the leaderboard, but man...Twilight is on another level. Even when I did get top, we had the same KD/R. I went full on try hard too lol.

Everytime I looked he was on another streak. Dude is crazy 1 v 1 (or 2)
Whenever I saw throwing knife kills I laughed out loud

Twilight is a scrub. Check these totally representative screenshots that I definitely haven't saved because they were about the only times I got a better score:






Sent out an invite, this first phase is a pain lol

Bring a defender titan, kill the first wave, pop bubble behind the warsat at ~50%. Just chill in the bubble with a sword and kill the captains that come in.

If you don't have a bubble... red death always helped me :p

If you've already done it on your titan: complete section 1 on titan, switch characters.
Bring a defender titan, kill the first wave, pop bubble behind the warsat at ~50%. Just chill in the bubble with a sword and kill the captains that come in.

If you don't have a bubble... red death always helped me :p

If you've already done it on your titan: complete section 1 on titan, switch characters.

Or just have Mindlog join and wreck shit lol. We didn't have one until he joined and I didn't swap out weapons accordingly so I outright sucked lol


Bring a defender titan, kill the first wave, pop bubble behind the warsat at ~50%. Just chill in the bubble with a sword and kill the captains that come in.

If you don't have a bubble... red death always helped me :p

If you've already done it on your titan: complete section 1 on titan, switch characters.
Well, yeah :]

I actually pop my bubble as soon as I get it because after I finish bombing major spawns with rockets I get it back again. A Defender Titan really makes it so much easier that's why I saved it for last this week. Titan also has a huge advantage when carrying the arc beam relic orb thing whatever. Titans can skate down the Arc hallway faster than the arcs actually travel.

Speaking of... Thanks for the quick Nightfall team!

Not to brag or nothing, but I got a 300 Light Level Ghost :smug.

Really need to get my amp back in place so I can actually use my mic again.


Everything about Bungie and Destiny can legit be described as 'letting it slip'. Heck even most of the weekly updates slip into Fridays and aren't even posted at a reasonable time. I doubt we see great news drop late on a Friday since literally everyone in marketing will tell you that is the best time to dump bad news.


Everything about Bungie and Destiny can legit be described as 'letting it slip'. Heck even most of the weekly updates slip into Fridays and aren't even posted at a reasonable time. I doubt we see great news drop late on a Friday since literally everyone in marketing will tell you that is the best time to dump bad news.
Spring update has now been delayed until summer


Boy, that weekly update is bad. Real, real bad.

Thank god for The Division, I won't be playing Destiny until that spring update.
I really try to look on the bright side of these things but he titled the weekly update "A spring (forward) in our step" ..... except the update had no info about the spring update.

Instead the "spring forward" was about DAYLIGHT SAVINGS. I CAN'T. YOU GUYS. SERIOUSLY.

I'll stop yelling now. Maybe.


Yep fuck this nonsense. They're just taking the piss now

They should just make the updates monthly at this point.

Half of the post is a re-cap of yesterday's stream. A re-cap of a stream that had nothing newsworthy in it.

They're a joke at the moment. At least show something, anything from the Spring update.


Why do you guys still get disappointed by the weekly update? I don't even have to read them anymore. I know it just says wait for the future.
Bungie should honestly stop doing Weekly Updates. Theres nothing of context in them anymore. Back in the days of Frankie and Halo 2 and 3 I used to love reading them because there were always tiny hints and very small things to get excited about. Things about what was to come. I specifically remember reading a BWU about the water in one of the Halo games that was in development at the time.

Now we don't get anything. Not...Hey this week we worked on a neW story mission or were doing this or that or...we'll be announcing something on X date. We literally get nothing relevant to the future of the game and/or universe. And for something that was vehemently hyped by Bungie themselves as being massive and always evolving and changing, it's sad that we got more intriguing details about Halo games back in the day.


I really try to look on the bright side of these things but he titled the weekly update "A spring (forward) in our step" ..... except the update had no info about the spring update.

Instead the "spring forward" was about DAYLIGHT SAVINGS. I CAN'T. YOU GUYS. SERIOUSLY.

I'll stop yelling now. Maybe.
Seriously. That shit isn't cool. I had low expectations for this week but that title let me hope. Deej propped us up just so he could knock us down. SMH
Boy, that weekly update is bad. Real, real bad.

Thank god for The Division, I won't be playing Destiny until that spring update.

I thought when Budgie changed COO's, that we would see a shift in strategy, but I was so wrong.

It went from lack of communication, to 0 communication.
Today we also learned that the guy who introduced the terrible Year 2 Trials match making has never gone flawless. The guy who makes the decisions for Trials has played 74 total games across Years 1 and 2 combined.

The guy who added laggy win-based MM to Trials because it was too easy to get to Mercury... has never been to Mercury.

74 games... Daylight savings... My salt levels are too high right now.


They're trying to say without saying, it's ok to stop playing for a while until there's something to do again. They're probably shocked at how many people have stuck around thus far. At this point, if you're unhappy but refuse to go do something else (especially considering they're not even talking about what's next or when to expect it), it's on you.

To me it seems like they're really rethinking some high level design designs from yr 1 and 2 that's going to take a while to sort out. I'd just do something else for a while until they give you some real news or a roadmap on when you can expect to come back.
Today we also learned that the guy who introduced the terrible Year 2 Trials match making has never gone flawless. The guy who makes the decisions for Trials has played 74 total games across Years 1 and 2 combined.

The guy who added laggy win-based MM to Trials because it was too easy to get to Mercury... has never been to Mercury.

74 games... Daylight savings... My salt levels are too high right now.


Together with me.


They're trying to say without saying, it's ok to stop playing for a while until there's something to do again. They're probably shocked at how many people have stuck around thus far. At this point, if you're unhappy but refuse to go do something else (especially considering they're not even talking about what's next or when to expect it), it's on you.

To me it seems like they're really rethinking some high level design designs from yr 1 and 2 that's going to take a while to sort out. I'd just do something else for a while until they give you some real news or a roadmap on when you can expect to come back.

That's why I picked up the division, while the game is frustrating the hell out of me, mostly because I'm trying to wrap my head around a new game, I do have something new to play.


Today we also learned that the guy who introduced the terrible Year 2 Trials match making has never gone flawless. The guy who makes the decisions for Trials has played 74 total games across Years 1 and 2 combined.

The guy who added laggy win-based MM to Trials because it was too easy to get to Mercury... has never been to Mercury.

74 games... Daylight savings... My salt levels are too high right now.

1) who?
2) you know what to do


I thought when Budgie changed COO's, that we would see a shift in strategy, but I was so wrong.

It went from lack of communication, to 0 communication.

"Not much else to talk about" is just an insult in my opinion.

They've given us a very rough roadmap, but they know there is SO MUCH they could talk about.

Spring is supposed to start in 9 days, let's start to see what the update contains.
So, if anyone wants to play some Trials this evening...I'll be on in about an hour or so from this post.

As far as the BWU is concerned...well...it's pretty clear they're not close to the Spring update. Bungie really did themselves a disservice by setting the expectations of a drip feed of new content. I feel bad for them and for us as the players.

E92 M3

Today we also learned that the guy who introduced the terrible Year 2 Trials match making has never gone flawless. The guy who makes the decisions for Trials has played 74 total games across Years 1 and 2 combined.

The guy who added laggy win-based MM to Trials because it was too easy to get to Mercury... has never been to Mercury.

74 games... Daylight savings... My salt levels are too high right now.

You need a lot of potassium to exchange for that sodium. I feel the same way; it's best to just play other games and keep fond memories of Destiny.
They're trying to say without saying, it's ok to stop playing for a while until there's something to do again. They're probably shocked at how many people have stuck around thus far. At this point, if you're unhappy but refuse to go do something else (especially considering they're not even talking about what's next or when to expect it), it's on you.

To me it seems like they're really rethinking some high level design designs from yr 1 and 2 that's going to take a while to sort out. I'd just do something else for a while until they give you some real news or a roadmap on when you can expect to come back.

Everyone is already playing other games/doing other stuff. The concern is about how they represent the game's future. There's a difference between being upfront about content delays and straight up trolling the player base with that update. It's either a troll or just painfully out of touch, and both options are discouraging.
Today we also learned that the guy who introduced the terrible Year 2 Trials match making has never gone flawless. The guy who makes the decisions for Trials has played 74 total games across Years 1 and 2 combined.

The guy who added laggy win-based MM to Trials because it was too easy to get to Mercury... has never been to Mercury.

74 games... Daylight savings... My salt levels are too high right now.

I understand your frustration, but this is one point that I don't think holds any merit.

Plenty of designers out there are terrible at their own games. It's not uncommon. There isn't really a correlation between the developers skill level, and the quality of content they put out.

Hell, Miyamoto has never beaten the special world levels in Super Mario world.
I understand your frustration, but this is one point that I don't think holds any merit.

Plenty of designers out there are terrible at their own games. It's not uncommon. There isn't really a correlation between the developers skill level, and the quality of content they put out.

Hell, Miyamoto has never beaten the special world levels in Super Mario world.

He doesn't have to be good. He does have to play. 74 games is unacceptable. He hasn't played for 4 months.

You have to engage with an activity to understand how it should be designed. It also helps to be good sometimes. That's why 343 hired Halo pros.

edit: it especially helps to be good when designing competitive modes. e.g. Fusion rifle and hand cannon nerfs
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