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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)

Wait has there been confirmed co-op? This game looks amazing. I wish you could create your own character and lead a tribe but I'm sure these devs know what they are doing. Day one buy.


Have you seen who they've been hiring? It includes people from Witcher 3 and Fallout Vegas.

On the other hand, makes me kinda sad that we won't have the same team on Fallout ever again (even if Bethesda lets Obsidian do another... and since Obsidian said they were willing it's all on Bethesda if Obsidian ever does it again).

Well, I guess since it's not likely we get another Obsidian Fallout anyways, it looks like it may be worth it.

Game looks really good so far. Granted I'm keep reserved cause it looks early in the game and it's just one short trailer. But if it keeps looking this promising, totally a day one buy.
You can have a great and carefully crafted world and have co op. Stop thinking as soon as multiplayer comes in the equation single player turns worst. Many time it makes the experience far better.

I never said anything that suggested it couldn't be done. But it is going to take manpower/hours. You have to aim resources towards it. In an ideal world you could use all the time and resources to craft the perfect game, but alas time and resources are limited. All I'm saying is, that if they made this choice to make the richest open world they could under current conditions, then I'm all for it.
You can have a great and carefully crafted world and have co op. Stop thinking as soon as multiplayer comes in the equation single player turns worst. Many time it makes the experience far better.

Sorry but everything about this games seems to be an open world RPG. Last time I checked the most populars open world RPGs don't have nor need MP to be good. This seems just the case of someone asking for something the core fanbase of the genre doesn't even care.


I'd be in the dick
You can have a great and carefully crafted world and have co op. Stop thinking as soon as multiplayer comes in the equation single player turns worst. Many time it makes the experience far better.
It's a big hurdle for a new IP, especially for a team's first attempt at an open world and an RPG. Cutting features like that can make a huge difference in quality when you aren't iterating on an established base.
yup, biggest thing that turned me off from the game. don't even have the motivation to give it another go.
Horizon seems to be a lot faster and better movement animations
Well GG mastered gunplay better than any other dev last gen so im hoping they can work magic here too


There should be more tampons in gaming
I think multi-player could've helped the game reach a larger audience. Multi-player adds to the replayability/playability of a game and this game being centered around hunting and hopefully acquiring loot and crafting is a perfect fit. I feel like Dark Souls, Monster Hunter and Lost Planet were all games that had terrific multi-player that adds to the experience and I think Horizon forgoing that will hurt its appeal somewhat. Maybe if there is enough demand for it, it can be added or even delayed.
Neither. All the content will come from exploration and questing like traditional open world RPG's.

As an aside hiring one of Obsidian's lead writers and Cd Projekt's lead quest designer to work on this gives me a lot of hope.


I love single player game, but i have to admit that i was expecting at least a coop mode by looking at the insider infos.

Still my most anticipated game followed by tlg, uncharted 4 and ratchet


I'm not really comparing them. I'm just using it as an example of a recent open world, story driven RPG that I've played recently where I feel that no multiplayer did nothing to ruin my enjoyment of the game.

This is a rather sane point I have no problem with.
The other comparisons are putting too much stock in a game we know very little about.
Don't get me wrong I hope Horizon turns out great, hiring talent with RPG experience is certainly a step in the right direction. The game has potential for sure, but I will be cautiously optimistic instead of getting carried away by visuals.
I think multi-player could've helped the game reach a larger audience. Multi-player adds to the replayability/playability of a game and this game being centered around hunting and hopefully acquiring loot and crafting is a perfect fit. I feel like Dark Souls, Monster Hunter and Lost Planet were all games that had terrific multi-player that adds to the experience and I think Horizon forgoing that will hurt its appeal somewhat. Maybe if there is enough demand for it, it can be added or even delayed.

Yet people complain about tacked on multiplayer. I really enjoy a good MP experience, but not every game needs it. I'm pretty sure Horizon is going to sell well without it. I've already seen a healthy amount of "This will make me buy a PS4" comments because of it.



I love single player game, but i have to admit that i was expecting at least a coop mode by looking at the insider infos.

Still my most anticipated game followed by tlg, uncharted 4 and ratchet

Insider infos? If you are talking about the concept arts, then they are just concepts to begin with.


What? Without an online element there is no concern for things like community dying out or shrivelling enough you're forced to play with the dregs of remaining players.

Plus it is an unproven title, so without MP incentive I can save my money and soften the blow if the game fails to live up to my expectations.

Completely agree, I am extremely interested in this title and will definitely be buying it. But without co-op (don't care about versus multiplayer for this), there's no reason for me to buy it right away. I will have just as much fun with it 6 months down the road, as I will on release day.

And I'll never get the mentality of the "I'm glad there's no multiplayer." crowd. Resources aren't always a zero-sum game, a different team could have worked on the co-op, and that doesn't mean if the team wasn't working on co-op, they'd be working on single player, they just wouldn't be working at all. They could be given a separate budget for co-op features if they are separate from the single player experience, and again, that doesn't mean that money would have gone to single player, it just wouldn't have been allocated at all.

It's a really closed-minded mentality, and frankly, it doesn't even make sense. Co-op doesn't mean single player has to lose something.
Games already getting negativity and faux concerns. While I agree that it definitely blows that we can't have a Monster Hunter esque co-op experience, like the leaked information (?) said, we haven't seen their games full vision yet.

I don't even see how its an RPG yet, so lets wait and see. This is coming from someone who is extremely skeptical about Guerilla Games and especially skeptical about Sony's new IP's after seeing how The Order 1886 turned out.

Best wishes.


I didnt know open world RPG games needed co-op now.

it'd be kind of cool to hunt together. This looks like a great game without multiplayer but I'm not going to crow about it not having some hypothetical feature or the other. I have to think if it had multiplayer it would be quite interesting.

I'm day 0 for this game anyways so it's not like it makes much of a difference.


I need this game sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!

I even went and bought Killzone HD Collection, Shadowfall, Mercenary, and Liberation for some reason. I don't even like Killzone!


All this MP talk...geez...let them build their game FFS.

Given GG's pedigree on building MP I could easily imagine a post-release MP version similar to UC happening, where you get to go hunting rather than it being part of the main story.

And lol at those making the 'longevity' argument - this is a story-based RPG so I can't see the game being under 30-50 hours in length anyway.


is there a reason people expected this to have multiplayer?

Not sure about others, but I was going off the earlier leaked information and concept art which were right about everything but the co-op. To be clear, I only want co-op, not competitive multiplayer
Co-op Horizon a la Monster Hunter is a pretty neat idea, but with a game this ambitious I would much rather see them put all hands on the solo campaign. There's always the sequel!
Completely agree, I am extremely interested in this title and will definitely be buying it. But without co-op (don't care about versus multiplayer for this), there's no reason for me to buy it right away. I will have just as much fun with it 6 months down the road, as I will on release day.

And I'll never get the mentality of the "I'm glad there's no multiplayer." crowd. Resources aren't always a zero-sum game, a different team could have worked on the co-op, and that doesn't mean if the team wasn't working on co-op, they'd be working on single player, they just wouldn't be working at all. They could be given a separate budget for co-op features if they are separate from the single player experience, and again, that doesn't mean that money would have gone to single player, it just wouldn't have been allocated at all.

It's a really closed-minded mentality, and frankly, it doesn't even make sense. Co-op doesn't mean single player has to lose something.

Is it really? I think it makes things worse in this type of game because it forces the developers to design everything from encounters and maps to difficulty and AI for co-op/multiplayer. Mass Effect 3 is a perfect example. A lot of the combat areas seemed to be designed for reuse in horde mode MP. This metastasized into horde mode style encounters all over the Singleplayer campaign. Dead Space 3 is another. The Co Op sections invariably went too far in the direction of tps action instead of survival horror. This ruined the feel of the entire campaign. I'd rather games decide what the want to be and focus on making that as good as possible instead of trying to do everything under the sun. This is particularly true of open world RPGs like Horizon where the amount of content has never been a concern. That's why games like The Witcher, Fallout, TES, Infamous, Batman, Deus Ex etc all focus on singleplayer and do it well.
Completely agree, I am extremely interested in this title and will definitely be buying it. But without co-op (don't care about versus multiplayer for this), there's no reason for me to buy it right away. I will have just as much fun with it 6 months down the road, as I will on release day.

And I'll never get the mentality of the "I'm glad there's no multiplayer." crowd. Resources aren't always a zero-sum game, a different team could have worked on the co-op, and that doesn't mean if the team wasn't working on co-op, they'd be working on single player, they just wouldn't be working at all. They could be given a separate budget for co-op features if they are separate from the single player experience, and again, that doesn't mean that money would have gone to single player, it just wouldn't have been allocated at all.

It's a really closed-minded mentality, and frankly, it doesn't even make sense. Co-op doesn't mean single player has to lose something.

Fully agree here.

Don't understand this obsession with people wanting co-op and mp.
I dont understand people hating on OPTIONAL coop. The obsession with SP only games is even more annoying to me.
Yet people complain about tacked on multiplayer. I really enjoy a good MP experience, but not every game needs it. I'm pretty sure Horizon is going to sell well without it. I've already seen a healthy amount of "This will make me buy a PS4" comments because of it.

At work I showed this to a friend who has a 1500$ PC at his place with a 980 and all that jazz. Played most his games @ 1440p and all that stuff with the extra boost effect turned on via outside software and sweet fx and all that

I showed him this trailer and his jaw was immediately on the floor. By the end he simply said he will get a PS4 no question. And that was before I showed him Shenmue 3 and Uncharted 4 lol. So yeah this game will sell some units no doubt along with SFV, Uncharted 4, Persona 5 and many others
I dont understand people hating on OPTIONAL coop. The obsession with SP only games is even more annoying to me.

Lots of games have co-op that encroaches on the SP by adding annoying, immersion-breaking bots, think Resident Evil 5 & 6.

Even looking at games with decent co-op and MP, the vast majority will only get much play out of those modes for a few weeks if they aren't a franchise known for MP. Think of how many games from the past few years had totally forgettable, useless multiplayer components.

It's only makes sense to me if you're going to go all-in on the MP, like GTA: Online and Metal Gear Online, or if the SP presents enough of a challenge that co-op is a logical addition, like the Souls and Monster Hunter series.
Lots of games have co-op that encroaches on the SP by adding annoying, immersion-breaking bots, think Resident Evil 5 & 6.

Even looking at games with decent co-op and MP, the vast majority will only get much play out of those modes for a few weeks if they aren't a franchise known for MP. Think of how many games from the past few years had totally forgettable, useless multiplayer components.

It's only makes sense to me if you're going to go all-in on the MP, like GTA: Online and Metal Gear Online, or if the SP presents enough of a challenge that co-op is a logical addition, like the Souls and Monster Hunter series.

I think the reason it works with Souls is that its not a strong narrative driven experience. Can you imagine The Witcher 3 with a constant AI companion. Also lets be honest here - GTA V was a single player only campaign that shared its sandbox with an online game that released a year later. Rockstar could manage it with their $500m budget but those are the exceptions more than the rule.
This is a rather sane point I have no problem with.
The other comparisons are putting too much stock in a game we know very little about.
Don't get me wrong I hope Horizon turns out great, hiring talent with RPG experience is certainly a step in the right direction. The game has potential for sure, but I will be cautiously optimistic instead of getting carried away by visuals.

+1. Looks potentially incredible and is my game of show, but I want to see what the exploration is like. This looked to me like the kind of sequence we can expect early on, almost like a tutorial/story sequence (hence all the talking).

Also to go back to the complaints about white native american looking people I saw earlier, it isn't that unbelievable. Here in the UK, before the Roman's came and conquered, Britania was made up of a bunch of tribal territories. Yes, tribes of white, british people.

One of the more famous tribes was called the Iceni, located in what is now East Anglia and one of their queens, a red haired woman named Boudicca, is pretty well known for her ransacking Londinium during the Roman occupation. My point being that, tribes aren't a Native American/African thing.


semen stains the mountaintops
Guy in Twitch interview said the game was PRE-Alpha.

Holy mother of FUCK.

How good is this game going to look when it releases?!

This really isn't how it works in 2015 anymore. You'll be lucky if the game actually looks this good when it comes out.
I'm excited about this game, it looks beautiful and the world has a lot of... I want to say 'weight', to it, if that makes sense. Very filled out. I'm diggin' the female protag theme this year as well. I can't wait to play this one!
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