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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)


∀ Narayan;168570632 said:
Extremely refreshing design going on with the main character. Guerilla is really knocking it out with this one.

Everything in this game is an extraordinary step up from Killzone, IMO.

Agree, I still haven't played any of the Killzones outside of demos, just not interested. Hyped for Horizon though.
∀ Narayan;168570632 said:
Extremely refreshing design going on with the main character. Guerilla is really knocking it out with this one.

Everything in this game is an extraordinary step up from Killzone, IMO.

A surprising step up. I guess something so antithetical to Killzone should be expected after making so many of them.


Yeah, focus on gameplay mechanics and design first. Game looks awesome.


She kinda looks like ..

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
1000% the most interesting title of the show to me.

I've always liked Guerilla even though I've never really played one of their games.
Looks awesome.
It may be odd saying it, but in some ways it feels like the spiritual successor to SoTC that we haven't really seen anyone truly tackle again. I really hope they play up this aspect to its fullest -- focus on hunts, with extremely epic and engaging boss battles that can take quite a while to defeat.


the flying bird and the Trex looking machines could very well be a final Metal gear boss lol

this game looks amazing and it plays really nice from what we have seen so far. minimal hud focusing very much on animation and graphics with smooth gameplay.

i am in love with it


Neo Member
It may be odd saying it, but in some ways it feels like the spiritual successor to SoTC that we haven't really seen anyone truly tackle again. I really hope they play up this aspect to its fullest -- focus on hunts, with extremely epic and engaging boss battles that can take quite a while to defeat.

Yeah I also got that find-the-vitals vibe.
Yup and I'm one of them. Nothing against females. I love them and respect them. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I treat her like a princess. But playing as one in a video game I cannot.

I just cannot enjoy it and immerse my self into the world. As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while. I just cant do that when playing as chick with big tits and vagina.

only exception is Ellie from Last of US. and I have no idea why it didn't bother me with her.

I realize I'm going to get a lot of hate for his post and probably get banned from GAF but just wanted to be honest.



Junior Member
Game looks very good, but in some screenshots the 'animals' look to be partially recycled from killzone.

hmm, well i suppose it's just a part of the DNA coming from the dev's that made KZ series but overall this game is "very refreshing" as some have stated already. It's bringing a totally new atmosphere to gaming which is what is needed. Props to the developers.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
This might be the game of the show for me. Stunning graphics and an atmosphere and story that appears to be intriguing. Looking forward to it! I just hope they cut down the main characters ongoing commentary of what's happening onscreen. Why does she talk to herself so much?


I'm surprised that I find this game to be one of the best new IP showings at E3. The combat just looks amazing, I hope it ends up looking and playing as well as this teaser does.


This game interests me quite a bit. I'd imagine that this is a late 2016 (at the earliest) but I'm looking forward to getting deep into it.
Yup and I'm one of them. Nothing against females. I love them and respect them. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I treat her like a princess. But playing as one in a video game I cannot.

I just cannot enjoy it and immerse my self into the world. As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while. I just cant do that when playing as chick with big tits and vagina.

only exception is Ellie from Last of US. and I have no idea why it didn't bother me with her.

I realize I'm going to get a lot of hate for his post and probably get banned from GAF but just wanted to be honest.
Good news nobody is forcing you to play the game.

Everything you said is so absurd all I can do is pity your "girlfriend."


It's very strange how the large dinobots walk by lifting both legs on one side at the same time.

Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD
Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD
Yes, camels!

I knew it looked familiar but I couldn't place it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD

Huh. I had no idea. Thanks for that trivia, that's really interesting! :)


Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD

jesus christ... thank you... i mean it, thank you.
Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD

Aww, camels :> Cool!


Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD

Giraffes too

Well, that's a new thing I've learned today.
Robot dinosaurs I can buy into, but playing as a woman? I know this is sci-fi and all, but come on. How am I supposed to role play when there are big tits and a vagina on screen shooting a bow and arrow? I mean I don't know how to shoot a bow and arrow either, but that's beside the point.

The only game that gets an exception for me is Ellie from The Last of Us, because she has small tits, and as everyone knows women don't grow a vagina until puberty, so it was normal for me.

On another note, any chance the robots could have penises? I just want to be more comfortable playing this game.

Wait, shit, it doesn't have multiplayer. Never mind.
Robot dinosaurs I can buy into, but playing as a woman? I know this is sci-fi and all, but come on. How am I supposed to role play when there are big tits and a vagina on screen shooting a bow and arrow? I mean I don't know how to shoot a bow and arrow either, but that's beside the point.

The only game that gets an exception for me is Ellie from The Last of Us, because she has small tits, and as everyone knows women don't grow a vagina until puberty, so it was normal for me.

On another note, any chance the robots could have penises? I just want to be more comfortable playing this game.

Wait, shit, it doesn't have multiplayer. Never mind.

This has become a new meme hasn't it.
No coop if true is disappointing, but that won't stop me from getting this game on day one. I'm completely sold. My media blackout starts now.


Like camels. Probably what inspired them. I think it has to do with how tall camels are. When the legs reach a certain length it is better if the legs on one side move at the same time.
Produce a rocking motion. Which is why camels are called "Ship of the desert"

End of camel trivia xD

You done good Paertan.
This is game of the show for me, even beating Uncharted 4. Hot damn am I hyped.

Playing as female characters is awesome. I almost always choose female when there is an option.


A little bummed by the game not having MP, but I'm still excited as fuck.

Also, they can add co-op via DLC (just as they did it with KZ) can't they?
Robot dinosaurs I can buy into, but playing as a woman? I know this is sci-fi and all, but come on. How am I supposed to role play when there are big tits and a vagina on screen shooting a bow and arrow? I mean I don't know how to shoot a bow and arrow either, but that's beside the point.

The only game that gets an exception for me is Ellie from The Last of Us, because she has small tits, and as everyone knows women don't grow a vagina until puberty, so it was normal for me.

On another note, any chance the robots could have penises? I just want to be more comfortable playing this game.

Wait, shit, it doesn't have multiplayer. Never mind.
You just made my morning:)


Some kind of coop would have been fun but not needed. Maybe in the sequel or something.

I really want some kind of village/castle management like Dragon Age/Neverwinter Nights 2. But even more advanced. Build my own village and supply it with parts and order people out on scavenges and such.
Yup and I'm one of them. Nothing against females. I love them and respect them. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I treat her like a princess. But playing as one in a video game I cannot.

I just cannot enjoy it and immerse my self into the world. As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while. I just cant do that when playing as chick with big tits and vagina.

only exception is Ellie from Last of US. and I have no idea why it didn't bother me with her.

I realize I'm going to get a lot of hate for his post and probably get banned from GAF but just wanted to be honest.
This is like reading from one of those "I won't play if it's not male/female/white/black/asian/gay/straight lead(s)." Why restrict yourself?

First off, that line is pretty disrespectful.

Second, I still apreciate the honesty here,
atleast you won't hide behind lies. And it is YOUR CHOICE regardless of whatever I say. You hold the money and the spending power.

Third, you are missing the chance to play a great game. In fact, it makes you restrict yourself from alot of interesting games. Take FF7, for example, a crossdressing, more feminine Cloud becomes one of the most iconic games in history. Chell from portal, a mute, is from the amazing game Portal. The cat lady in The Cat Lady. A little boy, certainly not empowering on any level in The Last Guardian makes friends with a... DogBird? And so on and so forth.

Fourth, you can have empowering games along side these get out of the comfort zone games. I can't really tell you what to do but you are seriously limiting yourself. I recommend that you expand your horizons.

Edit: Whatever. Not trying to derail, and this wins my GAme of Show. Good job GG, you legit suprised me. :)
I think that the nature of the Killzone games forced GG to follow certain themes and styles. All the Helghast had to remind of you of Nazis and and they had to have some kind of gas mask on their face. With Shadow Fall they got some weird variations (like the cat face one) but at the end of the day they were limited in what they could do. I mean it would be weird if the mechs in Shadow Fall were robot dinosaurs.

I could picture them having a working meeting to decide what to work on next and saying "anything but Space Nazis, we're sick of Space Nazis." Then they came up with the wackiest thing they could think of that could let them go nuts on design.
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