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How do you rate Summer Games Fest 2024?

How do you rate Summer Games Fest 2024?

  • A

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • B

    Votes: 13 3.5%
  • C

    Votes: 52 14.1%
  • D

    Votes: 67 18.1%
  • E

    Votes: 53 14.3%
  • F

    Votes: 184 49.7%

  • Total voters


Lot's of games shown - however every single one is in a niche I personally hate:
  1. soulslike
  2. "roguelike" (no you're fucking not a roguelike - that term means based on Rogue, the ascii dungeon crawler stop it)
  3. PvP
  4. Open world / Survival
  5. Horror
Honestly it was like it was laser targeted at every genre I detest.

F and I'm being generous because there was a fun looking lego game *at the start*

(edit: and there was way too much emphasis on splashy cinematic rather than gameplay)
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It was announced ahead of time that no major bombshells would drop. So looking at the show itself we had a number of trailers for some great upcoming AAA games, plenty of great looking indies, announcement of Alan Wake DLC, and a potentially cool horror collaboration. Oh and Valorant is coming to consoles.

So with the majority of the focus on indies, no wonder it wasn't popular here.


Gold Member
Where the hell is the new Tomb Raider game? I was hoping to see it at today's show, but NO.
If this would have been announced this year, I would expect the announcement on The Game Awards. Out of other possibilities, I guess upcoming Xbox Showcase might be another one


It was announced ahead of time that no major bombshells would drop. So looking at the show itself we had a number of trailers for some great upcoming AAA games, plenty of great looking indies, announcement of Alan Wake DLC, and a potentially cool horror collaboration. Oh and Valorant is coming to consoles.

So with the majority of the focus on indies, no wonder it wasn't popular here.
I love indies - I play lots of them.

Indies are going through a shite genre phase right now - they're literally doing what the big publishers did, trend chasing. We're not seeing the variety, the total breakout of genre tropes, that indies used to do.

Here we had a whole batch of indies that were so similar to each other that they merged into one amorphous blob of "roguelike, survival, pvp <snooze>"

The start where Geoff showed those 10 games and mentioned that 8 were indies - that had variety - the stuff revealed in the show did not.


Gold Member
'Uninteresting'. It was hilarious how a couple of blatant advertisements were in there.

There were a handful of cool things though. Like, snippets of Blumhouse's FPS/Bioshock-esque game and the Power rangers game looked kinda neat. But, otherwise, wasn't much worth of a watch. In comparison, Guerrilla collective had a much more interesting and enticing showcase.


C because unlike the State of Play (which I gave a D) it had more than one game I'd like to buy, that may sound like a low bar but hey, if I come out of a show with around 4 or 5 games to try then it isn't bad, it's average.
My thoughts exactly. Pretty standard SGF. People always have insane expectations for these things even with Geoff says not to.
  • Metaphor
  • Killer Bean
  • Power Rangers
  • Civ 7
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
  • Phantom Blade Zero
All looked great to me.


Be like me, expect absolutely nothing from any of these shows nowadays and be surprised when you see a couple of nice things. Because of this I rated it “D”


For me it was bad considering Anal Wake 2 getting a physical release was the only announcement that interested me.

I'm really looking forward to KCD2, but not watching any gameplays to avoid spoilers. I know I'll be buying it day1.

King Dazzar

Xbox is set up at the one yard line after these last 2 shows but knowing Xbox...

Fumble GIF by SB Nation
I'm fairly sure the show will go well. In recent years, I've thought the shows themselves are usually pretty good. The problems always seem to come after the shows. Usually in terms of timelines and/or delivering with quality. Problems with console sales, management of the brand etc etc. But the shows themselves, usually good.

I'm wondering if there will be any hardware refresh of the X and/or S, aside from a potential glimpse of the handheld.


Watched second half as i randomly woke up the night, no interest in watching the first half after what i saw. Just endless trash.
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To quote my son:

"only old people go onto forums"

Going by Gaf's reaction to any gaming event in recent years, I think he's right.
Forums start to sound more and more like nursing homes.

As for the Game Fest, didn't watch it.
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The era of showing things years in advance and lose months to prepare polished vertical slices/showpieces specifically for a gaming showcase is pretty much over for most publishers.
It sucks for the impact of these shows but it is what it is, games are still coming regardless, mainstream public doesn't even care.


I was going to say F but with all the major layoffs and turmoil in the industry and the fact that it did at least have some games that interested me. I'll throw them a bone and give it a C


Gold Member
A summer game what? Didn’t even know there is this event and it’s concluded
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Some games looked good but this is definitely not enough to build a special showcase around. It used to feel like the ads were there to fund the show, now it feels like he sells the ads first and then desperately tries to figure out trailers to show in between them. Why bother?


Snake Oil Salesman
Cuffbust automatically raises the show to a C. The rest of the announcements turn it up to a B. Great show with 4 or 5 games I'm genuinely interested in is a rare feat.

Geoff turned water into wine. No wonder he's the GOAT.
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King Dazzar

F. Its why I don’t watch any of these live anymore. Usually ends up being shit 90% of the time.
Yeah for the next one I'll be ensuring my fast forward button works again! Infact it was so bad, I likely wont watch the next one at all. And just catch any worthy bites from here afterwards. GAF's live commentary was the only enjoyable bit for me. Terrible show.


Lot's of games shown - however every single one is in a niche I personally hate:
  1. soulslike
  2. "roguelike" (no you're fucking not a roguelike - that term means based on Rogue, the ascii dungeon crawler stop it)
  3. PvP
  4. Open world / Survival
  5. Horror
Honestly it was like it was laser targeted at every genre I detest.

F and I'm being generous because there was a fun looking lego game *at the start*

(edit: and there was way too much emphasis on splashy cinematic rather than gameplay)
I can relate heavily to not being in these genres and it seems like that is 90% of what comes out these days. There are exceptions, of course, but at this point I find it refreshing when a game isn't catering to these genres.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Kingdom Come 2 was cool. That Power Rangers game looked fun and it was nice to get confirmation of Civ7.

That was all that tickled my fancy. For that, it gets an E.

Looking forward to Microsoft's show tomorrow to cleanse my palate.
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Gold Member
Anyone who gives above an E is insane. A truthfully terrible show that offered nothing of value.

A whole wash of D-tier indie trash with absolutely no creative direction, a peppering of news of previously announced expansions or remasters that could've been revealed in a blog post, and the longest segments going to overexposed games thay are already out.

Knowing the fees Keighley's charging puts everything in perspective. Summer Game Fest is a dumping ground for whichever random dev can pony up the 250k per minute. That's it. There's no curation beyond that. Why would big publishers want to get mixed in with this shit?


Not watched it yet and the consensus here doesn’t make me enamoured with the thought of doing so.

Was there any new walking sim type games announced?


I voted D overall because lack of big AAA surprises but there were a lot of cool indie looking games plus the return of CvS, Garou, that MMPR Beat em up, Alan Wake's DLC. I think people are being too harsh on the show, we can't keep asking for more game variety and smaller budgets/scope and then complain when we get exactly that in this show.
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