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LTTP: South Park: The Stick of Truth

Well, I got my Christmas wish that made my Christmas quite wonderful and bright instead of hohum and dreary. I had been holding out all through the sale and the lackluster deals after the first day in which I bought a couple things with some steam cash that I had in my account in the hopes that South Park would drop low enough for me to buy it.

After sitting and waiting bored, looking at the days upon days of boring deals...

Something wonderful happened.

I only had Steam cash and no money aside from that, lo and behold when I awoke Christmas morning after a night of insomnia and disappointment that I had received my Christmas wish.

My reaction to this miracle of miracles was simply this:


Followed by furious clicking and digital stuffing of money into Gaben's pockets:

So, now that we have silly reaction gifs out of our system let's talk about the game GAF.

Let me preface this by saying I've already lost about 6 hours or more into the game, and if you have been waiting for a true South Park game experience...well, you need to go and buy this right fucking now. This is the South Park game that I've dreamed of my entire life, you have the entire town to explore but wait it gets better.

The Town

You literally have this great big open world of a completely fully realized South Park, in all of its small mountain town glory. NPCs go about their business and you can make friends with a surprising number of characters, from the moment you start the game to the moment you start actually playing it is the complete South Park experience; it immerses you into the world of the show so well, that it literally has the same presentation of the show. It's like playing an interactive version of the show and it blows my fucking mind! There's all kinds of Collectibles, including Chinpokomon and there's tons of gear and weapons too.

Wait... Gear and Weapons? Stats? Turnbased Battle system that works like PAPER MARIO?!

THIS IS AN RPG?! Holy fucking shit man.


The best part? It's made by Obsidian, so it's automatically fantastic.

Did I mention that this game is so perfectly crafted to be like the show that it not only looks the part, but it has all the self aware humor and if you are a fan at all or have watched the show that literally every single part of the way there is some sort of throwback or reference to the show's many episodes throughout the years. For example when you find City Wok
and the busted City Sushi and Tower of Peace
, you can go inside and even
get a quest to fight the Mongolians for the City Wok guy, who then becomes an extremely powerful Summon.

Another amazing touch is going inside of Character's houses, and going into their rooms. Everything is realized, and when you go into Cartman's Room and open his closet to find
mementos from every single shenanigan he's ever pulled from Awesome-O to Fingerbang and everything inbetween.

So the characterization here is incredible, and it pulls no punches, there is a lot to laugh at but it's the typical trademark satirical, subversive, divisive comedy that South Park is known for. One thing I like about this is that, not only is it aware that its a video game and uses that to great effect is also the whole "LOTR" esque backdrop is really pretty minor, it doesn't detract from what is really just another day in South Park and the events of the game thus far could fit into any episode.

The Game Menus

So there's a menu system as you'd probably expect, but even here the game doesn't let up with satire and selfawareness.

Just look at this fucking help section:


It doesn't stop there, in a beautiful send up of modern culture all the menus are like something out of Social networking, as you make friends they post status updates at random intervals or when you make progress in the game.

The World and Humor

I pretty much ignored the main quest right from the outset, I started exploring this world after I gazed at the map and scrolled it around to realize this was a huge sprawling open world with tons of secrets. The one thing I did before I even tried the combat was kick the game's difficulty up to Hardcore, I've died a few times here and there but nothing that would be considered a huge setback as the game autosaves every time you progress to a new screen or win a fight.

The different parts of the world are broken up between loading screens, so it isn't seamless but it is open, the game tells you to go and do the main quest but also gives you a sidequest
Find all the fast travel points, which pretty much involve the whole Timmy Handicab joke but with a fantasy flair
to whet your appetite for adventure and exploration.

I would find them all.
or die trying.

I even found the movie theater where
you could listen to hilarious trailers, thing of the ones from that one episode where Stan thinks everything looks and sounds like shit.

What was hilarious about this is eventually I found several interesting encounters, fights, and tons of treasure
a pack of hobos, Al Gore, The Goth kids, and I even raided the police evidence locker and freed a certain character from jail
as well as some interesting foreshadowing from NPCs.

The violence in the game is amazing, these kids are literally just beating the ever loving shit out of each other and I was even amazed to find that when you defeat someone they aren't dead, and you can hit them and they will make noises and complain. It's absolutely hilarious and it pretty much takes the whole Good Times with Weapons episode and runs with it full steam ahead. The game is absolutely brilliant, well designed and incredibly endearing with how truthful it is to the show in every single way from the music to the characters themselves.

GAF, this game is amazing and everyone that even remotely likes the show owes it to themselves to play this gem. I'll keep posting in this thread as I make progress in the game, and thanks to all that took the time to read this.

As a PSA, the game is $13.96 on steam right now...go buy it.


One of my very favorite gaming surprises. Just an epic game. Wish it was a little longer, though.


This game is pretty great, in and of itself its good, but its like one of the best comedy games ever, along with GTAV.

The Real Abed

I haven't played yet so I don't want to read spoilers, but anyone think it'll go lower on Steam or will $13 be the lowest for this sale? I might just pick it up this time. Though my backlog.... lol


Gold Member
One of my favorite games of the year. Ran crappy on PS3 but still great fun. I say it's a great South Park game. As an rpg it wouldn't be great without being south park though. Still loads of fun and hilarious.
Wow I had no clue GAF loved this game so much, well that makes me happy.

So I just
started helping Al Gore find Manbearpig by planting these little manbearpig looking pen things in odd places. I helped find a lost iPad for that weird Star Trek kid who, for some reason mentions Hoth from Star Wars lol.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I haven't played yet so I don't want to read spoilers, but anyone think it'll go lower on Steam or will $13 be the lowest for this sale? I might just pick it up this time. Though my backlog.... lol

It's a featured deal so it's not going any lower. You've got 39 hours and some change.


possibly my GOTY... i don't remember enjoying a game so much, despite some issues

shame there couldn't have been some real DLC


One of the best and most fun games of the year. Just a perfect melding of the TV show and a game, with the trademark Southpark wit in spades.

Nice write-up, OP.


I don't know how long I'll wait before I go back to it, but Damned If the experience wasn't a blast! I even got the CE with the cartman doll lol
This game was downright fantastic. it's greatest flaw was it's easy difficulty. If everything was more in depth and fleshed out, I think it would have been damn near flawless (though i do really like paper mario)
It's a good game, but GOTY? No way it's getting my vote. The comedy is great, but it's a relatively simple RPG in my opinion. To each their own.

El Odio

I got this on launch because of gamexplains first 8 minutes playthrough. The combat system they showcase in the tutorial looked really good and fleshed up but once you get to about the midgame it falls completely flat on its face due to the small amount of enemies that scale to your level, exploits involving status stacking, and the fact that half of your abilities will likely go unused. It's a shame because the rest of the game was fantastic, the level of fan service they put in it is off the charts.
I got this on launch because of gamexplains first 8 minutes playthrough. The combat system they showcase in the tutorial looked really good and fleshed up but once you get to about the midgame it falls completely flat on its face due to the small amount of enemies that scale to your level, exploits involving status stacking, and the fact that half of your abilities will likely go unused. It's a shame because the rest of the game was fantastic, the level of fan service they put in it is off the charts.

See, I'm playing on hardcore right now and I keep forgetting to use those status items so the game is actually a lot more challenging.
Due to my own stupidity. :p
Thanks for all the kind words about my OP guys, I try to make threads that are pretty fun to read through.

So, I've gotten a bit farther and

I found three random houses where
A dude was fucking a horse, a lady was standing around naked, notices you in the doorway and freaks out, another fat guy masturbating

I just triggered a quest where you have to find
a bunch of Kindergardners from Ike's Class, man they are hard to find. 4/6 right now.

I found another sidequest where
you have to retrieve a dildo for Mr.Slave from the Post Office. he remarks about Ms.Cartman shopping at the same store he does.
I almost died laughing. I haven't even touched the main quest.

I also found
the son of the devil lol. Jesus this game.

This fucking game GAF, DIS GAME.

The Real Abed

Question is how strict is the GPU requirements? I don't know what's better than what. I have a GeForce GT 750M. But I'd be running it in Parallels and I don't know what that would report it at. Will it go on sale again by the time I get a gaming PC or should I get it now?


Yup, def one of my most favorite for 2014. Such a great job making it play just like the show. The dialogue, characters and quests are like living in the TV show, it's just great. It sucks there won't be another one but I understand they spent a lot of time to get this right and don't want to do it again.

Fuck ManBearPig, seriously.


Amazing game, one of the few 2014 games that I may revisit eventually. Really unfortunate that a sequel is so unlikely. Do we know if this even sold well?


I hadn't seen a South Park episode since 1998 and I still ended up having a blast with this game and finding parts of it hilarious.


I really enjoyed it and gotten a lot of laughs over it.

I hope they make more of those kind of South Park games. And PLEASE make the game longer next time. Even if you do everything it still feels short.

Other than that, just an overall fun and hilarious game. Matt and Trey are very talented.
So I did some of the Main quest and wow at Tweeks quest
Freshly ground Tweeker Blend made with fresh ingredients from Tweakers. I have no words, I laughed for like 3 minutes straight.

So far I've hit the wall on completion for a few sidequests so I'll have to keep playing the MQ to unlock the next phases for those.

So far this was money well spent, WELL SPENT.
Its a great experience, but a poor RPG. You level up too fast and about 2/3 through you're maxed out and just destroying everything.
Added to this is the fact the game is so short, so you max out really early.
So I did some of the Main quest and wow at Tweeks quest
Freshly ground Tweeker Blend made with fresh ingredients from Tweakers. I have no words, I laughed for like 3 minutes straight.

So far I've hit the wall on completion for a few sidequests so I'll have to keep playing the MQ to unlock the next phases for those.

So far this was money well spent, WELL SPENT.

I just did the same part. I'm rather new to South Park as a show as I haven't had a good avenue to catch up on the show and Comedy Central shows the same handful of episodes, but I'm loving every second of it.

Will probably play through twice just so I can check out that Jew class.
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