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NeoGAF's Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2015


Neither of my most anticipated games are on the list, Rainbow Six: Siege and The Division, hopefully Ubisoft has their stuff more together this year.


You should read the rest of that thread (.___.)

I wish I hadn't.

They both look great in their own ways. Deal with it.

The Order in the top 10 really surprises me. It really shows that there is at least something that people like about the game despite the weak presentations. Nearly a month away too.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I guess so. Just figured a highly popular series returning for the first time in a decade with a AAA studio behind it would be more anticipated than that.

For what it's worth it was my no. 2. Blind faith is all I need.
Did not expect No Man's Sky or The Order 1886 with the way a vocal part of GAF has been carrying itself.

Good list. I think I missed out on voting, but this isn't that far off from what I would've chosen.


So let me get this strait...

Sony games in the top 10 are due to GAF being filled with Sony fan-boys?

NOT because they simply might be games people are looking forward to because they look good?

Lot of sour grapes here, feel free to not like Sony because it makes you feel your favorite system is better, but grow the fuck up and be willing to admit something you may not like could have earned and legitimate interest.


I'm very surprised Uncharted took first, I really though MGS has that locked down. So sad to see Splatoon only miss the top 10 by so little. :( Definitely not a bad looking list though, 2015 will be a pretty damn good year.


Neo Member
ubisoft must have really done somethin bad this year to irk people, if Siege didn't get in the top 10 considering it was the best thing out of E3 2014.

I'd have thought Hotline Miami 2 would get in there as well. At least top 20. Guess I overestimated its popularity. No love.
Wow, the top 4 are damn close. The number one most anticipated game of 2014 has fallen to 5th for 2015. Interesting.
Mainly because the other 4 were not eligible (or even announced) last year combined with last year being down overall.

Hyped for TW3 regardless.


Unconfirmed Member
yeah i had a question regarding a missing GZ cutscene in the e3 2013 trailer a few months back.

walked in and noticed the posters in there were being weird. *sigh* just clicked the back arrow instead.


Man instead of being all judgemental and stuff you could've just asked the question and we would've answered real quickly :/
I'm honestly surprised (in a good way) seeing the order 1886 taking the 10th place in the list of the most anticipated games... i expected uncharted 4 to be like 2nd place and X multiplatform on first place or... bloodborne, given the hype for it. Or at least 3rd.
man if i had seen that thread i would have voted for the phantom pain

yeah i had a question regarding a missing GZ cutscene in the e3 2013 trailer a few months back.

walked in and noticed the posters in there were being weird. *sigh* just clicked the back arrow instead.


Man instead of being all judgemental and stuff you could've just asked the question and we would've answered real quickly :/

This. All you had to do is ask, and anyone who participates in the thread would have been more than happy to answer to the best of their abilities.
Awesome. I want most of those. Pretty close to my own preference to be honest. This year is going to be good for gaming...and for lots of other things.


What are these posts? Can I get a link to them?


Anaxymenes said:
it looks like many gaffers are painting CDP as some magical dev studio with only the best of interests of the gamers in mind. Trust me they are not. The bullshitting with the Witcher 3 started from day 1. PR is creating an overblown vision of a game that doesn't exist while the team is in crazy crunch time for over a year now. There's some bad shit going on that if GAF knew GAF would not like.


Anaxymenes said:
Well in the end it's my words vs CDP PR. I mean why should You belive my if I have no solid evidence to show? But that's kind of my point, CDP build a very good realationship with gamers and now it's paying off as oppose to say EA. I do have inside knowledge, I did have contact with the game but again NDA and such plus I'm just a dude on the internet. my only point is that GAF should take everything CDP says with a grain of salt.


bishoptl went on to confirm the authenticity of the user; not the information of course since that's not possible.

Leakers have been wrong numerous times on GAF so it's not a surefire awkward reverse slam dunk or something, but it has made my approach more apprehensive.


Leakers have been wrong numerous times on GAF so it's not a surefire awkward reverse slam dunk or something, but it has made my approach more apprehensive.

I expect bugs, it's a large open world rpg, there's going to be bugs. TW2 was ok at launch, the first not so much.
However I remain optimistic whats there will overcome any blemishes, it's not like were drowning in choices for AAA rpg's with actual mature stories instead of childish ego simulators.
Hi bioware!


I had 7 (Maybe 8?) games from my list in that top 10.

This is going to be one hell of a year! The battle for the GOTY is going to be tasty.

Thanks Shinobi for taking the time to do this, it must have taken ages to compile this list.
I feel honored to have been quoted by Shinobi in the OP.
All of those games are must buys in my book. It´s going to be an outstanding year.


Nice top ten.

I think it's pretty interesting to take a look at this :

PS4 : 8 games. 3 exclusive. 1 sony exclusive. 1 console exclusive.
PC : 4 games.
Xbone : 3 games.
WiiU : 2 games. 2 exclusive.

Any thought ?


Not really surprised The Order took the spot, but I think Splatoon deserves it way more.

Still, rest of the list is good.
I'm shocked that Zelda is above Bloodborne. I thought the latter would be in a tight race with Uncharted for #1. Also really surprised to see The Order at #10. It's hard for me to imagine someone being anything more than cautiously optimistic about that game.


Looks like a pretty good top 10 list to me. In fact I think this might be the first time I have been interested in at least half of the games listed in a top 10 list, since I was a kid. 2015 is going to be a great video game year for me personally.


Nice top ten.

I think it's pretty interesting to take a look at this :

Any thought ?

SonyGAF confirmed, all doubters denied ascendance, bishoptl Sony hat Blue's Clue, it was obvious from the start, Microsoft return and save us from this embarrassment

(Wii U has the best games and everyone knows this so PS4 and XBO can slug it out buuuut Splatoon, Star Fox, Kirby Rainbow Curse, Yoshi's Wooly World, Xenoblade and Zelda and more secrets. 'Nuff said.)
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