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NeoGAF's Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2015

I feel with all the negative reception the game is getting a group of white knights on gaf have come together to show us the light. They are going to get us hyped for the game whether we like or not. The harder the objective criticism hits the harder the blind love will push back.

Or maybe the people go feel the constant need to go into every The Order thread just to talk about how much they hate cinematic games or how they want it to be something it's not are just the minority. Meanwhile there's a good amount of us anticipating the game because we know and like what it seems to be bringing. Heck, look at how much higher it is than even big games like Halo 5 and QB, that should say it all.

Endo Punk

Uncharted 3 was a huge drop off in quality and got a lot of hate on gaf, so yea, I'm surprised.

I thought I was pretty clear but let me try again. UC3 had different key people involved and ones that worked worked on UC2 and TLOU namely Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann are handling UC4. Gaf knows this, that's why the game is most anticipated.

Or maybe the people go feel the constant need to go into every The Order thread just to talk about how much they hate cinematic games or how they want it to be something it's not are just the minority. Meanwhile there's a good amount of us anticipating the game because we know and like what it seems to be bringing. Heck, look at how much higher it is than even big games like Halo 5 and QB, that shoulf say it all.

I would be pleased if the game delivers because the og trailer got me major hyped. Since then the game just appears messy and lacks cohesive design. I mean it clearly appears as a tps but uses heavy qte like Beyond Two Souls and has insta kill stealth sections with tunnel like level design. And with all that said I feel the other worldly elements seem to be wasted on constant videos of killing human foes, they can't even show one gameplay demo feature werewolves that isn't on rails or qte.

I just don't understand why so many are still so hyped.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
My thinking on The Order, and why it was not on my list, is that it is basically going to be the ultimate weekend rental. Unless there are systems to it that really emphasize multiple play throughs (like TLOU for instance) it will be viewed as lean on content by modern standards.

It will be funny watching the mental gymnastics of game reviewers though. People who praise $15 - $20 DLC or downloadable games that last ninety minutes will suddenly be alarmed at an eight hour game being sixty dollars.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
You know what I realized?

Zelda and Bloodborne are probably going to have a lot in common.

If Bloodborne is anything like Lord of the Fallen (I haven't played the Souls games), I hope that Zelda has absolutely nothing from Bloodborne.
My thinking on The Order, and why it was not on my list, is that it is basically going to be the ultimate weekend rental. Unless there are systems to it that really emphasize multiple play throughs (like TLOU for instance) it will be viewed as lean on content by modern standards.

It will be funny watching the mental gymnastics of game reviewers though. People who praise $15 - $20 DLC or downloadable games that last ninety minutes will suddenly be alarmed at an eight hour game being sixty dollars.

I'm more than willing to pay for a Solid SP game and RAD's track record speaks for itself in that regard. Very excited to get my hands on it, regardless of how the press receives it.
If Bloodborne is anything like Lord of the Fallen (I haven't played the Souls games), I hope that Zelda has absolutely nothing from Bloodborne.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

Do you really think it's helping in any way to just post a dumb picture? I can explain my thought: Lords of the Fallen is modelled after Dark Souls as far as I know and independent of quality of execution, why I think the general concept is a great stinker will probably (and if not, tell me why) apply to Dark Souls, too:
* Combat is slow and clumsy
* Fighting enemies is taking a looong time, because you need to evade all the time and are slow as fuck with your own attacks
* there is a stamina-meter involved in determining if I can slash / parry
* there are no puzzles
* there are a lot of different armors / weapons with a lot of advantages / disadvantages that make the gameplay (according to choice) feel slower

So basically, my image of this subgenre, which I got from Lords of the Fallen, is, that it is the worst thing on earth that could happen to Zelda.


extra source of jiggaflops
So tell me again why it's a problem people from community threads would vote on a game?
I don't think anyone has a problem on people from community threads to vote on games they are excited about. One poster even recommended that strategy for next year.

What I have a problem with is asking for other members of a community thread to come into THIS THREAD to help community members to shit on the #1 choice.
Damn, some people so upset about the order.

im to the point to where i hope it is GOTG quality and heralds the beginning of the cinematic era for our industry just so these people can one day be forced to say that yes, The Order changed our industry.

But then you realize, hey, TLOU and Tomb Raider were EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKIN THING, style wise, as The Order. And then you realize the people whining are just full of shit. Then you move on.
Do you really think it's helping in any way to just post a dumb picture? I can explain my thought: Lords of the Fallen is modelled after Dark Souls as far as I know and independent of quality of execution, why I think the general concept is a great stinker will probably (and if not, tell me why) apply to Dark Souls, too:
* Combat is slow and clumsy
* Fighting enemies is taking a looong time, because you need to evade all the time and are slow as fuck with your own attacks
* there is a stamina-meter involved in determining if I can slash / parry
* there are no puzzles
* there are a lot of different armors / weapons with a lot of advantages / disadvantages that make the gameplay (according to choice) feel slower

So basically, my image of this subgenre, which I got from Lords of the Fallen, is, that it is the worst thing on earth that could happen to Zelda.

You do realise how silly you sound judging one game's battle system by looking at another game;s battle system.....you can just watch a video of the first game and numerous beta plays.

I'll address it anyway. Stop looking at LoF. The speed in a Souls game is much much faster and Bloodborne is even faster.

* Combat is slow and clumsy

Wrong. Souls is praised for its tight combat and is one of the main reasons people love the series. Combat is as slow or fast as you want it to be. Top speed is very fast especially in Bloodborne.

* Fighting enemies is taking a looong time, because you need to evade all the time and are slow as fuck with your own attacks

Again wrong. A good Souls player can use evades aggressively and your attack speed depends on your weapons. Katana's straight swords, daggers are fast while massive hammers and swords are not.


Evading does not mean backing away. Many people evade into attacks to get the upper hand.



Can play quickly and aggressively.

* there is a stamina-meter involved in determining if I can slash / parry

This is a good thing. It means that you can;t just spam attacks and evades but need tactics.

* there are no puzzles


* there are a lot of different armors / weapons with a lot of advantages / disadvantages that make the gameplay (according to choice) feel slower

So wait, having lots of gameplay choice varying from really fast builds to tank builds makes the game universally feel slower......wut.

If you want to play fast then you can.


If Bloodborne is anything like Lord of the Fallen (I haven't played the Souls games), I hope that Zelda has absolutely nothing from Bloodborne.

If Zelda is anything like Darksiders 2 I hope that Bloodborne has absolutely nothing from Zelda. Am I doing it right?
I will personally be buying 3-9, 11, 16, 17 & 20. Never been a fan of uncharted at all, or metal gear solid after the first PSX game (aside from revengence).

I'm honestly surprised that so many gaffers are looking forward to The Order though, the previews from last year before it was delayed were brutal. I'm keeping an open mind in case they managed to turn it around, but it's not something I'm actively looking forward to anymore.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
You do realise how silly you sound judging one game's battle system by looking at another game;s battle system.....you can just watch a video of the first game and numerous beta plays.

I'll address it anyway. Stop looking at LoF. The speed in a Souls game is much much faster and Bloodborne is even faster.
I have looked at Souls, of course (in particular because it was often compared to Zelda), but I have not played it, so I was comparing it to a game I have played. I'm just talking about genre traits here, not about a particular implementation and the thing is that the things that seem to be the special things about Souls are things that, even if implemented perfectly, just make a game impossible to enjoy for me.

Wrong. Souls is praised for its tight combat and is one of the main reasons people love the series. Combat is as slow or fast as you want it to be. Top speed is very fast especially in Bloodborne.
I can't comment on this, what I've seen did not seem fast, but of course I may just have seen the wrong videos and I have not played the game. The "preperation" of attacks is something that was praised a lot by many fans, so I did not get the impression that this slowness in videos and in the Lord of the Fallen was untypical.

Again wrong. A good Souls player can use evades aggressively and your attack speed depends on your weapons. Katana's straight swords, daggers are fast while massive hammers and swords are not.


Evading does not mean backing away. Many people evade into attacks to get the upper hand.
The gif you show me here is super slow again? The time between button press and hitting the enemy seems to be enormous.



Can play quickly and aggressively.
The knife seems acceptable in speed, but playing with a weak weapon will probably make the fights last an eternity?

This is a good thing. It means that you can;t just spam attacks and evades but need tactics.
No, it's a horror for me, tactics need not revolve around artificially limiting your moves, I want to have all control options available at all time. An enemy doesn't have to be devoid of strategy due to that, because he could just be un-hittable with a certain weapon or at certain times or launch a dangerous attack that you need to block or evade. You can make non-trivial fights without limiting the player via a stamina meter. And for me, a stamina meter is one of the worst elements a game could possibly have, right next to costumization, busy-work and unnecessary complexity.

So wait, having lots of gameplay choice varying from really fast builds to tank builds makes the game universally feel slower......wut.

If you want to play fast then you can.
Yes, in a Zelda game I don't want to worry about balancing of weapon choice, boss fights should be a mixture of some puzzle (figure out, how to harm the enemy) and reflexes, nothing else.

Just to make it clear: I don't want to say the Souls games are bad games (I haven't even played them, that would be quite dumb), but that I don't want any of the defining elements many praise and that were motivation for another game I've played (Lord of the Fallen) in a series I like, i.e. Zelda.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
If Zelda is anything like Darksiders 2 I hope that Bloodborne has absolutely nothing from Zelda. Am I doing it right?

I'd say yes, in principle, if you hated the general gameplay elements independent of quality of execution (say, you hate the very idea of puzzles in Darksiders 2 and the very idea of overworld-dungeon structure in Darksiders 2) I think that would be fine. Though Darksiders 2 is not just a lot worse than any Zelda (something that ma very well be the case in comparing Lord of the Fallen and Souls, too), it also has the loot aspect, so you'd need to keep that difference in concept in mind.


I don't think anyone has a problem on people from community threads to vote on games they are excited about. One poster even recommended that strategy for next year.

What I have a problem with is asking for other members of a community thread to come into THIS THREAD to help community members to shit on the #1 choice.

Oh, pardon my ignorance in that case. I took a quick view at this thread this morning and saw some drama.

I think we shouldn't take this thread so seriously. Like I said, we're basically voting on games nobody here has played yet. We're basically voting on... hype :p And if it is anything like last year, some games won't even make 2015.

I do like to see what NeoGAF is looking forward to. But when the difference between Uncharted 4 and Metal Gear Solid V is so small... I don't understand why people are even discussing. The point of this thread is to see what everyone is excited about. This thread does not mean Uncharted 4 is better than Metal Gear Solid V.

Same goes to people who can't understand why The Order 1886 is in the top 10. People on this board like to say "game jurnalizts" don't matter, but in my understanding that's the only reason you would be negative about this game... because previews aren't all that good.


im to the point to where i hope it is GOTG quality and heralds the beginning of the cinematic era for our industry just so these people can one day be forced to say that yes, The Order changed our industry.

But then you realize, hey, TLOU and Tomb Raider were EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKIN THING, style wise, as The Order. And then you realize the people whining are just full of shit. Then you move on.

Yep. Game looks great I am cautiously optimistic. Every demo shown thus far looks really good to me I just Dont want to be Destiny'd ever again.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Yoshi you should just play the souls games. It should give you a fresh outlook on things

Chances are that I will play Dark Souls 2 when it releases on Xbox One. I seriously doubt that I will like the aforementionend aspects that I can't stand in principle.


Man, what a crazy year we have ahead of us...but I must admit, I'm feeling more and more solid that I made the right call jumping from Xbox 360 to PS4, even if I end up missing a great exclusive like Sunset Overdrive, 2015 doesn't really feature anything that I can't get on PS4, plus a ton of surefire great games...

And then there's my Wii U, which is going to probably have even MORE activity than my PS4 this year...I'm going to be so broke.

Out of the top 10 alone, I am for sure buying:

Xenoblade X
Uncharted 4
Batman AK

and a few others I'm definitely considering, I've never played a Metal Gear, yet I've always been fascinated with its uniqueness and story...why have I never played one?

EDIT: Totally not trying to start any shit with my Xbox comment, Halo was my only reason to consider sticking to Xbox and 343 doesn't look to be getting any better with it.
I'm laughing at how the conversation has turned towards trying to find faults in the games that made the top of the list.

Bloodborne will be great, Uncharted will be fun, and Metal Gear Solid will be enjoyable too. This is a survey entirely comprised of opinions, so any debate literally falls back to preferences.

There's nothing to be gained. I'm also thinking the type of crowd-sourcing the MSG V community was doing shouldn't be allowed or permitted for next year's list. It's a little petty, to be honest.


9/10 of those games in that list I'm getting day 1. Guess which one im not.
the order 1866

I just really hope persona 5 doesn't get pushed back into 2016. Also it saddens me to see the vault boy used as the mascot of this thread yet no fallout 4 in sight.


The reactions to this type of list always baffles me. My two most anticipated games for next year didn't make the top 20 list and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm glad people are excited for all type of games.

It also reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Chuck Klosterman, which I think a lot of people in this thread could learn something from:
People don't merely want to hold their values; they want their values to win. And I suspect this is why people so often feel betrayed by art and consumerism and by the way the world works. If you feel betrayed by culture it's not because you're right and the universe is wrong; it's only because you're not like most other people. But this should make you happy because in all likelihood you wouldn't like those people anyway.
When did we vote? Aw man, I missed the vote :(

Also looking at that 2014 list and seeing how many games never released yet makes me very sad


extra source of jiggaflops
I think we shouldn't take this thread so seriously. Like I said, we're basically voting on games nobody here has played yet. We're basically voting on... hype :p And if it is anything like last year, some games won't even make 2015.

I do like to see what NeoGAF is looking forward to. But when the difference between Uncharted 4 and Metal Gear Solid V is so small... I don't understand why people are even discussing. The point of this thread is to see what everyone is excited about. This thread does not mean Uncharted 4 is better than Metal Gear Solid V.
Yeah. For the best of E3 thread I put a disclaimer in the top that this is just hype and not representative of the final quality.

Same goes to people who can't understand why The Order 1886 is in the top 10. People on this board like to say "game jurnalizts" don't matter, but in my understanding that's the only reason you would be negative about this game... because previews aren't all that good.
I think there are several reasons why you can be negative about The Order even outside of enthusiast press impressions.

Why this particularly game makes people so very motivated to post negatively about it I don't understand. Usually the opposite of fanaticism is indifference, but people are all but indifference.

How Uncharted is #1 and Tomb Raider doesn't even make the top-20 is beyond me. But good list, would only change The Order for Rime.
Voting started a bit after 15 minutes of new gameplay for Uncharted was shown while 0 minutes of Tomb Raider have been shown in total.

Salty Hippo

How Uncharted is #1 and Tomb Raider doesn't even make the top-20 is beyond me. But good list, would only change The Order for Rime.


Chances are that I will play Dark Souls 2 when it releases on Xbox One. I seriously doubt that I will like the aforementionend aspects that I can't stand in principle.

If you've already decided that you are going to hate something than don't even bother man.


I have looked at Souls, of course (in particular because it was often compared to Zelda), but I have not played it, so I was comparing it to a game I have played. I'm just talking about genre traits here, not about a particular implementation and the thing is that the things that seem to be the special things about Souls are things that, even if implemented perfectly, just make a game impossible to enjoy for me.

Souls is compared to Zelda for reasons such as dungeon design, enemy design, battle system and sense of adventure. These things aren't exclusive to Souls and Zelda but its often brought up as people now regard Souls as the best in those areas.

I can't comment on this, what I've seen did not seem fast, but of course I may just have seen the wrong videos and I have not played the game. The "preperation" of attacks is something that was praised a lot by many fans, so I did not get the impression that this slowness in videos and in the Lord of the Fallen was untypical.

Tactics are what are important. Souls is a methodical game. That does not mean slow. You can be quick and aggressive while being tactical, in fact you have to be otherwise you will die being aggressive.

The gif you show me here is super slow again? The time between button press and hitting the enemy seems to be enormous.

The gif was clearly labelled as showing how evades can be aggressive. Yes that is a slow weapon.

The knife seems acceptable in speed, but playing with a weak weapon will probably make the fights last an eternity?

What? Have you not heard of damage per second. It may have lower damage but can land hits very quickly often killing enemies far quicker.

No, it's a horror for me, tactics need not revolve around artificially limiting your moves, I want to have all control options available at all time. An enemy doesn't have to be devoid of strategy due to that, because he could just be un-hittable with a certain weapon or at certain times or launch a dangerous attack that you need to block or evade. You can make non-trivial fights without limiting the player via a stamina meter. And for me, a stamina meter is one of the worst elements a game could possibly have, right next to costumization, busy-work and unnecessary complexity.

The stamina system make fights far more dynamic, tactical and rewarding than some gimmick like you have to hit me with this specific weapon on this part of me to defeat me.

Yes, in a Zelda game I don't want to worry about balancing of weapon choice, boss fights should be a mixture of some puzzle (figure out, how to harm the enemy) and reflexes, nothing else.

You really don;t need to worry about weapon choice. You can complete the games with any weapon, as long as your good at using it. Thats part of the beauty of these games.

In Souls the puzzle is the battle system and enemy encounter. When should I attack, when do I dodge or shield, what attack should I perform, who should I attack etc.


How Uncharted is #1 and Tomb Raider doesn't even make the top-20 is beyond me. But good list, would only change The Order for Rime.

Because of two reasons

1. Previous TR is shit. No footage of new one is available.

2. Uncharted 4 is being directed by the Druckley combo ( UC2 and TLOU fame) and had an awesome PSX demo followed by even more awesome gameinformer details.


extra source of jiggaflops
Because of two reasons

1. Previous TR is shit. No footage of new one is available.

2. Uncharted 4 is being directed by the Druckley combo ( UC2 and TLOU fame) and had an awesome PSX demo followed by even more awesome gameinformer details.
Being made by the people that made GAF's GOTY 2009 and 2013 probably helps with the anticipation levels on this forum.

Previous Tomb Raider on GAF was a GAF's #8 of its year. Why it doesn't show up at all is more likely because nothing except for platforms is known about it.

Mr Git

Because of two reasons

1. Previous TR is shit. No footage of new one is available.

2. Uncharted 4 is being directed by the Druckley combo ( UC2 and TLOU fame) and had an awesome PSX demo followed by even more awesome gameinformer details.

Possibly also to do with the severely reduced hypebase, since it will only release for two platforms, rather than six. Personally I'd chalk it down to that awful, awful title.


Yeah I mean I'd say MGS2 was 'average', but I definitely thought MGS4 was legit bad. But I digress.

Here's my anticipate list:

1. Bloodborne - Dark Souls and Demon Souls redefined what I thought was possible on consoles anymore from any developers. Games like this just don't get made anymore, unless it's on PC and has a very small budget. From proved me wrong, and created some of the best games of last generation. My expectations for Bloodborne therefore are similarly large.

2. Zelda Wii U - Well I mean, it's Zelda. If it actually makes 2015, it'll immediately go to the top of my anticipation list. I'm a bit incredulous about the size of the world and how much interesting stuff they'll actually pack into it (Twilight Princess world was not half as big and was simply boring as fuck to traverse outside of dungeons), but I can't not have this on my list.

3. Armikrog - Point and click adventure game, by the Neverhood creator. This is like eight dreams rolled into one, and is immediate justification for Kickstarter to exist. Thank you Gods of gaming.

4. No Man's Sky - Open ended game set in a universe so large it would take 500 million years to visit every place even if you visit one planet every second, this is the definition of high concept. So much to do, so much can go wrong. But I love developers who aim high, and unlike many people I know exactly what you're supposed to do in NMS and so my expectations are set precisely at "as long as they actually execute it, we're good."

5. Hyper Light Drifter - They say it's inspired by Zelda, which is already my flavor. But it's god excellent pixel art and fantastic concept. The music is also rad, being made by one of my favorite game composers these days.

6. Just Cause 3 - For a while there it looked like it was set to be destroyed by microtransactions. Then all of that was false and it's back to balls-to-the-wall action and grapple hooks strapped to the sides of rockets. It's the open world game of dreams.

7. Rime - Gorgeous Studio Ghibli/Studio ICO/SalvadorDali etc inspired adventure puzzle game. It's magnificent looking, it's inspired by like everything I love, and they seem to have the right idea about how to approach the concept judging by the interviews. TequilaWorks isn't a surefire hit, but I'm willing to take a chance on this one.

8. Kentucky Route Zero - I've been avoiding playing any aspect as I wait for all the episodes to be out before playing. Apparently, that's set to finish in 2015. Everyone I talk to raves about it, its distinctive American mythology, plot and stark and innovative atmosphere is to die for.

9. Twelve Minutes - This game puts you in a neverending loop of twelve minutes when you find your wife accused of murder, and you must try to solve the mystery within the twelve minutes stuck only in your home. You can do essentially anything and the game will adapt. For example, if you take over the cooking from your wife, she will not just continue the animation she will go and complete a different task. You can sit down at dinner, or not. You can go in your room and search around, or interrogate her. You can do nothing. Every action you take is a chance you might get out of this time loop and figure out what's going on. It's an amazing concept and so far people say it's extremely well executed.

10. Persona 5 - I'm pretty sure this is going to make it this year. So, it's one of my favorite jRPG series and I'm super hyped for it.


11. Syberia III - The first two are amongst my all time point and click favorites. They're also some of the only games my fiancee and Mother enjoy. So we sit down together and try to solve the games. They're excellent games themselves, but because of the way they bring my family together they have extra weight.

12. Xenoblade Chronicles X - The first game was good but a bit overrated in my view, but I'm still hugely anticipating this one.

Not necessarily. I mean of course that'll be the case most times, but one or two years when there has been a less clear frontrunner (like no Uncharted games or Metal Gear games or Halo games in that year), the lists tend to spread out and get a bit more inventive.

I mean as you can see from my list I got lots of big ones on there, but I dunno too many of the "big AAA games" are just sort of uninspired these days. It's not that I need innovation or anything like that (refinement > innovation), but so many of the big guys seem rather interested in continuing to peal back layers of depth for some sick drive toward mass accessibility. It can work for some games, but most games do go off the rails for it.

A lot of my list is also governed by skepticism. Like if Star Citizen does its job right it'll likely be one of my favorite games of all time, but because I am skeptical with all the money they're getting it'll not go off the rails a bit with development I didn't include it. it's insanely ambitious.

This is a good list.Damn so many good games coming out this year.
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