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NeoGAF's Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2015


extra source of jiggaflops
I think what is needed next year is being able to make negative votes for other titles.

So you could give up a spot on your list just so some other game doesn't end up on it.
The emotions being hurt by some games in this list are real.


The order and no man sky look pretty meh... The rest are ok, though after 3 I'm surprised that Uncharted is #1


Had no clue Uncharted was a thing. No Star Wars Battlefront is a big omission. 2015 is all about MGSV and Halo.

what do you mean 'a thing'? hehe

NeoGAF has a strong contingent of Uncharted fans. I've always been a bit eh on the series outside of Uncharted 2 which was pretty decent, but people love that Indiana Jones wisecrack adventure thing. And like me, love graphics. I'm a confessed graphics whore.

And on the other side of the coin, I can't get excited for Halo due to 343i making it and MCC disaster, and I can't get excited for MGSV the way I once could for the series due to MGS4. It's all just perspective anywho.
Scary thing for me is I had only a couple of those on my Top 10 but despite that can still see myself buying pretty much all of them. AUGH this year is going to kill me


not me
That's a weird one because even though it's a "franchise," the games have nothing to do with one another. It's fairly unique in that regard. When I play an Uncharted game, of course it's going to be Uncharted. Same goes for most "franchises."

Even the games set within the same continuous universe (X, X-2 and the XIII trilogy) are pretty different, though. Certainly the difference between X and X-2, and XIII and Lightning Returns is stark.
Awesome seeing Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles X in there! Those are two of my top 5 most anticipated games right now. The other 3 being Tales of Zestiria, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, and Inside.
I didn't vote in this because I felt uncomfortable making a most anticipated list and not being allowed to include Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.


I'm glad Persona 5 is so high up. Atlus has a lot of love to live up to.

Benzychenz said:
I just realised Yoshi didn't even make the top 20 :(

Beautiful looking game, but I think people have frequently been burned on Yoshi-led games, so they are cautious. I know I am, worried it'll be like that N64 disaster and a cake walk to a fault, like Kirby Epic Yarn was.


Looks like the year of the PS4 is coming.
Never thought a Halo game would miss a top 10 spot but MCC and Halo 4 must have hurt the series?
Bloodborne vs Zelda huh?

Both of these games are going to be fucking amazing. And wow at The Order snagging the #10 spot over something like Halo 5, I've seen so many people shit on that game I wouldn't have ever thought it possible.


So if I like The Order I'm a fanboy? What the fuck.

Ya just great I can see it now the " Let me tell you how much destiny sucks " disciples will move on to each and every order thread convincing everyone that they really aren't having fun they've been tricked yet again..... Can't wait /s
I'm for sure getting 2 games up on there, maybe 4 if I get a PS4 by the end.

I don't really know because I think Xenoblade will keep me busy for a LONG time.


I really don't get the fuss. From both sides.

Are people seriously shocked that most people from the Metal Gear Solid Community Thread voted for Metal Gear Solid V, one of the biggest releases this year? That people who have been looking forward to a mainline Metal Gear Solid game for years would vote for it in a thread about anticipated games? This thread is literally a hype thread. Nobody has played any of the games in the OP. Nobody is voting for titles they know are the most deserving. They're voting for titles they believe and hope will be the best.

I don't even see why anyone would give a fuck. If this was a GOTY thread and MGS V turned out to be awful (something I really doubt, btw) yet people still vote on it because they're "fanboys", then I could see why people would have a problem with it. I guess.

At the same time, I think it's silly people would complain about Metal Gear Solid V not being first place. The point difference is negligible and in my eyes that means people are just really excited about both titles. That's the point of this thread, right? To see which titles NeoGAF members are looking forward to. Beyond that, this top 10 doesn't mean anything. We don't know anything about the quality of any title. So tell me again why it's a problem people from community threads would vote on a game? They're NeoGAF members. And they're obviously looking forward the most to the game they post about on a daily basis. Again, this is a thread about the game you're looking forward to the most. Not the game that is the best. And c'mon... do you really believe a game like Metal Gear Solid V was only rated so highly in the top 10 because of a few MGS-GAF posters?

Also, if you believe Uncharted 4 (or any other title in the OP, for that matter) wasn't voted on by "fanboys", then you're just as delusional as the people you have a problem with.


Dawg I don't think any people are really shocked... at least that's not how I would describe most reactions here. Prior to most votes going out I think a good number of people expected Uncharted 4 to be in the top three for example, as well as MGSV.


Dawg I don't think any people are really shocked... at least that's not how I would describe most reactions here. Prior to most votes going out I think a good number of people expected Uncharted 4 to be in the top three for example, as well as MGSV.

And Arkham Knight...


Dawg I don't think any people are really shocked... at least that's not how I would describe most reactions here. Prior to most votes going out I think a good number of people expected Uncharted 4 to be in the top three for example, as well as MGSV.

Oh yeah, sorry. I was just looking at the previous page and I saw people "fighting" because MGS-GAF posters voted for MGS V etc etc

I mostly meant that people were shocked a great deal of the community thread would vote for MGS V, it's no surprise the game would land in the top 3 anyhow.


The point to take away from this is that people will always be biased to something.

Indeed. I wish I knew about this poll when it was active. My vote would have been for

I do have to give it to Naughty Dog though, people really seem to love their games. I admit, I've yet to play The Last of Us. I'm really tempted since there seems to be a Lee/Clem dynamic between the protagonists. Not to mention, I heard a part of it takes place in Boston, which is criminally under represented in video games.

Now, I hear that Bethesda has Fallout 4 in development and that it's supposed to take place largely in Cambridge/Boston. If this were true, and if Bethesda announced it for this year, my #1 would be this. Are you kidding? A large open world post apocalyptic game that takes place in a city where I spent the majority of my life? Hell, I worked in Cambridge for 6+ years. I can hope for 2016 ;_; At least by then I'll be finished with Phantom Pain


Oh yeah, sorry. I was just looking at the previous page and I saw people "fighting" because MGS-GAF posters voted for MGS V etc etc

I mostly meant that people were shocked a great deal of the community thread would vote for MGS V, it's no surprise the game would land in the top 3 anyhow.

If there was ever shock, I lost any possibility when GAF re-voted for MGS4 to be the GOTY of that year. So it actually voted MGS4 twice for GOTY.

I still try to comprehend how this is possible, did I play the same MGS4? Apparently I did. And, like, opinions but ouch :(


bad previews and mostly negative hands on impressions all year long. Developers touting hollywood influence and claiming gameplay is something they "have to do", qte everyhere and really linear almost tunnel like level design. It will take a miracle for the game to live up to the hype.


Can't believe anyone thinks the Order will only sell 250K. Beyond ridiculous.

Fun facts.

The Order 1886 has almost 100k more preorders than Bloodborne in the US. It also had more preorders when Bloodborne was scheduled to release before it.

Premium editions are pretty much all accounted for as we are not allowed to take any more preorders for it at most gamestops.

It is just under 200k preorders in the US alone so thinking it will only get 250k sales is pretty silly.

The crying over the Order making the top ten is hilarious.

Imagine the reactions if its a game of the year contender.

Endo Punk

The order and no man sky look pretty meh... The rest are ok, though after 3 I'm surprised that Uncharted is #1

You're surprised a sequel from the people that made UC2 great and went on to create one if the defining new IP's of last gen whilst accumulating hundreds of accolades between the two have #1 anticipated game? Oh I'm sorry, you didn't know that?


I'm fully willing to eat crow if The Order is a fantastic game. I've got my PS4 ready, so I'll be buying it.
Nice top ten.

I think it's pretty interesting to take a look at this :

Any thought ?

AAA: the list, and exclusivity helps hype.

so one could also say that this is list is more similar to "Games that I want the most to turn out great" rather than "games I know will be the best of 2015"

Endo Punk

Nothing will stop me from getting UC4, PP, Bloodborne and Arkham Knight. Never been so sure about games and that's mostly because of the pedigree behind these titles. Chances of disappointment is pretty low considering all we know and have seen.

Fantastic indies are known but AAA is finally coming into its own this year. Definitely a year that will go down in the gaming history books.


You're surprised a sequel from the people that made UC2 great and went on to create one if the defining new IP's of last gen whilst accumulating hundreds of accolades between the two have #1 anticipated game? Oh I'm sorry, you didn't know that?

Uncharted 3 was a huge drop off in quality and got a lot of hate on gaf, so yea, I'm surprised.


I played The Order, I thought it was meh. Another example of beautiful graphics with boring gameplay. Until Dawn is one game I'm looking forward to.


If there was ever shock, I lost any possibility when GAF re-voted for MGS4 to be the GOTY of that year. So it actually voted MGS4 twice for GOTY.

I still try to comprehend how this is possible, did I play the same MGS4? Apparently I did. And, like, opinions but ouch :(

I'll never understand the love that game gets from gaf, and I'm a huge MGS fan.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Pretty good list. I never really regard imminent releases as "anticipated" personally, but with all the delays last year I understand it. Rainbow Six would be up there for me if I hadvany reason to believe it is coming out this year.


Whoa, 2015 is going down in the history books as the greatest year gaming has ever seen

it looks like one of the best years outside of a 1998 dynasty year (which happens every 3 years after 1998). 1998 was probably the best, especially for american gamers, who first played an embarrassment of riches in genre-defining software that year.
Very well deserved for Uncharted 4. Good to see Bloodborne rank high up there too, but it's wasy to see why MGSV beat it. I'm even happier to see the Order is. For all the hate it gets its good to see that that's apprarently just the vocal minority


Honestly it's crazy how high Order scored considering some other choices we have in 2015, but it doesn't surprise me some are apprehensive about Halo 5. There's a vocal minority who wasn't pleased by the multiplayer beta so far, and there's another contingent who simply don't trust 343i after Halo 4 and the recent MCC disaster.


special shout out to persona 5, the order 1886, xenoblade chronicles x, and the witcher 3 for making it to the list two years in a row. persona 5 climbed two spots. i wonder how far it'll get next year.
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