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Post-Women's March: white women, working class, and people might need to reflect

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This is kinda like berating the choir over atheists who didn't show up on Sunday. Feels like a gross misunderstanding of the target audience.


53% of white women who voted in the last election isn't a generalization it's a fact.

lol at "Welp 8 more years of trump" comments because of that sign. Calm the fuck down and do some much needed introspection.

Introspection is an individual process, how the hell is that going to change the minds of others?

Yeah... Part of what makes this photo appealing (to some) is that it has such a "look at these dummies with their Uggs and their selfies" subtext. Even though these are literally people who are in fact participating in the march.

These aren't the same humans who voted for Trump. Yes, somebody somewhere voted Trump, then also marched like a poser, but they're vast exceptions.

(note that the sign itself wasn't necessarily created in that context, but the way the snapshot is framed and part of what lends to its appeal IS that.)


"You're going to take those generalizations and insults and you're going to like them if you want to stay in the circle."

If you expect people to take abuse from their supposed allies while putting their whole hearts into defending them, you've got another thing coming.

Something isn't adding up, though. The Women's March is important for several obvious reasons, but getting lost in this focus on the Trump administration is introspection of ourselves and fellow Americans.

Trump getting more than half of the white woman vote is such a stunning outcome that calls into question what the priorities of the electorate are, and it's important we have these discussions. Because this particular voting block was sizable enough to make a real difference in the election.


Junior Member
This is anecdotal experience based off of family members and inferences from "friends" Facebook feeds, but it seems to me there are women who simply vote for who their husbands tell them to vote for.
First of all, the sign is simply a statement of fact. One WW approached me & said, "I felt defensive at first, but I see that's your point."
Overall, I felt good about carrying the sign. It made me uncomfortable, it made others uncomfortable, and that was the point.
White women: let's get familiar with feeling uncomfortable. #WomensMarch #WhyIMarch
Black, brown, trans, and queer women have been doing this for far longer and at far greater peril. We are the ones new to this.

It's really not that hard to understand.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I read an article on how infighting would destroy the message a while ago, I am not saying I subscribe to that idea but its always interesting to hear things like this.


That tweet is pretty obnoxious. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the majority of women at these protests weren't Trump voters.
I don't know what "looking in the mirror" is supposed to fix either.

You should feel bad that people with your skin color voted for trump. It's some dumb shit.

I don't think it's my responsibility to go out and yell at hispanics who voted for trump. I don't even know any! But some did I guess and I should reflect on that? OK, sure.


Nvm I understand nobody is asking me to do that. I am struggling to understand what this type of message achieves from a practical standpoint. I think the message might be a little too complex for a protest sign.


Why are we using the standards of racists to define how we talk about race?

We're talking about something that is a fact as opposed to a subject that crops up the moment a terrorist attack occurs or murder of a minority.

The majority of White voters voted for Trump, that includes white women. Either you can grow from that or you can take it as an affront to your sensibilities.

I'm waiting for the irony of your own post to hit you.

I'm waiting for you to address my post but looks like you'd rather just resort to snark.
This is anecdotal experience based off of family members and inferences from "friends" Facebook feeds, but it seems to me there are women who simply vote for who their husbands tell them to vote for.

I've seen this with my family, although I did manage to sway my mother from doing that shit, starting with Obama.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
When its the majority of the population that's not really generalizing anymore.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or you sincerely don't know what 'generalization' means? Because that banner is a textbook example of one.


listen to the mad man
I mean, I doubt that poster or anyone is mad about people who can't vote not voting.

I believe the poster's argument is a manifestation of anger and anxiety, not something rationally grounded in considering either the composition of the marches, or the link between voting and protesting, or the consequences of not voting in most places.

If the revised argument is that people who can legally vote and live in states that are likely to be competitive but didn't vote should still be allowed and encouraged to protest but also reminded to vote because voting and protesting both serve a purpose, then sure, I agree, but that seems to me to be such a boring and trivial argument no one would make it.
I read an article on how infighting would destroy the message a while ago, I am not saying I subscribe to that idea but its always interesting to hear things like this.

Just read off-topic gaf for a few days. The infighting here among the Left is insane at times. In many threads you're either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. No gray area whatsoever. And make sure you show receipts, but only of the kind that the person asking approves of.
The march was a positive event and we shouldn't concentrate on small pockets of understandable but misguided negativity like this.
So like always we gotta coddle the widdle babies?
I don't get how that helps at all, if I just marched all day to stand up against a president that is also going to do you harm, and I read a comment like that, I would be pretty bent. Especially would think twice about going out there to protest again that's for sure.


Unconfirmed Member
what the fuck does it mean to "stay home and do the work of BE[ing] an ally" mean? tweeting? is that person legitimately arguing that pithy woke tweets are going to do more good than fucking marching?

I guess I should be fighting more with my brother who voted for Trump.

Sorry guys.


Just read off-topic gaf for a few days. The infighting here among the Left is insane at times. In many threads you're either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. No gray area whatsoever. And make sure you show receipts, but only of the kind that the person asking approves of.


Why are we using the standards of racists to define how we talk about race?

Yeah, I don't get it. Like, the reason any sane, decent person talks about things like white privilege is because we don't want anyone racially profiled, not because we want everyone racially profiled. This isn't a race to the bottom.


Conservatives literally cheering when liberals do this pointless in-fighting and finger-pointing. As if the democratic party needs more fracturing along the lines of criticizing anti-Trump protesters.


This thread is based on the baseless assumption that the same white women who voted for Trump are the ones who marched/happened to be on their phones in that photo? Am I reading it incorrectly?

Yeah, it seems like this is what we want...

"A lot of people who look like you voted a certain way so... fuck off."

Logic like that in the OP is what worked for Trump.

Some Muslims are bad...so ban them all!

Some Mexicans are rapists (but not the good ones)...so build that wall!

Divide and conquer works. Get groups to focus on blind hate and they can't unite to fight for a common good.
Watching the number of women commenting extremely negatively on the marches this weekend was a solid reminder for me that the majority of white women voted Trump.

I think the purpose of minorities pointing this out, is in no small part to remind their white sisters who marched with them, that they have a far better shot of talking to the white women that weren't there, the white female Trump voters, and being heard, than any female minority has.

My wife, has embraced this herself. She sees her privilege as a responsibility. Some of our family criticized her for marching asking her 'what rights don't you have?' and she's been pointing out that she is marching for the people that *don't* have it as good as she does.

TLDR: Liberal white women should talk to the bigoted white women, because they have a much better shot of being heard than minority women do.


Trump didn't win because white people had their feelings hurt. That's just ridiculous.

Who is saying this?
Lol you are in complete denial if you think the constant attacking of other progressives because they aren't in lockstep with you 100% had no effect

Just look at how hard liberals attacked Bernie supporters and Bernie himself, aka the only democratic candidate who was actually fighting for the economic leftist cause.


Fail out bailed
We're talking about something that is a fact as opposed to a subject that crops up the moment a terrorist attack occurs or murder of a minority.

The majority of White voters voted for Trump, that includes white women. Either you can grow from that or you can take it as an affront to your sensibilities.
It's legitimately disheartening if you think those are the only two reactions you can have to that information. Especially in light of the state of the fucking world.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Christians went harder for Trump, especially evangelicals. Maybe Christians should look in the mirror and we can leave women as a whole alone?

If a woman's whiteness is relevant enough to prompt a "look in the mirror", I think people who associate themselves, by choice, with a group that supports Trump in even greater numbers should be called to "self-reflect" first.
Logic like that in the OP is what worked for Trump.

Some Muslims are bad...so ban them all!

Some Mexicans are rapists (but not the good ones)...so build that wall!

Divide and conquer works. Get groups to focus on blind hate and they can't unite to fight for a common good.

Except...this seems to be happening internally. It's counterproductive.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Watching the number of women commenting extremely negatively on the marches this weekend was a solid reminder for me that the majority of white women voted Trump.

I think the purpose of minorities pointing this out, is in no small part to remind their white sisters who marched with them, that they have a far better shot of talking to the white women that weren't there, the white female Trump voters, and being heard, than any female minority has.

My wife, has embraced this herself. She sees her privilege as a responsibility. Some of our family criticized her for marching asking her 'what rights don't you have?' and she's been pointing out that she is marching for the people that *don't* have it as good as she does.

Who? Anecdotal?


Just read off-topic gaf for a few days. The infighting here among the Left is insane at times. In many threads you're either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. No gray area whatsoever. And make sure you show receipts, but only of the kind that the person asking approves of.

While internet arguments can be exercises in ego stroking, there have been plenty of productive conversations in the wake of the election. Debate is healthy, especially among like minds.


I think the reason that liberals are so prone to this kind of "in fighting" is due to the progressive nature.

By holding progressive values, you are intrinsically entering new and unexplored definitions, ones which have to be debated, and lines have to be drawn and moved.


Conservatives literally cheering when liberals do this pointless in-fighting and finger-pointing. As if the democratic party needs more fracturing along the lines of criticizing anti-Trump protesters.

Exactly. And all of this happening at a time when the Democratic Party is the weakest and most irrelevant it has been in a fucking generation. You'd think this would be exactly the time where people would look inwards and admit that "hey maybe this isn't helpful"
Lol you are in complete denial if you think the constant attacking of other progressives because they aren't in lockstep with you 100% had no effect

Just look at how hard liberals attacked Bernie supporters and Bernie himself, aka the only democratic candidate who was actually fighting for the economic leftist cause.

Practice what you preach. The bolded attitude is *just* as dismissive of other progressives as what you're complaining about.
Lol you are in complete denial if you think the constant attacking of other progressives because they aren't in lockstep with you 100% had no effect

Just look at how hard liberals attacked Bernie supporters and Bernie himself, aka the only democratic candidate who was actually fighting for the economic leftist cause.


And I was never a 'Bernie Bro', just merely someone who recognizes the shortcomings of the Democratic Party.
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