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SUPERHYPERCUBE cancels Oculus support


/r/The_Donald isn't your ordinary group of Trump supporters. The place is pretty damn despicable, and it's damning that Luckey got involved with them.

FWIW I don't think all Trump supporters are racist. I think many of them are low information and don't understand what his policies will do to minority groups. Doesn't make it right, but understandable. If Luckey had just said "I'm voting for Trump", or even donated directly to his campaign, it would be reasonable to just point to him as a white 1%er who doesn't get it, and who has said as much in interviews (I read some piece today where he admitted that he doesn't have a damn clue the challenges that low income people or minorities face). The fact that he donated to a nonprofit associated with those shitheels, including Milo, who have a history of overt racism, even moreso than their candidate, is a different story.
lmfao how do you not understand

Start by telling me how you resolve this logical inconsistency. What you argue makes no sense.

How could I leave the voting booth in 2012 being 100% in favor of the death penalty and 100% in favor of abolishing it at the same time? You would agree that makes no sense, right? But according to your rules it's perfectly alright because I voted for a candidate that was in favor of it and another one that was opposed.

The only solution is to abandon your absolutist view and accept that people don't always agree with 100% of what their candidate says.


I'm surprised since I'm sure they still had a lot of work done for the game, but now that will be cancelled. But it makes sense.

I hope this is the start of a movement.


listen to the mad man
In the last presidential election I voted for a congressman who was in favor of abolishing the death penalty AND and president that was in favor of keeping the status quo. I strongly supported both candidates. So on the issue of the death penalty, which side am I on? According to your logic where I am always supporting each and every one of my candidates opinions 100%, that means I am 100% in favor of abolishing the death penalty while at the exact same time being 100% in favor of keeping it. So you see, your absolutist position makes no logical sense.

Honestly your position seems more like sophistry than his position seems like a generalization.

The President isn't "in favor of keeping the status quo", he's strategically chosen not to speak about the debate because of political capital and Overton window issues. But suppose he was a supporter of the death penalty and my claim that it's strategic on his part is wrong. The death penalty is not a majorly salient issue, it wasn't a part of the campaign, it wasn't the lynchpin driving support for Obama, it wasn't even an issue where there was a material difference between the Presidential candidates. The federal death penalty is also used very sparingly so it's sorta unclear to what extent a President is really even a relevant actor in the process. Moreover, he has appointed two justices who seem anti-Death Penalty, possibly to the point of abolition. If you asked Obama to list the top 20 most important changes he planned to make or beliefs that he had on policy, the death penalty would not be in that list.

Trump opened his campaign with the rapists and murderers speech. The racial elements--namely, a closed immigration policy based around fighting globalism and restoring citizenship and nationalism; expelling an enormous amount of people even at the cost of tearing families apart; considering new applicants disparately by race and religion; arguing that non-white public servants are not impartial on issues of race; and a "law and order" criminal justice policy designed to be harshly punitive despite or because of the racial implications of such moves and ignoring the discussion on race and criminal justice over the last ten years--have been upfront and center. They have been the defining way in which he differed from other members of his party. They have been the things he wants to stake his reputation on. If you asked Trump to list the top 3 most important changes he planned to make and beliefs that he had on policy, and then you discarded "I Want To Be A Winner!!!" until you got policy answers, all three would be racialized policies. The spinal cord of his convention speech was a series of racialized arguments.

George Wallace. ran for president on an explicitly racial segregation based ticket. "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" was his motto. That's a quote from a guy who took his oath of office at a monument to the confederacy and Jefferson Davies, and described himself as a representative of "the greatest people [whites] that have ever trod the earth." He never explicitly said "Don't vote for me for any reason other than segregation". Wallace had stances on Vietnam and stances on non-racial cultural issues and stances on healthcare. But what he put front and forward was: 1) End desegregation; 2) Impose law and order policies on crime; 3) Hippies are garbage communists and I don't like them. I am sure there are people who voted for him based on tax issues or mining issues or because they liked his hair. But it would be stupid to say "Wait, we don't actually know anything about why people supported George Wallace". We need only look at why Wallace run, what he said when he run, and what he claimed were his priorities to draw a very tight correlation.

I think if you're a person who wants to vote for Trump because he has fewer vowels in his name and you're a single issue vowel voter which is why you voted for Romney, McCain, Kerry, and Gore, that's fine. You have that right and it is rational given your aims. But perhaps people would be excused from instead judging you based on the values and issues that were front and center in those campaigns. The other benefit is that no one can prove what you think, but you can easily clarify misconceptions. You deliberately chose not to clarify your actual position on the death penalty when you dared someone to figure out what your position was and provided them with apparently incongruent information. This strikes me as a bad move when you're trying to argue for more empathy and understanding. People should try to understand you, but when they don't, you have more power than anyone else in the world to help correct them.

Start by telling me how you resolve this logical inconsistency. What you argue makes no sense. How could I leave the voting booth in 2012 being 100% in favor of the death penalty and 100% in favor of abolishing it at the same time? You would agree that makes no sense, right? But according to your rules it's perfectly alright because I voted for a candidate that was in favor of it and another one that was opposed. The only solution is to abandon your absolutist view and accept that people don't always agree with 100% of what their candidate says.

This is really College 101 level sophistry and for an appeal to nuance surprisingly lacking in nuance. His claim is not that people are 100% identified with all of the contradictory positions that the people they vote for support, his claim is that voting is at least minimally informative as to what someone believes in. If you vote for Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama, we don't know where you stand on the issues they disagree on, but we can reasonable infer that you probably aren't as conservative as Ted Cruz. Or maybe you are and you just always vote for law professors no matter the election. But you don't get to play coy when someone infers you are likely to be progressive.


I see what you're trying to do, you're arguing an absolutist position because then you can say everyone follows Hillary/Trump on 100% of their issues like a hive mind and you don't have to factor in people who think for themselves. But you're arguing yourself into a corner because what you propose is logically impossible with the way people vote and I'll prove it to you.

In the last presidential election I voted for a congressman who was in favor of abolishing the death penalty AND and president that was in favor of keeping the status quo. I strongly supported both candidates. So on the issue of the death penalty, which side am I on? According to your logic where I am always supporting each and every one of my candidates opinions 100%, that means I am 100% in favor of abolishing the death penalty while at the exact same time being 100% in favor of keeping it. So you see, your absolutist position makes no logical sense.
People vote on what matters to them most. If you strongly disagree with something you will not be anywhere near it. I dont agree with racism so I will NEVER vote for a racist. If Hillary said half of the things Donald Trump has said I just will not vote for her at all. I will find a candidate who matches most of my views.
I see what you're trying to do, you're arguing an absolutist position because then you can say everyone follows Hillary/Trump on 100% of their issues like a hive mind and you don't have to factor in people who think for themselves.

Explicit, violent white supremacy is not the same as most of the issues that have historically come up in presidential elections. You're engaging in a super semantic nitpick argument that just isn't really relevant to the actual topic here.


Start by telling me how you resolve this logical inconsistency. What you argue makes no sense.

How could I leave the voting booth in 2012 being 100% in favor of the death penalty and 100% in favor of abolishing it at the same time? You would agree that makes no sense, right? But according to your rules it's perfectly alright because I voted for a candidate that was in favor of it and another one that was opposed.

The only solution is to abandon your absolutist view and accept that people don't always agree with 100% of what their candidate says.

? I've never stated the bolded anywhere, and I've said multiple times that I am voting for someone whose views don't line up with mine 100%. I don't think I've ever voted for someone whose views were 100% in line with what I want, hahaha.

I'm not gonna answer your dumbass question about telling you what you think, because that's up to you. What you did do was endorse two candidates separate views, and it's up to them, once elected, to decide how far they want to go in pushing those views/political stances into actual policy.

i legitimately don't understand how you don't understand, lmfao. i'm baffled, even more so that you think you have me in some kinda 'gotcha' trap with your dumb example.

so you tell me, man. what do you think? are you for or against the death penalty? and is that something that made a significant impact on your decision in voting for either the congressman or the president?
Oh yeah, it's real fucking easy to tell the people actually affected by racism, homophobia, misogyny, and xenophobia to just go and educate people right? To take away all the responsibility from stupid people in order to coddle them like tiny little babies who don't know any better?

Maybe these ignorant and oblivious folks need to get a fucking education and read a damn book, and educate their own damn selves.


Full stop, it's not my fucking job to educate people on what racism is and why it's bad. I do it, but I can't do it all, and people need to want to be educated, and to learn, and to change. I can't force that. That's on them.
Tell me, what is productive about calling half of America racist? You don't educate people by insulting them. Do you tell little kids that they are stupid because they have trouble with long division? Or do you phrase it in a different manner that encourages them to continue developing?


Tell me, what is productive about calling half of America racist? You don't educate people by insulting them. Do you tell little kids that they are stupid because they have trouble with long division? Or do you phrase it in a different manner that encourages them to continue developing?

adults are not children. try again.
I'm not surprised that Phil Fish was the first to cancel support of the Rift after yesterday's revelation. His views always tended to lean more left despite stirring the internet pot from time to time.
Didn't know Fish was working on this, glad to see him working in games again. Sorry to the rest of the team for not knowing your names tho. You're probably cool too.


Totally respect their right to do so...

...but In light of this, I will not be pursuing my support for your upcoming VR release, SUPERHYPERCUBE.


Tell me, what is productive about calling half of America racist? You don't educate people by insulting them. Do you tell little kids that they are stupid because they have trouble with long division? Or do you phrase it in a different manner that encourages them to continue developing?
Mike Pence wants you to stop talking about systemic racism
Ohio Trump campaign chair Kathy Miller says there was 'no racism' before Obama

Can't educate the willful ignorant
Tell me, what is productive about calling half of America racist? You don't educate people by insulting them. Do you tell little kids that they are stupid because they have trouble with long division? Or do you phrase it in a different manner that encourages them to continue developing?

Calling a racist a racist is now an insult? Sounds more like a fact to me. And hating other races is no different than struggling at math? I expect most people to have the innate ability to decipher right from wrong. I don't expect most people to just know math.

But yeah, if we were all extremely nice to racists it would probably cause racism to cease to exist in our country. Problem solved, guys! And we thought this was a complicated issue? I suggest we use tax payer money to provide extremely nice, personal tutors to fill racist's hearts with joy and love. If you can teach math you can teach love!


Tagged as I see fit
Tell me, what is productive about calling half of America racist? You don't educate people by insulting them. Do you tell little kids that they are stupid because they have trouble with long division? Or do you phrase it in a different manner that encourages them to continue developing?

These are not children (or are you implying they are?). They are being willfully ignorant - you can't help those that don't want to be helped. It is not the job of minorities to educate those who CHOOSE to remain ignorant (nevermind the ones who are proud of said ignorance).

Lady Gaia

I'm beyond impressed and will be looking seriously at the game as a result. People treating this as a simple electoral choice between the status quo and change are kidding themselves and need to look at the candidates more closely. Trump doesn't just say something offensive now and then, his entire platform is deeply rooted in xenophobia, racism, scare tactics, and obsessive self-interest. There was a time when I could have said "at least he isn't rampantly homophobic and transphobic" but he has hooked his wagon directly to those who are, so even that faint praise no longer applies.



They should've waited for Oculus/facebook's response. Not fair to blame everyone there. If Palmer is out after this I have no problem buying Oculus' products.


They should've waited for Oculus/facebook's response. Not fair to blame everyone there. If Palmer is out after this I have no problem buying Oculus' products.

Oculus/Facebook have been silent. Who knows how long they'll wait to say something.

These devs announcing this now is good.
It's not hard to understand. Voting for a Republican or being a Republican doesn't automatically make you a racist, but voting for Trump, who is a Republican AND is a racist AND has racist policy positions makes you at the very least a supporter of a racist and racist policies.


I think he is saying it's not the best way to promote them to change their views. It probably just sets them on the defensive, justifying their own beliefs regardless of "facts".

Thank you for posting this. Some sanity during these dark times. Scared people act irrationally. We need to try to heal this divide not wedge it wider.


I didnt read much on the Palmer Luckey thread other than that he was supporting some sort of white supremacist group

But then this quote from this thread says

If you are a voting citizen of the United States, please remember to register and make your voice heard this November 8th. Do not let bigotry, white supremacy, hate and fear win.

So was Luckey just supporting Trump, or was he supporting white supremacists? And no, they're not synonymous phrases. Just because I prefer Trump to Hillary (honestly both arent that great) doesn't mean I'm a racist. Curious as to exactly who Luckey supported
Thank you for posting this. Some sanity during these dark times. Scared people act irrationally. We need to try to heal this divide not wedge it wider.

How do you heal this divide when one side wants solely to swing a sledgehammer?

Just look at the 8 years of obstructionism and "Obummer was born in Kenya!" They have no desire to heal anything.


It's not hard to understand. Voting for a Republican or being a Republican doesn't automatically make you a racist, but voting for Trump, who is a Republican AND is a racist AND has racist policy positions makes you at the very least a supporter of a racist and racist policies.


Nothing wrong with being a republican or voting for one. But supporting Trump makes me think you're either ignorant or a racist scum.


I didnt read much on the Palmer Luckey thread other than that he was supporting some sort of white supremacist group

But then this quote from this thread says

So was Luckey just supporting Trump, or was he supporting white supremacists? And no, they're not synonymous phrases. Just because I prefer Trump to Hillary (honestly both arent that great) doesn't mean I'm a racist. Curious as to exactly who Luckey supported

if you think they aren't synonymous, you haven't been paying attention. if you're voting for trump, you're supporting racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, and only you can decide whether or not you're okay with that.

I'll try again.

Do you tell adults who are learning long division that they are stupid? Or do you phrase it in a manner that is conducive to their development?

i expect ADULTS to be able to have the knowledge necessary to know how to educate themselves, and if they need help, I will try my best to support them, but I'm not going to sit around teaching an adult long division when they could pick up a damn math book or google step by step instructions that will teach them better than I could, and I expect them to take initiative, if they actually give a fuck about learning long division.
I think he is saying it's not the best way to promote them to change their views. It probably just sets them on the defensive, justifying their own beliefs regardless of "facts".

I don't think they care about the facts, or this wouldn't be an issue today. And maybe it's about time these people take a break from attacking and go on the defensive. Ever went outside and interacted with humans before? Maybe even have children? Being nice at inappropriate times is a lesson in how to get taken advantage of and not much more. But at least they know you care, right?


Sure, you don't have to agree with every policy of a candidate, but I feel certain things should be deal breakers even if you agree with everything else they're saying.

Being a gigantic fucking racist is a pretty big deal breaker for me.


Tell me, what is productive about calling half of America racist? You don't educate people by insulting them. Do you tell little kids that they are stupid because they have trouble with long division? Or do you phrase it in a different manner that encourages them to continue developing?
White people need to stop being so damn defensive when someone tells us we're being racist. Rather than stomping our feet and plugging our ears, we can listen, consider, and rethink our actions/attitudes. White supremacy constantly prioritizes white comfort, and we become conveniently ignorant to race dynamics even while we know those dynamics intimately well. White people have ABUNDANT opportunities to unlearn our racism if we actually prioritize that work.

Also, we as a nation (and species) are trying to heal from centuries of violence and trauma here. To ask the people who've been oppressed to be more nice about their cries for basic human rights is insulting at best.
Sure, you don't have to agree with every policy of a candidate, but I feel certain things should be deal breakers even if you agree with everything else they're saying.

Being a gigantic fucking racist is a pretty big deal breaker for me.

It's amazing how some people don't get that.
FWIW I don't think all Trump supporters are racist. I think many of them are low information and don't understand what his policies will do to minority groups. Doesn't make it right, but understandable. If Luckey had just said "I'm voting for Trump", or even donated directly to his campaign, it would be reasonable to just point to him as a white 1%er who doesn't get it, and who has said as much in interviews (I read some piece today where he admitted that he doesn't have a damn clue the challenges that low income people or minorities face). The fact that he donated to a nonprofit associated with those shitheels, including Milo, who have a history of overt racism, even moreso than their candidate, is a different story.

Because he doesn't give one fuck and is, what looks like to me based on his own words, extremely proud of the fact.
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