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Bernie Sanders Campaign files procedural papers to continue lawsuit against DNC

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As I understand it, the campaign did what they were supposed to do and turned off their access and fired the guy. Then they notified the DNC what had happened. Instead of confirming and acknowledging they had done right by the DNC, they just let them sit without access for a day. That basically stopped their campaign in its tracks.

It's unhelpful. And it's unlawful. It's a breach of contract. Sanders' campaign is doing the right thing, which is not always the best thing.

What a way to stifle conversation here.

However, the access logs do show that Sanders staff pulled not one but multiple lists—not searches, but lists—a fact that shows intent to export and use. And the lists were highly sensitive material. News reports have indicated that the data was “sent to personal folders” of the campaign staffers—but those refer to personal folders within NGPVAN, which are near useless without the ability to export the data locally.

Even without being able to export, however, merely seeing the topline numbers of, say, how many voters the Clinton campaign had managed to bank as “strong yes” votes would be a valuable piece of oppo. While it’s not the dramatic problem that a data export would have been, it’s undeniable that the Sanders campaign gleaned valuable information from the toplines alone. It’s also quite clear that most of the statements the Sanders campaign made as the story progressed—from the claim that the staffers only did it to prove the security breach, or that only one staffer had access—were simply not true. It’s just not clear at this point whether the campaign’s comms people knew the truth and lied, or whether they were not being told the whole truth by the people on the data team who were still making up stories and excuses to cover their tracks. I suspect the latter.

Still, the Sanders camp’s reactions have been laughable. It was their team that unethically breached Clinton’s data. It was their comms people who spoke falsely about what happened. The Sanders campaign wasn’t honeypotted into doing it—their people did it of their own accord. NGPVAN isn’t set up to benefit Clinton at Sanders’ expense—and if the violation by the campaigns had been reversed, Sanders supporters would have been claiming a conspiracy from sunrise to sundown. What’s very clear is that the Clinton camp did nothing wrong in any of this. Sanders campaign operatives did, and then Wasserman-Schultz compounded it by overreacting. And in the end, the right thing ended up happening: the lead staffer in question was fired, and the campaign got its data access back.


So no, the campaign didn't do what they were supposed to. They eventually did, but any sane person would have done that because damage control required that they fire the guy.
such a perfect GIF

Sanders is a dumber campaigner than I thought; all Congresspeople and Senators running downticket are going to say Fuck You to him when it comes time for Super Delegate funtime
Clinton didn't start the birther movement. That was on shitheads who couldn't handle that she lost to Obama.

The worst you could say about her regarding that election was that she didn't deny the birther theory enough, and one of her strategist tried to paint Obama as not American enough to run the country.


Kind of like how a fair few Sanders supporters engage in racism and harassing non-white critics of Bernie

Which a good fair share of people on this board and elsewhere use to pass judgement on Sanders himself. So either supporters reveal the true nature of the candidate or they don't. Can't have it both ways.


I didn't say Clinton had anything to do with it, but I'm quite sure she didn't mind it happening.

I love how you go from saying "never forget Clinton campaign staffers started the birther movement" to instantly forgetting you said Clinton campaign staffers started the birther movement. Such conviction.


Well, since you implied that the DNC and/or Hillary planted someone in his campaign to get him in trouble, you would surely supply me with implications and shady business of that like?

I never said anywhere in my post specifically that said person was planted. What I said was that the person himself, on his own, was likely not fully vetted before being given the recommendation. It's not exactly clear why the person gained access and was downloading the lists, but regardless, the Sanders' campaign knew he was doing wrong and did what was necessary to remove him.
Success compared to what everyone, including Bernie himself, probably thought he would achieve when he jumped into the race.

Bernie lucked out that he was the only legit opponent who ran against Hillary. There is a large enough anti-Hillary crowd that they were going to rally around someone.

If Warren and/or Biden had run, Bernie would still be polling at less than 5% today.
Well this party isn't unifying anytime soon, is it?

Shame, I supported Sanders, but at some point we need to unify. The political process sucks, yes, but you decided to play the game.

he was never part of the Party before trying to tag along the Democratic Primaries
Ah well then my bad. *supporters* then. Still originated from the Clinton side.
Keep moving that goalpost.

Pretty stupid stuff by Sanders this. He lost, he just has to accept it. Was fun while it lasted and brought some needed discussion and topics in the spotlight.
I never said anywhere in my post specifically that said person was planted. What I said was that the person himself, on his own, was likely not fully vetted before being given the recommendation. It's not exactly clear why the person gained access and was downloading the lists, but regardless, the Sanders' campaign knew he was doing wrong and did what was necessary to remove him.

In that case, what confidence should I have in a campaign that didn't properly vet this person?


I haven't responded to his stuff because unlike him I'm not trying to put words in others' mouths.

How, exactly, am I trying to put words in your mouth?

I'm responding to you because I actually like your enthusiastic Bernie posts (although I think you could get better at both assessing political realities and Magic card design) and I'm honestly disappointed that you're taking a position that requires you to discard any concerns about ethics or integrity and care only that your candidate wins.

I expect that from lots of people in this thread, but I expected better of you!


But the supporters are the candidate, according to popular Reddit scientists, therefore Hillary started the movement

Therefore Hillary is trump


Bernie lucked out that he was the only legit opponent who ran against Hillary. There is a large enough anti-Hillary crowd that they were going to rally around someone.

If Warren and/or Biden had run, Bernie would still be polling at less than 5% today.

I don't really disagree. Problem is we ended up with the situation we did and Bernie clearly isn't the type to care about going down quietly. He doesn't care about the Democratic Party whatsoever, he's said as much, and while I'm sure he will endorse Hillary in the end I don't expect him to do much more than that.

Bernie is only in politics for one person and that's himself.


This guy is even more of an embarrassment than I first believed. Your campaign fucked up and got rightly punished for it. More like lightly punished really. You are crying because you lost 1 day worth of access after stealing your competitor's data? Get fucked seriously. Hope this lawsuit causes his supporters to wake up and see this man for the fraud he is. Can we just kick him from the party already? He obviously cares nothing for the party, just his own goals and ego. He's been a waste from the start and this pretty much cements that. Get out Bernie!


He was part of the democratic caucus in the Senate. He voted with the democrats the majority of the time. He was pretty much already a democrat.

He's only joined the caucus because he would be absolutely irrelevant in the Senate otherwise. Surprise surprise, Bernie only wants to be part of the Democrats when it benefits himself.

It's been a stickler for years about how he wouldn't actually do anything to help the party nationally or in Vermont.


This guy is even more of an embarrassment than I first believed. Your campaign fucked up and got rightly punished for it. More like lightly punished really. You are crying because you lost 1 day worth of access after stealing your competitor's data? Get fucked seriously. Hope this lawsuit causes his supporters to wake up and see this man for the fraud he is. Can we just kick him from the party already? He obviously cares nothing for the party, just his own goals and ego. He's been a waste from the start and this pretty much cements that. Get out Bernie!

This lawsuit will make him stronger, I love that he's doing it. The DNC is garbage, get rekt.


He's only joined the caucus because he would be absolutely irrelevant in the Senate otherwise. Surprise surprise, Bernie only wants to be part of the Democrats when it benefits himself.

It's been a stickler for years about how he wouldn't actually do anything to help the party nationally or in Vermont.

I don't disagree with you, but it shows he does pretty much agree with the democratic platform.


Gold Member
The [voter database] Agreement does not permit the Defendant to suspend or terminate service to Plaintiff in the absence of ten days’ written notice to Plaintiff, and Plaintiff’s failure to cure any breach or default within a period of ten days.

Let's step back from the technicality.

they still stole data by an unauthorized breach. now he is sueing for being locked out for 24 hours. that still makes him a mother fucker.

this is some petty bullshit that speaks volumes about his intentions and approach to working with the democrats.


In that case, what confidence should I have in a campaign that didn't properly vet this person?

Take it as a misstep in an otherwise tightly run campaign. If it were a legitimately shady or corrupt campaign, you wouldn't have heard about the breach at all, as they would have hidden that it happened.

How, exactly, am I trying to put words in your mouth?

I'm responding to you because I actually like your enthusiastic Bernie posts (although I think you could get better at both assessing political realities and Magic card design) and I'm honestly disappointed that you're taking a position that requires you to discard any concerns about ethics or integrity and care only that your candidate wins.

I expect that from lots of people in this thread, but I expected better of you!

OK, let's review:

If you really want to argue that it's totally moral to take advantage of the security breach because the contract didn't explicitly say you're not supposed to steal other people's data, then, I mean, you do you, but I am honestly disappointed in that position.

You're suggesting I think it's okay to take advantage of a security breach when I didn't even make any such claims at all. I haven't even talked about the moral implications of utilizing a security breach. Of course it's reprehensible on the part of the guy who did it.

Are you suggesting that they just did whatever the establishment told them to do?

Yet another attempt to say I said something I didn't. What you interpret from my words is your own conclusion, but unless I outright say it, I'm not suggesting it. In regards to the actual quote, if you want to interpret something out of what I said, it would be "they wanted to work with the DNC to get assistance for their campaign because they thought it was the right thing to do".

Both of these are attempting to frame my point of view on things I literally did not say. I appreciate you letting me know you enjoy my posts though.


Clinton didn't start the birther movement. That was on shitheads who couldn't handle that she lost to Obama.

The worst you could say about her regarding that election was that she didn't deny the birther theory enough, and one of her strategist tried to paint Obama as not American enough to run the country.

Nah, but she did make it rather clear that she thought Obama's background made him more liable to be assassinated before the nomination and banked on the possibility of that happening to justify staying in the race.

Here's one of our very own mods back in '08 making a timeline of Hillary making reference to the Bobby Kennedy assassination.


Wow, a total non-story that is really just a procedural maneuver yet the drama has been unleashed. Once again, the theatre of politics has no need for facts only emotions.
That is what is great about Bernie, he is bringing people who usually don't care about politics to politics. People are learning you can't expect for that 99% who did not care about politics before to know any specifics. Bernie's revolution is about bringing people into the political process and I think he is doing a great job.

They're still not voting in meaningful numbers.


In that case, what confidence should I have in a campaign that didn't properly vet this person?

I judge the campaign by what volunteers do, what Bernie says and what the end goal is. It's not by any stretch the best run campaign of all time but considering the obvious problems with Sanders as a candidate. On the other hand it's the first campaign to show people who intend to run for office in the future that they can forsake corporate money if they are able to channel today's technology with a powerful message. The campaign is unparalleled in terms of fundraising, there is no other campaign that has been financed by such a proportion of small donors. To only concentrate on the close advisors of Sanders is to downplay what the campaign is actually founded on - people who went out of their way to be part of the campaign. People who have created hundreds of organizational, promotional and fundraising applications for free, they have donated their hours behind a goal not a candidate. The goal is pretty clear moving the focus on what these people care about whether that's money in politics, healthcare, education, maternity leave, equal pay, stopping the drug war, immigration reform, higher wages, removing the surveillance, a different foreign policy where intervention is the last option, trade agreements, fighting institutional corruption, sexism, racism and classicism, dealing with the addiction in a more humane way. Believe me there is a variety of reasons why I'm absolutely ecstatic with this campaign and frankly I find the idea that is a trainwreck in an election featuring Jeb hilarious. What the Sanders campaign has achieved is remarkable and I only imagine what would have happened if Warren was running instead of sitting out this election because of inevitability.

he was never part of the Party before trying to tag along the Democratic Primaries

One minute some people are using his voting record to show us how him and Clinton don't differ - so its not a big difference between him and Clinton becoming prez
The next minute he was never part of the Party and should be running independent

You can't have it bothways HillGaf


Joking post? If you believe immigrants and minorities would vote for Trump then I don't know what to say.

Its been repeated enough that I think it's starting to convince some people its possible. But yeah, it's not happening thanks to Trump's extremism. With or without the extremists that would rather see xenophobic and racist policy passed just because their political crush lost the nom, Democrats are still going to win the election.

The numbers are just too far against Trump/Republicans at this point. So let them have their tantrum.


Democracy worked. Just like when Ralph Nader "stole" votes. Don't take voters for granted.

Wouldn't change the fact that running as an independent after losing the Democratic nomination is counter productive to both everything he ran on and literally the well-being of everything he stands for moving forward.

If he had ran as an independent from the very beginning? I'd have no issue.
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