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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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I think Sanders would be a better president than trump.

However the thing thats currently chapping our assholes is Bernie's shitty behavior regarding this and the recent clash with AIDS activists,


Ultimately I care more about what policy is getting passed than what I suspect the attitudes of the people passing it are. Trump would undoubtedly do more harm to the world, and that is enough for me to want him out of office. (Incidentally, this is why I will end up voting for Hillary.)

Considering we are looking at 2 isolationists, we're not looking at a massive difference when looking at the damage to the world.
I don't think anyone who would vote for a democratic candidate at some point would want Trump in office.
I certainly don't, if I want to see a raging intolerant racist in power I can look at the one of the EU member state.

Be fair, two people. And demonstrably not an extremely rare thing, at least in this thread.

Because people can be vocal doesnt mean they are a lot.
Don't make the same mistake as the Sanders stans in Nevada.
I expressed my views already, I don't think Sanders would be a worse president, he is however a really worse candidate.


How is Sanders the "end of rational" Democrats when he is basically a European leftist?

Because he's an ideologue.

If Bernie Sanders and his campaign weren't running their own little inquisition I'd have a mild preference for Hillary Clinton because she's the more intelligent, more skilled candidate. But Sanders would be a worthwhile alternative because his policies are more or less on the right moral side of the argument.

His methods on the other hand are entirely deplorable. He's been attacking Clinton this entire primary with an entirely disingenuous methodology because she uses the political finance systems build specifically to attack her to her advantage. He attacks DWS because she has historic ties to Clinton. Now he's attacking Frank and Malloy because they've supported Clinton and HIV/AIDS activists because they didn't like being used as a PR item by his campaign.

Obama came into office with the concept of never sacrificing the good in search of the great. Bernie Sanders demands everyone sacrifice any alternative theories in pursuit of his ideology, and woe to the person who actually fact checks or questions him on how exactly those ideas would turn into real, effective, legislation.

This is exactly what the Tea Party was and how we've wound up with a Republican party in 100% lockstep on climate change, worker's rights, healthcare, etc.. If you don't get in line the Tea Party and company would purity test you the fuck out office in the primary and baring that would ruin your chances of winning the general. Sound familiar? Just because the basic concept is good doesn't mean it excuses the methods because enabling those methods will ultimately lead to someone using them for something far less acceptable (see Donald Trump and the very real possibility of the DNC dealing with an anti-vax, anti-GMO, anti-nuclear power candidate in the very near future in Sanders' wake).
Could you imagine Weaver and Devine trying to go up against Trump? That alone gives me pause beyond the fact that Bernie doesn't tend to do well with, you know, scrutiny.
Morgan Harris ‏@mharris621 13m13 minutes ago
@ggreenwald @billmon1 Well, they should probably not accuse progressive icons of being insufficiently progressive is all.

Billmon ‏@billmon1 7m7 minutes ago
@mharris621 @ggreenwald Icons (painted or human) are not exactly a "progressive" concept..

He just called Bernie Sanders not progressive :p
Considering we are looking at 2 isolationists, we're not looking at a massive difference when looking at the damage to the world.
I don't think anyone who would vote for a democratic candidate at some point would want Drumpf in office.
I certainly don't, if I want to see a raging intolerant racist in power I can look at the one of the EU member state.

Because people can be vocal doesnt mean they are a lot.
Don't make the same mistake as the Sanders stans in Nevada.
I expressed my views already, I don't think Sanders would be a worse president, he is however a really worse candidate.

Your words were "No, I'm saying fuck Sanders. I'd take anyone else at this point" which is pretty clearly saying you'd take Trump over Sanders, but I'm glad you've seen the light.

I think Bernie's foreign policies would be better than Trump (and are ultimately not that different from Hillary's aside from a few key points), but there is literally no point in having that argument, is there?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I expressed my views already, I don't think Sanders would be a worse president, he is however a really worse candidate.

He has the possibility of being a worse long-term candidate for dems. The possible damage he can do to the country and the party are different things.

Honestly it's up for serious debate, the political spectrum is so damn polarized now that typical conventions don't apply as much as they used too.

In a non-polarized environment he would arguably be an epic disaster. But then again, in a non-polarized environment, Trump might even be a bigger disaster, lol. That article that talked about Trump when he was giving a speech and reacting to it as if it's the first time he has seen it...

Politics at it's core is still about compromise, especially at the party level, and it's something that Sanders and Trump both don't seem to understand (or give one fuck about) and it's likely a reflection of the political situation as it is now.

We know exactly what Trump would do to the Supreme Court: flood it with right-wing Heritage Foundation ideologues .

Don't get me wrong, I was not saying that as a good thing like some posters here have, lol.
It's either that list or some wildcard. Would not surprise me if he nominated some friend of his with no law or judgemenship experience.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Turns out Sanders has egomania bordering on the insane.

Who the fuck saw this a year or so ago?

We dodged a bullet.


Hillary supporters on NeoGAF want a democrat to campaign against Bernie for his senate seat. They aren't going to forget.

They think he is worse than Trump.

I'm not making this up. They have overwhelmingly agreed that Bernie is worse than Trump.

I don't understand it. I can see why people don't like his campaign. I don't like his campaign. His campaign has been poorly managed and many of the people Bernie has chosen to surround himself with in his campaign are awful, but to say that Bernie is as bad or worse than Trump is ridiculous.

Come on, guys. Bernie isn't this awful person that you claim him to be. He isn't Trump.

I think there are only a few Hillary supporters who post regularly here that prefer Trump to Sanders, even after the contentious primary that we've had. I don't think that's correct.
People unironically using "identity politics" as a pejorative is a huge red flag
That may be true but attempts to insinuate Clinton's gender/Obama's race/Frank's sexuality has some relevance to Sanders' establishment criticism is asinine. It's a very lazy attempt to score political points.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not yet, he could still go full tilt and decide to run 3rd party. The guy has lost his mind, so I wouldn't put it past him at this point.

3rd party is pretty much off the table this late in the game thankfully.
You can refer to deadlines here: https://ballotpedia.org/Ballot_access_for_presidential_candidates

I don't think he is quite spiteful enough to run just to fuck over the dems, only if he thought he had a chance to win. With the deadlines passing, that chance to win is pretty much gone.

- J - D -

Re: Trump and Bernie. I think you'd have to perform some Olympics level mental gymnastics to even begin to believe that Bernie is in any way worse than Trump, but it'll be interesting to see who is better at courting the chaos they've whipped up on each respective side. Trump's been good at holding on to his die hard supporters despite (or because of) his antics, but will Bernie's best supporters go along with him in light of recent events?


Sanders worse than Trump? Hell fucking no. Sanders is grating on my last nerve but if it came down to it I'd still take him any day of the week over that shitbag the repubs have.
That may be true but attempts to insinuate Clinton's gender/Obama's race/Frank's sexuality has some relevance to Sanders' establishment criticism is asinine. It's a very lazy attempt to score political points.

Well with Frank it's more that Sanders wants to kick off a progressive minority because he's been mean to him and thinks he'll screw him out of the nomination or something even though Sanders will have lost and by normal account would have no say in anything anyway.

It's the same thing as looking at the argument for the supers flipping to Sanders, despite the pledged delegates and pop vote victory for Clinton, as actually being the largest disenfranchisement of black voters since Jim Crow.

It's not using their identities as a shield, it's demonstrating how Sanders actions have consequences for minority representation.
Re: Drumpf and Bernie. I think you'd have to perform some Olympics level mental gymnastics to even begin to believe that Bernie is in any way worse than Drumpf, but it'll be interesting to see who is better at courting the chaos they've whipped up on each respective side. Drumpf's been good at holding on to his die hard supporters despite (or because of) his antics, but will Bernie's best supporters go along with him in light of recent events?

Trump won, Bernie lost. Trump's supporters have a reason to stick with Trump, Bernie's don't.

Months and months from now when we're in the heat of the general election, tempers will fade and I imagine a lot of these "bernie or bust" people are going to see the light.
Sanders is less a Trump and more of a strange Cruz/Trump hybrid. While he's got the shitty populism of Trump, him creating/leading a Green Tea Party is otherwise very Cruz-esque and both believe that there's this gigantic silent majority that would vote a true [insert candidate's ideology here] if only an uncompromised champion of [ideology] would arrive. He wants the Fox News of the Left to be a thing because he sees what it does to the right and wants his mindless drones to support him.

Sanders would get my vote over the terrible Republican crop available but I'd vote for a moderate Republican who would give okay-ish SCOTUS picks. Like, if I thought we'd get Bush 41 I'd take him over Sanders since we'd at least get Souter out of it to balance for the Thomas and our president wouldn't be a mindless ideologue.

Luckily, the Democrats haven't gone insane and voted for someone who is competent and not a sack of shit.

Oh, and is there a term for Euro-Canadasplaining? Because that's been pretty irritating.
And yes, while Sanders is a colossal shit, he is still leagues better than Trump. Given the choice between the two, I'd obviously choose Sanders. Of course the whole exercise is null, because there is no circumstance where that will end up being the choice.

I will say that, right now, as a failed candidate with no path to win who's hell-bent on torpedoing the party in a colossal hissy-fit, Bernie is functionally indistinguishable from Trump, if only because everything he does is now effectively supporting Trump.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Trump won, Bernie lost. Trump's supporters have a reason to stick with Trump, Bernie's don't.

Months and months from now when we're in the heat of the general election, tempers will fade and I imagine a lot of these "bernie or bust" people are going to see the light.

Actually, most of his supporters on this forum already have, lol.
His bullshit this week has pushed the non-true believers out, leaving a small contingent left.
The question is can he do significant damage with the cult members he has left?

Also bare in mind this analysis is excluding what is happening outside of neogaf, and among those who don't follow politics for various reasons.


Hah, what. Bernie is leagues better than Trump, even with all of his recent antics. I think I've seen maybe 1 person in all of GAF ever say they would choose Trump over Bernie, and I'm not even sure on that.

People are not getting on Bernies case because of his ideology. They're getting on his case because his tactics are becoming very short sighted and self serving, instead of being geared to building the sort of vast progressive movement he claims to want.

Tearing down your friends that agree 90% of the way, while there's an adversary out there that agrees with 0% is dumb; especially when the numbers are what they are.

Double so when the movement and bench needed to retake the house in 2018-2022 needs to be built now. That could be his legacy. Should be. But it doesn't look like he's up for it.

The presidency at this point is somewhat symbolic and a check on the GOP do nothing house. It's most important as a stop gap against congress. The real prize is preparing the party for the next decade. And that does consist of not damaging it or tearing it apart now.
I'm so glad so many Hillary supporters and Bernie supporters finally see eye to eye on something. After so many months of bitter fighting, at last: unity. :')

Actually, most of his supporters on this forum already have, lol.
His bullshit this week has pushed the non-true believers out, leaving a small contingent left.
The question is can he do significant damage with the cult members he has left?

Also bare in mind this analysis is excluding what is happening outside of neogaf, and among those who don't follow politics for various reasons.

No. Unless you think gaining a few completely meaningless concessions from the DNC is "damage". Hillary's going to win, book it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
No. Unless you think gaining a few completely meaningless concessions from the DNC is "damage". Hillary's going to win, book it.

A nasty convention has the likelihood of depressing turnout, and Trump losing is based on 2012 turnout numbers. So it matters, the degree it matters is uncertain. Much can happen in the next several months before November.


That's true, but don't tell die hard Bernie believers that.

Anyone who thinks Bernie will win now is delusional. What I can respect is facing Armageddon hand-in-hand, sticking to your beliefs until the bitter end. And no, by that I don't mean not voting/voting Trump.

I like Cenk Uyger's Stance on this. Despite being a Bernie supporter, he said he will vote Hillary no matter what in the general, but he will fight her tooth and nail afterwards, continuing the fight Bernie started.

Although I find it disturbing Hillary supporters are adopting the same "person x or bust" mentality despite using it as a talking point against Sanders supporters.... when the vats majority of Sanders supporters will vote Clinton come the general.
A nasty convention has the likelihood of depressing turnout, and Trump losing is based on 2012 turnout numbers. So it matters, the degree it matters is uncertain. Much can happen in the next several months before November.

Unless a nasty convention depresses every minority vote, I think we are going to be okay.


Your words were "No, I'm saying fuck Sanders. I'd take anyone else at this point" which is pretty clearly saying you'd take Trump over Sanders, but I'm glad you've seen the light.

I think Bernie's foreign policies would be better than Trump (and are ultimately not that different from Hillary's aside from a few key points), but there is literally no point in having that argument, is there?
What light?
We're not at church here.
Trump is a better candidate than Sanders, that's pretty clear.
I wouldn't vote for either if my life depended on it.
Sanders foreign policy is anti trade and shares quite a few point in common with Trump albeit in a shittier package.
Trump would be the worst president since that guy who's on the 20 bucks bill at best, Sanders wouldn't be much better but it would be better.
how? his utter lack of policital curiosity and his total contempt for anything not as "pure" as him.
He has the possibility of being a worse long-term candidate for dems. The possible damage he can do to the country and the party are different things.

Honestly it's up for serious debate, the political spectrum is so damn polarized now that typical conventions don't apply as much as they used too.

In a non-polarized environment he would arguably be an epic disaster. But then again, in a non-polarized environment, Trump might even be a bigger disaster, lol. That article that talked about Trump when he was giving a speech and reacting to it as if it's the first time he has seen it...

Politics at it's core is still about compromise, especially at the party level, and it's something that Sanders and Trump both don't seem to understand (or give one fuck about) and it's likely a reflection of the political situation as it is now.

Agreed on the damage to party and to the country are different thing, both candidate are horrible in their own ways.
I think we agree on most things.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Unless a nasty convention depresses every minority vote, I think we are going to be okay.

I hope you are right, and right now it's mere speculation until we get there. We will know more depending on Sanders antics after CA.
What light?
We're not at church here.
Drumpf is a better candidate than Sanders, that's pretty clear.
I wouldn't vote for either if my life depended on it.
Sanders foreign policy is anti trade and shares quite a few point in common with Drumpf albeit in a shittier package.
Drumpf would be the worst president since that guy who's on the 20 bucks bill at best, Sanders wouldn't be much better but it would be better.
how? his utter lack of policital curiosity and his total contempt for anything not as "pure" as him.

If your big point is you think Sanders is a worse candidate than Trump, then yeah, obviously, Trump won and Bernie lost.
Trump's the wrong comparison to Bernie. Trump doesn't believe in anything except his own sense of superiority. President Sanders would at the absolute least be trying to help people, whereas President Trump would just do whatever he wants.

Cruz is the better analogue. They're both ideological purists. Only Cruz is more self-aware, and Bernie is way less malevolent.

I don't imagine he'll take up any more of my thoughts after the convention. I do wonder if he'll try to primary Hillary in four years, in which case I'll return to my annoyance with him.


It really is stunning that Ted Cruz was humble enough to drop out when he lost and Bernie Sander isn't.

The fuck? I would have thought the exact opposite six months ago.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Trump's the wrong comparison to Bernie. Trump doesn't believe in anything except his own sense of superiority.

Cruz is the better analogue. They're both ideological purists. Only Cruz is more self-aware, and Bernie is way less malevolent.

I don't imagine he'll take up any more of my thoughts after the convention. I do expect him to try to primary Hillary in four years, in which case I'll return to my annoyance with him.

This is sadly true, and honestly it's the biggest reason Trump is more dangerous than Sanders. At least Sanders would do what he thinks is right, even if it may be uncompromising and not always the best path forward (plus, his platform is leagues better than Trump's). Trump will do whatever the fuck he feels like.
Anyone who thinks Bernie will win now is delusional. What I can respect is facing Armageddon hand-in-hand, sticking to your beliefs until the bitter end. And no, by that I don't mean not voting/voting Trump.

I like Cenk Uyger's Stance on this. Despite being a Bernie supporter, he said he will vote Hillary no matter what in the general, but he will fight her tooth and nail afterwards, continuing the fight Bernie started.

Although I find it disturbing Hillary supporters are adopting the same "person x or bust" mentality despite using it as a talking point against Sanders supporters.... when the vats majority of Sanders supporters will vote Clinton come the general.


Substantial number please.
Just look at the posts these past few pages, in which it has been stated that a conservative SCOTUS (via TRump) wouldn't be so bad because Bernie would cause more damage.
If you're referring to me, I was specifically referring to a Bush 41 scenario where we get one liberal, one conservative, which means it basically stays the same.

Obviously the Republicans aren't fielding anyone that isn't crazy so I'd vote for Sanders against that, but I think he'd make an awful POTUS for a variety of reasons and he'd be a disaster for our country and stigmatize farther left ideas for quite a while.
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