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South Korea's first black model faces widespread racism

Sadly not surprised. Japan's take on MMA fighter Bob Sapp was a constant source of WTF double takes.


lol did he actually pose for this or did they photoshop a mic out of his hand or something?
I thought South Koreans loved us man. The North showed Dennis Rodman love and the South can't show one of there own who is a teen love because he is mixed!?


Bruh, are you kidding? There's a TON of influence from American movies/media that seeps into the world.

I still remember a few years back going to the Philippines when a kid asked me if I knew any black people. I was like yeah, of course I do. Then he asked me if they were gangsters and did gun sounds.

I was pretty floored

Yes, it's not just Hollywood too.

Look at all "hood" prank on YouTube that paints black people in a certain light.
The bruh doesn't even look half Korean, but this shit doesn't shock me. Ariana Miyamoto was getting shit for when she was dubbed Ms. Japan and here goes the same thing with this brotha. I wonder how this dude gets his hair did in Korea.
GAF is my best traveller agent. Here I learned that I should not go to Bulgaria, that I have to avoid Greece and that South Korea might not be a good destination.

Thanks for saving me some money pals :)
Man they are just scared of anything that remotely feels alien, huh?

I think some of it is less about "alien" and moreso club owners have had experiences of foriegners and koreans fighting in the club, so its there way of lessening the chance of fights breaking out.

at least that is what I have read.

but like I said it applies to all foreigners regardless of race. its funny cause some places will have signs in english saying something like "no americans allowed due to staff not speaking english, not racism, sorry."

GAF is my best traveller agent. Here I learned that I should not go to Bulgaria, that I have to avoid Greece and that South Korea might not be a good destination.

Thanks for saving me some money pals :)
dont believe the hype. You can goto S. korea and have a good time.
Sadly not surprised. Japan's take on MMA fighter Bob Sapp was a constant source of WTF double takes.


Yo to be fair, he wasn't just a spokesperson for the banana flavor. He was in the commercials for a bunch of different flavors from what I remember.

I can see how to Americans it comes across as racist though.
So, they are just like half of population of Japanese. And lol @ people immediately painting every single Koreans as racists. You are doing exactly the same thing as what these racist Koreans are doing to hapas and blacks.


I thought South Koreans loved us man. The North showed Dennis Rodman love and the South can't show one of there own who is a teen love because he is mixed!?


So you're telling me motherfucking North Korea is less racist than South Korea?

I mean, I'm not shocked about East Asia being racist as fuck, I myself did have the joy to experience Asian racism, but the fact that fucking North Korea is the most tolerant out of them blows my mind.



So you're telling me motherfucking North Korea is less racist than South Korea?

I mean, I'm not shocked about East Asia being racist as fuck, I myself did have the joy to experience Asian racism, but the fact that fucking North Korea is the most tolerant out of them blows my mind.
Just because Rodman hung out with Kim Jung-Un? That doesnt mean a damn thing.


But Koreans are.

Don't get mad at me because I'm being honest about the shitty parts of our people. We have great parts too. But we're not talking about that right now.

Man, I kinda knew how this thread would go knowing GAF + Asians, but when you have a Korean generalizing all Koreans as racists....

Asians are the true racist

I mean, I know white folks would love to pass that buck onto someone else, but the fact is, you aren't seeing Asians killing an unarmed black motorist every other week on the news.
So, they are just like half of population of Japanese. And lol @ people immediately painting every single Koreans as racists. You are doing exactly the same thing as what these racist Koreans are doing to hapas and blacks.
"All Koreans are racist" vs "All Blacks are criminals" aren't the same lol. One of them is dehumanizing, take a guess.
i was legit shook when i saw a mixed race dude (with brownish skin) in one of my kdramas, with all the thousands of hours i have put watching movies and tv shows that was a first

i didnt know that it was that bad to be honest
[boots];243170793 said:
Man, I kinda knew how this thread would go knowing GAF + Asians, but when you have a Korean generalizing all Koreans as racists....

I mean, I know white folks would love to pass that buck onto someone else, but the fact is, you aren't seeing Asians killing an unarmed black motorist every other week on the news.

Every GAF thread about Asians ends up like this. Ridiculous overgeneralizations, such as in the cat/dog eating thread a few weeks ago.

"All Koreans are racist." "Asians are the true racists." What in the what. Please transport me to this alternate reality where Asians are responsible for slavery, colonialization, Native American genocide, imperialism and modern day systemic racism, police brutality and the prison-industrial complex. Oh wait, white people are responsible for that, not Asians. Not all white people, of course, because that would be an overgeneralization. Just the 58% of white folk that voted Trump and most of your ancestors.


"All Koreans are racist." "Asians are the true racists." What in the what. Please transport me to this alternate reality where Asians are responsible for slavery, colonialization, Native American genocide, imperialism and modern day systemic racism, police brutality and the prison-industrial complex. Oh wait, white people are responsible for that, not Asians. Not all white people, of course, because that would be an overgeneralization. Just the 58% of white folk that voted Trump and most of your ancestors.

Japan's past has you covered in the native genocide (Ainu), slavery and imperialism part.
Every GAF thread about Asians ends up like this. Ridiculous overgeneralizations, such as in the cat/dog eating thread a few weeks ago.

"All Koreans are racist." "Asians are the true racists." What in the what. Please transport me to this alternate reality where Asians are responsible for slavery, colonialization, Native American genocide, imperialism and modern day systemic racism, police brutality and the prison-industrial complex. Oh wait, white people are responsible for that, not Asians. Not all white people, of course, because that would be an overgeneralization. Just the 58% of white folk that voted Trump and most of your ancestors.



Every GAF thread about Asians ends up like this. Ridiculous overgeneralizations, such as in the cat/dog eating thread a few weeks ago.

"All Koreans are racist." "Asians are the true racists." What in the what. Please transport me to this alternate reality where Asians are responsible for slavery, colonialization, Native American genocide, imperialism and modern day systemic racism, police brutality and the prison-industrial complex. Oh wait, white people are responsible for that, not Asians. Not all white people, of course, because that would be an overgeneralization. Just the 58% of white folk that voted Trump and most of your ancestors.

Imperial Japan from the late 19th to mid 20th century.


So SK is about 5x more racist than the US, interesting.

US gets a lot of flak, but compared to a lot of other countries USA is better.

Look at any countries in Asia, from SK to India, you'll experience racism there probably more than you will in America.

Look at the recent threads about Black Americans experiencing racism in certain parts of Europe.

America just gets a lot more attention.
You mentioned Julie Roberts earlier, a pretty white all american girl. Celebs get that look, the eyes, the facial structure, the nose job. Then these surgeries become popular because that is what the celebs got.

You said you have lived here for six years, I am pretty sure you have heard Koreans talk about western eyes and know exaclty what they mean.

Koreans don't want to look like Julie Roberts, they want to look like Korean celebs who look like Julie Roberts.

I'd argue that Koreans want to look like Korean celebs who look like the Korean idealization of what how Julia Roberts (or any white celebrity really) should look like if they could "change parts of her"


I can speak for India, a nation of brown people, still not fond of black people.
Hell, not even fond of our skin color, with skin whitening creams and shit


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Japan's past has you covered in the native genocide (Ainu), slavery and imperialism part.

And Uyghurs in China.

It's tacky to play the "who does it worse" game, which is like the inverse of oppression olympics, but a lot of people are ignorant about race issues in East Asia.
US gets a lot of flak, but compared to a lot of other countries USA is better.

Look at any countries in Asia, from SK to India, you'll experience racism there probably more than you will in America.

Look at the recent threads about Black Americans experiencing racism in certain parts of Europe.

America just gets a lot more attention.

Straight up lies. Please tell me the last time a black person was attacked or killed in East Asia due to race.

"Asian racism" towards black people is strangers asking to take pictures with you, old people shying away from you in the subway or maybe not getting into that nightclub. American racism towards black people is a dirty history of slavery, Jim Crow and systemic racism that decades of activism beginning with the Civil Rights Movement to BLM has still yet to overcome. Sure, there are liberal pockets where black people may have it better than certain parts of Asia, but you know this isn't the case in Trump country. Which is most of this country.
Every GAF thread about Asians ends up like this. Ridiculous overgeneralizations, such as in the cat/dog eating thread a few weeks ago.

"All Koreans are racist." "Asians are the true racists." What in the what. Please transport me to this alternate reality where Asians are responsible for slavery, colonialization, Native American genocide, imperialism and modern day systemic racism, police brutality and the prison-industrial complex. Oh wait, white people are responsible for that, not Asians. Not all white people, of course, because that would be an overgeneralization. Just the 58% of white folk that voted Trump and most of your ancestors.

Yeah this thread seems like white people laying out their true feelings for Asians. "Asians are the true racist" what the fuck?

Like I get that Asia is still quite racist. But if we're going to play that game of comparing who is more racist, old Koreans staring at you is in no way comparable to police brutality and white people openly stating that they support the alt rights.

Also for a country that claims to be a melting pot and founded by immigrants, comparing yourself to a homogenous nation for nearly it's entire history is just low hanging fruit.

Boss Mog

Every GAF thread about Asians ends up like this. Ridiculous overgeneralizations, such as in the cat/dog eating thread a few weeks ago.

"All Koreans are racist." "Asians are the true racists." What in the what. Please transport me to this alternate reality where Asians are responsible for slavery, colonialization, Native American genocide, imperialism and modern day systemic racism, police brutality and the prison-industrial complex. Oh wait, white people are responsible for that, not Asians. Not all white people, of course, because that would be an overgeneralization. Just the 58% of white folk that voted Trump and most of your ancestors.

Man I feel sorry for you, but if you wanna cling to this notion that whitey is the devil, then so be it.
Whataboutism senses tingling.

I love it when you call out white people for hypocritical bullshit, it suddenly becomes a logical fallacy called "whataboutism". You literally cannot win.

Look, Asian racism against black people does exist. All human societies are tribal, and East Asian societies have been homogeneous for a very long time. Stereotypes and racist behavior does rear its head, such as in this case with Han Hyun-min. But in no way can you conflate this kind of racism with the ugly, ugly history of white American racism towards black people. Just no fucking way.


Straight up lies. Please tell me the last time a black person was attacked or killed in East Asia due to race.

"Asian racism" towards black people is strangers asking to take pictures with you, old people shying away from you in the subway or maybe not getting into that nightclub. American racism towards black people is a dirty history of slavery, Jim Crow and systemic racism that decades of activism beginning with the Civil Rights Movement to BLM has still yet to overcome. Sure, there are liberal pockets where black people may have it better than certain parts of Asia, but you know this isn't the case in Trump country. Which is most of this country.

You can't use racism against black people as a metric to apply to both countries.

Maybe take a look at how domestic violence in South Korea is handled when the wife is Korean, versus if the wife is Filipina or Viet. It's embarassing.
I love it when you call out white people for hypocritical bullshit, it suddenly becomes a logical fallacy called "whataboutism". You literally cannot win.

Look, Asian racism against black people does exist. All human societies are tribal, and East Asian societies have been homogeneous for a very long time. Stereotypes and racist behavior does rear its head, such as in this case with Han Hyun-min. But in no way can you conflate this kind of racism with the ugly, ugly history of white American racism towards black people. Just no fucking way.

No lies detected.
Boss★Moogle;243174504 said:
Man I feel sorry for you, but if you wanna cling to this notion that whitey is the devil, then so be it.

Whitey ain't the devil man. That would be an overgeneralization ; ).

There are racist white people and white folks who aren't. There are racist Asians and there are Asians who aren't. However, the history of how Asian people and white people have treated black people is a completely different story. I'm just calling out the people who think that "Asians are the true racists".


"SK's singles ethnic's pride". Oh dear... oh my naive dearly sk... little you know there are many koreans who are part chinese or part japanese amoung you.


"SK's singles ethnic's pride". Oh dear... oh my naive dearly sk... little you know there are many koreans who are part chinese or part japanese amoung you.

23 & Me would not go over well in Korea.

If I had to guess, I would say Chinese ancestry would be on my mom's side. As she is from a historically merchant class family in Seoul. I'm pretty sure my dad's side is more ethnically consistent, as his side is more rural hicks and no one likes them except other people from their province.


I'd argue that Koreans want to look like Korean celebs who look like the Korean idealization of what how Julia Roberts (or any white celebrity really) should look like if they could "change parts of her"

I agree with this.
East Asians (and probably pretty much any nationality) "pick and choose" what to appropriate and tweak to their OWN liking. They see a "good idea" somewhere and make it their own and it becomes their own thing.

I'm not saying American and white cultural stuff doesn't seep into the mindsets of Koreans and etc, but they view it through their own lens. Also, Julia Roberts is not even the kind of "white person" they generally want to imitate since her features are so defined or deepset and her skintone isn't even that "white"?. East Asians prefer a general softness + minimalist look. I can't help but be very confused at this misunderstanding with what people think East Asian worship from white people. There are definitely things they like, but it's things they like from their own perspective.

That being said, yes, there is definitely colorism and xenophobic sentiments in many East Asian countries for all sorts of reasons, including against one another or their own native/indigenous populations. I think that's a general humanity and power problem though, and each country has their own special take on it.

qcf x2

US gets a lot of flak, but compared to a lot of other countries USA is better.

Look at any countries in Asia, from SK to India, you'll experience racism there probably more than you will in America.

Look at the recent threads about Black Americans experiencing racism in certain parts of Europe.

America just gets a lot more attention.

I like how you threw in "just" and that entire last sentence. Disgusting, tbh.

To the point you might have been attempting before that slip, we still have just as much and I'll argue more racism here in the good ole US of A, it's just that in some areas a lot of work goes into keeping it subsurface. It's still there, it still damages, it still kills. It's just under the table.


Yeah this thread seems like white people laying out their true feelings for Asians. "Asians are the true racist" what the fuck?

We're an easy target. Even here on liberal/progressive GAF, the discussions involving Asian racial issues almost always devolves into people trying to make us the common enemy for blacks and whites to band together against.

"SK's singles ethnic's pride". Oh dear... oh my naive dearly sk... little you know there are many koreans who are part chinese or part japanese amoung you.

You'd think the shared alphabet and vocabulary would've tipped us off...

I love the ignorance wrapped in condescension here. I think Koreans in particular are keenly aware of this.

Boss Mog

Whitey ain't the devil man. That would be an overgeneralization ; ).

There are racist white people and white folks who aren't. There are racist Asians and there are Asians who aren't. However, the history of how Asian people and white people have treated black people is a completely different story. I'm just calling out the people who think that "Asians are the true racists".

The thing is, I see a lot of people on GAF blaming slavery solely on white people as if US slavery is the only time slavery ever happened. Slavery has been around since the earliest civilizations. Even the earliest records of Mesopotamia mention slavery and ancient Sumerians weren't exactly white, in fact white people as we know them did really exist back then. So whites didn't invent slavery, man did. All races and ethnicities have owned slaves and all races and ethnicities have been slaves, that is the sad reality of the world.

Also reading GAF I think some people believe whitey just landed on the African coast with some nets and brought back slaves. Slavery is Africa was very big business and the majority of slaves taken out of Africa were sold to whites by black African kings and warlords, so it's important to realize that many slaves were already enslaved before even leaving Africa.

It's funny cause I was reading the Macron thread earlier and somebody said this:
Dude Africa did really well for itself while Europe was busy crapping the bed with the black death Africa was literally throwing gold into the streets due to how amazing their spice trade was.

By just reading the Wikipedia article linked you can learn that Musa I of Mali had thousands of slaves and with additional research you can learn that most of the Mali Empire's wealth was not from spices but rather the slave trade.

Whites seem to have this terrible rep on GAF but having traveled all over the world I can honestly say that, generally speaking, whites are some of the most accepting people when it comes to race/religion, sorry if that statement offends certain people here but I really do believe it.


[boots];243179694 said:
We're an easy target. Even here on liberal/progressive GAF, the discussions involving Asian racial issues almost always devolves into people trying to make us the common enemy for blacks and whites to band together against.

You'd think the shared alphabet and vocabulary would've tipped us off...

I love the ignorance wrapped in condescension here. I think Koreans in particular are keenly aware of this.

Mmm. I would characterize it as more for GAF using Asians as a wedge against/between other communities of color, and using healthy scoops of model minority-ness.

I've run into the "Some families may be Chinese in the past, or some families may be Japanese in the past. But my family is PURE Korean. See I have the "Whatever Physical Characteristic Can Be Attributed To Only Koreans and Mongolian People." That means we are 100% Korean." But that's just dealing with people, I'm sure most people will acknowledge on paper that the genetic background is varied, but the self-identification of being "Korean" is especially strong amongst Koreans.


[boots];243179694 said:
I love the ignorance wrapped in condescension here. I think Koreans in particular are keenly aware of this.

Do want to be condescending, but I mean I find it's a shame that SK still have racial problems, or they ignore their roots or they are living in denial. Both aren't a good way of living.
Boss★Moogle;243179961 said:
The thing is, I see a lot of people on GAF blaming slavery solely on white people as if US slavery is the only time slavery ever happened. Slavery has been around since the earliest civilizations. Even the earliest records of Mesopotamia mention slavery and ancient Sumerians weren't exactly white, in fact white people as we know them did really exist back then. So whites didn't invent slavery, man did. All races and ethnicities have owned slaves and all races and ethnicities have been slaves, that is the sad reality of the world.

Also reading GAF I think some people believe whitey just landed on the African coast with some nets and brought back slaves. Slavery is Africa was very big business and the majority of slaves taken out of Africa were sold to whites by black African kings and warlords, so it's important to realize that many slaves were already enslaved before even leaving Africa.

It's funny cause I was reading the Macron thread earlier and somebody said this:

By just reading the Wikipedia article linked you can learn that Musa I of Mali had thousands of slaves and with additional research you can learn that most of the Mali Empire's wealth was not from spices but rather the slave trade.

Whites seem to have this terrible rep on GAF but having traveled all over the world I can honestly say that, generally speaking, whites are some of the most accepting people when it comes to race/religion, sorry if that statement offends certain people here but I really do believe it.

You're getting eerily close to White supremacist talking points. You're disingenuously comparing the Slavery system amongst differing African tribes to the chattel slavery system Europeans used against Africans and solely defined by Skin color. They are not the same.
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