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President Donald Trump's First Negotiation Was A Humiliation

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If leaders throughout the world stonewall Trump (sans Russia) he will use the military to take what he wants. This is a dangerous game to play, pushing a narcissistic authoritarian to the edge. They can't 100% appease him, but I'd be warry of spitting in his face. Trump will go to war with Mexico if he's pushed hard enough.
It's definitely the implicit threat behind trump's intimidation tactics but if it does come to that it won't be the duty of countries to keep him satiated just enough. It will be to send evil Americans home to their families in coffins if Trump sends them across borders.
I have a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach that Trump will end up declaring war on Mexico. Putin will suggest it to him as a way of diverting our attention away while he prepares to destroy NATO via an attack on the Baltics.


i want to see mexico and canada start making some trade deals with china to fuck with trump. or even just have a meeting of leaders and not include trump to piss him off.
Ah, yes... the No Homers Club treatment. I know it well.

It's definitely the implicit threat behind trump's intimidation tactics but if it does come to that it won't be the duty of countries to keep him satiated just enough. It will be to send evil Americans home to their families in coffins if Trump sends them across borders.

I sure as hell won't participate in a war with Mexico, and neither will the majority of this country. It will make the Vietnam protests looks tame in comparison. I fear it's going to come to that though.
I mean, realistically, if Trump just declares war on every country that doesn't bend to his wants, it'll result in a coup of some kind.
If leaders throughout the world stonewall Trump (sans Russia) he will use the military to take what he wants. This is a dangerous game to play, pushing a narcissistic authoritarian to the edge. They can't 100% appease him, but I'd be warry of spitting in his face. Trump will go to war with Mexico if he's pushed hard enough.
Fuck that. Resist!!


“Our best hope tonight for the world’s understanding of this new version of the American Presidency is that heads of state and stock markets around the world grant this president no credibility in moments like this. We can only hope that the world gets used to not believing Donald Trump. Not believing that he will do the horribly destructive thing he says he will do. We need the world to get used to Donald Trump reversing himself on some of his craziest and cruelest ideas.”

“Donald Trump will speak with the Russian president Vladimir Putin by phone this weekend. So, In the new Trump World Order, the president of our peaceful ally across our southern border is regarded more like an enemy by the President of the United States then the President of Russia. Vladimir Putin is a crude and cruel dictator, who is not very smart as modern statesman go, but is smarter than Donald Trump in every way that matters for a president. We have every reason to fear what might happen in that phone call because Vladimir Putin is a much, much better negotiator then Donald Trump—but then who isn’t?”


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
This is just the beginning.

Trump's a petulant man-child, and world leaders will manipulate this bozo to their favor like it's open season.
Dudes so fucking stupid I reckon these guys just publically heap praise on him and he'll do anything.
Nobody in Trump's circle or group of supporters has ever paid attention to Lawrence O'Donnell.

Or paid attention in class, to facts, etc. The travesty that is the American public school system has brought up a nation of idiots. Granted not all of them are, but when you can elect an orange freak with a double digit IQ and the vocabulary of a 5th grader, and who has been given every possible opportunity since birth, it says a lot about the people who elected him.but I'm sure he will help the working man. He promised.
I'd like to start a movement that speaks on behalf of the 54% of the country that DIDN'T vote for this madman so that we as citizens are not thrown under the same label as Trump and the rest of the US.

Technically around 80% of the country didn't vote for Trump, but most people didn't vote in general though.
The time to complain about him being in office has passed, but the time to complain about how he's handling his position in office is relevant and fuck me if he hasn't already shown how miserablely awful he is at handling that position.

History is being made, and it ain't pretty.
The people who will suffer the most are the people who voted for Trump. Sometimes you have to deal with the consequences of your actions, as shitty as that may be. To the people who didn't vote for Trump, and end up getting caught up any potential recession or economic dip, it sucks, but the people to blame are the ones who voted. Hopefully, if that happens, some of them may learn from it and not make this sort of mistake again.

Prepare to be extremely disappointed.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Prepare to be extremely disappointed.


Which is why there is zero silver lining for Americans if they're actively hoping for Trump to fail miserably with his trade deals and the economy at large.

This is the one and only area where I hope Trump succeeds since the consequences otherwise are just painful but he's not giving me a lot of hope in that regard.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
O'Donnell has been going all in on this fool ever since he announced his bid for the presidency. I recall him saying at one point early on that Trump wasn't going to sue him because he didn't have enough money ... lmao. He knows how to push his buttons.


My was that a slaughter....I loved it. You can't spell slaughter without "laughter," which there was much of in this case.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
1. He signalled and called for the border wall with Mexico before meeting with the Mexican President, rather than working the details out first. After all, this is a shared border.

2. Then he aid Mexico would pay for the wall, without any agreement on the other side or discussion.

3. Then Mexico said we wont pay for the wall and cancelled the meeting

4. So now they want a tariff on Mexican imports as a knee jerk reaction and Mexico will retaliate in some fashion.

Mexico is the 15th largest economy in the world, the second largest export market to the United States and third largest import market. Their most significant exports? Parts used by the US auto industry, medical devices used by the healthcare industry, and food - particularly produce. 68% of US produce in the winter months comes from Mexico.

Way to fuck up a whole bunch of trade over a nothing issue. Now, US cars will cost more, food will cost more, and most diagnostic tests will cost more. And we got nothing out of it.

The "greatest negotiator in the world" just gave us a giant L.

Edit: another significant export for Mexico: Concrete. Which you need for roads, buildings, and other structures. And the stupid wall.


Well looks like they agreed to not talk about it over tweets anymore.
I swear if Peña actually accepts to pay anything. I think most mexicans have his back and will accept the consequences over the humilliation of agreeing to that.


"Someone at the White House realized how profoundly STUPID that idea was."

"Making tantrum-like noises that have no meaning."

I fucking lost it.
Remember when he claimed both the NAFTA and Iran Nuclear Deals the worst of all time?

His first negotiation easily trumps (ha) them, even if you believe they were the worst. This is embarrassingly bad.

Obviously, this is all part of Trump's plan to dismantle Obama's legacy. He doesn't even want Obama remembered for having some controversial deals, he gotta overshadow that with something.


The fact that they had a phone conversation today and they agreed to not talk publicly about the wall until they meet is hilarious.


This is just the beginning.

Trump's a petulant man-child, and world leaders will manipulate this bozo to their favor like it's open season.

I'm more concerned about his cabinet picks manipulating him more than other countries at this point. Look at the damage Cheney and Rumsfeld caused and with this moron Trump in office, it can be extremely worse.
You make it sound as if the only people who will suffer are his supporters which couldn't be further from the truth.

If people didn't vote, or voted for Trump and they end up worse off then they are at least in part responsible for the current situation. It's a shame some people are going to be in for a rough 4 years, but maybe it'll encourage them to get out and vote next time.


Unconfirmed Member
Just watched the video. Unbelievable.

Please, media, do more reporting like this. Call him out for his bullshit. Stop placating him.


Everyone said running a country is not like running a business and no one listened.
That's assuming Trump even runs his businesses well. I have yet to see evidence of that.
All I see is a blowhard who promotes his brand effectively.
Holy shit, not only was that savage, but incredibly well delivered, great meter, and tone, and the dude has a great voice. Anybody got any other great videos from this guy?
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