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Zoe Quinn wins the case against her ex-boyfriend (who started GamerGate)

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Seems like the case was decided on procedure. In fact, it's referred to mootness.


It's not like anyone won or lost really.

Eron's been trying to keep the case from being dismissed for months now, even though it was rendered moot and Zoe's been trying to drop the case and the gag order. It's been his way of continuing to torture Zoe. So yes, the court agreeing that everything should be dropped is a clear win for Zoe and a clear loss for Eron.

Eron is talking about appealing, of course.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
They do. This isn't one of them, but many of the junior accounts throwing themselves off the cliff in these threads are obvious burner accounts that haven't posted in years. I've seen threads on a certain deleted reddit from banned folks with multiple accounts.

Most of them probably already wrote their "I've been honest on GAF and look what it got me" speech for Reddit


Eron's been trying to keep the case from being dismissed for months now, even though it was rendered moot and Zoe's been trying to drop the case and the gag order. It's been his way of continuing to torture Zoe. So yes, the court agreeing that everything should be dropped is a clear win for Zoe and a clear loss for Eron.

Eron is talking about appealing, of course.

fucking of course :/ jesus


After all this time, if people are still saying it's about a girl who slept for reviews, I don't buy it. That know what it really is, and they know exactly what they're doing.
And of course, both sides.
Was wondering when someone would inevitably pop up with this. The whole "both sides" mentality is bullshit. Nobody aside from GG is really saying that one "side" is somehow perfect while the other isn't. The whole concept of "sides" in this situation is just a fallacy anyway.

To put it simply, there are people who speak out against GG minded people and harassment, the GG minded people themselves, and those who don't really do either. The constant excuses of both sides completely brings down the absolute horrors that GG as a movement has committed to a way smaller level and indirectly (and often unintentionally) condones it by writing everything off as equally bad because there are probably a good amount of people who are against GG that are awful too.


I still till this day don't know what gamergate is.

Basically Gamergate is a "movement" fuelled by jealously that targets successful women who are doing better at something that was largely considered a male pursuit years ago. It's a shit show, which is probably why you don't know what GamerGate is - a combination of harassment/death threats and conspiracy theories manufactured to belittle these successful individuals. It's campaigned by men, usually working within or with some attachment to the same occupation as these women - these men in simplistic terms feel like their jobs and own ideologies are at threat. An example of this is vlogger Jordan Owen who falsely accused and encouraged harassment of Anita Sarkeesian, a far more successful vlogger - who specialises in queer and feminist theory in video games. Of course there are so many layers to GamerGate - but almost all of them came back to this fear and hyper jealously of women finding success in a predominantly male field or women critiquing the gendered aspects of video games.
From the perspective of someone who was there and watched it go down, and was even hoodwinked, there were a number of infographics that appeared to connect with a number of reviewers. However, any rudimentary digging revealed that these were coincidences and fabrications, but you know about that saying, "say it long enough and it turns into the truth?" That effect started to shape what became the largest part of gamergate, mere morons with a failure to realize they've been lied to, most with more than a passing amount of misplaced misogyny from a failure to change themselves when they were found deficient.

From there, it evolved into a crusade of sorts. It was "Zoe Quinn did this, so let's fuck with Zoe Quinn," coupled with strategy, "Zoe Quinn bashed this blog and got it taken down because it wasn't feminist enough, let's give money to them," or "gawker is the real problem behind all of this, fuck gawker up." And from there is started spreading to anyone who defended any of this, which, as a matter of course, included women in particular.

Imagine, a meme made real. The ultimate, purest form of mob rule. At every step, there were those who started it, lied with seeming authority, leading people further and further into the rabbit hole. It's not about Zoe Quinn or even women anymore -- they're just in the way. It's about an attack on gaming, on comics, on everything we enjoy, everything they want to trample into dust.

At this juncture, they were brutal in their efficiency. They would lead the harassed into the answers they wanted, post them everywhere out of context to back up their own biases. There are too many posts to go through to simply check the source, and even if they weren't, Twitter was already deleting them, if the harassed women hadn't already started.

It was beautiful in its sincere horribleness. This, I reasoned, must be what the Nazis acted like, how they spread. No longer about the movement itself, just BEING the movement. It started to die on 4chan as a few of us report spammed their threads and posts, and they ran off to 8chan. Many of them did just that, and are still on 8chan, still doing their nasty bullshit. The rest of them settled back into 4chan and, absent the commands from the leadership, always anonymous, but you could always tell it was them by the way they posted, they appeared to stay dormant.

Every once in a while you see them pop up on a thread in /co/ or /k/ or /vg/ and they're mostly laughed out of there. The last vestiges of it were anti-gawker threads on /pol/, but even those were self-policed, somewhat.

For my own part, I was mostly hoodwinked for a little while. "What? Why are women attacking gaming? I don't understand," to which they would reply with some tumblr post about cishet white males needing to be annihilated(I found out later that it was in fact posted by a channer to inflame the conflict), and so DISGUST ruled. It was only due to a friend of mine interfering that I was able to see the truth for what it was. Being a disassociated guy still confused from a "but I'm a nice guy" tangent years prior, and only then starting to come into adulthood proper(with the wisdom of introspection), it was as if everything there was targeted at me specifically, for ME, specifically.

So I started digging, happy I at least had done nothing wrong except get fooled by conspiracy bullshit, and started blasting the truth in every thread I saw. Just me because three, then over dozen, and with out combined efforts, I'd LIKE to think we managed to get rid of it.

Anyway, the takeaway here is that it targeted vulnerable men with a thin stroke that just so happened to coincide with early adult angst with a personal twist, and it was used to serve some misogynistic end, helped by an already misplaced misogynistic streak from people who really should've just grown up.

You can see that today, by the way, in how Trump operates. His dialogue, his campaign, his followers, marching lockstep, just like Gamergate did. They must be stopped.
You know, it really doesn't help me see the errors of my ways when you say things like this instead of explaining your point of view and having a true argument. Also..


There's like 2000 posts on Neogaf for a whole year of threads, full of arguments that you clearly refused to acknowledge.

Nice to see you got the kick, already.
From the perspective of someone who was there and watched it go down, and was even hoodwinked, there were a number of infographics that appeared to connect with a number of reviewers. However, any rudimentary digging revealed that these were coincidences and fabrications, but you know about that saying, "say it long enough and it turns into the truth?" That effect started to shape what became the largest part of gamergate, mere morons with a failure to realize they've been lied to, most with more than a passing amount of misplaced misogyny from a failure to change themselves when they were found deficient.

From there, it evolved into a crusade of sorts. It was "Zoe Quinn did this, so let's fuck with Zoe Quinn," coupled with strategy, "Zoe Quinn bashed this blog and got it taken down because it wasn't feminist enough, let's give money to them," or "gawker is the real problem behind all of this, fuck gawker up." And from there is started spreading to anyone who defended any of this, which, as a matter of course, included women in particular.

Imagine, a meme made real. The ultimate, purest form of mob rule. At every step, there were those who started it, lied with seeming authority, leading people further and further into the rabbit hole. It's not about Zoe Quinn or even women anymore -- they're just in the way. It's about an attack on gaming, on comics, on everything we enjoy, everything they want to trample into dust.

At this juncture, they were brutal in their efficiency. They would lead the harassed into the answers they wanted, post them everywhere out of context to back up their own biases. There are too many posts to go through to simply check the source, and even if they weren't, Twitter was already deleting them, if the harassed women hadn't already started.

It was beautiful in its sincere horribleness. This, I reasoned, must be what the Nazis acted like, how they spread. No longer about the movement itself, just BEING the movement. It started to die on 4chan as a few of us report spammed their threads and posts, and they ran off to 8chan. Many of them did just that, and are still on 8chan, still doing their nasty bullshit. The rest of them settled back into 4chan and, absent the commands from the leadership, always anonymous, but you could always tell it was them by the way they posted, they appeared to stay dormant.

Every once in a while you see them pop up on a thread in /co/ or /k/ or /vg/ and they're mostly laughed out of there. The last vestiges of it were anti-gawker threads on /pol/, but even those were self-policed, somewhat.

For my own part, I was mostly hoodwinked for a little while. "What? Why are women attacking gaming? I don't understand," to which they would reply with some tumblr post about cishet white males needing to be annihilated(I found out later that it was in fact posted by a channer to inflame the conflict), and so DISGUST ruled. It was only due to a friend of mine interfering that I was able to see the truth for what it was. Being a disassociated guy still confused from a "but I'm a nice guy" tangent years prior, and only then starting to come into adulthood proper(with the wisdom of introspection), it was as if everything there was targeted at me specifically, for ME, specifically.

So I started digging, happy I at least had done nothing wrong except get fooled by conspiracy bullshit, and started blasting the truth in every thread I saw. Just me because three, then over dozen, and with out combined efforts, I'd LIKE to think we managed to get rid of it.

Anyway, the takeaway here is that it targeted vulnerable men with a thin stroke that just so happened to coincide with early adult angst with a personal twist, and it was used to serve some misogynistic end, helped by an already misplaced misogynistic streak from people who really should've just grown up.

You can see that today, by the way, in how Trump operates. His dialogue, his campaign, his followers, marching lockstep, just like Gamergate did. They must be stopped.

Thumbs up to this. After my post I just saw this.
From the perspective of someone who was there and watched it go down, and was even hoodwinked, there were a number of infographics that appeared to connect with a number of reviewers. However, any rudimentary digging revealed that these were coincidences and fabrications, but you know about that saying, "say it long enough and it turns into the truth?" That effect started to shape what became the largest part of gamergate, mere morons with a failure to realize they've been lied to, most with more than a passing amount of misplaced misogyny from a failure to change themselves when they were found deficient.

From there, it evolved into a crusade of sorts. It was "Zoe Quinn did this, so let's fuck with Zoe Quinn," coupled with strategy, "Zoe Quinn bashed this blog and got it taken down because it wasn't feminist enough, let's give money to them," or "gawker is the real problem behind all of this, fuck gawker up." And from there is started spreading to anyone who defended any of this, which, as a matter of course, included women in particular.

Imagine, a meme made real. The ultimate, purest form of mob rule. At every step, there were those who started it, lied with seeming authority, leading people further and further into the rabbit hole. It's not about Zoe Quinn or even women anymore -- they're just in the way. It's about an attack on gaming, on comics, on everything we enjoy, everything they want to trample into dust.

At this juncture, they were brutal in their efficiency. They would lead the harassed into the answers they wanted, post them everywhere out of context to back up their own biases. There are too many posts to go through to simply check the source, and even if they weren't, Twitter was already deleting them, if the harassed women hadn't already started.

It was beautiful in its sincere horribleness. This, I reasoned, must be what the Nazis acted like, how they spread. No longer about the movement itself, just BEING the movement. It started to die on 4chan as a few of us report spammed their threads and posts, and they ran off to 8chan. Many of them did just that, and are still on 8chan, still doing their nasty bullshit. The rest of them settled back into 4chan and, absent the commands from the leadership, always anonymous, but you could always tell it was them by the way they posted, they appeared to stay dormant.

Every once in a while you see them pop up on a thread in /co/ or /k/ or /vg/ and they're mostly laughed out of there. The last vestiges of it were anti-gawker threads on /pol/, but even those were self-policed, somewhat.

For my own part, I was mostly hoodwinked for a little while. "What? Why are women attacking gaming? I don't understand," to which they would reply with some tumblr post about cishet white males needing to be annihilated(I found out later that it was in fact posted by a channer to inflame the conflict), and so DISGUST ruled. It was only due to a friend of mine interfering that I was able to see the truth for what it was. Being a disassociated guy still confused from a "but I'm a nice guy" tangent years prior, and only then starting to come into adulthood proper(with the wisdom of introspection), it was as if everything there was targeted at me specifically, for ME, specifically.

So I started digging, happy I at least had done nothing wrong except get fooled by conspiracy bullshit, and started blasting the truth in every thread I saw. Just me because three, then over dozen, and with out combined efforts, I'd LIKE to think we managed to get rid of it.

Anyway, the takeaway here is that it targeted vulnerable men with a thin stroke that just so happened to coincide with early adult angst with a personal twist, and it was used to serve some misogynistic end, helped by an already misplaced misogynistic streak from people who really should've just grown up.

You can see that today, by the way, in how Trump operates. His dialogue, his campaign, his followers, marching lockstep, just like Gamergate did. They must be stopped.
Fantastic post.

L Thammy

I just want to say that I love hearing perspectives like your, especially since people on GAF can be so aggressive when Gamergate comes up.

I'm actually scared to post the following, but I'm positive someone here can fill me in with just a sentence or so....

I haven't followed the events of Gamer gate since it began, but I thought it WAS all due to somebody getting either favorable reviews or press because of being in a relationship. I tried googling this subject for the post 30 minutes but there so much conflicting shit out there is really confusing.

Is gamer gate just a screwed up bunch of misogynists that claim to be the part of the movement known as "gamergate"? Forgive the ignorance. I'm trying to get a better understanding on what this all is and my Google fu isn't helping.

The relationship with the press individual was there, but Zoe Quinn didn't actually benefit off of it. It was just a normal relationship. Her game was also not for profit.

Additionally, the person who supposedly game the favourable review (he didn't actually give any review) didn't get harassed at all, and he pointed this out. Gamergate specifically focused on the female target.
Is gamer gate just a screwed up bunch of misogynists that claim to be the part of the movement known as "gamergate"? Forgive the ignorance. I'm trying to get a better understanding on what this all is and my Google fu isn't helping.

It wasn't just a screwed up bunch of misogynists, it was an active smear campaign for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of fighting feminism and women in general at EVERY turn.

Everyone actively involved was a screwed up misogynist, or at LEAST screwed up in general, but it was mob rule that was still DIRECTED by people "within the mob."


Looks like she didn't 'win' per se. It was more that the court declined to rule on certain points. The court affirmed though that a court of first instance must take into account First Amendment considerations when issuing a restraining order. Seems pretty logical to me. I guess the 'win' comes from Zoe not having to keep going to court any longer, which is great for her.


Eron's been trying to keep the case from being dismissed for months now, even though it was rendered moot and Zoe's been trying to drop the case and the gag order. It's been his way of continuing to torture Zoe. So yes, the court agreeing that everything should be dropped is a clear win for Zoe and a clear loss for Eron.

Eron is talking about appealing, of course.

Yeah, that's essentially right, although I'm not sure whether there's any evidence that Eron Gjoni kept the case going maliciously or whether he was genuinely trying to get a ruling on whether the court of first instance had erroneously failed to consider the First Amendment issues he brought up (plus the failure to allow cross-examination). I guess the judgment (without having read all of it) says that the court of first instance does have the obligation to consider the issues and rule on them, but says that the court issuing the judgment is not going to get into the issues now because the restraining order was revoked by consent.


Guys, what is Gamergate even?? I heard it was about games journalism having sex with women that aren't me, or something. I don't even really know though. I've never heard of Gamergate until now!


Gamergate was basically the canary in the coal mine for the beliefs and tactics of the new alt right, yeah.

Lonely men who masturbate to anime doxing SJWs, etc.
That's quite the overgeneralization. I'm sure that doesn't describe Zoe's ex boyfriend.

OT: Good, what's the status with the one female employee that was let go at Nintendo?


Is gamer gate just a screwed up bunch of misogynists that claim to be the part of the movement known as "gamergate"? Forgive the ignorance. I'm trying to get a better understanding on what this all is and my Google fu isn't helping.

Abstrusity's post above is a pretty good indication of what it was like. There was a lot of people early on who were for GG because of their claims, until they all kinda fell apart and members of GG started harassing prominent female gamers/journalists for being too feminist.

edit: two above now, the long one :D
My understanding: It's about someone who used her influence with multiple men to get positive game reviews, then hid behind feminist flags when people called her on it.

This was the same poster who has contempt for about people not respecting his opinions and fat people in OT. Good riddance.


From the perspective of someone who was there and watched it go down, and was even hoodwinked, there were a number of infographics that appeared to connect with a number of reviewers. However, any rudimentary digging revealed that these were coincidences and fabrications, but you know about that saying, "say it long enough and it turns into the truth?" That effect started to shape what became the largest part of gamergate, mere morons with a failure to realize they've been lied to, most with more than a passing amount of misplaced misogyny from a failure to change themselves when they were found deficient.

From there, it evolved into a crusade of sorts. It was "Zoe Quinn did this, so let's fuck with Zoe Quinn," coupled with strategy, "Zoe Quinn bashed this blog and got it taken down because it wasn't feminist enough, let's give money to them," or "gawker is the real problem behind all of this, fuck gawker up." And from there is started spreading to anyone who defended any of this, which, as a matter of course, included women in particular.

Imagine, a meme made real. The ultimate, purest form of mob rule. At every step, there were those who started it, lied with seeming authority, leading people further and further into the rabbit hole. It's not about Zoe Quinn or even women anymore -- they're just in the way. It's about an attack on gaming, on comics, on everything we enjoy, everything they want to trample into dust.

At this juncture, they were brutal in their efficiency. They would lead the harassed into the answers they wanted, post them everywhere out of context to back up their own biases. There are too many posts to go through to simply check the source, and even if they weren't, Twitter was already deleting them, if the harassed women hadn't already started.

It was beautiful in its sincere horribleness. This, I reasoned, must be what the Nazis acted like, how they spread. No longer about the movement itself, just BEING the movement. It started to die on 4chan as a few of us report spammed their threads and posts, and they ran off to 8chan. Many of them did just that, and are still on 8chan, still doing their nasty bullshit. The rest of them settled back into 4chan and, absent the commands from the leadership, always anonymous, but you could always tell it was them by the way they posted, they appeared to stay dormant.

Every once in a while you see them pop up on a thread in /co/ or /k/ or /vg/ and they're mostly laughed out of there. The last vestiges of it were anti-gawker threads on /pol/, but even those were self-policed, somewhat.

For my own part, I was mostly hoodwinked for a little while. "What? Why are women attacking gaming? I don't understand," to which they would reply with some tumblr post about cishet white males needing to be annihilated(I found out later that it was in fact posted by a channer to inflame the conflict), and so DISGUST ruled. It was only due to a friend of mine interfering that I was able to see the truth for what it was. Being a disassociated guy still confused from a "but I'm a nice guy" tangent years prior, and only then starting to come into adulthood proper(with the wisdom of introspection), it was as if everything there was targeted at me specifically, for ME, specifically.

So I started digging, happy I at least had done nothing wrong except get fooled by conspiracy bullshit, and started blasting the truth in every thread I saw. Just me because three, then over dozen, and with out combined efforts, I'd LIKE to think we managed to get rid of it.

Anyway, the takeaway here is that it targeted vulnerable men with a thin stroke that just so happened to coincide with early adult angst with a personal twist, and it was used to serve some misogynistic end, helped by an already misplaced misogynistic streak from people who really should've just grown up.

You can see that today, by the way, in how Trump operates. His dialogue, his campaign, his followers, marching lockstep, just like Gamergate did. They must be stopped.

Great post, cleared up a lot for me.

That's a joke that refers to a comment a pundit famously made about Trump supporters/the alt-right. "Lonely men who masturbate to anime."
Oh, oops.

I take my comment back lol
Was wondering when someone would inevitably pop up with this. The whole "both sides" mentality is bullshit. Nobody aside from GG is really saying that one "side" is somehow perfect while the other isn't. The whole concept of "sides" in this situation is just a fallacy anyway.

To put it simply, there are people who speak out against GG minded people and harassment, the GG minded people themselves, and those who don't really do either. The constant excuses of both sides completely brings down the absolute horrors that GG as a movement has committed to a way smaller level and indirectly (and often unintentionally) condones it by writing everything off as equally bad because there are probably a good amount of people who are against GG that are awful too.

Every time I've tried to learn things from the perspective of the more passionate and visible people in GG (and anti-GG to a lesser extent), it always seems like they're just talking past each other and a ton of misunderstandings are born and then people misunderstanding the clarifications. Sometimes it just feels like one big semantics argument, but then the harassment and doxxing comes in and it just becomes a mess.


If I'm honest even I didn't have a centralised idea of what the fuck GG was/is. All I really knew is shitty people attached themselves to it and I never gave it another second of my time. All I remember was something to do with Baldwin and finding it a confusing mess back then and never reading about it again. Unless it was random insult fests I stumbled across but that just appeared as people throwing shit at each other never really explained GG. No one I know who games or any of my friends have ever spoken about it. I'm guessing it's still pretty much an American thing? I'm in the EU, UK to be precise.

Interesting to read more from the posts in here.
Should we not dogpile people who come into GG threads to spread misinformation or beg us to do the research for them on a movement that had been going on for years as well as have had many articles written about them on major gaming sites?

Also good use of a dead and outplayed meme.
Well its a forum for discussion so you should discuss not dog pile. I know it frustrating dealing with ignorant people but thats just part of the deal


Thought I understood it for a while, but something always comes along to confuse me. It seems to boil down to MRAs vs third wave feminism, at least as a super simplified explanation of it. It's hard to find unbiased sources and all that, but it doesn't seem to be an entirely black and white issue (even though one side is FAR more "black" than the other).

Edit: Yeah, and didn't the ex-boyfriend coin the term Quinspiracy and not gamergate? It's been a while.
One side might get a fact wrong here and there, but no one on that opposite side of GGers has gone even remotely close to the lengths that GGers are going to destroy people's lives. It's a completely one-sided war against people who just want to be treated more equally but instead getting mountains of hate thrown at them by these GG people. There are some hot-headed GG-opposing individuals who maybe hurl heated "you should die, pig!" insults towards Gamergate assholes in the midst of public internet arguments, but they aren't organized nor do they go so far as to start sending death threats to their homes, workplaces etc.

Much like men's rights aren't all perfect and there IS need for MRAs, the actual MRA movement has been hijacked by horrible people who want to suppress people aiming for a more equal world because they perceive it takes rights away from them, though their rights stay the same or even improve (i.e. better paternity leave rights for men is something feminists are strongly supporting & driving forward) as people from other gender/minority groups also get more equal treatment.

There is no ethics argument that they are pushing anymore, if there ever really was past the first few days of its inception.
That's a joke that refers to a comment a pundit famously made about Trump supporters/the alt-right. "Lonely men who masturbate to anime."

Gamergate starts with Zoe Quinn, but the movement and their methods is much larger. Her ex is just a catalyst, not a leader at this point. Hes still laser focused on Quinn, while Gamergate is a broad wet fart of a movement that has a lot of feminist/liberal targets.

And that would be a one Rick Wilson, that was a couple months ago, more than a couple actually when the GOP still wasn't taking Trump seriously.

your avatar is hilarious btw Mr.Speaker


I'm happy to hear Zoe won a victory here. Hopefully this means there'll be a shift in how GG is seen, and the many, many terrorist threats made in the name of "ethics in video game journalism" will be treated with the legal reprocussions they deserve.

I mean, I doubt much will come of this, and her ex's cronies will still be human garbage towards Quinn and, well, everyone. But still, this asshole is responsible for GG, so small victories, right?
I feel personally violated in all this because the smear campaign these people caused definitely left a lasting impression as to what games gate was about to me. I stopped paying attention to it because it looked like bullshit internet drama at its worst. I'm really glad I saw this topic today because it cleared a lot up for me. Thanks guys

Also I'm very glad the court favored Zoe.
Abstrusity's post above is a pretty good indication of what it was like. There was a lot of people early on who were for GG because of their claims, until they all kinda fell apart and members of GG started harassing prominent female gamers/journalists for being too feminist.

edit: two above now, the long one :D

Yeah, that's how they STARTED on people. "Look at this! It's JUST LIKE THAT ONE BUDDY COP GAME THAT IGN SOLD A REVIEW FOR!"

And then someone conveniently chimed in, "What are we gonna do about it?"

It couldn't have functioned as well as it did if it was OPENLY misogynistic the ENTIRE time. No, they had to first give people a JUSTIFICATION for the anti-feminism treatment, knowing that even if they TARGETED what they call "radical feminists," they were going to hit EVERY feminist with it. And they targeted people in particular, the disassociated men who probably either had a bad relationship, or didn't ever cultivate one because they fucked it up and were confused and angry it didn't go their way. Open misogyny would've gotten a couple of THOSE(Not I, but I was one of those faceless 'confused and kinda angry') to join in the active crusade, but if they played it off as something much more socially respectable, for a time, they would get press. And with press, they'd get more people. And once they were at critical mass, it didn't matter what the truth was anymore, all that mattered is their tattered "ethics in games journalism" shield, long since bereft of protection, but all they had to do was perceive that it protected them.

By the way, I don't mean to bait one, but the same friend that made sure I didn't make more of a fool out of myself than I already was also cautioned me about posting what I have posted, here. It's a perspective from within, and although I would not like to be banned, I can understand if you'd like me gone, and won't fight it. Because, let's be honest, here. If it wasn't for him, I might've ended up actively doing the terrible things GG got up to. It hit at just the right time for me to not just want, but NEED to feel like I was part of something.


Did not know this was a thing. Googled.

I wish I continued not knowing this was a thing.

My god hatred is the biggest timesink. To have an entire subreddit dedicated to hating a specific video game forum is beyond my comprehension.

I only stomached 2 threads before realizing how much worse their hatred got.

L Thammy

Every time I've tried to learn things from the perspective of the more passionate and visible people in GG (and anti-GG to a lesser extent), it always seems like they're just talking past each other and a ton of misunderstandings are born and then people misunderstanding the clarifications. Sometimes it just feels like one big semantics argument, but then the harassment and doxxing comes in and it just becomes a mess.

I think this was more true early on. When Adam Baldwin created the Gamergate label and the Gamergate narrative shifted their origin to be a response to "death of gamers" articles that nobody bothered to read, I think it lured in a lot of people who were interested in completely different things. People who thought it was a defense of gaming like in the Jack Thompson days, people who genuinely thought that it was there to criticize the industry, etc. But all that these people contributed was defending the Gamergate movement and insisting that it was really what they hoped it was, while failing to notice or understand what the rest of the group was doing.

I do recall a post from someone who said that they were frustrated by the fact that Gamergate wasn't acting the way they wanted it to, but it took them a while to realize that they couldn't do anything to influence it into becoming something constructive.
I'm happy to hear Zoe won a victory here. Hopefully this means there'll be a shift in how GG is seen, and the many, many terrorist threats made in the name of "ethics in video game journalism" will be treated with the legal reprocussions they deserve.

I mean, I doubt much will come of this, and her ex's cronies will still be human garbage towards Quinn and, well, everyone. But still, this asshole is responsible for GG, so small victories, right?

Unfortunately gamergaters will probably just say the court system is made up of a bunch of SJWs or something stupid to try and justify ggs existence since they need something to mask their obvious misogyny.


As someone's whose love of video games was completely destroyed for about a year after GG started (and still hasn't recovered to this day), I'm glad to see Zoe finally get some type of justice.

L Thammy

Well its a forum for discussion so you should discuss not dog pile. I know it frustrating dealing with ignorant people but thats just part of the deal

What bugs me is that if we don't put in at least some effort to inform people, I'm sure that Gamergate supporters will have an infographic that will do the job. It doesn't take long to tell when someone is a sockpuppet, either. They're going to start dropping the Breitbart links or Gamergate narrative points by the second post, and that's when you know they aren't worth any more time.
Gamergate had massive implications outside gaming. It has been an ongoing news topic -- as in, mainstream news, political news -- for a long time.

Get out of your bubbles.

Depends where are you living. The covering in german media was close to zero.

So before you acuse someone else to "get out of his bubble" think about his circumstances and that he is probably not a american citizen.

Lonely men who masturbate to anime doxing SJWs, etc.

Oh and nice generalization you got there...


Well its a forum for discussion so you should discuss not dog pile. I know it frustrating dealing with ignorant people but thats just part of the deal

If you saw his post history it was obvious he wasn't looking to discuss, he was advocating hateful view points in the OT too.
Well that's good to hear, really happy for her. Seriously GGers and people like that are one of the reasons I hardly ever identify myself as someone who enjoys games anymore (at least in social circles where people dont' know me well). Just don't want myself associated with people like that.
This is a good outcome to an extent but you really hope this doesn't lead to an increase in harassment against her.

same. but it totally will and there will undoubtedly be collateral damage. but this is still a good thing that happened and i'm glad she gets to move on with this behind her.
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