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David Tennant will return for the DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary Special

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Enhhh, I don't miss him at all.

Would rather they bring back Chatterton, if they're paying homage to the show's actual legacy in the special and not just the past decade.
The thing is that series 6 has 3 of my top 5 in it, in the form of The Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited and The God Complex, but the rest seems just like a low tedious hum and is my least favourite modern series, whereas series 7 contains no stand-out, classic episodes but has such a better tone, characterisation and average quality thus far that I much prefer it.
Yeah S7 is just overall... fine. Angels Take Manhattan ended well, but raises... issues. We'll see how the rest goes down.

I think it's simply very good so far, which I certainly can't complain about. Even "The Power of Three", with its terrible conclusion, was very enjoyable. Hopefully the quality holds.
The thing is that series 6 has 3 of my top 5 in it, in the form of The Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited and The God Complex, but the rest seems just like a low tedious hum and is my least favourite modern series, whereas series 7 contains no stand-out, classic episodes but has such a better tone, characterisation and average quality thus far that I much prefer it.

Yeah, this. Series 6 is weird, actually, because in that sense it reminds me of Series 1-4 (but is, I think, worse than all of them except 3, which is debatable. Those series' have high highs, low lows and are all over the place. 5 and 7 are both consistent, 5 consistent at a particularly incredible quality.


This is awesome. As opposed to others in this thread, I absolutely hated Eccleston as the Doctor so I'm pretty meh about him coming back (if he does). But Tennant? God yes. Thanks.
RTD hasn't been showrunner for over 3 years. At least keep up with what you're being hyperbolic about, yeah?

Doesn't matter. Show's still just as lazily written as when he was. Besides, all of NuWho's faults lie with him.

If you think Moffett's any better.. I mean Matt Smith? The Doctor should not look younger than his companions. What's next? A Teenage Doctor?


I not at all surprised Tennant is back since he's hinted he would be willing to come back for the 50th in interviews. Great to see it's officially announced though.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I actually tuned out a few years ago.. So seeing Tennant and Piper is already a kind of nostalgia blast for me. I might check it out.
Peter Davison was the youngest Doctor before Smith, and he was from the classic era, so your point is invalid.

Not Really. First off, Davison was 30 when he started. Still older than Smith. Second off, I said looked younger. Davison at his youngest still has an air of age that Smith lacks.

P.S. And even Davison has gone on record as saying he might have been too young.
Not Really. First off, Davison was 30 when he started. Still older than Smith. Second off, I said looked younger. Davison at his youngest still has an air of age that Smith lacks.

Smith was only 3 years younger than Davison when he started, and I'd argue that he still has that air of age about him.


Oh, Blink. If you want one episode to get hooked with watch a completely non traditional episode which doesn't really have the Doctor in it! Ho ho. It's one of the very best episodes, but still, you know. Just saying "watch all Moffat's episodes and then Series 5 on" is horse shit, I think.
Hahaha I got hooked in this show by watching Blink first. Then stayed for Tennant. At one point I tried to start from 2005, I guess, with the 9th, but Rose annoyed me from the first episode. I ended up not watching any of the other episodes with Eccleston....

Amy/Rory are easily my favorite companions.


Not pure anymore!
GOD YES! :D He's my second most favourite doctor, after Eccleston. I wish it was Donna that was returning and not Rose. I agree with people that Rose was great with Eccleston, and a few episode with Tennant but in the later episodes she was totally insufferable with her "I LOVE THE DOCTOR!" crap.

People will tell you to start with Series 5 Ep1 (2010), but start with Series 1 Ep1 from 2005.

This is the correct answer!!!! I'm not saying that Tennant's Doctor Who was flawless, there were many amazing episodes and many bad ones too but people tend to sugarcoat Matt's run a bit too much. There have been so many bad episodes 2010 onwards that there was a time when I stopped watching the show for quite some time. Also took me a while to warm up to Amy. Was very excited to see River and to find out more about her because I loved her in Silence in the Library but I'm not too fond of her anymore and totally hate how Moffat has totally ruined her character (for me) but let's not get into that. :p
Doesn't matter. Show's still just as lazily written as when he was. Besides, all of NuWho's faults lie with him.

If you think Moffett's any better.. I mean Matt Smith? The Doctor should not look younger than his companions. What's next? A Teenage Doctor?


Get with the times maaaaan. There was a reason Old Who died out in the 80's and took two decades to revive successfully. The show had become a bloated cheesy mess.
Doesn't matter. Show's still just as lazily written as when he was. Besides, all of NuWho's faults lie with him.

If you think Moffett's any better.. I mean Matt Smith? The Doctor should not look younger than his companions. What's next? A Teenage Doctor?

WTF... No it isn't. Not by a long shot.
Really? Is it still about the Doctor's companions more than him? Last time I checked, the show was called Doctor Who not Rose Who or "Current Companion" Who.

It's always been about the companions. Since "Unearthly Child", with the titular companion Susan. The Doctor alone is pretty boring if he doesn't have a group of interesting companions to bounce off of.
I don't think the show is really all that different now to how it was in 2005, apart from there being more money and production values... but I loved it then as I do now, so...

Shocker: I don't think it's all that different now to how it was in 1963, or 1973 either. The 80s can mostly fuck right off though.
Really? Is it still about the Doctor's companions more than him? Last time I checked, the show was called Doctor Who not Rose Who or "Current Companion" Who.

Sounds like you would like most of the season finale's from NuWho, since those are all basically Doctor wankfests.


Doesn't matter. Show's still just as lazily written as when he was. Besides, all of NuWho's faults lie with him.

If you think Moffett's any better.. I mean Matt Smith? The Doctor should not look younger than his companions. What's next? A Teenage Doctor?

The people who work on this show are 100% more qualified and more in the right to make decisions about the show than you are. Stop acting like you own the show and things are ridiculous if they don't go your way, you sound like a child and an old man at the same time.

If you don't like the new stuff, fine, go back and watch the old stuff. The new stuff is always going to be around, if you want to change it write a letter or something or assassinate Moffat. Geeeeeez.


I'm glad about Billie, but I'd rather not have a multi doctor story. They always struck me as way too self congratulatory and out of place.


Eh, just imagine if you'd heard nothing about the classic series at all when watching 1.06 "Dalek". The Doctor's abject fear and horror wouldn't make any sense at all.

As an American, that episode was the first time I even heard of Dalek. It was somewhat weird that my introduction to them was through a somewhat sympathetic character. The episode made it clear that it was a classic Who villain, but it was probably the line that ties them to the Time War that hinted that they may be something more.
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