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David Tennant will return for the DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary Special

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So much awesome, my brain hurts just looking at this.

Christopher Eccleston's kneeling down off frame...


Tennant was best, after Tom Baker.

Matt Smith seems to be growing into it. He was a bit young, and the dim voice/accent isn't a great fit.
If it's just Tennant and none of the others then it's gonna be that fake shitty Doctor that he made from his spare hand and then sent to the other dimension to suffer as Rose's sex doll.



So there's rumors that Eccleston is in fact coming back and it was announced (yesterday I think?) that it's going to be 90 minutes long.

Yes and Yessss!
Here's a better photo. Simply because Jenna is in it. And, man...Billie Piper has really let herself go.


So there's rumors that Eccleston is in fact coming back and it was announced (yesterday I think?) that it's going to be 90 minutes long.

Yes and Yessss!

If this is part of a campaign to reveal a new guest star every day with a new photo, I'll go nuts.

Waiting for another past Doctor or two!
Goddamn bumping this thread on April 1st, jeeesus.

Awesome news, though! I'd definitely have to tune in after being entirely uninterested in this latest season. *sigh* I hate falling out of fandoms, it makes me melancholy. Love Tennant though, of course!


It's April 1st bro

where'd you read this

It was being talked about. The direct rumor is from the Doctor Who BBC Facebook page, but some producer was quoted yesterday saying they don't know if it's going to be "an hour, 75 minutes, or 90 minutes long" or something like that.

I said rumors Whiggas calm down
The best actor to play the part at least. By miles and miles, and miles.

Tennant is a great actor, but I don't think I'd ever call him "the best." And even if he was, his version of the Doctor was easily the worst characterized of the NuWho Doctors, though that's more RTD's fault than Tennant's.
The best actor to play the part at least. By miles and miles, and miles.
Nonsense. Eccleston is the best actor to play the part by a good country mile.

That doesn't make him the beat Doctor, though; Troughton and Smith have him pipped there.

GOD, I hope Eccleston's in the special. He was my Doctor, damnit! :(
I think Matt Smith is better to be quite honest. Tennant was let down by RTD's awful writing.

Look, they're both let down by various bad writing. For every Matt Smith being awesome moment, there's him telling a living bomb to stop being a living bomb by remembering LOVE. For every "Time Lord Victorious" awe-inspiring Tennant monologue, there's him brooding over Rose and giving the "I'm the last, I'm alone" speech for the fiftieth time. They both have their downsides.
It was being talked about. The direct rumor is from the Doctor Who BBC Facebook page, but some producer was quoted yesterday saying they don't know if it's going to be "an hour, 75 minutes, or 90 minutes long" or something like that.

I said rumors Whiggas calm down

OK, cool. You may live.
Look, they're both let down by various bad writing. For every Matt Smith being awesome moment, there's him telling a living bomb to stop being a living bomb by remembering LOVE. For every "Time Lord Victorious" awe-inspiring Tennant monologue, there's him brooding over Rose and giving the "I'm the last, I'm alone" speech for the fiftieth time. They both have their downsides.
I am the oncoming storm!

Look, they're both let down by various bad writing. For every Matt Smith being awesome moment, there's him telling a living bomb to stop being a living bomb by remembering LOVE. For every "Time Lord Victorious" awe-inspiring Tennant monologue, there's him brooding over Rose and giving the "I'm the last, I'm alone" speech for the fiftieth time. They both have their downsides.

Exactly this. People seem to view the Era they like more with some serious rose (no pun intended) tinted glasses. When it comes down to it Tennant had more standout scenes but Smith benefits from more consistent writing.
Okay, I will watch this.

I was so bummed after the 10th's passing in the last episode, that I pretty much stopped watching Doctor Who after a 3 week marathon of the new series, telling myself I'll pick it up again, but I never did; too heartbroken.


Kills Photobucket
The best actor to play the part at least. By miles and miles, and miles.

Tennant was too... nice. He never really pulled off the Angry Doctor well. even in Family of Blood's ending, he just looked constipated. The Doctor has always been a bit of an asshole (more so the early ones), and Smith, and especially Eccleston pulled that off as well as pulling off the angry Doctor very, very well.


Tennant was too... nice. He never really pulled off the Angry Doctor well. even in Family of Blood's ending, he just looked constipated. The Doctor has always been a bit of an asshole (more so the early ones), and Smith, and especially Eccleston pulled that off as well as pulling off the angry Doctor very, very well.

I always thought just the opposite. I was always unnerved by Tennant's angrier scenes precisely because he's generally a nicer guy. The other two have never really sold me on it, or at least not as well. Eccleston especially, who is too goofy(-looking) to ever come across as intimidating for me. Everyone always cites "Dalek" but it's just a grown man shouting at a prop and the show didn't look good enough then to convince me it was anything more serious.
I always thought just the opposite. I was always unnerved by Tennant's angrier scenes precisely because he's generally a nicer guy. The other two have never really sold me on it, or at least not as well. Eccleston especially, who is too goofy(-looking) to ever come across as intimidating for me. Everyone always cites "Dalek" but it's just a grown man shouting at a prop and the show didn't look good enough then to convince me it was anything more serious.

I liked nice 10th so much, that yeah, when he wasn't nice it threw me off, and I guess unnerving is the apt word everytime I saw Tennant not be nice.


So I watched blink, couldn't even finish 10 minutes. then I went on to series 5 epi 1. I got a bit hooked on it now with the cute redhead. Still watching it now, we'll see.



This was my favorite picture I saw all day.

Tennant is my favorite Doctor, I had loved Eccleston but after 10's second episode or so I was totally hooked on him. So happy to hear he's in the anniversary episode. I would definitely prefer to see Donna over Rose though.


Kills Photobucket
So I watched blink, couldn't even finish 10 minutes. then I went on to series 5 epi 1. I got a bit hooked on it now with the cute redhead. Still watching it now, we'll see.

To be blunt, if you didn't like Blink, then Doctor Who might just not be the show for you.
Tennant is glorious in Broadchurch... Who has been watching?

I am and I love it!

I'm actually so hyped on it right now that I'm desparately trying to find something else good to watch in the meantime...

Anyone got any suggestions on good, new British shows? Last year or so. I've already watched/know about the ongoing and well known stuff (Sherlock, Luther, Peep Show, etc.)
I just wathced 10 minutes of it. jesus fucking christ get of my back man

Blink is one the best freestanding episodes of TV ever made. Finish it already.
(And then watch the Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet, Human Nature and Midnight).

The star whale Episode is def lower (though not Fear Her) tier Doctor Who.
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