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New Metal Gear Solid V previews coming 6/9 (no story info though)


Gold Member
what about standing around for twelve hours while smoking a cigar?

I don't see the similarities. Smoking a cigar makes no noise, and the phantom cigar produces no smoke or ash so there's no smell either.

The world clearly doesn't pause when smoking the phantom cigar, so when you do that out in the open or in the middle of a base you'll just end up getting shot.
I don't see the similarities. Smoking a cigar makes no noise, and the phantom cigar produces no smoke or ash so there's no smell either.

The world clearly doesn't pause when smoking the phantom cigar, so when you do that out in the open or in the middle of a base you'll just end up getting shot.

ok but if he can stand out in the perimeter of a base for hours, he can have a five minute conversation as well.

Doesn't the cigar have a special fluid that slows down his perception of time?

if kojima said that, he was just being funny.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Those impressions are nice, but I see some are already mentioning its kojima's last MGS.. these impressions better not be tainted by the fact that this is kojima's last MGS. That should have nothing to do with it; please give me your impressions based on the game's merit.
dammit! bottom of page. I moved this to the new page, because I think it is important to reiterate.

Honestly, its going to be tough to seperate when I play it, and the same is true of most others here as well I assume.

It'll feel like a farewell from Kojima, and the end of the series as we know it, a series many of us have basically grown up with. Even if it hasn't been designed as such, it'll probably be judged as the final instalment, the same way the last film of a trilogy is judged largely in the context of the series as well as on its own merits.
I honestly can't imagine how are what a MGS without Kojima will be like. It will probably be nothing like MGS.

I feel like it'll probably be an awful attempt at absurdity with no charm or heart. Like Noel Fielding.

Either way, there's not a chance in hell that it'll be given a fair shake. I'll sure as hell be nitpicking it, probably unfairly. Human nature innit.


I'm most worried about how jarring the silence is going to be when Kaz is yelling or demanding and answer and BB is just staring ala Ryan Gosling in Drive. (Because of Kojimas mancrush)
Not that it matters, but that's Gosling in Ides of March. But yeah, point taken.


Neo Member
what about standing around for twelve hours while smoking a cigar?

According to OXM:

The Phantom Cigar:

a mix of medicinal herbs
that alters big boss’ perception
of time to advance the in-game clock.

Another thing I read from the magazine was that D - dog can spot "rare herbs",
maybe the phantom cigar is not unlimited and you need some ingredients or
something in order to use the phantom cigar?
- I'm just guessing.. but maybe its unlimited.



Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.
You are not.
But I think there might be frame drops in cutscenes or when there's a lot of smoke/dust on screen. The demos had a few frame drops when approaching the helicopter and it's kicking up clouds of dust.

Actually I've found, that no matter the settings I have on PC, however choppy gameplay gets, it always manages to somehow run the cutscenes at 60, no matter what.

I'm most worried about how jarring the silence is going to be when Kaz is yelling or demanding and answer and BB is just staring ala Ryan Gosling in Drive. (Because of Kojimas mancrush)

More Road Warrior than Drive, but whatever.


- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

that sounds even more boring than your average gta game.

kojima please no.


I honestly can't imagine how are what a MGS without Kojima will be like. It will probably be nothing like MGS.
Even if they do find some really talented people to work on it, I suspect that they'll strangle the game from on high with budget and deadline restrictions in a way that they couldn't manage with Kojima under the old corporate structure.


Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.

So, no massive story progression within 10% of the game.
Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.
To the first two bolded, that doesn't sound very fun at all. Barely any story after 12 hours? And I hope they aren't using the same super deceitful artificial completion percentage that was in ground zeroes where the actual story was like 9%. To the third, I might be mistaken but weren't there supposed to be villages? I know he said it wouldn't be like GTA but zero civilians seems odd.


Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.

Jesus Christ... That post reflects my biggest fears about this game.... I want my Metal Gear to be extremely story-heavy with tons of long cutscenes.... I really hope the plot picks up after those 12 hours... :(


Neo Member
Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.

In my opinion, I don't like what I'm reading about the story telling and secondary missions, but I guess they're doing that to make the game friendly to newcomers.


Jesus Christ... That post reflects my biggest fears about this game.... I want my Metal Gear to be extremely story-heavy with tons of long cutscenes.... I really hope the plot picks up after those 12 hours... :(

We've known for a long, long time that TPP wasn't going to be cutscene heavy though.


Jesus Christ... That post reflects my biggest fears about this game.... I want my Metal Gear to be extremely story-heavy with tons of long cutscenes.... I really hope the plot picks up after those 12 hours... :(

The prologue part is more cutscene heavy, so there's that..
Were we ever expecting civilians in towns etc?
Seems like a moot complaint.

And for a game based around approaching situations how you want to...without more details, bad rythm sounds odd.


Did that guy play the whole game? If so how can he say there's little story progression after 12 hours? It might lessen around that time and pick up later, without playing the whole game through it's a weird statement to make.
Fuk...this was what I was worried about, well...idk I guess we have to put in 60 hours just to beat the main story lol
I guess Kojima's trolling us after ppl complained on how little gameplay MGS4 had :/
Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.

Yeah, this is pretty much exactly what I've been afraid of. Peace Walker 2 but with bigger maps and way less story.

This is not the MGS I want to see.


Were we ever expecting civilians in towns etc?
Seems like a moot complaint.

And for a game based around approaching situations how you want to...without more details, bad rythm sounds odd.

He's talking about the prologue, after prologue, mother base stuff etc. The game has a rhythm problem, (translating word to word, lol)


Few things about the preview from Gamekult. (french gaming site)

- Not open world, small, medium, big maps. I guess this was known.

- After 12 hours, it seems like a big prologue, almost no story development, the main missions looks like secondary missions ( go save a dude, go find something in a base)

- Gameplay is solid like ground zeroes.

- Bad rhythm.

- Not much cinematics.

- The first 12 hours so far is mainly to pimp out the mother base.

- The size of the maps can make things interesting.

- You choose missions from a HUB, pick the ones you want randomly.

- Almost no story progression after 12 hours.

- After 12 hours, the game was 10% done.

- The maps doesn't feel alive, no civilians etc (after 12 hours)

The guy is a big fan of MGS, but for now except form the gameplay, he thinks its meh. Let's hope the story picks up because after 12 hours, it feels like a big mother base training.
12 hours is a VERY long time to ask someone to keep playing in hopes that the story picks up.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Jesus Christ... That post reflects my biggest fears about this game.... I want my Metal Gear to be extremely story-heavy with tons of long cutscenes.... I really hope the plot picks up after those 12 hours... :(

I agree with you. This is very worrying. Very much so.


Did that guy play the whole game? If so how can he say there's little story progression after 12 hours? It might lessen around that time and pick up later, without playing the whole game through it's a weird statement to make.

He's saying that after 12 hours of gameplay, the people who saw the trailers etc, knows almost the same stuff in the game that he did in 12 hours. Except for a few things of course.

Sorry it's hard to translate exactly.


Yeah, this is pretty much exactly what I've been afraid of. Peace Walker 2 but with bigger maps and way less story.

This is not the MGS I want to see.

Good gameplay and lots of it is not what you want to see?

I'm sorry do we want to go back to MGS4 levels of overlong cutscenes here?

I mean I love MGS4 but it had slideshow demonstrations people

He's saying that after 12 hours of gameplay, the people who saw the trailers etc, knows almost the same stuff in the game that he did in 12 hours. Except for a few things of course.

Sorry it's hard to translate exactly.

Ah I see, thanks for translating.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Why are you listening to one lousy site?
All other sites are saying the opposite.

99 positive previews and 1 negative and everyone focuses on the negative.


About the cutscenes some previewers think they may have cut out some stuff for this preview build so people get faster to the you know meat of the actual game. It all felt a bit weird.
I'm personally alright with the game having a larger gameplay focus like Peace Walker as long as it doesn't have the awful boss fights. They really hurt that game for me. I do hope in the long run though there's about as much story related content as other Metal Gear games.


I would love that. You know, like a Metal Gear.

Literally none of the other previewers have complained about the story feeling threadbare or non existent after a certain number of hours and they've all said the opening is very cinematic and cutscene heavy.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Good gameplay and lots of it is not what you want to see?

I'm sorry do we want to go back to MGS4 levels of overlong cutscenes here?

I mean I love MGS4 but it had slideshow demonstrations people

Ah I see, thanks for translating.

That's what Metal Gear is to me personally. I am interested in the story, the fun of it comes when you get into the cutscenes.
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