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New Metal Gear Solid V previews coming 6/9 (no story info though)

I mean I love MGS4 but it had slideshow demonstrations people

For certain parts of the fanbase, MGS most important aspect isn't the stealth-action gameplay with lots of clever and interesting ways for the player to interact with enemies and the environment(look at the praise lavished on MGS4 when the gameplay falls straight off a ravine into a pile of dead bodies after Act 2), but long, convoluted cutscenes filled with stilted japanese-translated-to-english dialog with questionable voice direction.

And hey, they got that game last time. Now we're getting one where gameplay is the star, with more ideas, more intuitive controls, more possibilities than ever before. If the cutscenes had to be dialed back for that happen, that's a more than fair trade.


zero mention of tapes gives me the impression the person giving the preview wasn't aware they exist, hence the lack of storyline - we all know this is how the majority of TPP's story is being shown.
Good gameplay and lots of it is not what you want to see?

I'm sorry do we want to go back to MGS4 levels of overlong cutscenes here?

I mean I love MGS4 but it had slideshow demonstrations people

I'm not the biggest fan of MGS4 either, and I absolutely think there will be some great gameplay in MGSV. However, the MGS series isn't special to me because of the gameplay, it's special because of the plot and characters.

I do really enjoy the gameplay in MGS games, but I'd rather Kojima not have sacrificed vehicles for character interaction like the codec/radio and cutscenes to add more of it.


That's what Metal Gear is to me personally. I am interested in the story, the fun of it comes when you get into the cutscenes.

Which this game has, in abundance, until a reviwer finishes the game and outright says there's hardly any cutscenes it's a little early to get panicky.


I want to know how your Forward Operating Base is managed (the area that other player's can invade).

Hopefully you assign staff to that area specifically. It could make for an interesting balancing act. Maybe higher rank staff are more quickly able to get items from the FOB to Mother Base, meaning that they can no longer be stolen. But those staff could also be killed/captured by enemy players. So there could be this interesting dynamic there. Maybe you leave it unstaffed and rely on security AI and your own over-watch, or maybe you back it with peeps to protect your stolen bounty and as a result have less staff for other areas (such as medical, or research & development).


zero mention of tapes gives me the impression the person giving the preview wasn't aware they exist, hence the lack of storyline - we all know this is how the majority of TPP's story is being shown.

Yeah he didn't mention the tapes, maybe because it was in GZ too, idk.


99 positive previews and 1 negative and everyone focuses on the negative.


About the cutscenes some previewers think they may have cut out some stuff for this preview build so people get faster to the you know meat of the actual game. It all felt a bit weird.

That wouldn't surprise me, if they aren't allowed to talk about the story then it makes sense to cut a majority of it out. But you make a good point, a huge percentage of feedback was overwhelmingly positive, but the one time of criticism everyone jumps ship. Same for the whole microtransactions rumor. When that got out basically everyone was like "well guess I'm not playing TPP" or something like that. People need to relax, there's so much information in the air and so little of it actually validated that anything that comes off negative is suddenly the truth.


That wouldn't surprise me, if they aren't allowed to talk about the story then it makes sense to cut a majority of it out. But you make a good point, a huge percentage of feedback was overwhelmingly positive, but the one time of criticism everyone jumps ship. Same for the whole microtransactions rumor. When that got out basically everyone was like "well guess I'm not playing TPP" or something like that. People need to relax, there's so much information in the air and so little of it actually validated that anything that comes off negative is suddenly the truth.

No one is jumping ship here. I will still buy the game day one. But it's perfectly normal to express our concern about the lack of cutscenes, when a huge part of the Metal Gear series' charm is exactly due to them.


No one is jumping ship here. I will still buy the game day one. But it's perfectly normal to express our concern about the lack of cutscenes, when a huge part of the Metal Gear series' charm is exactly due to them.

Go visit the micro transactions rumor thread. This game is gonna be all about gameplay, cutscenes will still exist, but just less of them. A bulk of the story will be told through cassettes.


No one is jumping ship here. I will still buy the game day one. But it's perfectly normal to express our concern about the lack of cutscenes, when a huge part of the Metal Gear series' charm is exactly due to them.

They've stated for months that they're reducing the amount of cutscenes in the game to give a more fluid gameplay style, how on earth is this new information to everyone?


Neo Member
This was from Jorge Arellano (played 15 hours) a preview from levelup gaming website (Spanish Language Source)

According to Jorge,

So far, everything is great, however, it is my duty to point out two things that worried me.

- The first point concerns me most:

While you're on a mission, the area in which you can move is limited. In one occasion I was on a mission and I was about to finish it and while escaping from the enemy I accidentally step out from the "allowed zone" and had to restart the mission from the beginning, because the system detected who had abandoned the area. It is not just a moral blow, but also restricts the freedom of the player to solve some missions. What happened to me is a sure sign that limit the player can have negative consequences.

- The second point:

I have discovered options that have not been mentioned in the title. When you expand your base, you usually assign tasks to your team. You can even send groups of soldiers to follow simple quests for money. So far so good.

- But here is when it gets rough

The problem was that once asked for an investigation that would take, say, four hours of real time to complete.

"I noticed an option to finish instantly".

When selected, it appeared an error message on the screen that told me that certain options were not available without access to the PlayStation Network.

Does this mean we need to authorize a payment to complete these tasks on time?
This does not confirm in any way to be micro-transactions. it could be an interaction with Ground Zeroes or application for iOS and Android game. In any case it would be important, before judging, to wait to see how they were implemented.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I would love that. You know, like a Metal Gear.

There's Metal Gear and then there is MGS4. It is the least Metal Gear like game. It's cutscene to gameplay ratio felt like it was skewed far more to the former than any other MGS title before it. Shame it had the worst, least coherent story of the bunch.

TPP's "show, don't tell" policy is a welcome breath of fresh air after the overblown pig of MGS4.


There's Metal Gear and then there is MGS4. It is the least Metal Gear like game. It's cutscene to gameplay ratio felt like it was skewed far more to the former than any other MGS title before it. Shame it had the worst, least coherent story of the bunch.

TPP's "show, don't tell" policy is a welcome breath of fresh air after the overblown pig of MGS4.

Not really. MGS4 had very long cutscenes, but they were incredible to watch.


Cinematics + the main missions that looks like secondary missions, that's what is worrying me for now.

From the sounds of it you can expect 3 or so generic missions preceding every major one (one's with cutscenes, or character events).

So like having to do the Ground Zeroes side-ops at least once each, in whichever order you choose, before being able to do the Ground Zeroes main mission. However, unlike Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain has more space to play with so locale monotony shouldn't be so much of a problem.

I hope they can keep the side-ops varied. You can only assassinate two targets, extract a VIP, blow up a tank or destroy some gun emplacements so many times before it would begin to feel like busywork.


Maybe find a medium point, like MGS, which is still the best one.

But MGS3 also had that same healthy ratio between gameplay and cutscenes.

Here's my point.

As long as the cutscenes are good, I don't see why we should moan about the fact Kojima is willing to edit them to get across the same amount of info without taking so much time to do so.


Not really. MGS4 had very long cutscenes, but they were incredible to watch.

It was a spectacle for its time. Amazing production values, cinematic direction, etc. But I don't think taking that direction would be as easily impressive now. For instance, the Order 1886 is extremely cutscene heavy and looks amazing, but that isn't considered a strength of the game.

The length of MGS4 cutscenes was ridiculous, though. Dozens of minutes of cutscenes at times.


From the sounds of it you can expect 3 or so generic missions preceding every major one (one's with cutscenes, or character events).

So like having to do the Ground Zeroes side-ops at least once each, in whichever order you choose, before being able to do the Ground Zeroes main mission. However, unlike Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain has more space to play with so locale monotony shouldn't be so much of a problem.

I hope they can keep the side-ops varied. You can only assassinate two targets, extract a VIP, blow up a tank or destroy some gun emplacements so many times before it would begin to feel like busywork.

Sounds like there's extra stuff out there, though. I think one preview mentioned a roaming sniper group that took Snake out. Coming across unique stuff like that could be cool.


It was a spectacle for its time. Amazing production values, cinematic direction, etc. But I don't think taking that direction would be as easily impressive now. For instance, the Order 1886 is extremely cutscene heavy and looks amazing, but that isn't considered a strength of the game.

The length of MGS4 cutscenes was ridiculous, though. Dozens of minutes of cutscenes at times.

Perhaps a middle ground would've been better, like MGS3 which was pretty much perfect.


which preview mentions (a) boss fight(s)? i'd like to read it.

mostly been reading the tidbits posted in this thread because i don't wanna spoil myself too much.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
that's my only concern. Cut-scene are a huge part for me in Metal Gear.

like I said there is a chance they cut out some story heavy cutscenes to

1. not spoil stuff

2. get people to actual play the game since MGSV will have tons of new gameplay features, mother base etc.


Perhaps a middle ground would've been better, like MGS3 which was pretty much perfect.

I agree with you there. That is a cinematic experience perfected.

I'm willing to see how Metal Gear Solid V manages. If it can get that sense of direction without shifting to a cutscene by doing things like having Ocelot or Kaz approach you in Mother Base to give you exposition while you travel around (which seems to happen according to the previews) it could work.

And the E3 2014 trailer was all cutscene, so there's probably plenty of them.


I wouldn't mind the length if the latter were true. Not one moment in MGS4's cutscenes came even remotely close to hitting any of the highs of MGS1-3. MGS4's story was written by a man begrudgingly ticking boxes to shut people up.

I think it's telling that arguably the series' most resonant and emotional high point - The Boss' Death - is so because the cutscene stops and gives back control to the player. It wouldn't have worked nearly as well otherwise.

I disagree completely. MGS4 cutscenes easily reached some of the highest points in the series.


most of mgs4's cut scenes are awful. and it was actually the first time playing an mgs game that i thought "holy fuck, these cut scenes are loooong!" the length of the cut scenes in the first three games was fine.


I honestly rather have the longer gameplay sections than cutscenes. Don't get me wrong I love watching the cutscenes but considering how good the gameplay was in ground zeroes and is said to be even better here, I don't really mind.

We should also remember that he has only done 10% of the game so there is still a significant ammount of content we have yet to see or hear about.


I disagree completely. MGS4 cutscenes easily reached some of the highest points in the series.

Sure, but on second playthroughs many of them drag, like Meryl explaining how nanomachines work via slideshow presentation, or Eva detailing Big Boss and Zero's relationship.

I love MGS4, but one reason I don't replay it as much as the others is simply due to how long and over indulgent some of the cutscenes are.

Venom Fox

which preview mentions (a) boss fight(s)? i'd like to read it.

mostly been reading the tidbits posted in this thread because i don't wanna spoil myself too much.
The below preview is not really a preview, it was a Q+A with Brazil, a man who previewed the game and answered questions on NeoGaf.

This mentions the boss fight, it is very spoilerific, only for the boss fight though.


There are more that mentions the boss fight, I'll look for them soon

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I disagree completely. MGS4 cutscenes easily reached some of the highest points in the series.






The below preview is not really a preview, it was a Q+A with Brazil, a man who previewed the game and answered questions on NeoGaf.

This mentions the boss fight, it is very spoilerific, only for the boss fight though.


There are more that mentions the boss fight, I'll look for them soon


also, i just remembered that i did read a while ago (probably in this thread) that there was a boss fight that was even more inventive than the psycho mantis fight. i blame the nanomachines for my bad memory.



mgs4 is such an ugly-looking game. it's shocking, really, because i do remember that very first trailer looking gorgeous. the subsequent e3 trailer looked great as well. but from there on, it kept looking worse and worse.

element at one point said it looked like a ps2 game to him. i wouldn't listen back then, but now i kinda agree.

even from an art-direction point of view it looks really bad.

what a disaster that game was.
mgs4 is such an ugly-looking game. it's shocking, really, because i do remember that very first trailer looking gorgeous. the subsequent e3 trailer looked great as well. but from there on, it kept looking worse and worse.

element at one point said it looked like a ps2 game to him. i wouldn't listen back then, but now i kinda agree.

even from an art-direction point of view it looks really bad.

what a disaster that game was.

Don't argue with Ishida when it comes to mgs4 despite the game having shortcomings he won't budge and the topic will get derailled.


More than easily.


Some of the most cringe worthy, absurd scenes in the series without question. The previous ones had them too, but 4 was on another level. I remember being in awe of the sheer stupidity of some of them. Add those to the crazy drawn out, boring ones and...man, fuck that game. Every time I think about it. Fuck that game.
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