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Bernie Sanders Campaign files procedural papers to continue lawsuit against DNC

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So what exactly do the DNC do anyways? What part do they play in the presidential campaigns?

The DNC helps fund the down ticket democrats in their elections. The very congress critters that Bernie refuses to stump for. Now he not only isn't going to help them fund raise, he going to take money away from them too.


Hacking is a very serious issue. Being honest that it happened doesn't mean that you can go unpunished, even slightly.

Except there is no "hacking", so the DNC can go sue the vendor they hired to host the data whose firewalls failed after Sander's campaign had alerted previously for similar instances, which they failed to address.


What people need to understand about this particular scenario is that nobody gets the EV needed to win the presidency and it is up to congress to pick the president. Democracy wins?
You raise a good point. This idea has also been kicked around by Republicans AFAIK: put up their own third-party candidate, attempt to block Hillary by keeping her from reaching 270, then electing their candidate through the House. This scenario, while awful in its result, would have the interesting implication of highlighting just how well and truly fucked our system is.
I think if Sanders runs as an independent, Trump will take it all. The gap in votes between Hilary and Bernie seemed (edit) smaller than Trump and other Republican candidates. I also think Sanders supporters are far more likely to actually vote independent in the GE while I think most Republicans would jump ship and vote for Trump. It would certainly be an interesting election.
IF Sanders runs as an independent with Trump as the Republican candidate, that would be an incredibly short-sighted move that would pretty much doom the country to a unified Republican government. I would hope that he's smart enough to see that. HOWEVER, were Trump to run apart from the Republicans (or, as I noted above, were the Republicans to run their own "third-party" candidate), it'd be a much muddier situation. And I do agree with you that Sanders has a lot more independent appeal than Trump, but Trump also has sizable cross-partisan support. He doesn't just resonate with your stereotypical racist good ol' boy Southern white evangelical men, but rather anyone with a strong proclivity toward authoritarianism.
Would be helpful to have a concise explanation of what actually happened with the breach.

1. Database containing voter information for Democrats via the DNC malfunctions and Sanders' campaign staffers can gain access to Hillary's voter info database.

2. Sanders' campaign staffers thumb through that info and take steps to export portions of it for their own use before reporting the malfunction to the DNC.

3. The DNC finds out about this, they go "what the fuck, dude?" and they revoke the Sanders campaign's access to the entirety of the database, including their own data, for a day while shit got fixed.

4. Sanders campaign gets pissed, calls foul, threatened to sue, is now actually suing.


The DNC helps fund the down ticket democrats in their elections. The very congress critters that Bernie refuses to stump for. Now he not only isn't going to help them fund raise, he going to take money away from them too.

the same people he would need to get his "Revolution" to pass anything


How dare you Bernie! Asking for access to you're own data demanding the you're contract be respected?! Get in line and support Hillary. /s

You Hillary fanatics are the worst.

You think after his campaign breached info that it was unreasonable they took less than a day to recoup and investigate? Ok
Except there is no "hacking", so the DNC can go sue the vendor they hired to host the data whose firewalls failed after Sander's campaign had alerted previously for similar instances, which they failed to address.

There is the very real issue with Sanders campaign accessing and taking Clinton campaign data four times though...


Petty stuff from the Bernie camp. I like the guy and his message, but downloading the database information they did from the DNC was both immoral and illegal. Just let it go.


So what exactly do the DNC do anyways? What part do they play in the presidential campaigns?
The DNC doesn't only deal with presidential campaigns, they basically recruit candidates and assist in elections from top to bottom (federal to local). Party organization, coordinating volunteers, stuff like that. Plus assistance in fundraising and spreading the word. And of course, access to voter information.
Sounds great, take the high road. DON'T declare yourself a democrat though; doing so makes you a hypocrite. If you are gonna say fuck the systems rules, then live by it. Don't go signing up with them in hope of soaking up those benefits while trying to convince me that you are fighting the system.

Totally disagree with this. There are two options for dealing with the American voting system:

1. Try to change it from outside (good luck)
2. Join one of the parties

You can't simultaneously support the voting system and support unfair rules within a party. If you support unfair rules in a party then you should be shouting from the rooftops against the tyranny of a two party system.

A two round playoff voting system isn't that bad. I've come to believe that the best bet is eliminating unfairness in those rounds (and if a group can push a candidate through those rounds who will change the voting system itself, great). It just hasn't worked staying outside and wishing for change while not voting.


It's not about the money...

It's about the message

The DNC cannot keep treating other candidates than their favorite as bastard children.

I mean, I think this is straight up uninformed.

Sanders used a security breach that they knew about to access the Clinton campaign's files.

In response to this, the DNC deactivated his access to the database.

Now, there are some arguments you can make here, like "sure, Sanders cheated, but that didn't actually give the DNC the right to take action." That's fine. I mean, those sound a lot like establishment arguments to me, but whatever.

But I definitely don't think you can argue that the DNC is being somehow unfair. Hillary's campaign didn't use a security breach to access the other campaign's files! There's only one campaign that deliberately cheated here, so there's only one campaign that the DNC felt the need to discipline.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
I don't understand how people have loyalty to a political party. This is why the two party political system is fuck. Do you vote for any democrat no matter who he is?

I have party loyalty because thus far Democrats have shared my beliefs when it comes to things like Same Sex Marriage, Abortion, how to fix the economy, etc. I don't just vote a straight blue ticket because I'm a democrat, however.

I personally do not vote in elections where I don't know anything about the candidates. Voting is a right and a privilege and it's something i take very seriously.

That said, I try to find out as much as I can regarding local politics, who my senators are and what they stand for, and what congressman represents my district. And there you have the difference between party loyalists, and people who are just now jumping into politics because it's a fad. I'd put money down that 99% of the Bernie fans on GAF and Reddit couldn't name their representatives if they tried, and yet those representatives are the "establishment" that they're fighting.


There is the very real issue with Sanders campaign accessing and taking Clinton campaign data four times though...

The issues you are talking about are entirely on the vendor. Since contractually neither the Clinton or Sanders campaign are obligated to keep the security of that data. In fact the Sanders reason for wanting an independent audit is precisely because there were similar breaches in the past which were reported but never addressed.
Lol. Bernie is so desperate that it is getting pathetic.

Suing the DNC over his own staff stealing from them. It should be the DNC suing him.

Not to mention his hypocrisy on superdelagates. Deriding them all campaign, then getting on his knees to woo them when it became clear that they were his only chance at the nomination.
The issues you are talking about are entirely on the vendor. Since contractually neither the Clinton or Sanders campaign are obligated to keep the security of that data. In fact the Sanders reason for wanting an independent audit is precisely because there were similar breaches in the past which were reported but never addressed.

It should be likely that you aren't supposed to be accessing this information. As such, either Sanders' campaign did things it shouldn't have done, or Sanders prefers ignorant people to work for him.
Wow at the reactions here, and the selective quoting in the OP is stupid.

Basically the judge forced the campaign to officially file to keep the lawsuit open. The campaign wants to keep it open while they wait on the results of the audit. It's a "lawsuit". It's not Sanders being a sore loser for anything.

Come on Gaf, you're better than this.
Considering how these things tend to go, this should be edited into the OP.


1. Database containing voter information for Democrats via the DNC malfunctions and Sanders' campaign staffers can gain access to Hillary's voter info database.

2. Sanders' campaign staffers thumb through that info and take steps to export portions of it for their own use before reporting the malfunction to the DNC.

3. The DNC finds out about this, they go "what the fuck, dude?" and they revoke the Sanders campaign's access to the entirety of the database, including their own data, for a day while shit got fixed.

4. Sanders campaign gets pissed, calls foul, threatened to sue, is now actually suing.

Thanks; much appreciated.

This does seem incredibly petty; while technically a breach of contract the IT people who probably removed their access temporarily are only humans doing what seemed to be the most logics response.
Totally disagree with this. There are two options for dealing with the American voting system:

1. Try to change it from outside (good luck)
2. Join one of the parties

You can't simultaneously support the voting system and support unfair rules within a party. If you support unfair rules in a party then you should be shouting from the rooftops against the tyranny of a two party system.

A two round playoff voting system isn't that bad. I've come to believe that the best bet is eliminating unfairness in those rounds (and if a group can push a candidate through those rounds who will change the voting system itself, great). It just hasn't worked staying outside and wishing for change while not voting.

Isn't this pretty much exactly what Bernie is attacking Hillary for doing with corporate donations?

Such a tired hypocrite.


I hope he loses and has to pay the DNC for this. What a waste of time. He runs on a campaign of honesty but his campaign is the one that knowingly stole information from another candidates database.


I'd planned on voting for him in the Indiana primary, but I'm legitimately tired of having to excuse away the actions of his campaign constantly just to justify it. He's clearly not serving my interests, just his own.


You raise a good point. This idea has also been kicked around by Republicans AFAIK: put up their own third-party candidate, attempt to block Hillary by keeping her from reaching 270, then electing their candidate through the House. This scenario, while awful in its result, would have the interesting implication of highlighting just how well and truly fucked our system is.

I'm okay with the system and find it interesting that in rare cases like these states would actually have equal power regardless of population.

At the end of the day, that scheme would only possibly work if the third candidate was someone strong enough to steal more votes from Hilary than he would from Trump. That's only going to happen if the candidate is rather left leaning, so I don't see it happening. It makes for a great story though.


You raise a good point. This idea has also been kicked around by Republicans AFAIK: put up their own third-party candidate, attempt to block Hillary by keeping her from reaching 270, then electing their candidate through the House. This scenario, while awful in its result, would have the interesting implication of highlighting just how well and truly fucked our system is.

IF Sanders runs as an independent with Trump as the Republican candidate, that would be an incredibly short-sighted move that would pretty much doom the country to a unified Republican government. I would hope that he's smart enough to see that. HOWEVER, were Trump to run apart from the Republicans (or, as I noted above, were the Republicans to run their own "third-party" candidate), it'd be a much muddier situation. And I do agree with you that Sanders has a lot more independent appeal than Trump, but Trump also has sizable cross-partisan support. He doesn't just resonate with your stereotypical racist good ol' boy Southern white evangelical men, but rather anyone with a strong proclivity toward authoritarianism.

Eh, won't likely make a difference... Luckily, in the EC it's winner take all. If the delegates were divided proportionally, we could have a problem on our hands.

I sincerely hope Sanders isn't petty enough to run third party.
He's already almost above Clinton in California.

So you mean Clinton is winning in Cali, a state that Bernie needs to win by double digits in to have a shot?

Like you spin though. Good effort.

By how much? I recall that the math was that he'd have to win 2-to-1 in all remaining states, if my memory serves me correctly.

Not quite that dire. Though he probably needs to win by 20 points to do so.
Wow at the reactions here, and the selective quoting in the OP is stupid.

Basically the judge forced the campaign to officially file to keep the lawsuit open. The campaign wants to keep it open while they wait on the results of the audit. It's a "lawsuit". It's not Sanders being a sore loser for anything.

Come on Gaf, you're better than this.
I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree with your assessment.

There is no such thing as an amicable lawsuit. The Sanders campaign is litigating against the DNC. They are asking for damages. He could have just let the lawsuit drop but the campaign believes it important enough to keep it open and so they have continued with the process.

Furthermore, my quote selections were not misinforming. I have posted long quotes in threads in the past and people end up getting bored, so I am trying to be more terse. I selected what I believe to be the most important sentences, and people can click the link if they want to read more. The fact that the campaign is calling this procedural does not change the fact that this is a lawsuit and I think most people's responses in this thread would not have changed.


I'm okay with the system and find it interesting that in rare cases like these states would actually have equal power regardless of population.

At the end of the day, that scheme would only possibly work if the third candidate was someone strong enough to steal more votes from Hilary than he would from Trump. That's only going to happen if the candidate is rather left leaning, so I don't see it happening. It makes for a great story though.

That's why they mention that it's a Hail Mary play--it's a last resort option should everything else they do fail. At that point, they would have nothing to lose. It does absolutely make for a great story, but I personally wouldn't dismiss it out-of-hand.


By how much? I recall that the math was that he'd have to win 2-to-1 in all remaining states, if my memory serves me correctly.

Yeah he needs i think 58% in all states left. He's not gonna win new York at all, in fact itll likely be a huge loss. He's not gonna win Wisconsin based on current polling either. Even two losses destroy his chances even more.


Awhile back some of his staff hacked into the Hillary Campaign's database. Guy got fired. So the DNC decided to punish his campaign by not giving him access to their own voter database.

I mean, that was petty of the DNC, yeah, but it's pretty petty of him to get stuck on it.

I know of the incident. My question is more about the timing. Why now?
You raise a good point. This idea has also been kicked around by Republicans AFAIK: put up their own third-party candidate, attempt to block Hillary by keeping her from reaching 270, then electing their candidate through the House. This scenario, while awful in its result, would have the interesting implication of highlighting just how well and truly fucked our system is.

This was always a bit of a joke of an article. Very few states are so strongly Republican that you could safely run a major right-wing third party candidate without just handing the state to Hillary.

Here's the 2012 results in the states they name:
Georgia: Romney 53, Obama 47
Florida: Obama 50, Romney 49
Ohio: Obama 50, Romney 48
North Carolina: Romney 51, Obama 48
Missouri: Romney 54, Obama 44

Nowhere do they have the sorts of margins they need that they could add a third party candidate and avoid a plurality victory by Hillary. Even in the widest gap in that list, Missouri, the Republican block would have to stay united on the same candidate, because even 10.5% falling away would give the state to Hillary if she can perform as well as Obama did.

The talk of their third-party candidate actually winning electoral votes is even more far-fetched. The only states where that would even be a possibility would be states that the Republicans expected to carry anyway. You're not going to get a victory in a swing state like this, and swing state victories would be the only way for this strategy to work.
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