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Bernie Sanders Campaign files procedural papers to continue lawsuit against DNC

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What is so bad sbout the DNC and Wasserman?

The DNC under Wasserman has been a joke.

In 2012, Wasserman Schultz attempted to get the DNC to pay for her clothing at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, and in 2013, to pay for her attire at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Many of Obama's advisers have questioned the move to select Wasserman Schultz as his DNC chairwoman, who they feel comes across as too partisan on television. An internal focus study of the popularity of top Obama campaign surrogates ranked Wasserman Schultz at the bottom.

In February 2015, Politico, citing unnamed sources, reported that Wasserman Schultz had lined up supporters in 2013 to portray any decision by Barack Obama to replace her as DNC chair as "anti-woman and anti-Semitic".

As chairwoman of the DNC, Wasserman Schultz appointed Amy Dacey to the position of CEO of the DNC in October 2013.

Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders have criticized her decision to schedule only six debates in the 2016 Presidential Primary, far fewer than in previous election cycles. Both 2016 Democratic presidential candidates have also criticized the timing of these debates, saying that the debates are intentionally scheduled to get few viewers, such as the December 19 debate that was held at the same time as an NFL football game, in order to protect Hillary Clinton's lead as the front runner. The Sanders campaign claimed on December 18, 2015 that the Democratic National Committee — chaired by Schultz — was "actively attempting to undermine" his campaign, when the DNC denied the Sanders campaign future access to the party's 50-state voter file.

Furthermore, she has been criticized for her handling of a data breach of the NGP Van system, a Democratic voter database, for shutting down access by Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign. This action was in violation of contract and the Sanders campaign immediately filed a lawsuit in Federal court, which resulted in access to the VAN system being restored the next day.


They can when that candidate has never been a democrat and ran against every democrat that has ever ran for a seat in Vermont.

ok breh

But when independents have to play the Democrat game because by their very nature Independents can't get enough media exposure to legitimately run, don't expect them to play by the club's rules if they're not fair.


I mean, he's not getting the nod, but there was a very small chance that maybe people wouldn't have taken a good amount of PLEASURE seeing him fail as Hillary runs up the Delegate tally. But the people working for him, with their dumbass tweets and whatnot are looking to erase that chance.
ok breh

But when independents have to play the Democrat game because by their very nature Independents can't get enough media exposure to legitimately run, don't expect them to play by the club's rules if they're not fair.

Sounds great, take the high road. DON'T declare yourself a democrat though; doing so makes you a hypocrite. If you are gonna say fuck the systems rules, then live by it. Don't go signing up with them in hope of soaking up those benefits while trying to convince me that you are fighting the system.

Not sure who the hell you think you are fooling with that.


I support Bernie but this move baffles me. Wtf are you doing?

Also this seems like an implied admission that his campaign is over.


Feel the Bern, indeed.

Where's that Michael Scott closing the door on the old guy GIF? We're basically there at this point.

Step aside... You're impeding progress.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
He's still in.

It's not just him, many others from gaf have wrote him off from the start.

I'm a lifelong democrat and my loyalty is to my party. Bernie is a selfish prick who shouldn't be running as a democrat. If his campaign was really about his message/politics and not his own selfish gains he'd be supporting down democrats and blue candidates in Red Danger areas. But he's not.

Say whatever you want about Hillary but she cares more about my party than any other candidate in the field.

The Adder

ok breh

But when independents have to play the Democrat game because by their very nature Independents can't get enough media exposure to legitimately run, don't expect them to play by the club's rules if they're not fair.

Do you know why he lost access to the database?
ok breh

But when independents have to play the Democrat game because by their very nature Independents can't get enough media exposure to legitimately run, don't expect them to play by the club's rules if they're not fair.
Nope, the club rules are fair. The democratic party was actually really unified under president Obama but Bernie Slanders is petulant.


The DNC under Wasserman has been a joke.
How so? Those allegations seems rather minor and the six debates thing seems to have been working fine as the Dem's receive far less attention than the Repubs due to being less crazy.


I love how during this primary Bernie has put a big ol' spotlight on how fucked the democratic party is. if it's ever going to get better widespread awareness of that fact is a good thing.

"I don't want to break the bad news.."


ok breh

But when independents have to play the Democrat game because by their very nature Independents can't get enough media exposure to legitimately run, don't expect them to play by the club's rules if they're not fair.

The rules would've been fair if Bernie's campaign hadn't hacked into Hillary's servers. The DNC could've sued the entire campaign for that even if those responsible were fired, instead they chose to simply not give him access to their voter database.


Me too. We need a viable independent candidate. It would prove that Democracy is still alive in this country.

The United States needs a representative liberal party.

Man, if he went independent for the GE, I'd be sooooo conflicted. On one hand, the Dems have the best shot at beating the Republicans, but on the other hand, I'd feel internally obligated to vote for the candidate I most believe in. Bernie would not be an insignificant spoiler to Hillary if he ran independently. And beyond that, I would looooove for a viable far-left party to exist in American politics. I'd probably vote Dem if Trump got the Republican nomination, but if Trump were to also go third-party, Bernie all the way. I'm not loyal to the Democrats--only averse to the Republicans.

Can you imagine? A four-way GE between Hillary, Sanders, Trump, and whoever the Republicans put up? Two independents with sizable bases supporting them? I can't even imagine what that would be like. Fantasy scenario, but it's not completely outside the realm of possibility.


They can when that candidate has never been a democrat and ran against every democrat that has ever ran for a seat in Vermont.

Forget whether he is a lifelong Democrat or not, his shitty campaign staff are the ones that fucked up here. He's lucky they even got access to that database back within 24 hours. And now this fucker wants to sue like it was the DNC's damn fault he hired some meatstick.


His campaign discovered the breach and reported it. What was illegal about that?

If someone that's part of a company hacks into another company's database and then the CEO denies that they knew about it and fires him, the company that did the hacking is still legally at fault.


His campaign discovered the breach and reported it. What was illegal about that?

And by trying to do the right thing they were still denied access during that time. This is what the lawsuit is about. At every turn DWS has seemingly tried to stifle Sanders' campaign.


The rules would've been fair if Bernie's campaign hadn't hacked into Hillary's servers. The DNC could've sued the entire campaign for that even if those responsible were fired, instead they chose to simply not give him access to their voter database.

Except Sanders didn't hack into any Clinton servers. The DNC can sue the vendor who's firewall went down. Currently there is an independent investigation and audit of the system. What the DNC did was a breach of their contractual obligations to the Sanders campaign
Can you imagine? A four-way GE between Hillary, Sanders, Trump, and whoever the Republicans put up? Two independents with sizable bases supporting them? I can't even imagine what that would be like. Fantasy scenario, but it's not completely outside the realm of possibility.

What people need to understand about this particular scenario is that nobody gets the EV needed to win the presidency and it is up to congress to pick the president. Democracy wins?


Wow at the reactions here, and the selective quoting in the OP is stupid.

Both the Sanders campaign and the DNC are waiting for the results of an independent audit conducted after Sanders’ national data director had made note of a breach in the voter file’s security, briefly allowing the Sanders campaign access to the Clinton campaign’s data. The DNC subsequently cut off the Sanders campaign’s access to the voter file — a crucial tool for outreach to Democratic voters.

The Sanders campaign immediately fired the staffer who accessed the Clinton campaign’s information, and access to the database was restored less than 24 hours after it was removed. Nonetheless, the Sanders campaign argues that the short-lived lack of access was a serious blow to voter outreach

Sanders’ lawyers originally filed the lawsuit in December, shortly after the campaign’s access to the voter file was revoked. An anonymous source close to the Sanders campaign told The Hill that they expect the process to continue amicably as both sides await the results of the audit.

“We continue to have productive discussions with the Sanders campaign and look forward to resolving this matter,” he said.

Today’s serving of lawsuit papers has been called “procedural” by the Sanders source, and is meant to provide a lengthened window of time for the campaign to continue the lawsuit after a judge gave the campaign a three-day window to file the lawsuit or risk having it dropped from federal court.

Basically the judge forced the campaign to officially file to keep the lawsuit open. The campaign wants to keep it open while they wait on the results of the audit. It's a "lawsuit". It's not Sanders being a sore loser for anything.

Come on Gaf, you're better than this.


It's not about the money...

It's about the message

The DNC cannot keep treating other candidates than their favorite as bastard children.

Bastard children? Locking Bernie's campaign staff out of the data for one day was a slap on the wrist for what his campaign did.


Wow at the reactions here, and the selective quoting in the OP is stupid.

Basically the judge forced the campaign to officially file to keep the lawsuit open. The campaign wants to keep it open while they wait on the results of the audit. It's a "lawsuit". It's not Sanders being a sore loser for anything.

Come on Gaf, you're better than this.
It changes nothing here.

The fact that they tired a lawsuit at all is the issue.
And by trying to do the right thing they were still denied access during that time. This is what the lawsuit is about. At every turn DWS has seemingly tried to stifle Sanders' campaign.

Hacking is a very serious issue. Being honest that it happened doesn't mean that you can go unpunished, even slightly.


Yeah I love to sue people who rightly suspended my access because somebody from my campaign hacked into my oppenent's database. Surely the DNC is playing favorites on that issue...

Might as well sue the DNC for Arizona's issues while we're at it, because that's totally their fault and not the assholes who rule that state and the others who decided to gut the VRA.

Would be amazing if he did. I would definitely vote for him. Question is whether or not he would be able to maintain the same level of fundraising.

Yeah it would be amazing to have Trump as a president. Perspective much?

So what if Trump runs independent/the GOP runs a second candidate and Sanders runs independent?

Nobody gets enough electoral votes and the congress decides on the next President. Meaning you'll get somebody like Ryan or Romney. Amazing right?


Wow at the reactions here, and the selective quoting in the OP is stupid.

Basically the judge forced the campaign to officially file to keep the lawsuit open. The campaign wants to keep it open while they wait on the results of the audit. It's a "lawsuit". It's not Sanders being a sore loser for anything.

Come on Gaf, you're better than this.

This. Please try to see objectively that the campaign is trying to send a message that it's not cool to cripple campaigns when they need all the help they can get. The idea here is to show that favoritism and campaign obstructions are taking place.

Hacking is a very serious issue. Being honest that it happened doesn't mean that you can go unpunished, even slightly.

Removing the person who did it and turning themselves in (in a manner of speaking) should have reinstated their connection to the database immediately. Do you think Hillary Clinton would have sat by without access?

loki 16

I'm a lifelong democrat and my loyalty is to my party. Bernie is a selfish prick who shouldn't be running as a democrat. If his campaign was really about his message/politics and not his own selfish gains he'd be supporting down democrats and blue candidates in Red Danger areas. But he's not.

Say whatever you want about Hillary but she cares more about my party than any other candidate in the field.

I don't understand how people have loyalty to a political party. This is why the two party political system is fuck. Do you vote for any democrat no matter who he is?
USUncut isn't a particularly reliable source of news. I've come across it most often via facebook post from easily-convinced readers who like sharing things more than they like reading them.

If the lawsuit was officially served today, it's not as if this action is anything more than the continuation of a beef from almost 4 months ago. The USUncut piece even features this quote:

Today’s serving of lawsuit papers has been called “procedural” by the Sanders source

It's not really news, and framing it as such is kinda disingenuous, which is probably why said quote is the last paragraph in the article, placed long past the point where most readers will have clicked away or written their own paragraph sum-up of the first 2 grafs and hit share.


Man, if he went independent for the GE, I'd be sooooo conflicted. On one hand, the Dems have the best shot at beating the Republicans, but on the other hand, I'd feel internally obligated to vote for the candidate I most believe in. Bernie would not be an insignificant spoiler to Hillary if he ran independently. And beyond that, I would looooove for a viable far-left party to exist in American politics. I'd probably vote Dem if Trump got the Republican nomination, but if Trump were to also go third-party, Bernie all the way. I'm not loyal to the Democrats--only averse to the Republicans.

Can you imagine? A four-way GE between Hillary, Sanders, Trump, and whoever the Republicans put up? Two independents with sizable bases supporting them? I can't even imagine what that would be like. Fantasy scenario, but it's not completely outside the realm of possibility.

I think if Sanders runs as an independent, Trump will take it all. The gap in votes between Hilary and Bernie seemed (edit) smaller than Trump and other Republican candidates. I also think Sanders supporters are far more likely to actually vote independent in the GE while I think most Republicans would jump ship and vote for Trump. It would certainly be an interesting election.
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