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Mexican president cancels Trump summit

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Based on what Trump has been doing and saying, I'm keeping my options open.


I mean, he would be (and was) a better president than Donald Trump. Anybody is a better president than Trump. But Fox is another corrupt politician, and Latin American politicians are usually the worse.

That said, shame Fox isn't the actual President now. He has way more cojones than Peña Nieto.


The Birthday Skeleton
So Trump doesn't really show signs of cojones if someone is standing up to him. That's good to know for the features happenings. I'm pretty sure China watched this very carefully.





Trump's level of economic literacy is comically low.

I can't wait until the trade deficit blows out due to his ill conceived economic policies.


Trumponomics has the cause and effect behind this development backwards. It fixates on country-specific sources of the trade deficit, like China and Mexico, but misses the fundamental point that these bilateral deficits are symptoms of America's far deeper saving problem.

Presume for the moment that the U.S. closes down trade with China and Mexico — the first and fourth largest components of the overall trade deficit — through a combination of tariffs and other protectionist measures (including the proposed renegotiation of NAFTA and a Mexican-funded border wall).

Without addressing America's chronic saving shortage, the Chinese and Mexican components of the trade deficit would simply be redistributed to other countries — most likely to higher-cost producers. The result would be the functional equivalent of a tax hike on beleaguered middle-class U.S. families.

In short, there is no bilateral fix for a multilateral problem. The U.S. had trade deficits with 101 countries in 2015 — a multilateral problem stemming from a saving shortfall that cannot be effectively addressed through country-specific ”remedies."


Trump just said, "Mexico will pay for that wall IF we decide to build that wall."

So now it's up in the air because Mexico didn't just bend over for him?



"But...Wednesday. Yesterday. You signed the thing with the thing saying we were going to build it. It was a done deal"???!?



Trump talked so much about making the best deals but he can't convince the goofiest president this side of the atlantic to pay for a project that wouldn't mean much for them in terms of money.

Anyway Peña just needs to show he is bold enough to leave NAFTA, then all corporate america will tell Trump to leave Mexico the fuck alone.
Good. He wouldn't have been able to keep a smile on his face knowing all his bs.
Canada better cancel too.

That's ridiculous... Canada is not interested in cancelling; we'd like to renegotiate NAFTA (or the US/Canada Free Trade Agreement if NAFTA is nullified) and improve a few things for ourselves...

Canada's currently in a trade deficit with the US; we've nothing to worry about with Trump... We're patient and intelligent and we can deal with stupid...


Finally something good from this guy. I feared he would agreed on some form of payment for the wall due to pressure if he went.

Should I stockpile on Mexican candies?
Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???
Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???

Sick, depressed, struggling people are easier to divide and conquer.


Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???
Its communism if everyone can afford to be healthy


Funny how Trudeau just announced recently they'd leave NAFTA and deal with the US only, didn't he?

I really cannot believe Peña has more guts than Trudeau. The latter is a coward.

I'm no Trudeau fan, but if Trump positions toward Mexico and Canada were reversed, Peña would act like current-Trudeau and Trudeau would act like current-Peña.
Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???
A large part of our country doesn't want their tax dollars going towards helping people who need help affording healthcare. It's a very "I got mine so too bad get your own" type attitude a lot of people here tend to have.
Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???

“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.

But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.”

- Terry Pratchett

Republicans are only interested in the quick fix. What their taxes are going to be this year, maybe next at the furthest. They want answers and they want change NOW. None of this invest in infrastructure bullshit.

I guess the less educated version would basically be:
It's my money, and I need it now!

- J.G.Wentworth commercials
Funny how Trudeau just announced recently they'd leave NAFTA and deal with the US only, didn't he?

I really cannot believe Peña has more guts than Trudeau. The latter is a coward.

That's the dumbest thing anyone has posted all day. Canada has a lot more to lose than Mexico, AND neither Trump nor the US Ambassador (if we had one) have said anything about renegotiations of any kind, how they'll be held, what the US is looking for, or how they'll respond to our corresponding demands for considerations we want. Justin is our Prime Minister; he's expected to comport himself with dignity and intelligence. Only a fucking idiot would run off at the mouth cancelling meetings for ZERO reason. Peña had a reason. We don't.

And no, we didn't say we'd leave NAFTA, but if the US leaves NAFTA, the treaty is NULL AND VOID.


That's the dumbest thing anyone has posted all day. Canada has a lot more to lose than Mexico, AND neither Trump nor the US Ambassador (if we had one) have said anything about renegotiations of any kind, how they'll be held, what the US is looking for, or how they'll respond to our corresponding demands for considerations we want. Justin is our Prime Minister; he's expected to comport himself with dignity and intelligence. Only a fucking idiot would run off at the mouth cancelling meetings for ZERO reason. Peña had a reason. We don't.

It's hard to remember that real politicians and diplomats don't run their mouth or Twitter whenever they feel like it. It's a hard bind, and antagonizing the orange moron will only make it harder for Trudeau to negotiate with.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyway Peña just needs to show he is bold enough to leave NAFTA, then all corporate america will tell Trump to leave Mexico the fuck alone.

Big money has managed to keep AMLO from the presidency by selling the idea that keeping Mexico in line with the West's economic policies is on the best interest of the Mexican people. If that line goes away, USA is two years removed from having an hostile goverment on its borders.

Ploid 3.0

Trump says he didn't want to say how he would defeat ISIS but lays his incompetence bare for the world to see. If this was a sane, and well adjusted president, there would be no reason for the Mexican president to cancel a meeting with them. Trump though, it's no problem, because he's an ongoing joke, even though he has power, he's still a puppet, and someone else is pulling the strings, or being the adult. Now who is the puppetmaster that nations will respect while Trump is kept busy with his phone on twitter.


I'm no Trudeau fan, but if Trump positions toward Mexico and Canada were reversed, Peña would act like current-Trudeau and Trudeau would act like current-Peña.
True, I can totally see that. I take back what I said.

That's the dumbest thing anyone has posted all day. Canada has a lot more to lose than Mexico, AND neither Trump nor the US Ambassador (if we had one) have said anything about renegotiations of any kind, how they'll be held, what the US is looking for, or how they'll respond to our corresponding demands for considerations we want. Justin is our Prime Minister; he's expected to comport himself with dignity and intelligence. Only a fucking idiot would run off at the mouth cancelling meetings for ZERO reason. Peña had a reason. We don't.

And no, we didn't say we'd leave NAFTA, but if the US leaves NAFTA, the treaty is NULL AND VOID.
Ok, no need to be aggressive, I didn't mean to offend. From what I read (and remember), Canada was willing to do a bilateral trade pact, which would not only hurt Mx, but the rest of the nations as well. Trade pacts should be done (I think) among several, like TPP or now the Chinese version of it.


Didn't want to open a new thread for this but GQ just posted this video asking Trump to resign.


This was good. And true.

Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???

"Fuck you I got mine."

It's very selfish people. They don't want to pay a little more in taxes to help others. And they also don't think long-term. When you get older, if you need assisted living, home care, etc, good fucking luck, unless you retire wealthy. With a universal plan, you would be able to retire and not have to worry about shit like that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Good. The only way to deal with this fucker is to simply refuse to work with him.


Who the hell is going to impeach him?

Even the GOP has their limits. And if there's one thing Trump is actually good at, it's treading all over things like "limits".

I'm not sure what that thing will be yet, but I hope it comes with video evidence.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???

A lot of people are taught about individual responsibility and the dream that you can be anything as long as you try hard enough. It's all bullshit of course, but it creates a mentality in the less critically-minded that any failing a person may encounter is due to lack of effort and laziness and any success is entirely due to hardwork and strong ability.

Of course, many of these people are completely hypocritical and often blame their own personal failings on others, but they are generally oblivious to this.

It's a sad state, but so many Americans just have zero concern or compassion for people they don't personally know.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Even the GOP has their limits. And if there's one thing Trump is actually good at, it's treading all over things like "limits".

I'm not sure what that thing will be yet, but I hope it comes with video evidence.

This is the first time in a long time they having everything they need to push their agenda. Why stop it?

Ploid 3.0

Is this why china is mad?
They going to lose loads in tourisim because everyone is going to see this wall.

Most expensive modern landmark useless for anything other than tourism. It won't keep people out even if it was possible to make it. There's so many easy ways to get past walls now.


Dear America why do you think health care is bad?
In Europe (Germany, Austria,..) it's such a normal thing and when we need something bigger we aren't broke a fucking lifetime.

But I guess building a wall is better spent money right? Right???

For many people, empathy barely extends beyond their line of sight.
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