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Trump picks anti-LGBT hate group to run domestic policy transition

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I'm not cheering for shit. I didn't vote for Trump, and I don't like the man and I don't think he's a good choice for president.

What "issues". I take it you're going to say something along the lines of racists being emboldened, and starting to just randomly kill members of minority groups?

Implying this isnt a thing that will happen?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I'm strongly considering donating every cent and then some of the taxes ill get back under trump to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.

this is sickening.


Trump ran for President to dodge his own lawsuits and reduce his own taxes.

He doesn't give a shit about the direction of the country.

All he cares about is his fucking money and his brand and that's all this was ever about.

Basically this. Trump didn't think he'd ever get this far. He even has no interest in really being President. That's why he'll just hand off everything to Pence.

We are so fucked.


This is shit and it will empower shitty people to be more visibly shitty and terrible things will happen to good people that don't deserve it and it sucks but I don't understand the absolute defeatist attitude. You can't regress progressive attitudes and the US can't lawfully force it without ending up with some kind of revolution on their hands. The cat is already out of the bag, guys. Keep the faith.
History has shown yes, you absolutely can.
I know, but the attitude of "this will be 4 and done" will do nothing but ensure it happens again. Hopefully everyone realizes they have to do more than just talk next time, as trusting others to vote him out in 4 is about as sure a thing as Hillary winning this election ended up being...

You were comparing people's reactions to a Trump presidency to right wingers reactions to an Obama presidency a minute ago, what changed


I'm not cheering for shit. I didn't vote for Trump, and I don't like the man and I don't think he's a good choice for president.

What "issues". I take it you're going to say something along the lines of racists being emboldened, and starting to just randomly kill members of minority groups?

The issues that the Republican party put out their most anti-LGBT platform out this year and this pick for domestic transitions signals that Trump will fall in line with Congress on that. Which means at minimum his SCOTUS picks will try to get rid of gay marriage if it comes up and will be fine with any bills that come by their desks that restrict it.

Furthermore Trump himself has mentioned striking down a law that punishes employees for discriminating against LGBT people.

But no, this thread is just rabid hyperbole.


Because threads like these fly directly against their economic anxiety bullshit.

No they don't. Thinking that some bloc of Trump's supporters voted for him due to economic anxiety is not at odds with the idea that Trump has run a campaign of hate that had emboldened Racists and will set back social progress a decade or more. To win next time we need to look at what issues were so important to a contingent of Trump voters thatthey were willing to look past the hate he was spewing (and yeah, being able to look past that at all requires some prejudice).

Acting like anyone trying to rationalize Trump's victory as more complex than unmitigated racism from 100% of his voting bloc is a secret Trump supporter is the opposite of what is needed right now.
But this makes you entertained right?

Glad you're entertained!!

Well not all of it. But I admit there are parts of his presidency that are kinda sorta ..... hilarious. His laughably thin skinned-ness. His narcissism. His twitter metldowns. etc etc It is pretty entertaining.

I mean, I suppose you dont see the humor when its your country going down the toilet but dont blame me for that, your people voted him in.
The attitude I've seen from Trump supporters is "Well if Trump REALLY does bad, the people will turn on him"
I fucking hate this. People with nothing to lose can say this so willy fucking nilly.


For you.
I'm not cheering for shit. I didn't vote for Trump, and I don't like the man and I don't think he's a good choice for president.

What "issues". I take it you're going to say something along the lines of racists being emboldened, and starting to just randomly kill members of minority groups?

Yeah i'm sure they'll just draw the line and just savage beatings and won't murder anyone. Of course. And no, it's not only the violent fuckwads that are the issue. The fucking policies of the upcoming administration will fuck up both the physical and mental health of LGBTQ people.

Mind you: that some of my friends will die because of these pieces of shit is more than a fear. It's a certainty. Some of my friends will die.
Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.
Well not all of it. But I admit there are parts of his presidency that are kinda sorta ..... hilarious. His laughably thin skinned-ness. His narcissism. His twitter metldowns. etc etc It is pretty entertaining.

I mean, I suppose you dont see the humor when its your country going down the toilet but dont blame me for that, your people voted him in.

I can sure as fuck blame you for wallowing in it.
Well not all of it. But I admit there are parts of his presidency that are kinda sorta ..... hilarious. His laughably thin skinned-ness. His narcissism. His twitter metldowns. etc etc It is pretty entertaining.

I mean, I suppose you dont see the humor when its your country going down the toilet but dont blame me for that, your people voted him in.
I mean I have said all of this feels like something in a satirical novel.

Best to find the humor in this thing we call life. Laughter is a good coping mechanism in the face of doom.


Elden Member
You were comparing people's reactions to a Trump presidency to right wingers reactions to an Obama presidency a minute ago, what changed

Because people are reacting that way?? I voted for Clinton, I'm very sad by this turn of events, it doesnt mean I cant point out how I'm seeing similar "not my president" reactions from the left as I did from the right in 2008. Doesnt mean they arent right, but also doesnt mean it shouldnt be pointed out.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
That's as close to consolation as we'll fucking see, isn't it? It's not TRUMP that's being so wretched, just the man who he's letting decide fucking everything!

Better not fuck over the blue states with this shit.

It's the new "It's all Cheney's fault."

I am not passing the buck from Trump on this, I just feel like this is Pence's influence.


I think one of the few "positive" things we can expect from this presidency is infrastructure spending.... everything else will go exactly as Trump has shown himself to be on the campaign trail. There are no secret pivots towards liberal ideals. The worst of the republicans are swarming, and Trump is picking them for his cabinet positions.


there is no hope that our ideals and rights would be protected. I would also strongly think Trump is doing all of this to spite America at this point


The attitude I've seen from Trump supporters is "Well if Trump REALLY does bad, the people will turn on him"
I fucking hate this. People with nothing to lose can say this so willy fucking nilly.

Honestly this doesn't hold any water after the disaster of a campaign he ran. If they didn't turn on him yet, what will it take? I don't see any reason he can't just lie his ass off about what happened during the last four years in 2020 and have half of the country lap it up.
This is shit and it will empower shitty people to be more visibly shitty and terrible things will happen to good people that don't deserve it and it sucks but I don't understand the absolute defeatist attitude. You can't regress progressive attitudes and the US can't lawfully force it without ending up with some kind of revolution on their hands. The cat is already out of the bag, guys. Keep the faith.
They fucking rolled back the god damn Voting Rights Act, you think they aren't coming for the gains LGBTs have made over Obama's time?


For you.
The attitude I've seen from Trump supporters is "Well if Trump REALLY does bad, the people will turn on him"
I fucking hate this. People with nothing to lose can say this so willy fucking nilly.
This is one of the worst things. The ammount of people saying "just wait and see if he actually does something, then you can conplain", is honestly fucking disturbing.


They fucking rolled back the god damn Voting Rights Act, you think they aren't coming for the gains LGBTs have made over Obama's time?

Oh but you see, we didn't need the VRA because racism is over.

It's not like states would go out of their way to make it harder for people to vote once the shackles are off.
We have a president that made fun of the disabled, said "grab them by the pussy", and whose defense of sexual assault was that she too ugly.

People were fine with that. We are fucked unless people admit they fucked up.
No they don't. Thinking that some bloc of Trump's supporters voted for him due to economic anxiety is not at odds with the idea that Trump has run a campaign of hate that had emboldened Racists and will set back social progress a decade or more. To win next time we need to look at what issues were so important to a contingent of Trump voters thatthey were willing to look past the hate he was spewing (and yeah, being able to look past that at all requires some prejudice).

Acting like anyone trying to rationalize Trump's victory as more complex than unmitigated racism from 100% of his voting bloc is a secret Trump supporter is the opposite of what is needed right now.

And anyone pretending that his base is 100% opposed to bigotry is deluded.

I know they're not all bigoted by are, by sheer fact of having voted for him, unconcerned with bigotry to the degree where they deemed vague promises of jobs and winning to be more important. People need to acknowledge that and stop shitting on minorities for doing so.


We are a Nation of Deplorables.
Outside a bit over a quarter of the electorate who voted for or were forcibly prevented from voting for Hillary Clinton, yes.

Everyone else made this nightmare happen. Whether through voting or inaction.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Example of something. IIRC, the Texas GOP had put some of the most blatant language into their official party agenda regarding LGBT persons, even by GOP standards. Language to the effect that party members were to de-legitimize LGBT persons and relationships at every opportunity. Reinforce the view that being gay is not a real thing, rather it is a socially corrosive deviant behavior.

This is an example of culture war agenda that has come to represent 100% core GOP values. Since they became this extreme, ANY subsequent republican president was going to present the GOP with their opportunity. So it should be no surprise they're taking it. All indications are that their likely goal will be to enshrine their genuine anti-LGBT crusade in federal law as much as they can, designed to last.

How well they succeed in the window given to them depends in large part on how long the supreme court can hold out. But make no mistake, this isn't an overreaction. It is the harsh truth the LGBT community has been staring at for years as the GOP and radical social conservatives become more crazed with hatred and panic.

LGBT folk know they're about to fall under constant attack from even possible avenue and angle.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Mind you: that some of my friends will die because of these pieces of shit is more than a fear. It's a certainty. Some of my friends will die.

I agree with everything you're saying, and your overall point, but this isn't true. Unless I'm misunderstanding your definition of friends, and you're including all LGBTQ+ people.
Because people are reacting that way?? I voted for Clinton, I'm very sad by this turn of events, it doesnt mean I cant point out how I'm seeing similar "not my president" reactions from the left as I did from the right in 2008. Doesnt mean they arent right, but also doesnt mean it shouldnt be pointed out.

What good does pointing it out do then? You know it exists and is justified, unlike much of what Obama detractors spewed. So why even point it out? Pointing it out adds nothing and only serves to give worthless talking points to people who think Trump isnt that bad.
Because people are reacting that way?? I voted for Clinton, I'm very sad by this turn of events, it doesnt mean I cant point out how I'm seeing similar "not my president" reactions from the left as I did from the right in 2008. Doesnt mean they arent right, but also doesnt mean it shouldnt be pointed out.

Those right wingers were reacting to bogeymen they created for themselves. People now are reacting to campaign promises and policy moving into place.

How can you even be in this thread when you seem to feel this way about the minorities affected by this?


Reminds me of the gay kid who worked for Trump because he thought Trump was pro-gay and when Trump started saying anti-gay things he thought it was just because he wanted to rile up homophobes, I wonder what he's thinking right now.

Story was done in This American Life, if anyone is interested in hearing it.

People are stupid and often fight against their self-interest and we've known that forever. I feel like rarely does it set in for some.


I think one of the few "positive" things we can expect from this presidency is infrastructure spending.... everything else will go exactly as Trump has shown himself to be on the campaign trail. There are no secret pivots towards liberal ideals. The worst of the republicans are swarming, and Trump is picking them for his cabinet positions.
I really don't see the house passing a serious infrastructure spending bill.
I can sure as fuck blame you for wallowing in it.

Wallowing is a bit harsh. FWIW I do sympathize with you guys and if I could, I would have voted against him. But it would be pretty dishonest of me to say that I followed this US election because of my interest in foreign politics. It was just rubbernecking at the dumpster fire (which your country voted to bring inside the house).

As an outsider looking in, it is fascinating. And it is entertaining. And some times its pretty hilarious. That doesnt mean I think its a good thing or it should continue to happen. But it is what it is.
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