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Lizard Squad member convicted for Christmas attacks on PSN, Xbox Live


I microwave steaks.
I find the "he's just a minor" argument a bit weak. Yes he's only 17, but that's old enough to know right from wrong, surely.

No, you don't understand. within 1 year he would have developed his adult brain that will be able to distinguish what is right and wrong. 17 year olds are just kids. Trust me, i'm an expert.


Had he swatted someone I'd want the penalty to be harsher. This is ok I guess but hopefully they start adding some sort of fine to these things as well.


Wow, some reactions here. It's not like the kid killed twenty people. A huge fine would have been better tough, that serves better towards the damages he inflicted.


My concern is that a suspended sentence may not be effective as a deterrent, particularly given his age of 17. I'd have preferred that he be given some other non-custodial sentence such as community service (in addition to having to speak out against cyber-crime).
He should spend some time in a prison, even if it's a cushy Finnish prison. Just putting him on probation (kinda) with nothing besides a vague order to "fight against cyber crime" isn't going to fix anything no matter what country you're in. I imagine you actually have to go to a Finnish prison to receive the rehabilitation they're so good at giving.


That is some serious bawls, man. Damn kid should have gotten 2 years prison at a minimum, none of this suspended sentence bollocks.


No, you don't understand. within 1 year he would have developed his adult brain that will be able to distinguish what is right and wrong. 17 year olds are just kids. Trust me, i'm an expert.

Don't be full of shit mate, nobody is saying that.


never left the stone age
Nice strawman. Now you just need a Tin Man and a Lion for the matching set.

Show me where any of what you said was reflected in what I said.

I'm saying that the amount of harm caused to the victims should very much be considered in sentencing criminals or your system of justice can hardly be considered equitable or fair.
That's what 'just' means, y'know?

Did I misunderstand your post? I read it as "It's more important for the victims to get retribution above all else". Sorry if I misinterpreted your intent.


People saying the punishment is too weak just goes to show that the majority of people in society see justice as a tool for revenge, not as a tool for reforming criminals to make them better members of society.


A slap on the wrist for cybercrime isn't a deterrent for further criminal behavior, it's a joke.

Deterrence blatantly doesn't work, risk takers rarely if ever take risks thinking about the consequences, and the difference between 10 years and 40 years jail is irrelevant to them at the time they commit the crime. It's probably the worst justification for stricter sentences out there. The entire legal profession is heavily in favour of lighter sentences from top to bottom because they see how much good locking someone up is doing, jack all.


People saying the punishment is too weak just goes to show that the majority of people in society see justice as a tool for revenge, not as a tool for reforming criminals to make them better members of society.

A better punishment would be having him personally pay all those he affected for their time he wasted.

Even me. I'll settle for $20 an hour.


He swatted at least one person. He should be in hard jail doing hard time. Swatting is really serious. It should be considered attempted murder or something along those lines.

In Europe we don't send people to die in prison for internet crimes.

Swatting isn't some innocuous internet mischief to be filed under 'boys will be boys'. It's really serious, it's really violating, and it could really get someone killed. If you swat someone, you should do hard time.
was “ordered to fight against cybercrime,”
Can someone clarify this? Sounds like something you could put on resume to get a job with big paycheck here ie."assisted fbi to track down crime" or something.


He's probably ratting out the rest of his reptilian friends, thus a mild sentence. He is a terrorist nonetheless, those SWAT raids are no joke and should be punished accordingly. Kind of sad that some Europeans here aren't taking death threats in the gaming community all that seriously.


People saying the punishment is too weak just goes to show that the majority of people in society see justice as a tool for revenge, not as a tool for reforming criminals to make them better members of society.

I don't know. Like I see where people are coming from with justice being about rehabilitation and not revenge. I agree. But this guy is not even serving any jail time.

The fact that people are defending this and saying he got enough punishment, it just seems insane. It's easy to trivialize that he "ruined people Xmas cuz he took down stupid video games"....but really, these guys were having a major impact on economies by bringing things to a halt. Even if it's just entertainment services, they are disrupting worldwide services which impacts a market.

It seems insane that it's okay to do that, show no remorse, and then get less than a slap on the wrist. Seems crazy.

Velcro Fly

Dude was responsible for SWATting people

Like how in the fuck does he get zero jail time and people are okay with that. Someone could have been killed over dumb bullshit this kid did for lulz. A few months in jail would have matured him very quick methinks.


He kept us from playing our toys on Christmas morning!

He swatted someone at least once... Did you read the article? How would you feel if cops busted in your door and pointed guns at you and screamed in your face? Would you be cool with the guy who did it getting no real punishment? Yes?


He will end like the guy of "Catch me if you can" movie , working for the goverment and earning millions...


I don't know. Like I see where people are coming from with justice being about rehabilitation and not revenge. I agree. But this guy is not even serving any jail time.

The fact that people are defending this and saying he got enough punishment, it just seems insane. It's easy to trivialize that he "ruined people Xmas cuz he took down stupid video games"....but really, these guys were having a major impact on economies by bringing things to a halt. Even if it's just entertainment services, they are disrupting worldwide services which impacts a market.

It seems insane that it's okay to do that, show no remorse, and then get less than a slap on the wrist. Seems crazy.

He's a minor.

Showing remorse is useless. What matters is real rehabilitation and lowering recidivism and it seems Finland knows what its doing by the stats.


He swatted someone at least once... Did you read the article? How would you feel if cops busted in your door and pointed guns at you and screamed in your face? Would you be cool with the guy who did it getting no real punishment? Yes?
Yeah. That's fucked up. You also have to weigh that against the fact that he is a kid.


He's a minor.

Showing remorse is useless. What matters is real rehabilitation and lowering recidivism and it seems Finland knows what its doing by the stats.

So, why should he not do it again?

I'm not calling for the death penalty or life in prison. Just seems insane to not serve any jail time, or have any repercussions at all. So I'm wondering what they are doing to rehabilitate him?


People saying the punishment is too weak just goes to show that the majority of people in society see justice as a tool for revenge, not as a tool for reforming criminals to make them better members of society.

Do you honestly thing this punishment is going to do that for this kid? 2 years without his toys?
Deterrence blatantly doesn't work, risk takers rarely if ever take risks thinking about the consequences, and the difference between 10 years and 40 years jail is irrelevant to them at the time they commit the crime. It's probably the worst justification for stricter sentences out there. The entire legal profession is heavily in favour of lighter sentences from top to bottom because they see how much good locking someone up is doing, jack all.

Wrong. Just wrong.
Deterrence won't work against some people for sure.
It broadly works though. If it didn't people would just go around doing what ever they wanted all the time.

Put a visible speed camera on a road and some people probably will chance it.
Most people won't. It works less if there is a very small chance of detection, is that what you're thinking of?

Velcro Fly

On top of that does two years probation really deter anyone else from doing shit like this? SWAT someone it's no big deal right only a couple years probation after I cop a plea.

Should have been at least 90 days in jail.
1 year prison. 1 year rehabilitation when he comes out

Punishment then? I don't think you understand what they're trying to achieve. Their way works. Yours does not. Wanting him to be in prison does nothing but temporarily sate your own desire to see him hurt in some fashion.


Punishment then? I don't think you understand what they're trying to achieve. Their way works. Yours does not. Wanting him to be in prison does nothing but temporarily sate your own desire to see him hurt in some fashion.

oh, so you're an expert now? please enlighten me.


video games are serious business lol.

When something like this potentially causes millions of dollars in losses for the companies targeted, yeah. It kind of IS a serious business. Not sure how that isn't obvious.

In the end, all he did was inconvenience some gamers. Lets not go nuts. Having said that, the punishment should have been something that would actually deter him from becoming a recidivist.

A fine that would take him years and years to pay would hurt him more. Especially at 17. 30K fine would have stung.

Again, he didn't just "inconvenience some gamers." And if he really did "SWAT" someone, he put someones life at risk too.

First offense.

Not every country has a vengeance based justice system like the US, which empowers gang activity and disenfranchises citizens after getting out.

He wouldn't be going to a US prison. He'd be going to a Finish prision. AKA a hotel.


Modesty becomes a woman
People who make it their goal in life to make the lives of others more difficult deserve to be locked away. We're in this together. Don't be a twat.

Just wish the sentence were harsher.

He made it so people couldn't play video games for a few hours.

Wait, he made it so people couldn't play video games online for a few hours. Totally making lives hard. Somebody could make an error and do more damage.

By this reasoning, Verizon should be in jail because they throttle Netflix traffic. It's not exactly life-disrupting.


should have killed the kid and displayed his corpse for all to see.

Agreed I miss the good ol' days of public hangings. The times got soft. Instead of physical torture it's all mental now.

In order to send a message it has to be a strong display of it.
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