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CBS' 'Supergirl' casting for Superman. Seriously.

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There is a good chance it wont. I think I remember someone from CBS saying they want it to be its own thing.

They basically said "We'll see if the show is good first".

Which is the best approach. No need for cross overs before we know if the show can stand on its feet. Even then I doubt it will cross over very often.

I don't think every super hero needs their own spin off from Arrow or should be connected to CW. I liked how Flash handled Firestorm and I prefer periodic appearances then a flood of DC shows across different networks with some loose association.


Superman was always going to be an issue. You can't ignore him. Addressing him from the start is the way to go. He doesn't have to appear on screen directly. Just acknowledge that he exist in this world. He can't be everywhere and should trust that Supergirl will keep the city she's in safe even if she's inexperienced. Reason being that's how he learned when he was younger. Having him from a distance early one gives them freedom to decide if they want him to appear fully at some point.

After the first season and it's established this is Supergirl's show and she's THE hero of it you could then maybe fully cast him and have him appear once in a while on screen with dialogue.

I'm also glad this is going to be separate from the Arrow/Flash universe now. I like those shows but I think CBS is capable of doing a LOT more then The CW could budget wise and to have it tied down by the Arrow/Flash universe would be a bad idea if this ends up being good.
It's not canon anymore, Val Zod and Kara interacted on Earth 2 when they were infants, previously minorities were segregated on an island in the golden age I think.

Either way Kryptonians are (were) kind of dicks, they made clones that they treated as organ donors and less than human.

edit: Wikipedia article, not really forced to be segregated but still extremely awkward.


It's not canon anymore, Val Zod and Kara interacted on Earth 2 when they were infants, previously they were segregated.

Either way Kryptonians are (were) kind of dicks, they made clones that they treated as organ donors and less than human.

I like when Superman interacts with old school kryptionians and is sicken by them.Only people worse than them are Daxamites The New Kryption arc was great for that.


They cast superman, you can kiss that shared dc universe goodbye. No way do they care about arrow or the flash if the universe has superman flying around the globe.


Missed this thread.


Because we were talking about the Smallville actor coming to this show as a joke, and he started on The WB which is what The CW was called before. I was making a joke that for all CW shows - and WB shows when it was still called that - they seem to get young adults that look way too old for teenage roles and are always pouting. Just look at the cast of Roswell :p I am aware The CW is not CBS, that wasn't the point of my comment.

It's not a very complicated conversation we're having here, not a lot of tendrils ;)

Your comment made it very much look like you thought this show was on The CW and not CBS. If you were just commenting on The WB's hiring practices from 15 years ago then it makes sense but it was a very outdated joke.


I'm not sure why you guys are up in arms about casting for a 'Blurry Superman'. I mean, even Flash referenced Wayne Industries.


We don't even know in what context Superman will appear, so please, calm down.

DC are showing great work with Flash and Arrow, so I don't really doubt Supergirl will be good.


We don't even know in what context Superman will appear, so please, calm down.

DC are showing great work with Flash and Arrow, so I don't really doubt Supergirl will be good.

What? It would probably be her nerdy reporter boyfriend that she hides her true identify from while he also hides his from her until the mid season finale where they cross paths fighting the bad guys. He comes home later to their trendy apartment and find that she is sitting on the couch awkwardly eating ice cream to avoid conversation. He sits down and exclaims that they need to talk. While setting the carton of ice cream on the coffee table she agrees. They talk, she professes her frustration and he does his concern. At this point they have an epiphany, they profess their love for each other, radioactive plays in the background as they passionately kiss only to crumple to the floor in agony as Lex Luthor enters the apartment holding kryptonite.


Great, now the nerd shit of another hero not showing up to quickly solve the crisis is gonna infect this one too. DURRR WHERE THOR AT?
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