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Cecil the lion's brother, Jericho, is alive and well

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NO! Not Jericho too!!

We are truly living in the end times, people.


If this would happen in a movie I would be pissed because it would be such an obvious, unrealistic tearjerker that could never happen in real life because NO ONE would ever be so fucking stupid, right?

Jesus Christ.
Just to be clear i don't have anything against controlled and legal hunting. It is part of our history and life. But this is something else and in a way worse than committing murder.

Worse than murder? Would you be confident to say this poaching incident is worse than, let's say, Trayvon Martin's murder?


I find some of the calls for heinous deaths in this thread to be far more terrifying and saddening than Jericho's death.


You guys know that that poacher kill rhinos even though they had their horns removed? it's to tell the rangers that it doesn't matter if they have horns or not. "we kill them anyway."

kind of feel like this is similar to that. like a fuck you to all the people in the west that are outraged by what happened.

kind of sucks to be that helpless. especially if you see where all of this is eventually going to lead to..


What? How is it worst?

There is very little lions left in the world, they can't defend them self, they never did something to deserve being killed, if you know all of that and still go and kill them i don't know what to say. And i said in a way not literally.

So is Slavery. What point are you trying to make? Tradition is OKAY?

Hunting was used to survive, slavery is used only for bad things that could be avoided. So no i don;t think that slavery is good or tradition. It is unfortunate and sad part of history.


The Birthday Skeleton
I read the last thread and there's more anger and distress there than in the threads where innocent people are murdered by American police. Poaching sucks but this anger lacks perspective and scale, I think.

Again this shit. People can be angered about more than one thing. We really have this capacity. Our brain is not that limited to not be able to care about only one thing.

But this kind of attitude doesn't help anybody really. Because tragedy is not a competition.
You've got to be kidding me. This had to be done on purpose, right? They just need to stop letting people hunt lions over there. Period.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Look, the poachers should be brought to justice, but the reaction to this situation has gone off the rails. Fuck, people in here are calling for public square executions. Get some perspective for crying out loud. Maybe start caring about the poverty stricken people in Zimbabwe that are dying of AIDS? Or maybe the extreme corruption of the government which is preventing the country from prospering?


Again this shit. People can be angered about more than one thing. We really have this capacity. Our brain is not that limited to not be able to care about only one thing.

But this kind of attitude doesn't help anybody really. Because tragedy is not a competition.

I don't think some people get this.
I find some of the calls for heinous deaths in this thread to be far more terrifying and saddening than Jericho's death.

They do take it too far and are pretty stupid, but poachers definitely deserve to be punished.

I mean, killing an animal you don't plan on eating or isn't attacking people unprovoked is a pretty big douche move. Except spiders. Fuck spiders.
Look, the poachers should be brought to justice, but the reaction to this situation has gone off the rails. Fuck, people in here are calling for public square executions. Get some perspective for crying out loud. Maybe start caring about the poverty stricken people in Zimbabwe that are dying of AIDS? Or maybe the extreme corruption of the government which is preventing the country from prospering?

Actually I'm pretty sure everyone here cares about these issues as much as you do.


Just to be clear i don't have anything against controlled and legal hunting. It is part of our history and life. But this is something else and in a way worse than committing murder.

How is illegally killing an animal worse than killing a person?


This is good news. If they illegally killed any other lion, as they regularly do, no one would care. The fact that they killed the brother of the lion that everyone is freaking out about makes it obvious to anyone that there is a problem. Hopefully something will be done during this 15 minutes of fame.
You've got to be kidding me. Who the hell wants to kill a lion?

Though admittedly, my wife just said, "Is there a big up...roar over this one too?"and I laughed.


The Birthday Skeleton
Look, the poachers should be brought to justice, but the reaction to this situation has gone off the rails. Fuck, people in here are calling for public square executions. Get some perspective for crying out loud. Maybe start caring about the poverty stricken people in Zimbabwe that are dying of AIDS? Or maybe the extreme corruption of the government which is preventing the country from prospering?

Or maybe everybody is free to care about what the hell she or he wants? And maybe the feelings are not subject of a competition and should not be imposed from outside based on others' preferences?


Look, the poachers should be brought to justice, but the reaction to this situation has gone off the rails. Fuck, people in here are calling for public square executions. Get some perspective for crying out loud. Maybe start caring about the poverty stricken people in Zimbabwe that are dying of AIDS? Or maybe the extreme corruption of the government which is preventing the country from prospering?

It's the internet some people will go over the top. But how do you know those people don't care about people in Zimbabwe dying of aids or how poor most are? As said before people can care about more then one thing?


This is good news. If they illegally killed any other lion, as they regularly do, no one would care. The fact that they killed the brother of the lion that everyone is freaking out about makes it obvious to anyone that there is a problem. Hopefully something will be done during this 15 minutes of fame.

Or no one would know as it probably wouldn't be in the news. People can only react to what they see or hear. To me I see this being news as a good thing. It brings to light something we need to stop before it is too late (even tho it probably is too late already).
Or maybe everybody is free to care about what the hell she or he wants? And maybe the feelings are not subject of a competition and should not be imposed from outside based on others' preferences?

Or maybe people are looking for easy bullshit answers instead of actually looking at the difficult truth.


Look, the poachers should be brought to justice, but the reaction to this situation has gone off the rails. Fuck, people in here are calling for public square executions. Get some perspective for crying out loud. Maybe start caring about the poverty stricken people in Zimbabwe that are dying of AIDS? Or maybe the extreme corruption of the government which is preventing the country from prospering?

In my personal case i was commenting on this particular situation. There is many wrong things in this world even in most developed countries. I understand and get all of that and i agree that those problems need attention.

Also i am very peaceful guy and i hate violence but these kind of news hit me really hard because they did it knowing what they are doing.
It's the internet some people will go over the top. But how do you know those people don't care about people in Zimbabwe dying of aids or how poor most are? As said before people can care about more then one thing?

Not trying to be a douche, but I bet the vast majority of individuals raging over this stuff couldn't find Zimbabwe on a map to save a lion's life.

No one 'cared' about Ebola until it was on Fox and in America. Same shit, different story.


Fuck these people. Don't they realize they aren't just killing the lion, but also the cubs too? I want some laws in place that any american citizens killing these animals can be prosecuted. It's disgusting.
These poaching incidence are creating more outrage than anything else. It shows a lack of perspective.

No it doesn't. It's showing people are angry at this AND angry at other things. Threads about black guys being wrongly killed by American police are 3 times the size of these threads.


The Birthday Skeleton
Or maybe people are looking for easy bullshit answers instead of actually looking at the difficult truth.

Or maybe somebody doesn't understand how a forum works and what a topic is and how the habit is usually to comment on the said topic.

You can always make a thread to enlighten people in regards with the difficult truth.


Not trying to be a douche, but I bet the vast majority of individuals raging over this stuff couldn't find Zimbabwe on a map to save a lion's life.

No one 'cared' about Ebola until it was on Fox and in America. Same shit, different story.

I blame the media more then I blame the general public. They are just out for the hits, as soon as the ebola outbreak got old they moved on. This then leads to the a lot of the general public thinking all is well or simply forgetting about it. People have to remember not every one has the time to browse the net every day to see what is happening. If it wasn't for GAF I wouldn't have heard hardly anything about the recent shootings in America and many other things.
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