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Holy fuck GAF I just saw a decapitated head after a motorcycle crash

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Those hand railings on the sides of the tunnel are notorious for killing cyclists and passengers/drivers who come out of their vehicles in an accident. No joke but they've been dubbed "ginsu guardrails." That may have played a part.
This is why I stop riding motorcyles.
You crash into something/somebody. You get hurt.
Somebody crashed on you, you get hurt.
Even if you're very careful you can't expect from the others to do the same.


Motorcycles are fucked up. I respect people who ride them, but I could never do it.

Even if you're the best rider in the world there are too many dumbassses driving cars
When I was taught to ride I was told to assume that no cars can see me. So I leave plenty of space and im very careful when passing or splitting through traffic. In 5 yrs I've only had once close call and that was while riding in another country.

I actually feel like im much less likely to have an accident on my bike as you fully focus on the road ahead. When in a car there are lots of disactions like the radio, air-con, you might only have one hand on wheel, or be chatting with passengers, but definitely not as focused on the road.


I can't imagine seeing something like this, and if I was in your situation I would have saved myself by looking away. I have a hard time with the littlest amount of blood.


Seeing people making jokes at this to boost their internet status, God damn it makes me so fucking tired of humanity.

Talk to someone about it as soon as you can op. Shit like this in real life can hit you harder than you first think.
I feel like a of people here tend to resort to comedy when faced with tradegy. I don't know if thats a good thing.
In instances like this its more likely people are trying to get a cheap laugh or be the first one to troll. Also most if not all arent exactly facing a tragedy here. Unless some people have dealt with a similar loss mostly we are just regular people reading about a tragic story and it looks really gross when people are joking about a tragedy they cant understand how it will affect others.


Holy shit that sounds scary :S Feel sorry for the victims.

I mean shit I can't handle seeing a cat who is about to die after getting hit by a car....


Do your best to forget it OP. That's the best advise anyone could really give. It's a difficult thing to digest.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I watched someone being a dumbass on a motorcycle and sustaining fatal injuries in an accident that he caused. Decapitation would have been a blessing for him considering how much he must have suffered.


I've heard train conductors announce "please don't look out the windows" when they kill somebody. Probably wise to listen to them.


Never happened to me and I hope it ever will. I once talked with someone who got to go to an accident like that. The guy's head got somehow got stuck in a truck or between two trucks(Don't know exactly). Motorcycle went on with >120km/h and ripped the guys head off. Motorcycle went on for a bit with the body on it.

Hearing that story horrified me so I'll never ever want to ride a motorcycle.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
we saw a motorcycle guy crash and fail to be saved by cpr outside out office the other day :(


at last, for christ's sake
yeah, it's horrific. One of my friends' uncle once crashed his motorcycle on the side of a lorry at insane speed, he had broken almost every bone in his body, I was there when they were picking him up and he looked like a dummy, limbs bobbing like they were made of air, awful


I've seen worse, but from a distance. I saw the remains of a vicious wreck coming away from the nearby Naval base, a car turned over and skid many feet, I guess maybe 200 or so? There was gore spread in a huge path with bits of offal strung about. Apparently the guy came barrelling down the road and wrecked, his seat belt didn't function right and he ended getting halfway ejected out of his window but still held in, so he was ripped to shreds.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
This happened to a friend of mine, except he was cut in half at his waist. Motorcycles are dangerous as shit.
I work at a motorcycle dealer and unfortunately people getting hurt on the road happens.

I think the one that got me fucked up the most was this young customer. He was younger than me and really friendly, we sold him a Yamaha R6 and he took the time to meet most of the sales staff as well as the general manager. The kid worked as an exterminator, and we were actually in need of one so he helped us out with that. A month later, I come to work and my boss has a real upset look. It wasn't my business but I sit in an office for hours with this guy so I asked what was wrong and he told me that the kid died on the road in the morning. The customer crashed into the back of a bus at a high speed. It hurt me because the guy was so nice and I actually made small talk with this guy many times only for him to pass away.

Be careful out there. Wear a helmet and don't do crazy shit if you're riding with a bike club.
every motorcycle on my daily commute is going about 20mph faster then traffic.
they're reckless as heck. a few weeks ago i had a guy pass me on the shoulder going about 100mph.


Can't unsee. Years and years ago I was clicking around 911 documentation and saw some really upsetting remains. I was disturbed for quite some time and have made a point of taking all measures to avoid that sort of thing.


That's what i tell people about buying a motorcycle.. it's a ton of fun but only do it if you can deal with dying at any second. A rabbit or a small stone is enough. Old people behind wheels are enough.

Oh and don't think you're fine on a scooter. They are worse. Way worse.

Why would scooters be worse? On American roads you mean?
That's really shitty. I feel for their families, but at least the dude didn't suffer at all.
I don't know how I'd react if I was around when a person died in my presence. I've held disembodied heads, hands and such before. And I've examined cadavers, but I'm not sure about a person who just died around me...


Damn you'll probably never forget that image.

I saw a homeless man get hit by a car crossing a highway once. Was asking us for change a minute earlier. He got tossed like 20 feet.


I saw a really bad motorcycle accident in Florida once where the helmet of the driver was something like 100 yards away from the crash and filled with red chunks

That instantly quelled all my desires to ever touch a motorcycle :\


I've taken care of my fair share of motorcycle accident victims this summer alone, have had a couple TBI patients and one guy who is paralyzed from the waist down after he wrecked on the way to a charity drive for a local child with cancer.

Came in to offer support, saw the people already banned for making some fairly tasteless jokes. Really people, before coming it to drop what you think is a 'witty' comment: is this really the hill you want to die on?


I saw a really bad motorcycle accident in Florida once where the helmet of the driver was something like 100 yards away from the crash and filled with red chunks

That instantly quelled all my desires to ever touch a motorcycle :\

When I was a teenager I had to go to some driving safety seminar following getting a ticket for doing 44 mph in a 20 as I was leaving school (cop sits at the bottom of a steep hill where you basically couldn't NOT speed without riding the brakes).

The seminar largely revolved around showing gory pictures of accidents, at least, that's how I remember it. The one that stuck with me was one of a guy who got his face basically shaved off in a motorcycle accident. Since hten any flirtation I've ever had with the idea of riding a motorcycle is instantly quashed by memories of shaved face guy.


That's terrifying and horrible accidents are the main reason I'm too scared to get on a motorcycle. Unfortunately it can happen in cars too. When my wife worked in the ER there was a head on collision where one car basically ramped up the other car and the driver of the car that got ramped was decapitated by the bumper of the car on top. The driver who survived was obviously shaken pretty bad. I couldn't even imagine being apart of something like that. So sad :(


thats why I don't like motorcycles, in the rare eventuallity of a trafic accident your body will usually takes all the hit. I once saw a creepy accident in a road going up a small hill it seems a dude in a motorcycle crashed with a car and fell hard, you could see a huge trail of blood going downhill for like 10 meters
Worst I have seen was a it get slit in the neck in a pool of blood, truly awful.

I had a friend who worked on a meat wagon. He said most people last like a month coz you see some gruesome shit.
I've always wanted to get a bike. I'm a pretty cautious driver, never been in an accident but I'm more worried about other drivers than myself. All my friends that have bikes have crashed them at least once, thankfully none of them were seriously injured. I'm really on the fence about getting one.

I saw a motorcycle accident when I was like 12 years old where a girl died and I still think about it sometimes. That shit stays with you. Sorry you had to see that OP.



If it makes you feel any better, was probably super quick.

Give it a week and you'll barely think about it. First time you see a dead body impacts you, but your brain will file it in the correct spot in a few days and life will carry on.
Why would you think somebody who is reeling from seeing a decapitated head would benefit from a cheesy Austin Powers joke about decapitation?
If I had just seen that I would really appreciate a joke. I found his joke entertaining. Some people are different and need humor to get through things.


I always wonder how I will react in such situations but every time I manage to pull myself back and rationalize that it's not a scene I would want to remember for life.
I love all things motorcycles, and would love to recommend them to anyone with with some caveats. If you are a reckless (usually young, inexperienced, and dumb), stay the hell away. We motorcyclists have a hard enough time with what we love thanks to all the 'stuntahz' on public roads. If you don't think you can control yourself on a bike, then please move on. Understand that if you choose to ride, you WILL crash. Period.

The gentleman who lost his head in the accident almost certainly knew what can happen on a motorcycle. All responsible riders do, and it's a risk we are willing to take. Some us ride in different areas, different ways, and on different roads to mitigate risk, but mitigating risk is the best we can do. I personally like to do most of my riding on my sportbike setup for the track. With traffic getting more congested, and people unable to put a fucking phone down, riding in the city has become something I do less of anymore.

I'm sorry you saw what you did, but know that despite the rider's horrible death, the risk was likely something they accepted and understood when they hopped on the bike and turned the key.


Was on my way to Hoboken once and unfortunately saw a scene prior to the police/EMTs arriving where somebody must have fell off their bike. Saw the bike, then the body down the road and finally his friends further down stunned. It's engraved in my mind and reminds me how dangerous bikes can be even when being safe. Sorry you had to experience that, OP. Be careful out there, everyone.
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