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Mirror's Edge: Catalyst Closed Beta Thread | Didn't Get An Email? Keep Faith


I just got out and about and have a map, so the intro is complete and I am able to run around the city now.
Initial impressions:

-The Up and Down Action buttons remind me of the simplification of the Assassin's Creed series and how much I did not like them removing actions and buttons in favor of 'do-all' buttons.
But the Up/Down action system was the entire basis of ME1's controls.


I didn't mention it in my shitty "Early Impressions" list but I am digging the music and ambiance so far. It definintly fits.

Also just got into the top 4% for the Birdman run and made a clip. I got hung up on one little ledge for half a second but can't seem to do better in subsequent runs, so I'll let my 31:70 time stand for the moment and try some more stuff out. Wish I had the roll unlocked right now though instead of just having to do a Down Action scramble land before hitting after a deep jump (assuming the roll would shave off time and be quicker, which is indeed what I am assuming).

So I don't know. This was an insta-buy as soon as it was announced. I'm coming around on the open-world city but I still prefer the aesthetics of the ME1 city. I'm unsure how I feel about controls at the moment because my instant thought is 'I prefer the non-streamlined ME1 controls' but then I realized that it has been so long since I played ME1 that I cannot really remember what exactly functioned differently. I think there was more timing involved rather than holding the buttons but I'll need to play to be sure. Good thing it appears to be on the Backwards Compatible list; I'll dig up my X360 copy and have at it soon.

I'm bummed that it is still so many weeks until release though. I wish I could just play the beta until release rather than only play it for a couple days.

But the Up/Down action system was the entire basis of ME1's controls.
Sorry, didn't see this while typing the above post but I addressed it above. I said that about the controls but then realized that I don't quite remember the ME controls, so I'll replay it very soon. I know that there was Up and Down but I feel like before there was more timing with things like vaults instead of "Hold the up button to hop this rail' leap off it, into a wallride." I may be completely wrong though.

EDIT: Just got the roll and only knocked my time down to 00:30::77, an improvement of 00.47seconds and putting me into the top 2%. I'd love to see the route that the guy with 00:24:48 took.
Anyone else notice a few of the npc's standing around on rooftops with glowing green eyes? When I go up to them it goes away. Is this a glitch or a story spoiler?
There's a lot more fun to the combat than I expected. It's at its worst when they just dump you in an arena with a bunch of dudes spawning, but when they just throw a couple of dudes in your path while you're already at speed you can do some really neat stuff with very simple control inputs. Heavy attacks off walls or high jumps do big damage, and transitioning a wallrun into a kick is just so much fun. I had one moment where I was getting hammered, so I ran away, straight up a wall, quick-turned, jumped off and came down with a flying kick and I felt like Jackie Chan :p
Hey, I just realized... I've played for about two and a half hours total now and I haven't seen a single third person takedown.

Is there something wrong—or, well, abnormally right—with my game?

Jedi Otter

So is there some sort of speed boost you get when coiling? Every race echo I see, people are just coiling all over the place.
Hope that's adjusted for the final game so that it becomes less of a meta of who can coil better to who can execute a run better.


Just missed a jump, fell to my death, and the beta crashed and kicked me back to the dashboard. Not complaining, since I know it is a beta and not even the most-recent build. Just haven't seen many people talk about crashes so far.
One thing I would like to see in the main game is an option to toggle the map to where it always is oriented a single direction or always pointing north or something. I set a waypoint and then kept checking my map to see how close I was to it. I kept wondering why the map was changing every time and then realized that it was rotated to different directions every time. Give me a solid north on it that is always at the top.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So is there some sort of speed boost you get when coiling? Every race echo I see, people are just coiling all over the place.
Hope that's adjusted for the final game so that it becomes less of a meta of who can coil better to who can execute a run better.

Yes, like the first one coiling while jumping will give you a speed boost. Some folks on reddit (and me, granted) aren't pleased with this and hope DICE fix this "exploit" before launch.

Now someone needs to find a high-place with a wallrun and kick-turn glitch to see if that gives you no fall damage as well. :/


What is with the massive deadzone in the PS4 controls? Xbone version doesn't have it. Besides that, lackluster graphics, and framerate stutters, I'm quite enjoying it.


lol still cant believe how ME1 on pc looks insane... this game just doesnt...

how can an 8 year old game look better.


Yeah, the original definitely had a strong atmosphere like that. It was a more paranoid, locked down society. I loved the flavor text in that elevator -- "Does your child have an interest in the color red? They may be a runner."

This is also true, to an extent. This time, Magnus had to compose more sort of... ambient music that didn't get in the way? Because it's got to play for hours and hours and hours. Whereas in the original, because it was so confined to singular levels, he could let loose with mood in a big burst. Or at least it feels that way. Now, we haven't heard all of it, so there may be some new legendary tracks still on the way, but so far the music's been pretty good. And I couldn't imagine Mirror's Edge without him, even if the focus is different.

p.s. I miss Still Alive, even if the game isn't about saving Faith's sister anymore.
yeah i just want an OST pleeease...!
Currently playing the beta for the first time on xb1, and man I really hope it's just the beta because the graphics are really rough. Besides that I like the game, the gameplay seems fine to me thus far.


Anyone trying this with a steam controller?

Have to make a full kb/m config because it doesn't allow both gamepad and kb inputs. Once figure that out it's pretty good. Kinda annoying to do because it doesn't have a keymapping option to look at.


Playing on PC and mostly getting 60-80fps on 1440p maxed out. Don't notice any real instances of stutter, but I'm only a few minutes in. Will report my performance later on, but so far so good on my end.


I've been too busy playing to post, but some thoughts so far:

  • Origin is annoying.
  • The moment when you reach the city and the music kicks in was awesome.
  • I'm actually kind of in love with the movement. A lot of it feels fast and smooth, and the pole swings are neat for example.
  • I'm not a big fan of holding space to springboard, maybe I need a new keyboard.
  • With a 4.2 GHz 3570k, 2GB GTX 770, 8GB memory, it's running 40-60 fps with mostly low and a couple higher settings. 1680x1050 resolution. Quite smooth running around. Vsync off.
  • Weird thing, the game switches from fullscreen to windowed mode when you alt-tab. Kind of neat and unusual.
  • The social stuff is surprisingly awesome. You can see on the map where your friends are, and it's really easy to compare times with them.
  • Overall I'm quite happy thus far.


Have to make a full kb/m config because it doesn't allow both gamepad and kb inputs. Once figure that out it's pretty good. Kinda annoying to do because it doesn't have a keymapping option to look at.

Thanks! I'm glad that it works at all


Stupid question, for a delivery mission how do you see the destination if runnervision is turned off?

*edit* Even with runner vision full I can't see any path or delivery destination for the vial.


lol still cant believe how ME1 on pc looks insane... this game just doesnt...

how can an 8 year old game look better.

Linear levels that are much smaller are less hardware intensive then giant open worlds. Pre baked lighting vs Dynamic lighting. A unique art style vs Frostbite Engine. Upscaling. Oh and one other thing This is an unfinished Beta build of the game that is missing textures and a whole host of other features to reduce the file size


Stupid question, for a delivery mission how do you see the destination if runnervision is turned off?

*edit* Even with runner vision full I can't see any path or delivery destination for the vial.
Apparently the runner vision does work, it's just not very obvious.

You can do it without runner vision by checking your map constantly. Is there a beta feedback area? Normally when you have a waypoint I feel like it shows up as a red pillar or an icon, but this doesn't show a HUD icon or a red pillar so I can only see it on the map.


Game looks great, runs fine(outside of I guess weird loading points?) and straight motherfucking dropkicking dudes off big jumps/wallruns is a ton of fun.

Diggin' it. Not sure how much I should keep playing and spoil myself on.
Stupid question, for a delivery mission how do you see the destination if runnervision is turned off?

*edit* Even with runner vision full I can't see any path or delivery destination for the vial.
I had trouble with this as well. The marker didn't appear on my map either until I ran in a random direction and it suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

It's a beta!
If you have an Elite controller mapping the jump and crouch buttons the paddles is a great idea.

I think the default LB and LT work very well, very comfortable for a Halo bumper jumper user at least, tinkered for a bit and didn't see the need to bind anything to the paddles.


Initial impressions.

Ahhhhh there are a lot of bad things in the beta.

The visuals are so messy. I loved the clean minimalist look of the previous game, but they've thrown it in the bin.

They removed the backflip (unless I need to grind XP to unlock it because it's 2016).

There’s a mission where I keep getting interrupted with “Mission Failed” because I’m running away instead of fighting.

I didn’t think it would be possible for the writing to have less subtlety than the first game.

I’m reserving judgement til I’ve played more, but I’m pretty sure they’ve fucked it.

I'm a huge fan of the original game, can beat it in around 90 minutes and spent a great deal of time in the time trials.

Even the very first playable section in Mirror's Edge had lots of depth and replayability, nothing I have played so far in the beta even comes close to The Edge (which I spent hours trying to perfect).


Only wrapped up the tutorial but I am enjoying what I've played. I really like how they integrated the combat and can see some really awesome sequences being chained together with it.


I had trouble with this as well. The marker didn't appear on my map either until I ran in a random direction and it suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

It's a beta!
Yeah, and I'd report it, but I don't know where the beta feedback forums are. :p Anyone have a link?

Also could someone test something for me please?
If you DO NOT have skill roll yet, try running fullspeed, sliding, and then trying to shift forward at the end (right click). Do you kick/roll out of it?

The description for the slide skill roll makes it sound like you just hold control, but I don't get the roll unless I shift forward at the end too.


I just played a few hours of this and really like it. I actually appreciate them getting rid of the strict timing requirements in ME1 because that would be a hassle in an open world environment. I usually have no idea where I am going in Catalyst so it would probably break the game for me.

The melee is great fun and I don't mind them putting basic ME1 abilities behind an unlock tree because they are so easy to attain. I already got my rolling land and 180 turn back. Looking down the progression tree, I can tell that the Magnet Rope will be great fun. It also looks like DICE didn't have many ideas to fill the progression tree so that's probably why those basic abilities are in there. Oh and the Birdman race was really fun to replay for 3 stars.

It just feels fun to run again. :)

edit: I almost forgot, they need to fix Runner Vision. When it works, it's great but the when it doesn't, I immediately get lost.
For you 970 users out there don't use Ultra textures, it pushes VRAM usage past 3.5GB and will cause stutters. Also the AA solution is really bad, hope it gets improved in the final game.
Really enjoying the beta, couldn't get used to the regular control style, so I switched to alternative controls and it's way better. X being jump and O being crouch just makes more sense to my hands.

It's a shame they delayed it, since now I won't get to play the game before I ship off to the navy, but I'll definitely be getting it whenever I get settled.




Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
How long is this?

Also, how do you recover from a hard landing? Seems to always slow me down. In the first game I'd time the roll just right and keep my momentum. Any pointers?


I'm a huge mirror's Edge fan and what can I say... I'm really loving it! The open world works really well,everything is really good connected. I don't care much for the story but just running around collecting shit or deliver some things to someone had me busy for 4 hours yesterday. I'm loving the time races, like in the first one. Also 60fps on PS4 is a godsend. If the game didn't crash on me yesterday I could play this for a long time without getting headaches. Could really get lost in there.

I was uncertain of getting it but now I will definitely getting it. Even the XP thing isn't that bad. Keeps me motivated. I didn't expect that.

The soundtrack did a good Job at first but is a bit lacking while time goes by.
PC bros...

Are you experience these annoying pauses during the gameplay??

I have gtx 980 ti over 100fps most times and windows 8.1 latest drivers and this shit is pissing me off.


I am really digging this game, but the graphics and city seem unimpressive.. Hopefully they are improved in the full version. Also needs more Solar Fields music.

They also should have probably put timers/track, leaderboards and replays of your own and others for every mission (main, side mission). I am not into that sort of thing, but it would really work. I think they might have delayed it for this very reason.
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