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Quantum Break coming to PC and Xbox simultaneously on April 5th (?)


Another reason that I don't have to buy a Xbox One. Halo Guardians is bad. The MMC is bad. Sunset Overdrive has cool, but not a reason to buy one.

Tomb Raider got released on PC, this will release on PC - MS do something to give me a reason to buy your console. I loved the 360 back then. :x


Not 100% true, Sony leveraging Smart Sony/Samsung TV Market with PS NOW to get more customers to play their games, like last of us, uncharted and god of war. In a couple years PlayStation 4 games will be on it as well.

fair dues. + as another said, the holy trinity isn't on PC.


If it's true, they're kinda serious about pushing the Win10 store. Let's see if they can keep a steady pace of releases. A big game every now and then won't be enough to tear people away from Steam.


...lacks reading comprehension.
You really think that if Xbone wasn't bombing as it is, MS would have started simultaneously releasing all of its exclusive games* on PC?

* Except of course for the holy trinity of IPs which are Xbox-synonyms to them: Halo, Forza and Gears.

In't One still selling better than 360 at the same point in its lifecycle? My guess is they just take a good look at their games, see what's going to do great and what is not and decide then what they release on PC as well. Seeing how Alan Wake bombed hard it was not far fetched to expect the same to happen to Quantum Break. It's better to have one marketing campaign for two platforms than to do a so so launch on Xbox One followed by a so so launch on PC. I look forward to this game but I never expected it to sell more than 1 million copies worldwide.
If it's true, they're kinda serious about pushing the Win10 store. Let's see if they can keep a steady pace of releases. A big game every now and then won't be enough to tear people away from Steam.

They could have all the video games in the world, there's no reason to trust them anymore. GFWL was enough. In fact, they're being worse this time because at least there was GFWL games sold on Steam.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
PC > XBONE confirmed again
What is wrong with the Windows 10 store? Why is everyone so mad about it. I thought it had some cool advantages like playing simultaneously on several PCs and so on.

Deleted member 98878

Unconfirmed Member
What is wrong with the Windows 10 store? Why is everyone so mad about it. I thought it had some cool advantages like playing simultaneously on several PCs and so on.

It's not Steam.
Nice, maybe it will be DX12 flagship title.

Would be cool, but I doubt it. Microsoft seems to be promoting Fable Legends as their big dx12 PC title.

There is a GDC talk from Remedy about DX12 unless I am mistaken. That could be interesting.

Fable seem scompletely in the background regarding media on it. We know so little about its possible release, right?
Why exactly?

Currently has a lot of problems with OSDs and injectors, unintuitive patching, no version control for the user, inability to downsample apparently, and a larger file size due to how localisation is controlled. At least, that is what I heard here on GAF from people who have it on Win 10 store.


HAsn't every Remedy game come to PC at some point? I want them to get all the sales they can get

Well, they made two 2 mobile games that haven't come to PC yet. :p

What is wrong with the Windows 10 store? Why is everyone so mad about it. I thought it had some cool advantages like playing simultaneously on several PCs and so on.

It's not really about the Win10store, it's more about MS's history with Gwfl i think.


Really, that's a simple fact.

Well, if it's doing that great, why the Xbox One is on sale in France currently, at 165€ (185$)?

I don't think that the XO is MEGA bombing, but at least it's not working as they excpected. If so, why bringing all their exclusives to PC? And now on Day One? To promote W10 yes... But if they're so much focus on W10 gaming now, it's because what they sell on Xbox One don't satisfy them.

I sold my XO last summer for some reason and wanted to buy another one for Quantum Break and Killer Instinct and also ReCore... But all those games are coming to PC... They litterally lost a sale with me, and I don't think that I'm the only one.

But anyway yeah that's great, I prefer have only 1 machine than many (well PC+WiiU to be exact).


What is wrong with the Windows 10 store? Why is everyone so mad about it. I thought it had some cool advantages like playing simultaneously on several PCs and so on.

For one no tools such as MSI afterburner or any overlay/injector like program works with it because it's not packaged in the exe format.

Edit - Beaten...
Well, they made two 2 mobile games that haven't come to PC yet. :p

It's not really about the Win10store, it's more about MS's history with Gwfl i think.

Yeh it is cool to hate on MS tho.

I think its a given that quantum break will come to PC and I will own it on both the xbone and pc.


As a hunch: xb1 is not doing as hot as they would like. So as to recoup as much cost and get as much profit on 'exclusive' games, they are throwing down the glove and putting the game on PC to broaden the base and get more money out of their original investments.

This and they may or may not be converging the two platforms in the future (windows store, xbox stuff on win 10 and the gneral company direction seem to confirm this IMO).

This (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

And also, its not surprising that xb1 exclusives are not selling as well as there ps4 counterparts as the the ps user base is double that of xb this Gen.

But I am also in agreement with dictator93 that they will be converging the two platforms pc and consoles for next gen.

Therefore, I tbink they will dubb it a gaming system vs a console and as a result it will have less strict power requirements to abide by IMO for there next "console". Thus it's not really a steam machine, or a console, but prob a powered up gaming htpc that runs Xbox OS that has some realgpu/cpu power behind it.
Maybe if you don't have a PC.
Console exclusive is fine and dandy, but it's far weaker than a full exclusive.

Only people on boards care. People will still buy it on a console because it's a reason of form factor. You know what is stronger than exclusives ? Form factor and ecosystems.


There is a GDC talk from Remedy about DX12 unless I am mistaken. That could be interesting.

Fable seem scompletely in the background regarding media on it. We know so little about its possible release, right?

At least we had some Fable dx12 preview benchmarks. And there were also dx12 talks about RotT before release...


I wonder if it will be cross-buy. Does anyone know which games were already confirmed to be cross-buy between PC and xbone?


It might be me, but I just don't feel the PC platform is comparable enough in market philosophy to consoles to even warrant concern behind "Xbox exclusives" making their way to both services instead of just the one.

Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo exclusives make sense as business as you the customer are buying into a locked hardware ecosystem financed and controlled by the parent company. You adhere to their rules, their services, their design, and in return receive access to buying exclusive software. Buying an Xbox/PlayStation/WiiU is like buying a hardware license to further purchase very specific software. Ergo the bread and butter of this business, that being gaming hardware, is to provide said software as exclusives to tempt a long term investment in the hardware itself.

The reality is that PC is not comparable as it is not a locked or controlled ecosystem by nature. Specific services within the PC ecosystem can be locked and controlled, but that's the point; they're optional and this itself is the competitive business. Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo compete with hardware space via software. The PC business is different, and instead publishers generally compete with services via software. And these services can be applied to any number of hardware configurations and designs that do not benefit the service provider/publisher with a monetary return.

Microsoft wants you to buy Quantum Break on Xbox One, because the assumption is that if you buy an Xbox One you probably game a lot on consoles, and they want you gaming in their console instead of the similar PlayStation 4 ecosystem, given a majority of software is a crossover between the two. Meanwhile people who game primarily on PC generally don't see the consoles as competitors, but instead a separate ecosystem. They might buy an Xbox One exclusively to play Quantum Break, but that's likely going to be where it begins and ends, sans other Xbox One exclusives. In short, they won't buy into the entire console software ecosystem, as they're already invested in one.

By providing "Xbox One exclusive" games on PC they are competing as a service, not as a platform, in an ecosystem that is all about services and not platforms.

Exactly, and since MS conventiently owns the default gaming OS and have a store that's integrated in the OS (so no cut to pay to anyone) they have the most to gain for a presence on PC.

Nevermind the potential unification of Windows with Xbox eventually.


No they are not.

Talking about Xbox as a platform is all well and good, but Microsoft's console bank comes from the slice of money they get for every 3rd party game they sell on their platform, and Xbox live gold subs.

You give people any incentive not to buy a console - then you are potentially looking at console sales loss, a Xbox live subs loss and missing out on that 3rd party money.

looking at it the other way, if they don't care about that stuff and just want "xbox live " as a platform, why would you need hardware?

Because some people prefer the ease of use of the Xbox over a PC and I can see fair point in that, me owning both. I have plenty games on both PC and Xbox because 1) I'm a graphics whore, and 2) the majority of my gaming buddies are on Xbox.

It's easier to set up party chat and join games on the Xbox, you don't have to worry about hardware compatibility, Whether or not the game will run for you or not etc etc. Choice is never a bad thing. There are a lot of people that will never be interested in a PC as long as they live and that's fine, they can have the ready made box and play away. Those people aren't just going to stop buying a console because a game is also available on PC.
Why does console exclusivity matter to you

I bought an XB1 because QB was advertised as XB1 exclsuive, as of the most recent Game Awards trailer it was labeled as XB1 exclusive. If it turns out its coming to PC on day 1 I'll just wait for them to release their games on PC next gen.

Zeta Oni

I wonder if it will be cross-buy. Does anyone know which games were already confirmed to be cross-buy between PC and xbone?

Think just killer instinct, and I don't see that changing honestly.

As for the news, I'll never understand why people are more interested in playing consoles instead of playing games.

Might not be on the store you'd like, but it's available and it seems like it's gonna be a great game.

If adding PC in order for better sales is what it takes to make sure we can get a follow up to stuff like scalebound and this, then I don't really give a shit. Let em all play.
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