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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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Man I'm torn on this.

Everything screams that this should be a Reese Witherspoon/Katherine Heigl circa 2000s rom-com. Seriously, it's the most pandering to it's audience fucking thing I've ever seen.

And the whole "Superman can't show up so he sends Jimm---James Olson as his proxy"?

But I was moved by it and the action looks great and it could be a ton of fun, so I might dig it.

very hokey but promising. at least she's flying

also its nice to see Chyler Leigh get some work. Not Another Teen Movie was a loonnnggg time ago


Fuuuucking sold. Loved her to death and hated that her career went no where. She was so damn good looking in the Marilyn Manson video.


Except the shows share executive producers.

Will it cross over? No idea. But there's nothing stopping it logistically...
Oh sure, nothing but different networks, lawyers, crew, shooting locations, sets, contracts, advertisers, shooting schedules, budgets, post production houses, stunt crews, casting directors, and all the other logistics tied to different cities and networks... yeah, nothing logistic but that.

When Arrow and Flash double up everyone is happy. When Flash and Supergirl try to crossover someone's union is going to complain that they're losing out on work. The logistics are possible but borderline a nightmare and not worth doing unless the advertising bump makes up for all the headaches.


Oh sure, nothing but different networks, lawyers, crew, shooting locations, sets, contracts, advertisers, shooting schedules, budgets, post production houses, stunt crews, casting directors, and all the other logistics tied to different cities and networks... yeah, nothing logistic but that.

I'm not entirely sure what you're babbling about considering CBS and CW are both owned by the same media conglomerate, but okay.


I'm not entirely sure what you're babbling about considering CBS and CW are both owned by the same media conglomerate, but okay.

Nope. You got that a little mixed up. CW is owned by both CBS and WB.

However that doesn't make it any easier. Supergirl's filming location, etc is different. Flash and Arrow film next to each other I believe. The trailers for the actors from both shows are in the same area and next to each other. So when they crossover it's not a big deal at all.

There is also the case of CBS not wanting to do it. They want Supergirl to themselves, at least for the first season from comments rom Berlanti. It makes sense. They want to push and enjoy the show's potential success first before embarking on a cross over that would help another network that they just have part ownership in. They're doing a lot of heavy lifting with Supergirl and should be the ones benefiting from it first.

I rather Supergirl stand on her own instead of just being another player in the Arrowverse.


I'm not entirely sure what you're babbling about considering CBS and CW are both owned by the same media conglomerate, but okay.
They're not, actually. CBS is owned fully by CBS Corp. but CBS Corp. only has a stake in the CW, not complete ownership.

Pretending like a parent company means they don't have to do local hires and contracts is a false equivalency.

In L.A., they're going to have and hire L.A. people based on U.S. law, U.S. insurance, under CBS contracts. In Vancouver, they're working with locals based on Canadian law and under CW contracts. If you have Benoist doing stunt work in Vancover with a different crew, suddenly you have to deal with a whole new set of insurance, contracts, etc. headaches while explaining to your local crew why another crew is getting extra work and overtime but not them... not to mention Flash and Arrow work like clockwork around each other because of the shared assets, but there's no common scheduling between L.A. and Vancouver, so flying Benoist in or vice versa means coordinating two different studios / production companies for just one episode.

Not saying it can't be done, but it isn't "just" up to the higher-ups like you suggest. There's a lot of costs involved which they'd rather spend on the show itself.


I'd rather they not try to crossover Supergirl with any of the Arrowverse shows. None of the Arrow/Flash crossovers this year made any sense whatsoever.


I'd rather they not try to crossover Supergirl with any of the Arrowverse shows. None of the Arrow/Flash crossovers this year made any sense whatsoever.

They are comic book heroes stopping bad guys, they don't have to make that much sense. Seeing them together is enough


Oh sure, nothing but different networks, lawyers, crew, shooting locations, sets, contracts, advertisers, shooting schedules, budgets, post production houses, stunt crews, casting directors, and all the other logistics tied to different cities and networks... yeah, nothing logistic but that.
Considering the shared people behind the screens, stuff like lawyers, production houses, stunt crews, casting directors, ... are probably all related to each other. Aside from that, CBS is working with The CW to copy their Flash marketing methods despite them being different networks so if CBS believes a cross-over helps them, it can happen.
Or we can wait until CBS cancels the show so it moves to The CW. For this one, it makes sense.


Why so pessimistic?

And CW said they pitched Supergirl to CBS because of budget reasons (they're a small network).
Oddly the effects in the Flash pilot were better than the Supergirl pilot.

Although everything about the Flash pilot was better than the Supergirl pilot to be fair.


Man I'm torn on this.

Everything screams that this should be a Reese Witherspoon/Katherine Heigl circa 2000s rom-com. Seriously, it's the most pandering to it's audience fucking thing I've ever seen.

And the whole "Superman can't show up so he sends Jimm---James Olson as his proxy"?

But I was moved by it and the action looks great and it could be a ton of fun, so I might dig it.

Fuuuucking sold. Loved her to death and hated that her career went no where. She was so damn good looking in the Marilyn Manson video.
she was a regular on Grey's Anatomy for years...


Yes it looks more expensive but Flash's were just better done I think. The attention to detail just seems far better on the Flash pilot in general.
Uh...I disagree. Flash's leaked pilot had a lot of horrendous CG, a lot of which they had to replace for the regular airtime. Plus they were still stumbling in how to show the speed. It took some time to figure out. The pilot was full of scenes with close ups to Barry face while running, which looked pretty damn terrible.


she was a regular on Grey's Anatomy for years...
And she managed to have three children between That '80s Show/Not Another Teen Movie and the later seasons of Grey's Anatomy. So it is quite clear why she wasn't 100% focused on a career.


And she managed to have three children between That '80s Show/Not Another Teen Movie and the later seasons of Grey's Anatomy. So it is quite clear why she wasn't 100% focused on a career.

Well..she's a rare breed of woman, who actually looks even hotten in her 30s than she did as much younger girl.


Supergirl effects felt unnecessarily elaborate. No wonder the budget are higher.

Which ones? They didn't seem over the top given the nature of the character and powers. If anything they held back when it came
to her overall speed. Nothing even remotely touching what was shown in Man of Steel or even the speed at wish the Flash moves at in the TV show. Even Smallville tried to show speed when Clark was fighting some of the more powerful enemies that showed up.

I do wonder if they'll try to be tricky here going forward if they don't want to show her super speed to save money and to better show off fights. Show us the viewers her and her enemies moving at normal speed. However to everyone else in the universe watching her she's moving insanely fast.


Which ones? They didn't seem over the top given the nature of the character and powers. If anything they held back when it came
to her overall speed. Nothing even remotely touching what was shown in Man of Steel or even the speed at wish the Flash moves at in the TV show. Even Smallville tried to show speed when Clark was fighting some of the more powerful enemies that showed up.

It's better this way. MoS was the only time this was shown consistently. Even cartoons and comics usually ignore it untill it's necessary for plot reasons. Smallville was the same. Clark should have been destroying a lot of people had troubles with if he didn't often forget he had superspeed.
She seems to have superspeed when flying. That's enough and makes it easier to introduce varied and believable threats to Supergirl. Which will hopefully save us from crap like "you need to make them cross their beams, Barry".


Oddly the effects in the Flash pilot were better than the Supergirl pilot.

To be fair, the Flash's actual powers are arguably more, um, flashy than Supergirl's, what with the lightning and shit.

It would be interesting to see how they portray her super-speed in future episodes though.


Death, exile, or a guest-star. Or simply just don't mention him.

It's not a game-breaker, it's just annoying.

That's what I thought they were going with, when the show was first announced... That Superman doesn't exist in this universe and Supergirl was the main hero (essentially replacing Superman). That way it could have easily tied into the Arrowverse, which is what we all wanted but looks like the powers that be mandated some kind of link to Superman.

It's a real shame and definitely an opportunity gone begging to establish a strong female superhero without the male baggage. Also the "your cousin/the big guy/man in blue/him" mentions are going to get old really fast, was basically the only thing I didn't like about the pilot. Outside of those two quibbles I really think I'm going to enjoy this show when it finally starts airing.


Watching the pilot and I thought I would be above this-but Melissa is so cute it's almost distracting.

Yeah, I'd seen her in glee and Whiplash before and never really had any feelings towards her but in this show she's distractingly adorable. Are people distracted in similar ways to Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell?


Might have to check this out. Never would have happened if I didn't peek into this thread.

The First Look clips make it look way more fun than either of the Superman films in the past decade.


Watching the pilot and I thought I would be above this-but Melissa is so cute it's almost distracting.

she's very cute. that aside, this seems beyond terrible. I sort of can't believe how terrible it looks. I am a full ball of cringe while watching the trailer.

if people dig it, great, but man, this is a gigantic turn off for me. huge miss. could have been interesting but they took it in the lamest direction I could foresee. almost seems tone deaf.
I'd say slim to none. That "leaked" pilot is fully ready to go quality-finished visual effects and score.

Shame, I thought her being insta downed by the gov wasn't good. Would have been much better if they tried and failed, and rather than duke it out further her sister stepped in.

Starting a show with your shiny new hero getting downed to the point of being pathetic and so helpless could be killed if they wanted isn't great, imo.
she's very cute. that aside, this seems beyond terrible. I sort of can't believe how terrible it looks. I am a full ball of cringe while watching the trailer.

if people dig it, great, but man, this is a gigantic turn off for me. huge miss. could have been interesting but they took it in the lamest direction I could foresee. almost seems tone deaf.

The trailer literally shows the worst parts of the entire pilot

If you like Flash or even Arrow, you will enjoy this. Same DNA

The trailer turned off everyone, but those brave enough to watch the trailer have done a 180
...myself included.

Her cuteness won me over, but the pilot is a decent start, regardless. Interested to see what they change/revise for the official airing.
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